Pokemon: Trainer Starts As Bounty Hunter Chapter 141


Chapter 141 Future Sight

Vision at Tyson In the middle, Sabrina shouldn't be holding a whip or something, and wave it very aggressively, and then. . . . .

Such a gentle Sabrina is not quite the same as in the rumors or in his impression.

"I think you should be able to think of it, Tyson."

Sabrina stood up slowly, walked off the high platform, and came to the podium at one end of the venue.

"Future Sight?"

Tyson spat the words out of his mouth with difficulty.

Honestly, he had a hard time believing that someone in this world could actually do that.

So, even if his previous studies let him know that extremely powerful Psychic and Psychic Type Pokémon can get Future Sight, he didn't dare to think about it.

It's not easy to accept that traveling to the Pokémon world, and asking him to believe in such strange things before seeing them with his own eyes is simply destroying his three views.

Divine Beast has this ability, he can understand; some powerful Pokémon, can perceive fragments of the future, he can also accept; but can people really do this?

Moreover, usually the objects of Future Sight are people who are closely related to themselves.

Now, he believes.

"Yes, yes." Sabrina leaned forward, lying on the railing of the podium.

"Three years ago, I foresaw this scene."

Fixing her hair, Sabrina looked at Tyson.

Tyson's eyes moved slightly: "In those three years, what did you foresee?"

Sabrina smiled: "It's really you, but the future is constantly changing, So..."

She put her right index finger to her lips, "It's a secret."

Tyson closed his eyes, calmed down, opened them again, "So, what's your purpose of calling me here?"

"It's 11:15 and I'm the Gym Leader Trainer of Saffron Psychic Gym, Sabrina.

The following It's a Gym Challenge from Tamaki Tyson from Viridian, Gym Leader starts Pokémon."

Sabrina muttered to herself, then waved forward in an imposing manner, "My Pokémon is— Alakazam!"

Ignoring Tyson's question completely.

Behind, Alakazam on the high platform still closed his eyes, his arms were slightly closed, and the two spoons above his hands were crossed.

"xiu ~"

In just a split second, Alakazam teleported from the high platform to the opposing battlefield.

"You're on..."

Tyson was interrupted by Sabrina before he could finish.

"No kidding, the rule is I only use Alakazam, you can play with all your Pokémon.

Just beat it and Badge is yours."


Tyson ugly complexion looked at Alakazam's strength stage shown on the zero panel, and went to the final Struggle: "This is not in line with the requirements of the Alliance for the Gym challenge!"

Don't Saying it was Sabrina, he felt that his words were a little weak.

"Alliance?" Sabrina faint smile, "They won't care about this, don't worry."

Don't worry? Tyson said he could not rest assured.

He rubbed his cheeks, as if there was nothing else he could do.

In this case, "Go Blaziken!"

Tyson throws the Luxury Ball, even if the win rate is 0, at least he has to give it a try.

As for winning?

sorry, on the panel given by No. 0, Alakazam's current strength stage is the champion.

“Go down.”

As soon as Blaziken appeared on the field, his body immediately changed into a fighting stance.

The scorching flames are continuously sprayed from the wrist, which is the excitement of feeling the strong enemy.

The shallow Aura told it that this Yellow's big head Pokémon is a powerful terrifying.

Alakazam slowly opened his closed eyes.


An invisible wave spread throughout the field.


Blaziken flew backwards and hit the wall beside him, losing his combat capability.

"I admit defeat."

Tyson took back the Blaziken and said coldly to Sabrina.

This is a completely unnecessary fight.

"Look, it's not the same."

Sabrina smiled happily.

"What the hell do you want to do?" Tyson frowned asked Sabrina in the distance.

"Uh~" Sabrina tilted her head and disappeared in place.

The next second, she stood right in front of Tyson, almost a stone's throw away from him.

Suddenly, Sabrina's face came up and looked at Tyson almost face to face.

Tyson's pupils shrank, subconsciously taking a step back.

“hahahahaha.” Sabrina laughed, her smile quivering.

Tyson's body stiffened, he always felt that Sabrina's brain in front of him seemed a little abnormal.


In a corner of the venue, there was a faint sigh.

Both of them heard the male voice, and Sabrina was still smiling happily.

A middle-aged man in white clothes appeared beside Tyson, picked up Tyson with one hand, and in the next instant, the two disappeared into Psychic Gym.

After a long time, Sabrina's laughter stopped, as if she was muttering to herself, and as if she was speaking to Alakazam beside him: "I saw him."

"Should I do it?"

Sabrina's cold voice echoed across the battlefield, and Alakazam on the side closed his eyes again.


On the other side, in a residential house in Saffron City.

The just-disappeared Tyson and white clothed man suddenly appeared in the living room.

Tyson shook his uncomfortable head. Is this the Teleport?

He hurriedly looked towards the man next to him, "Yangsuke senior, was Sabrina Gym Leader...?"

That's right, the white clothed man next to him is the previous Psychic Gym Leader, Yosuke, Sabrina's father.

There are not many Psychic people who can lead people to Teleport, and not all Psychic people have the courage to challenge Sabrina's majesty.

"I don't know." Yosuke sighed, "I'm a failed father."

The bitterness on his face was clearly visible.

