Pokemon: Trainer Starts As Bounty Hunter Chapter 113


Chapter 113 Cracked (Gagen (511.5))

"Sorry everyone, due to naked eye visible reasons, and considering the safety of the contestants, our competition may be temporarily unavailable.

The Rhea Fishing Farm hereby expresses its apologies to all contestants. , and then you can use the three catch balls you have received to go to our ticket office to exchange a ticket, which is considered compensation.

We will also make a notification on the official website later.”


The referee apologized to everyone, including Tyson, and signaled to get out of here.

Everyone tacitly picked up their equipment and prepared to leave.

No one is a fool, there is definitely something wrong with so many Magikarp evolving into Gyarados, there must be someone behind it.

Be aware that Gyarados has a very vicious personality, and no one wants to risk their mortal danger to continue fishing here.

As for this situation, it may also be caused by the way that Rhea Fishing Farm has evolved Magikarp, but even if there is, it is impossible at this time to use it and smash his own farm.

And that's also slapping Vermilion Gym in the face at fiercely.

It was still that dark room, revealing a faint light.

"Professor, the experiment was exceptionally successful. In two hours, 44 Gyarados have successfully evolved!"

The black clothed person spoke to the video in an almost fanatical tone. Professor reports.

"Very good! Is there any movement in Vermilion City now?"

The other party was also excited, then immediately kept calm and asked carefully.

"The Rhea Fishing Farm has already started to stop the game, and the reason is being searched, but it should be..."


"Hold your head in your hands and squat down!"

Before the black clothed person finished speaking, the door of the room was kicked open.

Officer Jenny's voice sounded, "Come on!"


A majestic Arcanine flew in and overwhelmed the black clothed person on the ground.

The fiery-red body, with flowing hair, is very handsome.

One paw opened the black clothed person and wanted to take out the Poké Ball's hand. The high temperature made the black clothed person sweat crazily.

The series of movements is neat and tidy, taking less than two seconds.

"Professor Sebastian, it's really a long time no see."

Officer Jenny, who led the team, walked to the computer and moved towards the greeting of Professor gnashing teeth in the video.

"Hahahaha, isn't this our Officer Jenny Ying Captain from Vermilion City?"

In the video, the Professor didn't look scared at all, and greeted him with a smile, revealing his true nature. Allow.

The hair like the head of the pot, with small glasses, a moustache on the chin, and a big red R on the clothes, it is Team Rocket's Professional Sebastian.

"hmph, I urge you to come to the Alliance and surrender yourself, and stop working for Team Rocket."

Professor Sebastian listened to Officer Jenny's words and showed a faint smile: " Miss Junsha, you are really joking, but I advise you to solve this trouble first, I look forward to your performance!" Hang up the video.

"Damn bastard!"

Officer Jenny kicked the table angrily.

"Ha~haha~, you're already late, countless Gyarados will destroy this place! You're late!"

The black clothed man pinned by Arcanine frantically the sound of.

Officer Jenny gave him a disdainful look, another idiot who was brainwashed by Team Rocket.

The other Officer Jenny tacitly put handcuffs on the black clothed man, blocked his Chatter's mouth, and escorted him out of the room.

"Captain Ying, the Team Rocket from the radio station was also caught, but he installed some unknown software on the radio in the end, and we couldn't crack it."

"Not good Ying Captain, the Magikarp in the lake outside started going crazy, a lot of them evolved into Gyarados!"

Two voices came from almost one after the other in the headphones.

Officer Jenny Captain gave an order with a dark face, "Logistics team, contact Alliance and ask to send the nearest electronic expert to decipher the software;

Also ask Lt. Surge Gym Leader Are you there already?

Battle team, take your Pokémon to control the situation around the lake, be sure to limit these Gyarados from running out of the fishing ground;

Evacuation team, and fishing ground work The personnel will do their best to evacuate the crowd to avoid casualties;

The medical team, together with the Joy family, are always ready for treatment!"


The earphones said Four crisp voices.

Officer Jenny rode his Arcanine to the front line quickly.

In fact, the easiest way at this time is to destroy the broadcasting station directly. After all, the source is estimated to originate from there.

No more troublesome work after destruction.

However, for this situation, Alliance still has regulations. It must try its best to ensure that some of the other party's technological means are not destroyed by violence, and let Alliance experts decipher it to prepare for the next sudden occurance.

So the violent demolition method can only be thought of, unless the situation is really bad and it is beyond control, then it can be directly demolished.

Back to Tyson's side.

A group of contestants was evacuating, and not long after they ran out of the fishing spot, a deafening roar came from behind.


Everyone covered their ears subconsciously, and while running out more quickly, they moved towards looking behind them.

