Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 157 The Chosen Ones, Sacrifice and Contest

The training went on like this, after a few days.

By the lake of wisdom, there was a sudden shout——

Yu Kexi, my uncle is here, why don't you hurry up and meet me!

A yellow-haired boy appeared, as if no one else was there, and shouted confidently, while searching the lake and the surrounding white snow.

In the fantasy, Yuksi didn't see it, but saw Shinji and his elves looking at him expressionlessly, as if they were watching the monkeys in the zoo in a civilized way.

Wow!!! Shinji, why are you here?! You will be fined for being so quiet and scary!

After a moment of embarrassment, Ah Xun, who had suffered a cardiac arrest, couldn't help shouting.


Shinji didn't respond, just looked at him without saying a word.

Damn, what kind of eyes are you looking at!

A Xun, who was uncomfortable being watched by Shinji, couldn't help but jump.

Leave if you have nothing to do, don't hinder my training!

Shinji said coldly.

What do you mean it's okay?! I was chosen by Yaknom, and Yuxi will definitely choose me.

Ah Xu said angrily.


Yes, when I was at Lizhi Lake, I saw Yaknom once. There are so many people near Lizhi Lake, and it met me alone. Doesn't it mean that I was chosen by it?

Is it strange to be glanced at?

Shinji asked back.

Isn't it strange? In reality, not many people have met the God of the Lake.

At first I thought I was the only one who had seen Yaknom, but Minghui said that he actually saw Yukshi, it was disgusting!

Shouldn't I be the most special?

Ah Xun spoke a little angrily.

You are indeed the most special.

Hearing this, Shinji said suddenly.

Is that so? Let me just say, Mr. Ben is the most special!

Ah Shun's eyes flashed instantly.

Extremely inspirational.

Facing Ah Shun's expectant eyes, Shinji said very seriously

……Depend on.

After Ah Xun pursed his mouth and said something, he suddenly thought of something, with a mocking face:

No, Shinji, you haven't seen the God of the Lake, so you're sore...

Meet Emrido.

Shinji said without changing his face.

He still remembered that when he and Lei Si passed by Xinqi Lake together, Emrido appeared in front of their brothers.

In the animation, haven't the trio of Xiaozhi been actively seen?

In the game, when the world was reversed, did Sanshenggu specifically look for Minghui/Xiaoguang?

Therefore, he didn't think there was anything unusual about it.


Ah Xun couldn't believe it, he had played in Xinqi Lake since he was a child, and he had never seen Emrido, Shinji, had he ever seen him?

impossible! Absolutely impossible!

Leave if you have nothing to do, don't hinder me.

Shinji issued a eviction order.

What, this is not your home, why should I leave?

Let's fight, I will leave if you win, hey! What are you doing?

Ah Xun was talking, but saw Shinji turn his head and leave.

If you don't go, I will go.

Recently, Shinji needs to digest and become stronger, and Shinji is too lazy to fight.

Shinji, I want to challenge you!

No time recently.

After that, we will hold the Shuangye Festival in Shuangye Town. At that time, my father will come back, and the final winner can fight against him. Do you want to come?

Ah Xun thought for a while and suggested.

The Futaba Ceremony in Futaba Town is quite grand, and it is also the biggest event in Futaba Town every year. This is not enough to attract Shinji, and Ah Xun has no choice.

Time, when.

Ah Xun's father, Tonglang, is a trainer who can fight against the champion Sirona. He is not weaker than the Four Heavenly Kings. Being able to fight against him should be more or less rewarding.

It will be in half a month. You must arrive early when the time comes. Minghui and I will be waiting for you then!

Ah Xun immediately replied, and then saw Shinji leave.

Damn, I have to train hard, and then I will beat Shinji hard!

Ah Xun made up his mind and released the elves on the spot to start training.


On the way to leave, the mobile phone vibrated suddenly. Shinji picked it up and saw that it was Leisi who called him.

Hey Shinji, what are you busy with lately?

As soon as the phone was connected, Leisi's gentle voice came over.

After half a month, I plan to go to Shuangye Town to participate in Shuangye Festival, and then prepare to challenge Binhai Gymnasium. Brother, what's the matter?

Shinji knew that Leisi usually called him directly because he had important matters, so he didn't talk nonsense, and directly told the itinerary for the future.

It's like this. A special event called the Sinnoh Charging Contest will be held in Binhai City in a few days. I hope you will participate in it.

What kind of competition is this? Why do you want to participate.

This competition is a comprehensive event that tests the trainer's skill, spirit strength, coordination and so on.

It used to be just a special event in Binhai City. Now, after the alliance has improved and added new rules and events, it is preparing to make it into a large-scale event, which will be in line with the Poké Olympics in the future.

But these are not important. What is more important is that after becoming a winner, one of the rewards you can get is to buy products sold by the alliance at a very low discount.

After Lei Si briefly introduced the game, he also gave the reason.

I get it, I'm going to win.

After hearing this, Shinji also understood the gold content of this competition.

There are many commodities sold by the alliance, and there is one commodity that is fascinated and longed for by all trainers-keystones and super evolution stones.

That's right, there are few super evolutionary stones and key stones, so what? The alliance is very powerful, and there are sales in it.

It's just the price, it's too touching.

Rare things are more expensive, and every trainer wants super evolutionary stones, but the quantity is too rare compared to the trainer base, so the price is also very touching.

As we all know, Shinji's family is not bad, and he can buy Dragon's Tooth with his eyes closed and swipe his card casually, but not the Super Evolution Stone.

The alliance price is too high, and even Shinji, who is not sensitive to money and not interested in money, can't help but feel ashamed.

Typically, if you don’t sell it, you don’t sell it. Why do you bid such a high price? !

Who is being taken advantage of?

The alliance has a direct showdown, and those who have major contributors and achievements can get a precious item for free.

For example, if you are the Four Heavenly Kings, in order not to lose the face of the alliance when you go out, the alliance will give you props for mega evolution or extreme giantization, which is quite humane.

Since Leys said it is a low discount, it means that the price is within the acceptable range.

That being the case, Shinji naturally has to work hard.

However, after checking the time, Shinji found that there was still a lot of time before the charging competition, so he was not in a hurry.

I just silently added my own physical fitness training to the subsequent training.

After all, this competition is quite special, and the trainer will also appear on the stage.

In line with the Poké Olympics, there will definitely be a bunch of talented people participating in the competition. There may be many athletes or trainers who are stronger than themselves. If you don't strengthen your training, it will be bad if you accidentally fail.

The next few chapters are very important, try to read them carefully

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