Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 181 Meeting the Champion for the First Time, VS Sirona (Part 1)

Pokemon Center, in front of the communicator

I have obtained eight badges, what are your plans next, Shinji?

Do you plan to practice around, or go back to the breeding room to train the elves and adjust the state?

On the screen, Reis smiled and looked at Shinji.

Go back in a few days, and make plans after training and adjusting your state.

At this moment, there is still a lot of time before the Suzuran Conference, and there is plenty of time, what to do specifically, to be honest, Shinji really has no plans.

Not surprisingly, just wander around, find some interesting places to train and train elves, or challenge powerful trainers.

Then I'll wait for you in the cultivation house.

Reiss laughed.

Help me change the lineup first, bro.

Which ones do you want to replace?


After some replacements, Shinji hung up the phone after replacing the spirits at hand with earthen turtles, electric shock monsters, biting land sharks, snow demons, double-edged pills, and circle bears.

After resting at the Spirit Center for a day, Shinji left Binhai City and headed slowly towards Veil City.

On this day, when he came to Yinquan City, not far from Veil City, to take a break, and was watching the video of the previous Four Heavenly King Aliu and the champion Sirona being beaten up in the battle, he suddenly heard a piece of news——

What? The champion has come to our city? Just in the ruins on the outskirts of the city?

Yes, yes! I heard that a new ruin was recently excavated on the outskirts of the city, and there are many ancient items, so the champion who passed by came here to see it.

Then what are you waiting for, why don't you go and see Miss Champion right now!

Do you think you're the only one who thinks that way?

Damn it! I didn't say it earlier!

Several teenagers were discussing this matter when they passed by, and at the end of the conversation, there was only a piece of fuck left, and then they ran away from the elf center.

Champion, Sirona?

Shinji silently turned off the finished video, put Rotom's phone in his pocket, and slowly walked towards the outskirts of the city with his hands in his pockets.


Sirona, who spent most of the day and finally bought ice cream, came here and looked at the newly unearthed object, licking the ice cream with her little tongue.

Serious expression, cute appearance.

Miss Sirona, so beautiful!

It's the first time I've seen a champion in real life.

As expected of Miss Champion, she is so beautiful...

Cute, I want to...

When Sirona was looking at the relics, dozens of people had gathered around, all looking at this beautiful woman.

However, although this group of people were watching, they did not approach Sirona, and took the initiative to maintain a certain distance, showing their high quality.

Therefore, when they saw a purple-haired boy approaching Sirona expressionlessly, their expressions changed.

Is it Miss Sirona?

Ignoring the gazes around her, when she was five meters away from Sirona, she stopped and said.


A look of cuteness flashed across Sirona's face, and she turned to look at Shinji.

I'm Shinji from Veil City, please join me in the spirit battle.

Shinji didn't talk nonsense, and directly invited the battle.

What~ That guy, dare to challenge the champion?

How courageous!

I really don't know the heights of the sky and the earth, the champion can also be defeated by him?

Before Sirona answered, the onlookers made some dissatisfied voices.

It's been a long time since I received a request for a field battle. Are you challenging the Sinnoh Alliance?

Sirona, who had regained her status as a royal sister, asked with a slight smile.

Just earned eight badges.

Shinji let out a hmm and said.

Okay, then I accept the challenge.

Sirona smiled slightly, took Shinji to the area suitable for the battle and stood still, said.

The number of elves used is six, is that okay?

Standing opposite Sirona, Shinji asked.

Shinji, who had just defeated Raichu and Flame Monkey once, wanted to see how strong Sirona, who was still at the top among the champions, was.

All-out battle?

How bold~

Obviously I will lose.


The onlookers laughed mercilessly.

Then let's start, soar in the sky, and bite the land shark!

Unlike other powerhouses, Sirona likes to bite land sharks first when she has nothing to do in battle, and her attacks are merciless!

Facing any challenger, as long as she is serious, she will use all her strength. There is no intention of teaching, and she will be beaten unilaterally. This is the reason why few people challenge her.

Ah woo~

A strong biting land shark flew out of the ball and landed lightly on the ground, showing its might.

In this regard, Shinji chose to release the double-edged pill first.

Shuangrenwan, prepare to fight!


Putting his hands on both sides of his thighs, Shuangrenwan quickly concentrated his energy and quickly adjusted his state to see through, his eyes showed a cruel look.

Double edge pill, water wave knife!


Since it is not a professional battle field, the distance between the two sides is not very far, so Shuangrenwan did not move immediately, but picked up the scallop on the spot and started to charge.

Suddenly at a certain moment, the body disappeared, turned into a blue light across the field, and rushed to Lie Bite Lu Shark in the blink of an eye, and stabbed Lie Bite Lu Shark with two water wave knives from extremely tricky angles.


Biting Lu Shark's expression remained unchanged, but the wings on his forearm blocked the water wave knife before the attack fell.


Shuangrenwan's eyes were fixed, and the scallops in his hands danced into afterimages, falling on Lie Bite Lusha one after another.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

However, no matter how fierce Shuangrenwan's attack is and how tricky the angle is, with stronger strength, reaction and experience, all attacks are perfectly defended by the biting land shark, without causing any substantial damage to the latter.

Frozen Beam!

Suddenly, the movement of Shuangrenwan's hands changed, and while the attack on Lu Shark's lower body was being blocked, a long-planned frozen beam shot out from his mouth and landed on the latter's head, instantly making Lie Bite Lu Shark is cold and clear-headed.

The effect is outstanding!

After the attack was successful, Shuangrenwan seized the opportunity decisively, and stabbed fiercely with the water wave knives on Lie Bite Lu Shark.

Hit the nail on the head!

Once he succeeded, Shuangren Wan didn't wait long, and retreated decisively.

Splitting tiles!

However, Lie Bite Lu Shark, who had just recovered, suddenly had a fierce red light in his eyes, his body flipped into the sky, and his wings swooped down to hit Shuangrenwan with white light.

Get away!

Shuangrenwan saw the action of biting the land shark clearly, and the water jets under his feet accelerated to avoid the attack of the biting land shark.

The split tile fell, but there was nothing in the attacking place.

The action is very fast, the dragon's dive.

Lie Bite Lu Sha turned around, and the endless murderous aura in his body burst out instantly and locked Shuangrenwan, turning into a missile and rushing towards Shuangrenwan.

This trick is inevitable!

Water Wave Knife!

The intention of the double-edged pill was condensed, and the scallops rushed out with the help of water jets while the waves on the scallops surged and trembled at high speed, and hit the biting land shark head-on without any hesitation.


As soon as the two figures collided, Shuangren Wan was directly knocked into the air.

Sharp rock attack!

Before the double-edged pill hit the ground, a series of stone pillars rose from the ground and pierced directly on the double-edged pill, completing the make-up.

I'll just say it~ This guy is just asking for humiliation.

How can a mere double-edged pill be the opponent who bites the land shark?

I was defeated in two strokes, I'm going to laugh to death.


Amidst the taunts from the surrounding onlookers, Shinji silently took out the elf ball, retracted the double-edged pill into the ball, and threw another one.

Originally, I planned to meet Sirona directly in the later plot, but I felt that the encounter and communication in some situations were strange, so I had to delete and rewrite it.

In this wave, the re-enactment is the scene of the first encounter in the animation.

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