Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 253 Challenging Prosecutor Joey


Although this was a nearly crushing battle, the golden monster couldn't help cheering excitedly after winning.

Regardless of its strength, it is still very strong, but the existence in the team is getting more and more perverted.

On weekdays, it basically loses more and wins less in battles, and there are basically no battles that are easily won.

There are too many hard times, and it's cool to abuse a dish once in a while.

Furthermore, after today's battle, it has a deeper understanding of its own strength and the strength of its companions.

I still need to continue to be proficient. After meeting with the electric shock beast and the earth turtle, I will ask for more skills, and I will use my head to calculate more.

Shinji made a brief comment as the first battle in which the golden monster applied cosmic power to actual combat.


The giant golden monster smiled knowingly.

Come back first.

Shinji took out the poke ball and took it back first, then looked at Xiao Gang.

Although you just want to challenge me, but since you won, you are eligible for the gray badge.

Xiaogang sorted out his mood, and took the initiative to go forward and handed the gym badge to Shinji.

Well, thank you.

After taking the badge casually, Shinji thanked him.

But this time, he didn't leave directly like in the past, but walked slowly to the side and watched quietly.

Not for any reason, just because of this mysterious person beside him.

Shinji is not sure about his identity, but because of the slight pink hair and gender speculation, it is likely to be...

haven't seen you for a long time!

An exclamation sounded from his mouth, and Xiaogang rushed in front of the mysterious man in a panic.

I didn't have time to check carefully just now because of the duel and other reasons. Now that I look carefully, Xiao Gang's instinct awakened instantly and he recognized the identity of this mysterious person.

This awe-inspiring standing posture, this elegant line, must be right, you are Miss Joy from the Golden City, right?

Xiao Gang directly stated his guess.

That's right, you can guess it.

The mysterious man smiled and removed all the camouflage items on his face, revealing Miss Joy's true face in an instant.

Xiaosheng is the Xiaogang that I met with you before, our hearts blend together, our hands hold each other, let's welcome the joy of reunion together... Numb~ numb~

Before the words were finished, the poisonous blow of the bad frog had already landed on Xiaogang's buttocks, knocking him to the ground.

My current identity is the senior inspector of the Alliance Inspection Bureau.

There are two purposes for coming here. One is that the outside world has not rated the Dark Gray Gym very well recently. I am here to investigate the specific situation.

The other is to carry out the matter of changing the owner of the museum that Xiaogang you applied for before.

Joey folded his hands and said very calmly.

What was the result of the investigation?

Jiro asked nervously.

Before that period of time, he was the owner of the museum. It can be said that the results of the investigation determined the assessment of the replacement of the owner in the future.

The result is unsatisfactory. The agent owner's strength is mediocre, but he still works hard, and he can play a role in the challenger, but...

Joey raised his head and looked around in the middle of speaking, and said, I'm not satisfied with the decoration of your dark gray gymnasium.

Although each gym has its own style, the exterior decoration style of your place does not seem to match the rock at all. I will report the truth to the superior and send a commissioner to supervise the rectification.

If I knew it earlier, I would have stopped my parents from messing around...

Jiro had a headache.

Xiao Gang: Then what about changing the owner?

His goal is to become a powerful cultivator and elf doctor, but he is not particularly keen on the identity of the owner, which is why he wants to replace the owner with Jiro.

But I have to say that strength is indeed the biggest problem facing Jiro.

Of course, it won't be much worse, and I can deal with most scenes in the end.

Even if you can't handle it, even if you leave it to him, you may not be able to handle it.

In view of the performance of the current gym owner Xiaogang just now, I think the long-term travel has made you less sensitive to the gymnasium battle, which led to the one-sided situation in the battle.

If you encounter a strong trainer again in the future, I have reason to suspect that you cannot give the challenger pressure and growth. I will report the situation truthfully, and the follow-up results will be judged by the General Administration.

What happens if the judgment is too bad?

Xiao Gang asked.

The worst result will be to close the gym directly.

In recent years, there have been quite a few gyms that want to have the right to issue badges, but that is the result that can only appear if they do not rectify and sing the opposite.

Joey calmly spoke in a serious direction.

Now, please act as the owner Jiro to conduct the qualification assessment of the owner.

Afterwards, Joey and Jiro had a battle. The elf used by the former was Lucky Egg, and the elf used by the latter was Super Armored Rhinoceros.

On the surface, Ji Lidan is definitely not the opponent of Super Armored Crazy Rhino, but in the end, Ji Lidan has the complete upper hand, suppressing it with a strength weaker than Super Armored Crazy Rhino, making it difficult to resist.

All kinds of attacks are directly resisted by the lucky egg through moves such as shrinking, defending, and reflecting shields

If you get a little injury, you can recruit eggs to replenish your physical strength directly, and then use various offensive moves to attack the super-armored wild rhinoceros continuously, causing it to be continuously injured.

In the end, Jiro had an idea, and directly used the earthquake and digging to make the lucky egg difficult to defend and resist, and succeeded in bringing the victorious scale back to balance.

In the final confrontation, Ji Lidan directly sang to hypnotize the super-armored mad rhino, and then awakened it with a slap, causing a lot of damage to it.

However, because of underestimating the opponent's defense, the backhand of the sober super-armored mad rhino after awakening the slap was a corner drill to send the happy egg away.

The way of fighting is still very immature, the observation ability is fair, and the finishing ability is good. It can be regarded as having the strength of the host.

Joey nodded calmly, and put the lucky egg back into the ball.

As one of the few Joys who left the elf center, her strength and vision were naturally extraordinary, and she accepted the result of the defeat calmly.

In other words, the existence of the lucky egg itself is mainly an assistant, not a combat member, which caused her to misjudge the attack power and lose the battle.

If she knew that Awakening Slap would not be able to defeat the super-armored Kuangxi, she would definitely do a ground throw first, and then Awakening Slap.

Then Miss Joy, can Jiro become a gym trainer?

Xiao Gang asked.

Barely qualified, and will be approved later, but the decoration of the gymnasium please return to normal as soon as possible.

Joey smiled, and when he was about to turn around and leave, Shinji's voice came from his ear.

Miss Joy, are you free to fight me with all your might?

After watching the battle, Shinji also recalled that Miss Joy in the animation seemed to have a Latias.

Although I don't know if this world exists, if it is really the same, but by the way, it seems that it is not a waste of time to challenge it.

Fight with all your might?

Miss Joy looked sideways slightly.

Full strength.

Shinji looked at Joey quietly without changing his face.

Fighting with all your strength, the subtext is to fight 6vs6 in an all-round way, and let all the elves with combat effectiveness fight on the field.

He was very curious, whether the other elves of Joey were also divine beasts.

Forget it with all your strength, today's work is over, and the rest of the time can be a simple battle with you.

Shinji's appearance aroused Joey's interest. After accepting the challenge with a smile, he turned to look at Xiaogang and asked, Can I borrow the gym?

Of course, it's my honor to help Miss Joy!

Naturally, Xiaogang stepped aside without hesitation, and led Jiro and a group of younger brothers and sisters to the audience stand to watch the battle.

Hahahahahaha, if I don't save the manuscript, hahahahaha...

I have also ushered in this day, ah, ah, so annoying! ! !

hateful! ! !

I can't write it down at all! !

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