"Sabrina's Psychic is so strong that she can see three years into the future, I can't, so I don't know what she sees."

Tyson After being silent for a while, moved towards Yang Jie and asked: "In that case, can I ask, what exactly is Psychic?"

Although there is a brief introduction to Psychic in Alliance's knowledge, but for its The essence is always vague. Others, such as Aura Force, only have the simplest description of Aura in my heart.

Nowadays, a Psychic who can be called a very strong person in this world is in front of him, so it is natural to ask clearly.

As for Sabrina, he doesn't know why, he always feels that Sabrina has no Malice for him.

Even in the gym just now, he didn't feel any danger.

"It should be related to what will happen in the future." He muttered to himself.

Yangsuke sighed again, "I'm sorry, but I don't know exactly what Psychic is.

For me, Psychic is a very spiritual thing.

When it comes to Psychic, everyone thinks that it is an ability possessed by very few talents, but it is not the case.

The external manifestation of Psychic is such as Confusion, but I personally think that a Trainer's heartfelt love for Pokémon is also Psychic.

Yojie talked a lot, and Tyson summed up his words with his own brain, that is he Psychic is born and subconsciously uses it, so don't know.

Man, Tyson almost couldn't help but want to give him a round of applause.

But considering his strength and identity, he resolutely held back.

"Anyway, Sabrina's feelings for you are very special, I don't know what she saw, but what the future Psychic sees is not a piece, nor a fragment, but repetition and reincarnation. ”

When Yoosuke said this, a trace of pain flashed in his eyes.

The two exchanged for a while before Yosuke sent Tyson back to the Pokémon Center.

As for Sabrina's problem, both of them feel that it should be fine for the time being. With Sabrina's ability, it is very easy to continue looking for Tyson.

Since she didn't stop Yosuke from taking Tyson away, Tyson can rest assured that he won't be able to escape anyway.

Tyson helplessly listened to Yang Jie's consolation. Although this is true, it is really unpleasant to listen to.

Before leaving, Yangsuke also said to Tyson: "If you have time, you can go to Fighting Gym, that kid Kiyo is very difficult to deal with, learn more Something is always right."

Tyson looked thoughtful nodded.

The recovered Blaziken was retrieved from Nurse Joy and he returned to his room.

Lying on the bed, Tyson stared blankly at the ceiling.

To be honest, in these short two hours, what he experienced shocked him more than anything before.

From crossing over, to studying and graduating, to obtaining Pokémon, to doing bounty tasks, to accumulating strength, contacts, etc., this is all within his plan.

Even if there is a small error in the middle, it is not unexpected.

This is also why he is an orphan at his current age, ahead of the overwhelming majority.

Otherwise, Microchip alone would not have succeeded without his own unremitting efforts behind the scenes.

Not to mention, if he hadn't deliberately planned his use of the black market, he might have recently turned into an Alliance direct descendant.

But today, Sabrina completely confused him.


Several voices sounded, and Pidgeot, Blaziken, Boldore, and Vine Snake emerged from the Poké Ball.


The Vine Whip touched his own Trainer weakly with Vine Whip. In the two days of knowing each other, it was the first time he saw Tyson is this state.

A period of silence.

Tyson turned over and held the rattan snake in his arms, fiercely sucking the fragrance from the rattan snake like a cat.

The rattan snake was startled by the trainer, felt a little itchy, and giggled.


Then Tyson let out a loud yell, patted his face.

Looking at Blaziken, "Are you alright?"

"Oh scare!"

Blaziken raised his paws to indicate that he was fine.

Although it was defeated by the big head monster at once, it said that sooner or later, it would find the place back, and this hatred was written down.

Tyson was silent for a moment, "Fine, but be careful."

Blaziken looked at his Trainer's serious expression.

"The next time you erect your paws, don't just erect the middle one."

The second shift, the third shift is expected, if there is, it will be at 11:00 p.m. together with tomorrow The two updates will be sent together.

Thanks to CAL________0 for the 100 starting point coins.

Thanks to dY Raven for the 100 starting point coins.

Thanks to Fallen Angel's Tears for the 100 starting point coins.

(Don't worry, according to my outline, it's very long, I'm still in the novice stage, and even the main line has not been fully rolled out for the time being.)

(I only explain it once, Because of the spoilers involved, but someone scolded me for water, it's not okay.

Including the Gym story like you saw in the last chapter and the characters that appear, including Sabrina's abilities, and dialogue, and even those Pokémon related The explanation is related to the later plot. Let’s develop your brain holes. My dear readers and friends, if it is really good, I can write a chapter in more than an hour, and it doesn’t take three hours at all.

I am thinking about the various messy details of the game + animation + animation special edition, which is very troublesome.

Take the simplest example, the Chuck in the story, there are many People may not be impressed, but to talk about the simplest relationship, this guy is Gary's Master, and at the same time several disciplines are Gym Leaders.

Why even Sabrina said it was really you and nothing else , that's because in the game Masters, this is Sabrina's original line

Some of the words that Yangsuke said are actually Sabrina's lines, and the rest will not be said, spoiler)

(I try to write a kind of retro-style travel. The Pokémon, characters, and events in the middle are very detailed, so be sure to read it slowly, don't worry.)

(end of this chapter)

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