Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 272 Reggie Locke Appears in the Illusion Zone

In a blink of an eye, the next day has arrived.

In the early morning, Shinji held the Rotom mobile phone, rode the giant metal monster, and took the electric shock monster to the special area marked on the mobile phone.

Along the way, there are forests and wilderness everywhere, and traces of human beings are rarely seen.

After crossing the forest, they arrived at a mountainous area, and after a while they rode the golden monster to continue towards the target, but the golden monster suddenly stopped in the air for a moment.

A trace of bewilderment flashed in the eyes of the giant metal monster, but then it returned to normal and continued to fly forward.

The same thing happened with the Electric Shock Monster, who also froze for a moment, then flew out with the giant golden monster in other directions.

Even Shinji was taken aback for a moment, but looking at the map on the phone screen, he couldn't help frowning.


Shinji's calm voice sounded, causing both spirits to stop.

Ah Kelu?


The Electric Shock Beast and the Giant Metagro looked at Shinji suspiciously.

Change direction and fly over there.

Shinji frowned slightly, and pointed to his right front.


Ah Kelu~

The giant gold monster and the electric shock monster were a little unclear, but they followed Shinji's words and flew over in a different direction.


In less than half a minute, Shinji's voice sounded again.

Shinji frowned and looked at the location of the map on his phone, then looked at the surrounding scenery, and found a problem——

How come after flying for so long, the distance between him and the original tree of the world on the map hasn't gotten any closer?

Even getting further and further away?

Electric Shock Monster, which direction are you flying?

Shinji pointed in one direction again, and did not put his hand down.

Ah Kelu~

Although the electric shock monster didn't know why, it still exploded at its own speed and flew 300 meters in the direction Shinji pointed before stopping.


But when Dengeki Warcraft checked where Shinji was, he found that Shinji was less than 100 meters away from him, and his position was nearly 90 degrees different from the direction of Shinji's finger!

Somewhat similar to the legendary ghost hitting the wall, the special defense mechanism of the world's original tree?

As long as the elves are close, they will suffer from hypnotic hints, and subconsciously walk in other directions. In short, they will not approach the tree of the beginning of the world.

Only allowed out but not in?

After watching the whole process of Dengeki Warcraft, Shinji probably understands it.

Okay, let's go down.

In order to avoid accidents, Shinji decided that it would be better to walk on the ground for the next journey.

Soon, the two elves landed in a mountain, surrounded by high and low mountain walls.

After finding a relatively flat road section, Shinji pointed forward and said, Attack the ground ahead, make a straight line mark, and we will walk along the line.

Ah Kelu~

A special electric current shot out from the electric shock monster, leaving a black trace of electric burnt after sprinting across the ground.

Under the leadership of Shinji, they concentrated on walking along a straight line together, and as expected, they were not affected by the special hypnotic suggestion.

In other words, even if it is affected, it will adjust its direction in time and continue walking along the line.

Of course, one of the more outrageous effects is that Shinji and the elves collectively turned 180° and turned back while walking.

But this is all right after Shinji's strategy of going one by one.

After walking about a few kilometers in this way, the special influence completely disappeared, and the front also suddenly opened up, and a patch of high and low mountains appeared out of thin air.

Among them, an extremely tall giant tree stands in the center.

The tree is at least hundreds of meters high, and the area it occupies is even more terrifying. Countless roots, branches and leaves grow and spread, and one can feel the breadth and rich vitality of the world at a glance from a distance.

But that's just a first impression.

If you take a closer look, you can find that this tree is not a conventional tree.

It is a special crystal life form composed of rock formations that look like trees. It is said to be a tree, but it just looks like a tree.

At this moment, Shinji is still far away from the tree of the beginning of the world, but even if there is no interference from the special defense mechanism at this moment, Shinji dare not fly on the giant golden monster casually.

He was afraid that after flying into it, something would pop up and destroy himself.

He thinks that he is not as fateful as Xiaozhi, and he can be resurrected after death, so he doesn't rush in directly, just explore slowly.

Of course, the more important thing is...

Rotom, has the energy collection speed increased?

Shinji has not forgotten his fundamental purpose of coming here - to recharge the special functions of the mobile phone.

Trainer, the charging speed has been greatly increased, about five times the original charging speed, Lotor~

Rotom's face jumped out of the phone, showing Shinji the charging progress bar.

According to this speed, it will take nearly 40 days to fully charge here?

It's too slow, go in and see if you can get a faster improvement.

Shinji is not very satisfied with this charging speed.

Although he is not in a hurry to travel through time, who would like to wait longer if he can charge up the battery quickly?

Saying that, Shinji led the elf and walked towards the inside.

There are mountains all around, but the strange thing is that there are many roads leading to the tree of the beginning of the world, which seem to be artificially opened up and naturally produced.


In this regard, Shinji continued to go deeper after making such a comment.

After going deep along the mountain road for an unknown distance, a special cave appeared in the distance. It seemed that as long as one walked into it, he could directly reach under the tree of the beginning of the world.

Just as Shinji walked in with the elf, an inexplicable sense of crisis emerged in Shinji's heart, and then there was an undetectable vibration from his feet.

Without any hesitation, Shinji threw himself to the side.


The next moment, the ground suddenly exploded, and an elf made of gray and orange rocks emerged from the ground.

The position of the elf's face has an H pattern composed of seven orange dots, and there are two thick rock arms on both sides of the columnar rock torso with uneven surface.

There are two orange patches on the left chest and above the right leg, and a more inconspicuous gray rocky tail behind it.

It is the legendary Pokémon, the legendary rock-type giant - Reggie Locke.

Ray ~ Ji ~ Luo ~ Ke ~

The orange dot on the head of this Reggie Locke kept flashing red light, as if it had received some instructions to call the police to carry out the task.

Seeing that Shinji dodged his own attack, without saying a word, he raised his hand and condensed a qi bomb and threw it at Shinji.

Ah Kelu~

At the critical moment, the Electric Shock Beast stepped forward, stood between the two and launched a defense to prop up the protective cover.

The zhenqi bomb is extremely powerful, even if it is held, it will be shaky and may be broken at any time, giving people an appearance that is difficult to hold.

But with the efforts of the electric shock monster, the blow was successfully blocked after all.

At this moment, Shinji, who fell to the ground, also rolled up and looked at the Reggie Locke who suddenly attacked.

Combining the breath on his body and the power of the qi bomb, Shinji also judged his strength level——

A king-level Reggie Locke?

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