I saw one, two, three. . . As the white light in the center of the lake continued to emerge, more than a dozen Gyarados emerged from the water and shouted in the sky.

Scarlet's pupil, the white part of the eye that should have been white, was also covered with red blood.

Tyson, who has excellent eyesight, is secretly frightened. Someone must be playing tricks.

Others were even more frightened, fleeing frantically.

"Quick, go to the exit!"

The referee and the trainer in charge of security are also sweating, a Gyarados is a good thing to say, so many Gyarados are really life-threatening things .

Behind them, more than a dozen Gyarados spun their bodies crazily, one after another towering waterspout standing above the lake, and the sky was obviously darkening.

Fortunately, they evacuated earlier and soon came to a safer area.

At this time, the contestants of No. 1 and No. 2 fishing grounds, which are closer to the exit, have also arrived.

Everyone gathered together, looking at the raging silhouette of Gyarados in the distance, and communicating frantically.

Obviously, there are a lot of people and Pokémon fighting Gyarados ahead.

The sound of Ability collision can be heard more clearly even at such a distance.

An Officer Jenny came out: "Which Trainer Pokémon are present are elite level, there are more and more Gyarados, I need your help."

said It's helping, and Officer Jenny's tone is polite, but no one thinks they can escape this kind of thing.

While Officer Jenny will not force you to do anything, Alliance's statutes obligate every Alliance citizen to help to the best of their ability in this situation.

Of course, you don't have to help, but it's not that your identity is unregistered, and various things in the future will inevitably be troublesome.

Even in the case of a city being attacked by a Pokémon, or a city being attacked by a Black group, you are forcibly requisitioned.

There are very few elite-level Trainers, but there are always relatively more elite-level Pokémon, not to mention so many players here.

Along with the statistics and collection, the trainers with elite level Pokémon on the 60th were divided into four groups and moved towards the four fishing grounds.

Tyson, of course, was in the group at the fourth fishing ground.

The entire group hurried to the lake under the leadership of an Officer Jenny.

"Then I'll leave it to you all!"

Officer Jenny, who led the way, saluted them, and then left, her main responsibility was not the battle.

"Please release your Pokémon and start fighting against these Gyarados in front of you. Be careful not to accidentally injure your teammates."

Another Officer Jenny, who should be Captain, explained, Hastily commanding his Pokémon began to fight.

"Go! Butterfree!" "Come out and fight! Magneton!" "Electrode, rush!". . .

The Trainers release their own Pokémon.

Fortunately, it is Vermilion City, where most of the people are subdued Electric Type Pokémon. Naturally, there is no need to say much about the restraint of water and Flying Gyarados.

Tyson also quietly released his Pidgeot and Blaziken, as for Boldore.

That's true, the two huge Pokémon also attracted the attention of many Trainers.

Many people looked envious, this is Three Founding Families.

But this is not the time for desertion, and their combat experience is not that kind of novices, so they quickly calmed down and began to command Pokémon to resist.

"Thunderbolt!" "Stun Spore!" "Thunder!"

Each Pokémon displayed Divine Ability, and many remote abilities moved towards the Gyarados group on the lake.

As for whether you will hit your teammates?

Stop kidding, who would go to melee combat with this bunch of Gyarados, courting death?

Didn't you see the Officer Jennys just commanding Pokémon to resist from a distance?

Release Ability from a distance has no chance of accidental injury, unless it is an inner ghost.

One after another Ability and Gyarados' attack collided, making a huge rumbling sound.

At first, Trainer and Officer Jenny still had the upper hand, and many Gyarados were repelled and lost their combat capability.

After all, this newly evolved Gyarados is still slightly weak in strength. If it hadn't taken the advantage of numbers and the desperate imposing manner of the unfathomable mystery, it would have been cleaned up long ago.

But as time went by, Gyarados not only did not decrease, but instead increased.

People also gradually felt bad.

Tyson directed Pidgeot use Twister, Blaziken use Heat Wave, defeated several oncoming water cannons, and walked to Officer Jenny.

"Officer Jenny, I'm Tamaki Tyson from Pewter Gym, has the Alliance not solved the source issue yet?"

he asked aloud.

No way, the sound was so soft that I couldn't hear it at all, and there was chaos all around. It was the sound of Ability explosions and Pokémon's Growl.

For investment, for collection, for recommendation, for monthly pass! ! !

Anything! !

Thanks to the poisoner Li Wenyou for the reward of 100 starting coins.

Thanks to the two ceremony for my wife's 100 starting coins.

Thank you for the 100 starting point coins that have been deposited for this name.

ps: Because I said before about milestones and so on. . At once. . More and more? But at least less than the end of last month (funny)

(end of this chapter)

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