Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 194 Fengrui Yueyuexiong|Goodbye, my friend

Chapter 194 Fengrui Yueyuexiong goodbye, my friend


When the Dengeki monster landed on the mountain again, Shinji and Xiaozhao saw an ongoing battle.

In the open space on the top of the mountain, the Great Sword Demon and Shuangrenwan were facing each other. The foot blades and scallops in the hands of the two elves swung wildly, launching fierce attacks on their opponents.

Every move has an extremely tricky angle, hitting the most vicious weak point and vital point.

After studying with the Great Sword Ghost and understanding some of the opponent's routines, Shuangrenwan grew faster than ever.

Although the strength, speed, and defense did not increase much, and none of them were comparable to the former, Shuangrenwan was able to protest with the chamber for a short period of time, and fought back and forth.

From a distance, the attack of the two elves was like a raging wave roaring, with thousands of huge waves colliding one after another.

As time passed, the two elves fought heartily, and the Great Sword Ghost gradually exerted its strength, showing its powerful experience, and began to cut off the double-edged pills to attack, and exert more powerful pressure.


Suddenly, a flash of knife light flashed in Shuangren Wan's eyes, followed by a sharp pain in his abdomen, his eyes went dark instantly, and he flew out as if dizzy.

Boom! Boom...

Amidst the sound of falling to the ground, Shuangrenwan shook his head and slowly got up from the ground. The big sword ghost in his eyes turned into dozens of double images floating around, which couldn't be seen clearly.

Being dizzy, Shuangrenwan simply closed his eyes, stood on the ground and began to recall what he had gained today.

There are raid moves, the secret sword Qian Chongtao, various experiences and coping methods, and the amazing knife just now that was completely unresponsive.

The momentum gradually climbed, the aura gradually became stronger, and white light shone from Shuangrenwan's body.


At this moment, everyone and elves turned their attention to Shuangrenwan, watching this evolutionary moment.

Among them, Shinji, who was holding his arms with a calm face, clenched his knuckles stiffly, staring at the evolving Shuangrenwan.

It wasn't until after the body changed that the sharp corner of the shell on the head showed a bend that was obviously different from that of a normal sword ghost, and then he relaxed his hands, and a look of relief flashed in his eyes.

Obviously, the Great Sword Demon that Shuangrenwan evolved is the Xicui Great Sword Demon!

And it's the Xicui Great Sword Demon with sharp characteristics!

Fengrui: When using cutting moves, the power increases!

The moment the light dissipated, a big sword ghost that was slightly bigger than Xiaozhao's big sword ghost appeared in people's field of vision.

Handsome appearance, cold temperament, and majestic aura, the scallops on the sides of the small thighs have disappeared, and turned into larger and sharper foot blades.


The Great Sword Ghost looked up to the sky and let out a long cry, and suddenly turned into an afterimage and charged in front of Xiaozhao Great Sword Ghost, slashing wildly at the latter like a thousand waves with the foot blade he took off at some point.

Secret Sword Qian Chongtao!

Fortunately, Xiaozhao Dajiangui had been prepared for a long time, and he fought back immediately. The two opposing waves kept colliding, and finally calmed down.


Xiaozhao Dajiangui nodded appreciatively to the younger generation, counting it as approval.


The Great Sword Ghost also lowered his head slightly and bowed in respect.

Cold style, not bad, let's get familiar with the current body.

Shinji walked up to the body of the Great Sword Demon, slightly touched the sharp foot blade, and said.

Although the evolved Great Sword Demon has been greatly improved in all aspects, and can also stand up and swing the foot blade to attack, but after all, he is more used to landing on all fours.

Among other things, the Sword Qi Dance version of the Counterattack Shield will definitely be less applicable than the previous version, and it still needs to be thought about how to modify it or choose to give up.


The Great Sword Ghost responded, and began to look at his current body and the most important foot blade—it is very handsome and sharp, and it is very satisfied!

It's night, the sky is high and the clouds are light and the night is dark

After dinner, Shinji and Xiaozhao sat on the top of the mountain and had a simple exchange. The surrounding elves gathered in twos and threes, huddled together, and there were also existences like fiery beasts and snow demons rubbing against their trainers' arms.


