Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 276 Re-engraving the Lightning Cage Brush Level!

Time passed slowly, and an hour later, Shinji took the elves around for a while, and entered the range of the World Tree again from different roads in a similar way.

This time, Shinji didn't keep moving forward, and stopped when he got to a similar position, waiting for the arrival of Shenzhu.

In this battle, except for the four moves of sword dance, meditation, cosmic power and bodybuilding, try not to use other strengthening moves.

Moreover, it is only allowed to use other moves to attack or dodge, and it is not allowed to stop and use these moves alone.

In future battles, the opponent will not give you the opportunity to strengthen yourself. It is only perfect to find opportunities to launch while attacking and dodging in the battle.

While waiting, Shinji stood on the earthen platform and made arrangements for the elves.

If you can only launch enhanced moves without moving, then in high-end competitions, that flower is basically equivalent to becoming a target and being slaughtered.

Maybe it won't come to this point at first, but it's just a matter of time.

Now that you have learned these moves, you should train them to perfection as much as possible.

It just so happens that it is the consistent style of Shinji elves to defeat the strong with the weak.

In the face of more powerful pillars, if they can only be strengthened and then crushed, it will be a bit too hip. Apart from the first victory, how much significance will it have in improving the strength of the elves?

If it doesn't make much sense, Shinji would rather the elves lose than win.

At least losing can stimulate their fighting spirit.

Hearing Shinji's words, all the elves were taken aback for a moment, but then they understood what Shinji meant, and the flames of fighting spirit ignited in their eyes.


The task of stabilizing the overall situation is entrusted to you, don't stop growing.

Shinji stroked the head of the tortoise, looked into the latter's eyes and nodded seriously.

Training here may be dangerous at any time, and there must be elves who give up the battle to take care of it.

Before getting familiar with the situation, the most suitable elf for this job is the Tutai Turtle.

Only it, the most stable, can control the entire battlefield.


Feeling Shinji's trust, Tutai Turtle also nodded firmly, took over the task of guarding his companions to deal with special situations, and began to grow ahead of schedule.

World Tree didn't disappoint Shinji. About three minutes later, a bolt of lightning flew from afar, and Reggie Eleki arrived at the battlefield first.

Nine Tails, come on.

This time, Shinji chose to let Kyuubi face the fastest Pillar.


Kyuubi was not stage-frightened, and went forward with full momentum.

Even if she only uses the meditation technique to strengthen it, Tanuki believes that it can defeat Reggie Eleki by virtue of gravity and fire ignition.

However, in less than two minutes, the proud Li Jie followed in the footsteps of the great sword ghost.

After being half-dead by Reggie Eleki's lightning cage, he was struck by lightning and flew out and embedded in the mountain.

Fortunately, there were other elves behind him to save the scene, otherwise Nine Tails would have been beaten to death by Reggie Eleki.

Try not to use it, it is not forbidden to use it, continue to fight.

After letting the earthen tortoise heal Kyuubi with forest healing, Shinji once again asked Kyuubi to fight Reggie Eleki, who was blocked by other elves.

This time, Nine-Tails, who stopped digging into the dead end and moderately used high-speed movement and tricks, finally managed to hold on to Reggie Eleki, without any more embarrassment.

Of course, no matter how embarrassing it is, other elves will find it difficult to help it.

Because, the other divine pillars were also present.

This time, the Electric Shock Beast and Reggie Drago fought together, fighting and fighting in the air.

Although self-motivation is required not to be used as much as possible, but with the acceleration of electromagnetic force, electrical engine and other abilities, the speed of the electric shock monster is still crushing compared to Reggie Dolago.

And in daily communication, Dengeki Warcraft had already learned bodybuilding unintentionally.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, I also tried to learn how to apply bodybuilding to actual combat, so as to be fit while fighting.

Yue Yuexiong and Reggie Locke, who are both strong in strength and defense, faced each other. The two guys with high offense and high defense fought very fiercely. In other words, Yue Yuexiong was beaten fiercely by Reggie Locke.

Without the use of belly drums, Yueyuexiong is not as powerful as Reggie Locke.

You can only fight while trying hard to launch bodybuilding and strengthening attacks and defenses.

The giant gold monster is facing Regis Chilu, and the big sword ghost is facing Regis.

Great Sword Demon is alright. Although Regice is strong, he has many limitations.

Relying on its speed and various abilities, it is much easier to deal with the previous Regis Chilu, and it is more convenient for it to practice the sword dance fighting method when attacking.

But Metagross is more difficult to deal with. Regis Chiruko is much more difficult to deal with than Reggie Locke

The battle was extremely uncomfortable, and he was forced out of high-speed movement in less than a minute, but the use of high-speed movement did not have any impact on Regis Chill.

After waking up for a while, Registeel's mind was also much easier to use, and he immediately locked and activated the electromagnetic cannon to teach the golden monster to be a human being, forcing the latter to hold the defense but failed to defend.

If it weren't for the more timely forest treatment of the earth platform turtle below, it is estimated that the giant golden monster would have been almost killed in seconds.

This time, under the premise of deliberate training, each elf did not fight so easily. Not only did they have to train their own abilities, but they also had to beware of being successfully attacked by the opponent to prevent being taken away by a set.

It is also under this kind of high-pressure training that the growth speed of the elves has also been greatly improved.

During the whole process, Shinji and Tutaigui stayed on the ground like security guards to take a look at the overall situation, and quickly rescued the scene if there was any problem.

It wasn't until the group of divine pillars were defeated and healed several times that the large army showed signs of coming, and Shinji decisively took the elves and started running.

Electric shock monsters can rely on their strengthened strength to defeat the strong with the weak, but their own defense ability and physical strength are ultimately inferior to the divine pillars.

If it is attacked, it will definitely not last much.

The last time more than 20 divine pillars appeared, they almost beat Shinji and the elves to the ground, making everyone feel bad.

It's just for training, there's no need to risk your life.

It was the same distance as the last time. When Shinji led the elves out of the ghost hitting the wall area, the divine pillars also stopped chasing and looked at Shinji from afar.

It's like, when the virus is outside the body, it is difficult for the immune system in the body to take care of it.

After getting such a guess, Shinji became more courageous.

After letting the elves rest and communicate outside for a while, Shinji changed the direction again that day and took the elves to visit the world tree.

Perhaps because of the emergence of the Shinji virus in the previous two times, the immunity of World Tree has become much stronger.

This time, Shinji just went in and knocked down the first Five God Pillars once, and before the World Tree replenished their blood, he felt the prelude to the arrival of the large army.

Once again decisively turned around and withdrew.

Thanks for the reward of Green Vegetable White Jade Tea Bowl (`)**

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