Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 168 The Xinqi Lake Tragedy (Part 1) Flame and Quicksand

Shinji, the day has finally come, are you ready to be defeated by me?

Before the sound of people arrived, Xiao Huangmao's familiar voice came to Shinji's ears.

Followed by Minghui, Ah Xun and Xiaoguang, and an unknown man.

How's your preparation Shinji, Ah Xun has made pretty good progress in the past few days.

Ah Xun's performance in the past few days has been recognized by the protagonist Minghui, which is enough to prove that he has made great progress in the past few days.

The training effect is not satisfactory.

After silently taking the elves back into the ball, Shinji avoided talking about his unprepared preparations for dealing with Ah Shun, and only talked about training.

Then I'll take this opportunity to shame Shinji.

Oh, look forward to it.

Facing Ah Shun's bold words, Shinji responded flatly.

Your attitude is abominable. I will definitely make you pay for your underestimation! Hurry up and start the battle!

As he said that, Ah Xun ran to the nearby area, took out the poke ball and said impatiently.

Mr. Guanglang is unable to come because of something. This is Mr. Li Xun, a professional referee he invited.

Xiaoguang took the initiative to introduce the unknown man.

Under Li Xun, leave the next refereeing job to me.

After Li Xun finished speaking, he began to walk to the center of the arena to unleash his equipment.

Help me take it, thank you.

Shinji, who was about to start the battle, suddenly thought of something. After walking to Xiaoguang and handing out something, he walked across to Ah Xun.

What?! Still want to record it?

Xiaoguang took a closer look, and saw that it was a mobile phone with the recording turned on, and it was obvious that she had given the job of the photographer to her.

...I hope that Ah Xun will not lose too badly or Shinji underestimates the enemy, otherwise the video will be left as black history.

To this, Minghui said silently.

Then I won't record it?

Xiaoguang asked quietly.

Minghui said righteously:

It's rare for Shinji to ask us for help, how can you do that?

Record, record well, and send me a copy after recording.

How is this possible?!

Shocked, Xiaoguang smiled and said, I'll keep a copy too.

The two looked at each other and smiled.

On the scene, Shinji and Ah Shun stood opposite each other, and Li Xun began to announce the rules of the game.

This battle is an all-hands battle between the trainer Ah Shun and Shinji. Both sides can use six spirits. Both sides can change spirits at any time during the battle. If all the spirits of one side loses the ability to fight, it will be judged as a failure. The other side will get victory.

Please release the elves from both sides.

Flame horse, get on!

Fangtooth land shark, prepare to fight!

The two threw the elf ball in their hands at the same time.

Lie woo~


The tall and strong flame horse and the stern toothed land shark appeared at the same time, standing face to face.

The battle begins!

The referee gave an order, and the two said at the same time.

Dance of the Dragon!

Moving at high speed, accumulating flame attack!

Fangtooth Shark immediately danced its body and began to strengthen its strength and speed, but the Flaming Horse was covered in fire and launched a charge at the first time, so fast that only afterimages could be seen.

In a trance, the Flame Horse rushed to the Fangtooth Lu Shark, and slammed into the latter,

In this regard, Fangtooth Shark, who had just finished the Dragon Dance, had no time to defend, and was knocked out by the flame horse.

Continue to charge the flame attack!

After receiving the speed increase of the charged flame attack, the speed of the flame horse became faster, and the Fangtooth Shark was hit again just as it landed and blocked its hands in front of its body.

Speed ​​is power, and the flame horse with high-speed movement and energy-storing flame attack is extremely fast, and the impact damage is also extremely high.


Fangtooth Shark's hands were instantly pushed away by the flame horse, and his head hit his chest, and he was pushed back again.

The speed is about the same, the flash of lightning matches the slender horn, come on, flame horse!

Dig a hole.

The flaming horse did not stop, and continued to move its limbs to hit the Fangtooth Land Shark. The sharp horns on the top of its head shone with metallic luster, the wind was blowing under its feet, and its body rushed out like lightning.

In this regard, the sharp-toothed land shark, who knew that his speed was completely crushed, did not resist, but jumped directly on the upper body and dug a hole in the ground to avoid the sharp edge.

Don't stop, move at high speed!

After missing a hit, the flame horse roared past the hole and did not stop, but kept running on the ground, always preparing for the next attack.


The flaming horse rushed to the ground in response, and its speed was directly increased by the high-speed movement of this last move

As long as it is on the field, it can roar towards it in just a moment.

How is it? Shinji, how about my tactics?

Ah Shun looked at Shinji proudly. He communicated with Minghui these days and found his own fighting style - formulate a suitable strategy, attack with all his strength, and never stop.

