Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Shinji and his spirits pre-match information


Sex: Male

Age: 15

Identity: Protagonist, Trainer, Cultivator, Fighter...Trainer

Special Ability: Elf Talent Identification (Learnable Cultivator Ability)

Yoga meditation (can calm the mind, develop physical potential, improve physical fitness and spiritual power)

Super Curtain Man (born with a strong physique and athletic talent and can be developed, with excellent skills)

props: too many, slightly

Important Items: Elven Illustrated Book, Super Badge (Keystone), Rotom Arceus Mobile Phone, Extremely Giant Wristband



Electric Shock Monster

Attribute: electricity

Gender: male

Level: Honorary level (quasi-king)

Features: Electric engine (when attacked by electric attributes, absorb energy and increase speed)

Items to carry: none or leftovers (after being carried, stamina will slowly recover during the battle)

Skills: electromagnetic waves, self-motivation, thunder, iron tail, tile splitting, defense, electromagnetic levitation, thunder and lightning fist, true qi bomb, freezing fist, freezing fist, flame fist, feint, electric shock wave, mental force, high-speed stars, light wall ...

Route: Electromagnetic Force Acceleration, Electric (Engine) Acceleration

Thunderbolt lock control (Thunderbolt can turn and chase and must hit)

Unlimited incentive charging tactics (continuously increase offensive power during the battle, and charge from time to time)


moon bear

Attributes: General, Ground

Gender: Male

Grade: Honor

Feature: Perseverance (Attack power increases when in abnormal state)

Items to carry: None or Leftovers or Orb of Life

Skills: Cleave, Arm Hammer, See Through, Destroy Light, Double Return, Bodybuilding, Infuriating Bomb, Stomp, Provocation, Hard Hold, Sprint, Earthquake, Power of the Earth, Belly Drum...

Route: Belly bulging burns, perseverance and perseverance (totally crazy!)

(When combined with the Orb of Life, what you play is an explosion!)


biting land shark

Attributes: Dragon, Ground

Gender: male

Grade: Honor

Features: rough skin (when the opponent hits with a contact type, it will be counter-injured)

Carrying props: Biting Land Shark Super Evolution Stone

Skills: dragon claws, flame teeth, digging holes, quicksand hell, tile splitting, earthquakes, sharp stone attacks, dragon tails, meteor swarms, dragon dance, crushing, reverse scales, dragon waves, tornado...

Route: Dragon's Bloodline Recovery Plan/Dragon's Power Development Plan (You can start the bloodline recovery mode, in which you can maintain a special reverse scale state at any time, murderous, brutal and ruthless, gain full attribute enhancement, and the cruelty that is constantly emerging in the bloodline suppress chaos)

Sandstorm development plan (sandstorms can be offensive, defensive, and controllable, can cause damage to ground, rock, and steel attribute elves, and can also enable sandstorms to enhance special defense and activate sandstorm-related features in other weathers) (not fully developed)

Rough skin development plan (As long as the two parties touch each other, the other party will definitely be injured, and the same goes for the change of characteristics!) (Under development)


nine tails

attribute: fire

Gender: female

Grade: Honor

Features: Catching fire (absorbs fire attribute moves, and enters the fire-charging state)

Skills: Sunny Sky, Gravity, Jet Flame, Big Character Explosion, Fixed Body, High-speed Movement, Supernatural Power, Sun Beam, Iron Tail, Hypnotism, Dream Eater, Will-o'-the-wisp, Trick, Meditation, Charming... Flame Bomb (ordinary self-created skills , occupying Victini's exclusive skill name), will-o'-the-wisp halo (shield of counterattack)

Route: Sun Life Meditation, Gravity Iron Nine, Ignite Burst


Terra Turtle

Attributes: Grass, Ground

Gender: male

Grade: Honor

Feature: Prosperity (When physical strength is insufficient, the power of grass attribute moves will increase)

Items to carry: Pendant of Tranquility (after being carried, the ability will not be reduced due to the opponent's moves or characteristics)