Gently hugging Shinji's arm, the Snow Demon Girl looked at the night sky and Shinji with a joyful and lively mood like the wind.

Your elf really likes you~

Xiaozhao ran the hair of the fiery beast, and smiled as he watched the scene.

Perhaps, it's the so-called fetters.

Shinji replied calmly.

He never denied the existence of fetters, but felt that he shouldn't feel that he could be invincible by relying on the so-called fetters.

Yes, but not all of them...the moon is rising, it's so beautiful!

Xiaozhao pretended to be profound and smiled, and stood up holding the fiery beast's head, with the bright full moon emerging from the dark clouds printed in his eyes.

It seems that my luck is not bad.

Shinji lightly led the Snow Demon Girl to stand up and looked up.


Letting go of Shinji's arm, the brilliance of the moon gleamed in the pure eyes of the Snow Demon Girl.


The circle bear lying next to the red bean bear (Yueyue Xiong, the leader of different colors) slowly stood up under the moonlight.

It knows that its time to evolve has come.

Perhaps, there are all kinds of bad things after evolution, but the substantial increase in strength is the real deal!

Have you decided?

Shinji looked at the circle bear who took the initiative to walk in front of him, and asked.


Quanquan Xiong nodded affirmatively, his eyes were determined.

It turns out that the countless circle bears in the world don't have this opportunity to evolve. If it happens, why hesitate?

Then, get ready.

When the moon was fully up and showing its brilliance, Shinji placed the peat block on the circle bear.

The peat block is in the hands of the circle bear, under the urging of the full moon, it blooms with mysterious light.

In the white light, the standing body of the circle bear became bigger and stronger, especially the upper body became extremely strong.

After the evolution was over, the true face of Moon Moon Bear was revealed——

The upper body and extremities are covered with gray hair, the rest is brown, with square patches on the back, sides of the head, waist and abdomen.

The mouth is light yellow, the nose is gray like the eyebrows, and there is a yellow circle on the forehead, which matches with the gray eyebrows inside the circle to present a pattern of clouds covering the moon.

On the whole, Yue Yuexiong has a simple and honest feeling, but no one dares to underestimate its giant body of about 4 meters after evolution.


Yue Yuexiong felt the power in his body, and felt that he could exert a stronger power than before with just a single touch. With the inexhaustible power in his body, excitement burst out in his eyes.

After a few seconds of excitement passed, Yue Yuexiong finally lay down on the ground like the red bean bear next to him.

Although he was able to stand up, his upper body became stronger and his body always made him feel inexplicably uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

Therefore, it must change its previous fighting style afterwards, and both standing and lying down training require practice.

Of course, this is not important, what is important is that it has also learned a new move - pounce!

This move is extremely powerful. Although it will weaken the defense if you are not proficient, it is harmless. As long as you overcome it in the future, it will be a perfect move!

One ho~

Red Bean Bear slowly climbed up to Yue Yuexiong and turned around a few times, then pushed the latter with his head, and began to teach some of his own experience.


Moon Moon Bear listened obediently.

As the night deepened, the time to travel back on the mobile phone also started counting down.

Come back, all.

In the eyes of the elves reluctant to part, Shinji took back all the elves.

Three minutes into the countdown to return, Shinji suddenly thought of something.

These are given to you as a thank you.

When Shinji opened the backpack and was about to leave the extra food and some medicines behind, he was stunned for a moment when he saw a few extra items in it, and then took out a pile of food as if he hadn't found it.

Thank you? It should be a gift for a friend~

Xiao Zhao corrected.

it's the same.

Shinji glanced at Xiaozhao noncommittally.

The last minute of the countdown, the last silence.


Xiao Zhao suddenly called out.


Shinji looked up at the girl.

Xiaozhao: Do you think we will have a chance to meet again?

Shinji raised his phone and said calmly, Yes.

Well... then... goodbye, my friend!



Not long after, the boys and girls who separated the two worlds each took out the two stone slabs deep in the backpack and the black elf illustrated book hidden in the food pile, and stared blankly for a while.

Finally, with a slight smile, he put it away, and thanked him silently in his heart.

Well, when Xi Cui wrote it, I was afraid that you would not like it, so I wrote less.

Please give me an evaluation, I will be able to control this kind of plot in the future, write more and write less

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