With a powerful offensive, let the opponent lose in his own hands.

A bit of progress.

Shinji praised Xiao Huangmao for the first time, and his eyes gradually became serious.

As an aggressive trainer like Xiaozhi, Ah Xun used to be completely different, but now he barely looks alike.

But it's not enough.

This tactic is good against other elven flame horses, but for the Fangtooth Shark that can dig holes, the former has no powerful means of attack, but the Fangtooth Landshark can strengthen itself below, or...

Quicksand hell, sandstorm!

As Shinji said, a large area in the center of the field sank in an instant, turning into a quicksand vortex, and the sharp-toothed land shark was in it.

After appearing, the sharp-tooth land shark started to use the sandstorm learned in the breeding room openly, causing a sandstorm.


However, the flame horse with full speed did not dare to take the risk to jump into it and attack at will.

By the way, flame horse, use the flame vortex!

Suddenly, looking at the sharp-toothed land shark that would not come out after making it clear, Ah Xun had a flash of inspiration and said.

Lie woo~

The flame horse understood, and while enduring the sandstorm, he breathed out flames and entered the quicksand hell.

In an instant, the quicksand hell turned into a sea of ​​flames.


The sharp-tooth land shark clenched its teeth and stood in the flames without moving its body.


Shinji's words made the Fangtooth Shark look fierce, and directly summoned a tornado and a sandstorm that merged into one. The two in one directly annihilated the flame horse, which is not a powerful flame vortex, and turned into a terrifying quicksand tornado blowing towards the latter.

Get away!

The Flame Horse didn't hesitate, and exploded at its own speed and flew towards the other side. In a blink of an eye, it left the spot and appeared on the other side of the field.

Ni Lin, Dragon's Dive!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the sharp-toothed shark jumped out of the quicksand hell with a well-adjusted state. Its body was filled with blood and smoke, and it locked the flame horse completely while tumbling with murderous aura. The phantom of the blue evil dragon emerged from its body and swooped out!

Slender horn, lightning flash!

The flame horse locked by the murderous aura resisted the inexplicable fear in his heart, burst out all his strength and rushed towards the Fangtooth Shark.


The collision of power and power exploded on the field in the blink of an eye, and the two elves were bounced back.

Earthquake, sharp rock attack.

As soon as it landed, the sharp-toothed land shark slammed into the ground, and when the earth shook, stone pillars pierced the flame horse.

After landing, the Flaming Horse felt a burst of weakness in its legs and feet just as it charged up, and a look of pain appeared on its face, which made it lose the best time to dodge.

Although he tried his best to avoid it, he was still hit by the sharp stone attack and his back half was overturned to the ground.

Earthquakes, meteor swarms.

The Fangtooth Shark did not pursue it, but at the same time as it created an earthquake again, a dense ball of energy was launched into the sky.

After the energy of the dragon exploded, it turned into dozens of huge meteors and fell down.

The flame horse rolled over in pain and stood up. The earthquake struck and was injured again. It relied on its speed to dodge among the meteors.

Ah Xun, who had discussed with Minghui, knew that the tactic of the Flaming Horse was only suitable for those who had just started fighting Fang Lu Shark by surprise. After being adapted by the latter, it was already difficult to suppress the latter.

So he shouted decisively:

Flame Horse, Big Character Explosion Flame, Lightning Flash, Flame Charge!


The Raging Flame Horse, who had just avoided all the meteor swarms, burst out decisively, and then the body engulfed by the flames turned into lightning and charged into it.

Fire it up, start it!

At this moment, the flame horse is like a god of war!

In this regard, the sharp-toothed land shark turned murderous and looked extremely calm, and immediately dug a hole to avoid its sharp edge.

After running a few laps with flames in his moves, he appeared exhausted and passing somewhere, the sharp-tooth land shark that had been ambushing for a long time broke out of the ground, and attacked the blazing horse with its dragon claws with both hands, knocking it into the air.


Accompanied by the sound of collision with the ground.

The dust was flying, the sandstorm dissipated, and the flame horse fell to the ground successfully.

The flame horse loses its ability to fight, and the sharp-tooth land shark wins!

announced the referee.


Fangtooth Shark returned to Shinji with red eyes, panting slightly.

Come back, flame horse, you've done a good job.

After taking the flame horse back, Ah Xun comforted him.

From being killed by the electric shock monster with a single punch, to now being able to suppress the sharp-tooth land shark at the beginning with proper tactics, the flame horse has made obvious progress.

Thanks for the reward of Green Vegetable White Jade Tea Bowl (*ˊˋ)

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