Pokemon: Trainer Starts As Bounty Hunter Chapter 120


Chapter 120 Sanjiang's Testimonials (ps must see!!!)

Go to Sanjiang!

(I think basically no one writes this stuff, but I have to remember it when I write it for the first time)

Actually, I am not very excited, mainly because Mengxin finished the starting point when he wrote it for the first time. All recommendations have no concept. (Funny + Dog Head Saves Your Life)

First of all, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to all of you who support the author and the readers of this novel.

At first I wrote this book because I didn't read any Pokémon articles, so I uploaded it immediately.

Some readers can see from the title and introduction that the author has never thought about that, so the introduction is extremely weak.

The author can only say that if there is a conflict with the official, he will try his best to correct it. If it is not good, please ignore it, but you must follow the book and read it to support the author and this novel.

(For details, see the final ps, next is the main event! Heavy! Head! Play!)

cough cough! Clear your throat.

(Overdrive) I must praise my editor-in-charge Penglai, who has a beautiful voice and a sweet heart! One word! Absolutely!

If there are readers who really want to write novels by themselves, welcome to submit the starting point nine groups! Be sure to look for the nine groups! Everyone speaks so nicely, so lovely! Take good care of Rookie!

In the process of the new book period, I actually asked Nippon a lot of questions. He/she gave me this Mengxin answer in detail, and helped Mengxin a lot in all aspects.

So, understand? (Old writers in the author group said that you can also find Niipeng fencing! Don't let an opportunity slip by!)

ps: Because there are still testimonials on the shelves, I will put my thanks to all readers there. Well, save a little here, after all, thank the readers for writing a lot! The old Elder has grown up! (Mist)

Including some questions about the previous content, the author will give an explanation! The testimonials are on the shelves!

I'm asking for a first order in advance, it should be on the 16th, and I beg for support!

For investment, for collection, for recommendation, for monthly pass! ! !

Anything! !

ps: Created a group. The answer to the question is 1. If you want to add it, you can add it.

The group number is 647201056.

The group number is occasionally posted in the writer's words, and the destined person will add hhh.

This is the third time (funny)

I'll see when the time comes if I post it in the circle of book friends.

(end of this chapter)

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