Skills: Growth, Rooting, Flying Leaf Blade, Energy Ball, Sunny Day, Sun Beam, Quicksand Hell, Rooting, Impact, Strong Whiplash, Crazy Plants, Hold, Earthquake Ultimate Absorption... Ultimate Absorption (special form, can release red light directly Absorb the opponent's physical strength) Forest Healing (special skill, can restore the physical strength of oneself and teammates, and cure the abnormal state of oneself)

Route: Unlimited growth flow (constantly improve offensive and defensive power in the battle, and continuously restore physical strength), growth training method


Great Sword Demon (Xi Cui)

Attributes: water, evil

Gender: male

Grade: Honor

Feature: Sharp (Increases the power of cutting moves)

Items to carry: None or Leftovers or Focus Mirror

Skills: Water Cannon, Water Jet, Continuous Slash, Swallow Return, Air Blade No Or, Sword Dance, Shell Blade, Assault on Vulnerable Points, Water Wave Knife, Holy Sword, Cross Scissors, Provocation, Come Again, Cleave, Assault...Secret Sword·Thousand Waves (easy to hit the vital point, with the effect of smashing water), Dance of Water (upgraded version of the shield of counterattack and dance of sword energy, the previous effect can be achieved without rotating the body)

Route: Knife Mastery

See through (100% hit the point) (continuous development and improvement)

Water Burst (the secret of accelerated flight)


Dragon King Scorpion

Attribute: poisonous, evil

Gender: male

Grade: Honor

Features: Sniper (hit the vital point, the power of the move is improved)

Items to carry: None or Leftovers or Focus Mirror

Skills: highly poisonous, highly poisonous fangs, poisonous tail, grinding claws, missile needles, deadly needles, sneak attack on vital points, digging holes, ghost face, cross poison blade, acupuncture, ghost face, poisonous water chestnut, venom impact...

Route: see through (100% hit the point) (continuous development and improvement)

Controllable acupressure tactics (can control the ability of acupoints to improve, and can also weaken certain abilities of oneself or the enemy) (under study)

Poisoning (100% poisoning in melee) (under development

Acupuncture Cultivation Method (can help elves activate their potential, relieve fatigue, improve the effect of elf training, and the process of acupuncture may be accompanied by severe pain)



Attributes: steel, super power

Gender: None

Level: Gym level peak

Characteristics: Eternal and pure body (will not reduce ability due to opponent's moves and characteristics)

Items to carry: none or leftovers

Moves: electromagnetic levitation, arm hammer, cannon light cannon, mental force, comet fist, cosmic power, gyro ball, hold, high-speed movement, meteor beam, gravity...

Route: cosmic meditation strengthening technique, gold nibbling (swallowing metal, strengthening the body)


Snow Fairy

Attributes: ice, ghost

Gender: female

Level: Gym level

Carrying props: imposing drape (will not be killed by one hit)

Features: Snow Hidden (Hail, snowy weather, it is difficult to find the figure, and the ability to dodge is improved.)

Skills: Shadow clone, snow scene, blizzard, mental obsession, fake cry, aurora curtain, will-o'-the-wisp, strange light, misfortunes never come singly, coquettish, coquettish, same fate... ghost fire halo (shield of counterattack)

Route: Ghost Shadow Warfare, Natural Meditation, Illusion


Boss Cordora

Attributes: steel, rock

Gender: Male

Level: Gym level peak

Items to carry: none or leftovers

Feature: Hard head (when using reaction force moves, you will not be hurt by the reaction force of your own moves)

Moves: heavy impact, metal explosion, iron wall, double-edged head hammer, rock blockade, rock grinding, earthquake, hold on, pounce, cannon light cannon, metal sound...

Route: Hold on to the metal explosion (Use two moves at the same time, Jedi counterattack!)

Rock Grinding Tactic (can continuously increase speed during the battle) (under development)

Nibbling gold (swallowing metal to strengthen the body)



Rotom (Arzeus Mobile) (tool pet)

Attributes: electricity, ghost

Gender: None

Grade: Elite

Features: Levitation (theoretically not affected by ground attribute attacks, actually...)

Carrying props: None (Arzeus mobile phone counts?)

Moves: Nianli (Others omitted)

Route: mobile tool pet, omnipotent meditation (modified from natural meditation, due to the transformation of the mysterious power of Arceus, the particularity of Arceus mobile phone, the types of power that can be absorbed, almost all)

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