Pokemon: Trainer Starts As Bounty Hunter Chapter 139


Chapter 139 The same color as gold, what city is it? ! (You can read the writer's words)

Pidgeot is lying on the ground with his beak trimming his feathers;

Boldore huddled like an azure Rock, don't know what to do;


Blaziken is standing in a corner, his feet are slightly apart, his eyes are closed, and his whole body is exuding blue rays of light.

The rattan snake stared curiously at Blaziken. Big Brother, whose Attribute was not naturally compatible with him, had a great time playing with him in the afternoon.

What is this doing?

"Training Aura."

A strange wave sounded in the Vine Snake's heart, it could well understand the meaning of this wave, but was taken aback .

Then there was a lot of light in its eyes, what is this, have fun!

Forcing herself not to call out, the rattan snake said to herself, "I can learn this!"

Blaziken, who closed his eyes, sensed that the rattan snake was now , and continued to reply to it with Aura.

"Look back and ask the boss, it's the Trainer, I don't know, but not all Pokémon can learn, this is very difficult!"

There is also a hint of pride in the fluctuations and pride.

The eyes of the rattan snake were spinning and looked at the Trainer.

But seeing that Tyson is looking at things intently, little fellow sighed, I'll ask later, he's a good baby and can't disturb the Trainer.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, with little feet sticking out of the bed, the rattan snake is a bit boring.

Everyone seems to have something to do, but they don't.

Hey, no, just now, Trainer seemed to let himself feel Ability with this green stone, and the little hand of the rattan snake touched the Leaf Stone on his neck.

Little hands clenched, let's start working hard tonight!

The two Vine Whips slowly extended from their sides and landed on the Leaf Stone.

One after another green light is emitted from time to time around the rattan snake, which is the energy of the grass Attribute.

Occasionally ripples of green light cover the room.

The other three Pokémon hummed comfortably.

This is Grassy Terrain. Pokémon within the Ability range will recover their stamina and status, and the formidable power of the Grass Attribute Ability will be increased.

Tyson focused on the text on the screen in front of him, but the corners of his mouth curled involuntarily into a smile.

"Come on little fellow."

Blaziken gave Teng Teng Snake a pep talk through Aura.

The head of the rattan snake tapped slightly.

second day morning.

Tyson and Forrest said hi and left Pewter Gym to continue their tour.

"Too dumb is Yawn from Slowbro (hey hey)

napping while still at Yawn

dancing there (hey hey hey) Dance of the Rabbit

The magical god rare treasure The Dance of the Shell

One, Two, Three, Subdued

Step on is playing The intercity maglev train of the old song "Pokemon Dance", Tyson took the ticket and found his seat and sat down.

It has to be said that inter-city tech traffic is really expensive compared to Normal's intra-city Pokémon traffic.

Even if Pewter City and Saffron City are not too far apart, and they are both big cities, this ticket also cost him 1wAlliance coins.

His heart was aching, he knew that he wouldn't waste the money to experience it, he had never used any means of transportation in his previous life.

But the tickets are all bought, so they can't be refunded.


When the departure time is up, the maglev train starts slowly.

Along the exclusive line in Pewter City, the maglev train all the way out of the city and into the lush forest.

Tyson leaned against the window, admiring the view.

A gentle wind from the woods blew in, blowing Tyson's slender hair.

Squinting my eyes, this is what travel really needs to feel, and I can't keep relying on Pidgeot to hurry!

At this time, Tyson had long forgotten the heartache of at first.

As for riding and walking, it is also very tiring, especially in a forest with dense grass, there is no such comfort as sitting in a car.

The maglev train drove past, startling Pidgey.

Well, it's not the sparrows, otherwise the train would have to be attacked wildly by them.

In the distance Mankey is dangling from the branches; Rattata and Oddish are faintly discernible in the grass.

Indispensable, of course, is Catterpie, who twisted and twisted his body hard.

Tyson hit Yawn and slept a little late last night.

It's mainly because the little fellow of Teng Teng Snake is too noisy, not bad, but he has been training Ability for too long.

It used Grassy Terrain for a while, and Tyson's spirit suddenly switched between cheer and slump, and if it wasn't for his health, he felt like he couldn't handle it.

Finally, when the little fellow was tired, it lay down beside Tyson and fell asleep, and Tyson went to sleep synchronously.

It's rare that Pokémon, who has just passed the infancy, has such a great interest in exercising himself, and Tyson can't beat the vine snake to stop it from exercising, which is very detrimental to its growth.

The maglev train traveled slowly, and after a long time, it finally arrived at the destination of the trip - Saffron City.

Saffron City is a huge city extending in all directions in Kanto Region, and also the most prosperous city in Kanto, enjoying a high reputation all over the world.

The huge Shiluf company headquarters building stands in the center of the city, which is very eye-catching.

Tyson walked out of the station and stretched slowly.


The sound of construction next to him kept coming, and Tyson hurriedly left the site.

It is said that this is a cross-region suspended train connecting Kanto Saffron and Johto Goldenrod. After completion, it will be 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and Heaven and Earth will travel between the two cities at the highest speed. up to 550 km/h.

As for the trains between cities in this Region, considering the reduction of energy consumption and the need for distance, the speed is far less than it.

Walking on the streets of Saffron City, the glass high-rise buildings stand in great numbers, the reflected sunlight is golden-bright and dazzling, and the color of the whole city is like gold.

Tyson suddenly clear comprehension why Saffron City is called this name, which is in line with the current scene.

Pedestrians on the road crowded shoulder to shoulder, giving Tyson the illusion that he had returned to his previous life.

Go to the Pokémon center in Saffron City, where there are significantly more trainers than any other city.

