Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 138 Subdue the flashing golden monster√

A ferocious golden monster with a strong sense of territory.

The operation of Electric Shock Beast and Nine Tails is like two flies flying around a person's head. People with a good temper can hardly bear it, let alone the irritable old man, the giant golden monster?

In order to find the giant metal monster more easily, Shinji released the other elves as well.

The four elves unleashed their aura, murderous aura and deterrent power together, as if the black club was about to smash the scene.

If there really is a heterochromatic giant metal monster, Shinji will see how it can tolerate it.

In a hidden place in the mountain canyon, an elf with a silver-white alloy body, thick limbs, and a golden X symbol on his face was sleeping.

Suddenly, in its sleep, it felt some kind of fluctuations sweeping around, and at the same time, an oppressive coercion came.

But it was a little sleepy and didn't bother to care about it, and wanted to sleep for a while, but...

It suddenly discovered that the coercion and mental scan not only did not disappear, but intensified instead.

What annoyed it the most was that it vaguely sensed several killing intents converging together, and they kept approaching itself.

There are elves wanting to grab the territory?

This idea came to the sleeping giant's mind, and he woke up instantly, his scarlet eyes filled with tyranny.


A suppressed roar sounded from the valley, and then a giant golden monster slowly floated into the air.

Look at Shinji standing quietly on the cliff and the elves behind him.

Electric Beast, prepare to fight.

Facing the violent golden monster, Shinji said without fear.

At this moment, apart from gang fights, the only elves that are convenient for fighting are Nine-Tails and Electroshock Beast.


The nearby Electroshock Beast immediately flew back and landed in front of the Metagross, smiling and gestured international friendship to the latter.


There seemed to be a # character on the head of the giant metal monster. While roaring, a cannon light cannon aimed at the electric shock beast and shot directly.


Get out of the way, thunder.

Thunder and lightning surged under the feet, and the magnetic force was strong. After the electric shock beast took off to avoid it, a huge lightning bolt struck the giant metal monster.


The X symbol on the giant metal monster's face emitted a blue light, and all the thunder and lightning that struck stopped in front of the body immediately, and the mental urge broke out again, and the thunder and lightning returned to the electric shock beast in the same way.

Thunder Fist!

The Electroshock Beast didn't dodge, and shot out like a bullet facing the lightning. While taking damage from the lightning, it amplified its own lightning power, and a thunderbolt fist fell from the sky to hit the giant metal monster.


Yu Yu's lightning strike must have been extremely powerful, and the giant golden monster was not careless, and when it was about to be hit, it blocked the blow with one move.

Then the mental force was activated, and at the same time as the electric shock beast was thrown out, the four legs were stuck into the body, and it spun at a high speed, flying towards the electric shock beast like a spinning top.

Gyro Ball!

The slower the user, the greater the power.

Obviously, the speed is not in the current development direction of this giant metal monster, so this move is powerful, and the speed is extremely fast after it is launched, and it flew to the electric shock beast in a blink of an eye.

Hold on.

At the critical moment, the electric shock beast returned the body with the same way, and a protective cover rose around the body, forcibly blocking and bouncing the spinning top ball.


As soon as the protective cover disappeared, a golden lightning bolt from the Electric Shock Beast landed on the giant metal monster.


A cry of pain appeared, and the body of the giant metal monster fell from a high altitude and fell into the canyon below.

Flame Fist.

The Electric Shock Beast followed closely behind, with flames ignited in its hands, like a meteor falling across the sky towards the Metagross.

At this moment, the giant golden monster in the air reluctantly made a correct response, and once again launched a hold to block the flame fist.

But this flaming fist was not useless, the powerful force directly made the giant golden monster fall to the ground at a faster speed.


With a loud noise, the rocks slid down, and the body of the giant metal monster was directly embedded in the mountain wall.


While flying, the electric shock beast used thunder to blast at the giant gold monster, and at the same time shortened the distance.


In the wall, the Metagross, which has officially entered the battle state, quickly regained consciousness, and quickly absorbed the mysterious power in the universe to strengthen itself, so that both defense and special defense were improved at the moment before being attacked.


After the lightning strike landed on the metal giant, the electric shock beast also flew to the gold monster, and the flame fist hit the latter one after another.

Although the Flaming Fist has been practiced the least among the Farmer's Three Punches, its effect is still much better than the other two Punches against elves with restrained attributes.


The giant gold monster who was beaten up came back to his senses due to the pain. In the pain, it turned into a substantial spiritual force and poured out, covering the electric shock beast and controlling it, so that its flame fist could not penetrate an inch.

Just when it wanted to throw the electric shock beast away, it found that it had lost control of the electric shock beast.


There was a taunting smile on the corner of Electroshock Beast's mouth, and blue light came out from his eyes. After offsetting most of the superpowers on his body, he easily broke free and began to launch his self-motivation for the first time. The flaming series of punches continued to land on the giant golden monster.




Accompanied by bursts of painful cries, within a short time, the giant golden monster completely quieted down in the mountain, as if it had merged into the mountains and rivers.

But it can't fit in because Dengeki and Shinji don't allow it.

Pokeball, let's go.

Shinji also threw the Poké Ball after the Electric Shock Beast flew close with the Metagross.

After the ball filled the giant metal monster, it fell into the hands of the electric shock beast, and the electric shock beast handed it back to Shinji.

Ding ding ~ bang!

In the middle, after shaking twice, the ball completely dimmed in Shinji's hands and calmed down.

Metagross, subdue it!

After subduing it, the poke ball disappeared into Shinji's hands after twisting for a while.

The performance is not bad, but in the official competition, you must do your best and be serious.

Shinji, who knew the ball was sent to the breeding house, looked at Dengeki beast calmly and said.


Electric Shock Beast chuckled, it naturally knew that it had to do its best in the official competition, it was just for fun.

Come back first.

After taking out the poke ball and putting the pokemon back into the ball to practice thinking on his own, Shinji returned to the pokémon center directly and simply.

This business went smoother than he imagined. What is needed now is to send the golden monster back to scan and determine its qualifications, and then train.

Since the number of spirits is full, Shinji must teleport back a spirit.

After thinking for a long time, Shinji chose to send back the most useless sharp-tooth land shark that was currently following him, let him stay in the breeding room for training, and then got the giant gold monster from Leisi.

The first thing Shinji did when he got the golden monster back was to open the poke ball in front of Leisi to scan it.



Attributes: steel, super power

Ability: Eternal Pure Body

Gender: None

Moves: Electromagnetic Levitation, Arm Hammer, Cannon Light Cannon, Psychic Mind, Comet Fist, Cosmic Power, Gyro Ball, Hold


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