Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 281 Dream, split


Mengmeng covered her mouth and smiled triumphantly, her small body ignoring gravity and tumbling in the air.


This appearance, just like a cute and cute thing, made the Snow Demon Girl couldn't help but float in front of Mengmeng, hugged him in her arms and pinched the little guy's face.


Mengmeng, who was hugged, opened her eyes wide and was stunned for a moment. After reacting, she smiled and moved behind the snow demon in an instant. The white light of her body changed, and Lugia grabbed the snow demon in her backhand, playing with it like a doll.

The situation was reversed, and the Snow Demon Girl's face was full of helplessness. Feeling the breath of Rogia, she felt that she couldn't even produce the power to resist.

Fortunately, Mengmeng was not malicious, and changed back to its original form within a few seconds. With a wave of its little hand, Shinji and his elves all disappeared in place, and when they reappeared, they were already on the world tree.

Ah Kelu~



Being taken away by teleportation for the first time, all the elves inevitably showed surprise on their faces, looking around and into the distance.

The world tree is not a tree. There is no difference between standing on a tree and standing on a flat mountain. The difference is that this special mountain is structured like a tree.

Standing above and looking into the tree, there are some crystals exposed on the ground. In one of the holes, dozens of toys are piled inside, which seems to be a dreamy treasure house.

Looking out of the tree, you can see the whole world tree with a radius of hundreds of miles. From a distance, you can see the city of Ouludran standing in Rota Street for thousands of years.


Mengmeng flew to the side and rummaged through her treasure cave, and found three lollipops that she had cherished for a long time. After carefully tearing off the packaging, she put one of them in her mouth and tasted it with a look of enjoyment.

After enjoying it for a few seconds, he flew to the Snow Demon Girl and handed out the second lollipop.


The Snow Demon Girl took the lollipop with some surprise, imitating the dreamy appearance, put the lollipop in her mouth and tasted it.


Seeing this, Meng Meng couldn't help laughing.

But for the last lollipop, Mengmeng had a hard time.

With so many elves, it seems inappropriate to give it to anyone, not to mention, some of them don't seem to like me that much.

After looking around, Meng Meng set his eyes on the expressionless human next to the simple and honest Tutai Turtle.


Flying to Shinji's side, Mengmeng, who is willing to share, handed out the lollipop in his hand.

...I don't like to eat, you eat.

Looking at the cute thing in front of him, Shinji was silent for two seconds, and said calmly.


Shinji's performance was fantastic and didn't buy it, he flew higher silently, moved his little hand closer to Shinji's mouth, and looked at Shinji with wide eyes like a child.

The four eyes met, and the atmosphere froze.

Ah Kelu~

Don't eat it, right? It's really a picky eater. Give it to me, my uncle!

The Electric Shock Beast came out heroically at this time, laughing and walking towards Dream.


In the next second, the Electric Shock Monster felt the world spinning in front of his eyes, and was thrown directly from the World Tree, starting a free fall.

Fortunately, as soon as the electromagnetic levitation was activated, the electric monster stopped in the air smoothly.


This uncle is just to enliven the atmosphere, if you don't give it to eat, you won't give it to you~

The Electric Shock Beast shook its head and sighed, just as it was about to fly back to the tree, it suddenly felt several eyes locked on it.

Based on feeling, the Electric Shock Monster looked over, and suddenly found that on the world tree at different levels and in different directions, there were several divine pillars looking at it calmly, and the aura of each of them seemed to be no weaker than Sirona's fierce bite. land shark.

Ah Kelu~

Passing by... just passing by, let's go!

An elf of this strength can't be defeated by a single electric shock monster, and there are so many of them at the same time, why don't they run away and die?

The Electric Shock Beast was just about to slip away, but in the next moment, it felt multiple sights appear on its body to lock on to it.

Well, don't run away, just surrender.

In just a split second, the Electric Shock Beast raised its hands and waved them.

Under the gracious invitation of the Gods Pillar, the Electric Shock Monster could only obediently enter the World Tree from another direction to be a guest, playing together, having a great time, and howling non-stop.

Above, under Mengmeng's persistent desire to share, Shinji had no choice but to accept the lollipop and put it in his mouth.


Meng Meng, who was faintly about to blacken, smiled when he saw Shinji accept his share.


But Shinji's face turned slightly red, and he couldn't help coughing twice.

Not excited, but a little uncomfortable. This dreamy lollipop turned out to be mustard-flavored.

Shinji didn't notice it for a while, and was stimulated.


Seeing this scene, Meng Meng was so happy that she clutched her stomach and rolled in the air.

What did you bring us here for?

After Shinji slowed down, he asked.


Mengmeng shook her head, and her toy flew up with a wave of her hand, floating in front of Shinji's elves, as if she wanted them to play together.


The starting point is very good, but Shinji's elves are not interested in dreamy toys, and they all shake their heads and refuse.

For them, playing with toys is not interesting, it is better to practice their skills and have a good night's sleep.


Seeing her babies being left out in the cold, Mengmeng flew aside with a sullen face, made a pink bubble and lay down on it.

They prefer to fight, and you can play with them in a fighting way.

Seeing Mengmeng so lonely and pitiful, Shinji made a suggestion.


Mengmeng raised his eyelids slightly and looked at Shinji. It is possible to fight, but the difference in strength is too great.

None of the Shinji elves can hold it, so it can't keep avoiding it, it will be boring.

It shouldn't be a problem to use your ability to create some avatars with similar strength to them, using the avatar and shadow avatar moves.

Shinji remembers that the fantasy in Journey once split into two and became Gulardo and Kyoka to fight against the guys from the fantasy team.

Come to think of it, the strength of the dream in front of him is so powerful, it shouldn't be a problem to change his avatar.


Hearing this, Mengmeng's eyes brightened. As the ancestor of the elves, the existence of symbiosis with the world tree is definitely stronger than other dreams in terms of changes and the like.

Shinji's words opened a new door for it to open a new door. After thinking for a while with his little hand on his chin, Mengmeng suddenly moved, and the white light shining on his body turned into six Mengmeng at the same time.

It didn't create a clone, but directly divided it into six.


With a wave of the six dreamy little hands, Shinji and his elves all disappeared on this layer of tree, and what appeared again was a huge flat ground inside the World Tree.

Glancing around, Shinji found that the structure of this place was somewhat similar to a duel field or a Colosseum, with a huge space.

There are some motionless pillars standing on the raised stone platforms around the flat ground, with different colors, there are six in total, and it seems that the divine pillars have not yet awakened.

Waking up with a body temperature of 39°.

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