Tyson walked over to the counter, pulled out his red Pokédex and started checking in.

After getting the key, he put it in his pocket. He picked up a city introduction sheet next to the counter and walked to the lounge area with great interest, sitting down and looking at it.

The original Saffron City had two official gyms, and it was the most peculiar of all Kanto cities, unique and unmatched.

Fighting Dojo and Psychic Gym respectively.

Among them, the Gym Leader of Fighting Gym in the past was Wude who claimed to be the king of karate, and the Gym Leader of Psychic Gym in the past was the father of Sabrina, who is now known as the Queen of Psychic, Yosuke.

The two gyms were at peace at first, because the Gym Leader of Yangjie had a very peaceful personality. Even if he was stronger, the Attribute would have an advantage. Gym's attitude and ideas are just like that.

As for the Wude Gym Leader, they also knew about this situation, so they kept silent. After all, it was themselves who took advantage.

But that all changed with the birth of Yosuke Gym Leader's daughter, now the Psychic Queen, Sabrina.

She showed a very high Psychic innate talent at a very young age.

Yes, that's right, Psychic, because Yoosuke Gym Leader is a strong Psychic himself, and even his lover, just not as strong.

Yangsuke Gym Leader can teleport without Pokemon, and can even teleport people around him at the same time. It can be said that he is completely a humanoid Psychic Pokémon.

It's normal for their daughter to have Psychic.

But the innate talent of Psychic Queen Sabrina is so terrifying that she can't control herself. Once it erupts, it may completely destroy the surrounding environment, including herself.

This made Yosuke Gym Leader have to gradually shift his energy from Gym management to the suppression of his daughter Psychic.

Wu De's Fighting Gym took advantage of this opportunity to take advantage of the situation. For a long time, there was a situation in Saffron City where only Fighting Gym did not know Psychic Gym.

Suddenly, one day three years ago, the Psychic Gym made a violent explosion.

So far no one knows what happened that day, but on the second day, Yosuke Gym Leader announced that he would be passed on to his daughter, Sabrina Psychic, as the Gym Leader.

Everyone thinks the biggest joke in the world.

Sabrina was only 16 at the time, shortly after being allowed to own Pokémon.

Yangsuke Gym Leader himself has no problems, how can he give way to Sabrina? Her strength is far from up to the mark.

Such behavior has undoubtedly attracted the attention of the Alliance, and a special investigation team has been dispatched to investigate the matter.

After three days, the evaluation given by the investigation team is: Miss Sabrina Psychic is unparalleled in the world, powerful, and she is the Gym Leader as it should be by rights.

There is still an uproar, and many people still don't believe it.

They believe that Yosuke Gym Leader used his powerful Psychic to control the members of the investigation team, allowing them to give this evaluation.

But on the second day after the investigation team left, 16-year-old Sabrina brazenly challenged Fighting Gym Leader, karate king Wude.

The stake is Saffron City's only official Gym status.

Wu De was naturally overjoyed. He must not believe that the trifling 16-year-old Sabrina could win against him. There is no reason not to accept this situation where he must win.

And after the victory, you can justifiably become the only official Gym in the largest city in Kanto, and fame and fortune are rolling in.

So, on the third day after the investigation team left, the battle between the two started.

For that battle, all those who went to watch it had only one comment - Sabrina, the worthy Psychic queen, is the Gardevoir among humans. (Gardevoir is also known as the Queen of Psychic)

Because the energy collision between the two sides fluctuates too much, the video is incomplete, but it can be vaguely seen that the body of the Psychic Queen Sabrina is emitting light, which complements Alakazam in front of her.

In the ensuing battle, Sabrina used this Alakazam to push down 6 Pokémons of the opposite Wude Gym Leader.

As soon as the incident came out, everyone was speechless, except for a few who still insisted that this was a shocking scam. Most people knew that a real powerhouse had risen.

Seeing this, Tyson couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Myself, transmigrator, with cheat, 16 years old and nearly 17 years old, three elites; Sabrina, indigenous, no Microchip, 16 years old, single Pokémon flat push Elite team.

"Do you think it's incredible?"

The faint female voice came, Tyson stiffly lifts the head, and in front of him is a doll.

“Den deng deng!”

“Saffron City!”

Thanks to book friends 150505104446832 for the 1500 starting coins.

Thanks for the 100 starting point coins that should be rewarded with more smiles no matter what.

There are two daily updates today, and tomorrow's two updates will be posted as soon as 12:00 in the morning! I'll try! If it really doesn't work, at least guarantee it.

This chapter has 3184 lyrics and about 60 lyrics, which is a good word count.

Memory Awakening:

"Dance of Pokemon" appeared in the 20th episode of the TV version, which is the end of the episode of the girl's gorge ghosts. It should be impressive.

It is also the first time that a clear coin has appeared, and before that, only the fifth episode had a bill for a split second. (It seems)

(Another bb sentence, the bill we see seems to be ¥, the overseas version is $, but the value is the same)

The money price under the Pokemon world system is actually the benchmark One reason is that the starting price of a Lumiose City taxi is 710, which is similar to the starting price of a taxi in Tokyo, Japan.

I wrote at first the Dodrio limousine with 50Alliance coins, partly because it is set to be a little more valuable than r rounds (because rmb is worth more), and partly because I think that taking Pokémon in Pokémon world is about equal to Taking a bus in our place, taking a taxi in Pokémon world is about equal to riding a horse in our place, and it is equivalent to an airplane between cities. It should be understandable. I think it is in the Ganges River. (If you ride to school when I didn't say that) (funny)

Sabrina's official age should be 21, corresponding to Ash 10; now Ash 8, so Sabrina 19.

(end of this chapter)

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