Pokemon: Trainer Starts As Bounty Hunter Chapter 126


Chapter 126 Rainbow Badge and First Meeting of Beauty Street

Tangela was immediately sent flying, and after rolling fiercely on the ground for a few times, her eyes became swirling.

"Tangela loses the combat capability, Blaziken wins, please send Ayaka the next Pokémon."

Listening to the referee's reading, Ayaka felt like she was going numb.

If it was her Ivysaur, she wouldn't lose so badly even if she lost.

"Come back, Tangela." "Come on, Weepinbell."

Quickly changed to Pokémon, and Ayaka cheered up.

"Weepinbell, Vine Whip!"

"Blaziken, Fire Spin!"

As soon as the two abilities meet, needless to say, the former's Vine Whip was burnt to ashes, Weepinbell was surrounded by Fire Spin and wailed.

As the last trace of flames dissipated, Weepinbell was covered with Black's scorch marks and had lost his combat capability.

"Weepinbell loses the combat capability, Blaziken wins.

All Pokémon of Gym Ayaka lose the combat capability, the winner of this Gym battle is Tamaki Tyson from Viridian City."

The referee dutifully raised the flag and announced the result.

The two took back their Pokémon and shook hands, and Tyson walked out of the venue to the front desk to pick up his Badge.

The battle with Rainbow Gym also fully explained why he didn't cultivate Grass Type Pokémon with less investment at first.

Mainly because Grass Type Pokémon is really not strong enough in the early stage, not only in the scarcity of Ability, but also in the disadvantage of Attribute.

If Fire Element can counterattack Water Type to a certain extent with further energy intensity.

Grass Type in the early stage is basically the result of the Pokémon restrained by Attribute. You can't expect them to put out the flames with the wind brought by Vine Whip or Razor Leaf.

Because of the lack of sufficient offensive and explosive means to face the enemy, it is not very suitable for the needs of the early stage.

You should know that even the basic Razor Leaf, most Grass Type Pokémon can only be mastered in the twenties.

Only a few, such as Chikorita, have an extremely fit body structure that can be mastered at first.

But Tyson thinks it's time he needs to breed a Grass Type or Electric Type Pokémon.

Otherwise, according to his current team configuration, the opponent who encounters the Water Type specialization will basically be beaten to death.

The battle against Cerulean Gym is due to Daisy's lack of strength and the advantage of preparing in advance, otherwise it will be difficult to win.

The Rainbow Badge in his hand kept being bounced up and down again, Tyson thought about his previous communication with Professor Rowan.

"I don't know if the Professor can do it." He thought.

If it doesn't work, it's not a big problem. He has already prepared for second-hand, third-hand and fourth-hand.

Opening the Badge box, Tyson put the Rainbow Badge inside.

The speaking of which Rainbow Badge really fits its name, looking like a flower with colorful petals.

The green petal is bigger, it should be the Grass Type specialization that means Rainbow Gym.

Along with the Boulder Badge in diamond style, the Cascade Badge in water droplet style, and the Thunder Badge in sunflower style.

Tyson is satisfied nodded, well, this time the goal is half accomplished.

Looking at the watch, it was five o'clock in the afternoon, and the gym battle didn't take much time.

Tyson hesitated and walked towards Celadon City's famous beauty street.

Beauty Street in Celadon City is where many Breeders gather to set up shop.

Here, there is a small shop dedicated to helping watch the appearance of Pokémon designs, as well as a breed house responsible for taking care of Pokemon breeding, not to mention Sand Dragon, a chat for breeders to communicate.

The most important thing is that from time to time, there will be excellent Peak Level Breeders who will give lectures in Beauty Street.

If you have good luck, you can also be selected as a lucky audience to ask questions.

Therefore, there are a lot of people here every day.

Especially at this point in time, many people are bringing their Pokémon here for care.

After nursing, go to Meimei for a full meal, and I think Pokémons also enjoy this carefree life.

Tyson walked all the way and found that the queues at the door of each store were amazingly long.

Tsk, he could only obediently queue up in front of a physiotherapy shop that is said to be very good.

"Hello this guest, you can let us know in advance the type of Pokémon you need to care for, and we will have a targeted Breeder to serve."

Seeing Tyson in At the end of the line, a smiling waiter greeted me.

Tyson told her about his three Pokémon, and the waiter recorded it on the watch: "Okay, I understand, please wait for about half an hour here, and someone will come. Calling you."

Said, and handed Tyson a number card.

He suddenly felt that this scene was very visual. This is, the Internet celebrity restaurant queuing up?

It has to be said that no matter which world you are in, the service industry is almost the same.

It's just that the Breeders of the Pokémon world are more respected.

It's just that the service needs to be improved. It would be better to put some snacks next to it.

Watching the video, Tyson just stood there and waited for half an hour.

"Next, please prepare the guest on the 34th."

put out a breath, finally it was my turn.

Handing the number plate to the attendant at the door, Tyson walked into the physiotherapy shop.

In a separate room, a girl dressed as Yamato Nadeko is sitting very gently, surrounded by a lot of various tools.

"Hello, please release your Pokémon."

Tyson was immediately a little surprised when he saw the familiar face, but he also released his Pokémon immediately.

"Go down!" "Beep!" "Dangoro!"

The girl looked at the three Pokémon in front of her, with a flash of surprise in her eyes.

"Guest, you did a great job with your breed!"

She complimented.

She thought for a while, even if she came to breed by herself, it would be difficult to be like the other party. At least in her opinion, these three Pokémon were in perfect condition.

Whether it is skin or hair, or mental state, they all show their extraordinary.

"Miss Xiaoxue, you are too good." Tyson restrained laughed.

The person opposite was Xiaoxue, and she didn't wonder why Tyson recognized her.

As the female Breeder with the most innate talent in Alliance in the past ten years, Xiaoxue's reputation is very big in the Kanto Johto generation.

"I'm not overrated, even if my Teacher is here, I will praise you like that."

Xiaoxue's tone was very gentle.

The movements of her hands were also very fast, "Take care of this child first, is this the Rainbow Gym challenge just finished?"

She greeted Blaziken.

Blaziken sat down obediently, and the breath of the girl in front of him made him feel very comfortable.

"Come on, be good, put your feet out." Xiaoxue spoke to Blaziken like a child.

Blaziken stretched out his legs obediently, and Xiaoxue took the tool and checked it carefully.

For investment, for collection, for recommendation, for monthly pass! ! !

Anything! !

Thanks for the 200 starting point coins for the earphones.

Thanks to dive symbol Jie for the 100 starting coins.

Thanks for the 100 starting coins for crying and rewarding while losing.

Thanks to Wu Xiaoang for the 100 starting point coins.

Thanks to Xizi Mao for rewarding Shirona with 100 starting coins.

Thanks for the 100 starting point coins from Qutong You Path.

Thanks to Liushui for the 100 starting coins that have been rewarded for more than ten years.

Thanks to the rotten girl Snow Danzi for rewarding the character Blaziken with 100 starting coins.

Thanks to the 200 starting point coins for the rotten girl snow dumplings.

Thanks for the 100 starting point coins I rewarded for pretending to be stupid.

(end of this chapter)

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