Pokemon: Trainer Starts As Bounty Hunter Chapter 143


Chapter 143 Guidance? Martial Uncle?

"You asked Yosuke what Psychic is."

Kiyo's face calm and composed.

Tyson's subconsciously nodded, but Yosuke's words can only show that he doesn't know what Psychic is.

No, wait, he narrowed his eyes, recalling what Yosuke said.

"A Trainer's heartfelt love for Pokémon is also Psychic."

If so, the so-called intuition of the Trainer in the former Sect is also Psychic.


Kiyo was surprised at Tyson's quick response.

"The so-called intuition can also be interpreted as intuition. In Fighting terms, you can think of it as the mind's eye.

What we call intuition in Normal is actually to a large extent It's the connection between us and Pokémon."

Tyson twitched the corners of his mouth, such a nonsense statement he would have doubted before today, but now, he more or less believes it.

What did he do wrong in asking for science in the Pokémon world?

Although to people in this world, Pokémon is science.

"This is not unfounded, remember the description of Aura Force, Aura is in my heart.

After many Professor studies, Alliance found that every person on the world More or less, there is residual energy of special ability, either Aura or Psychic or supergram.

It's just that most of the human body has such little energy that they can't Mastery.

It may be that with the ebbing of time, the human body is not suitable for the retention of energy, which leads to this situation.

Such as Aura, only a very small number of people Can be used freely, such people are often referred to as Aura messengers.

But as the bond between humans and Pokémon deepens, and the power of Pokémon grows, the resonance between the two is actually It is possible to awaken these energies.

So during the battle command process of the intuition flow Trainer, you will suddenly find that there are several times that they have made extremely subtle commands with their dive light flashed, and even the movements of the Pokémon are synchronized. Yes.

The powerhouse in it is an epiphany and synchronized action every time, do you think this is realistic?

This is not a first read, it is because they wake up There is a spiritual communication between the energy and Pokémon.

So, in essence, the intuition flow is also a kind of Psychic."

Tyson covered his head with a headache. My head, it's a bit unacceptable, no, it's been 16 years since I traveled, and you told me that this is a fantasy world? Everyone is like a dragon?

"So, that's why Elite level battles are not open to the public, the highest you can see on TV are quasi-Elite battles.

Unless it's an exhibition match The nature of the game.

Like the Elite Challenge, in fact, all you see are processed video, otherwise the average person can't see clearly, let alone appreciate the battle."

Kiyo laughed looking at Tyson, he had a prank feel.

When he was told this by his Master Chuck, he couldn't believe it, co-authored by them are all humanoid Pokémon?

Tyson quickly calmed down, I can, I'm fine, I can accept it.

“So what is Kiyo senior going to tell me?”

he asked.

Hey, it's boring, I accepted it so quickly, Kiyo sighed inwardly, and then said: "Teach you how to arouse these energies more effectively, which is the so-called secret formula."

Kiyo His face immediately became more serious.

"Originally, the secrets were not shared, but we owe Yang Jie's favor. Since he asked you to come here, he just wanted me to teach you.

You have to remember , you must not teach the second person in any way, in any form."

Silence. . . . .

"If I take you as my teacher, is it okay, and I can still accept the discipline to continue teaching?"

After thinking for a while, Tyson felt that he had found a bright spot.

Kiyo was stunned for a while, hey, that seems to be pretty good too.

With one hand resting on his chin, he thought, Tyson's physical fitness is very high, suitable for their Sect, and he is quite good at Pokémon breed, and his future strength is also very strong.

The key is that he is still a commoner, orphans are born, this. . . .

"Wait a minute."

Kiyo greeted embarrassedly and ran back to the locker room.

After a long time, Kiyo came out with a strange look, he just contacted his Master Chuck.

Chuck said he was stupid too, which seems really good when you think about it.

The background is clean, the innate talent is excellent, suitable for their Sect, the key is that the supporters behind it are Nibi, Oak and Joy.

The latter two are impossible to have a conflict with them, and they don't dare. For the former, they and Pewter Gym actually have a good relationship.

Chuck on the other end of the phone was silent for a while, "Wait a minute, I'll go ask Professor Oak, and contact Wu Po and Flint by the way."

"Chuck Master, what's wrong? Is it?"

Besides, a boy's voice, which was very small at first listen, remembered that it was a brown-haired child.

"It's nothing, Gary, you'll do some exercise by yourself first, I'll look for Professional Oak when I have something to do."

Chuck explained to Gary in his training suit, and hurriedly walked towards Professor Oak. 's research room.

Gary frowned, something Chuck Master rarely does.

"Tamaki Tyson, that's the Big Brother from last time, right."

Gary looked thoughtful, and Chuck didn't dodge him on the phone just now, he heard a lot.

“If Kiyo Senior Brother accepts him as Disciple, am I not his Martial Uncle?”

Gary smiled.

Professor Oak's lab.

"That's the situation, Professor Oak, what do you think?"

Chuck explained to Professor Oak and said helplessly.

“Aren’t you excited, or you wouldn’t come to me?”

Professor Oak laughed.

"I'm really excited. From what you know about him and us, you also know how suitable he is for our Sect.

I haven't reacted before, but now I think about it , that child really suits us in every way."

Chuck sighed, decisively admitted this.

He couldn't hide the old man in front, he even thought that this situation was arranged by Professor Oak.

You must know that the Professional Oak when he was young is also similar to the type of muscular men, and he is relatively clear about their secrets.

"Then accept it, that's great, it just so happens that your Sect hasn't accepted Disciple for a long time, so you can accept the apprentice on your behalf."

Professor Oak operated the Disciple in front of him. computer, casually speaking.

"Nanibi's place...""It's okay, Wu Po will know."

Chuck was stunned for a moment, then responded, "Okay!"

Then swift and decisive walked out of the research room and gave instructions to Kiyo.

Professor Rowan walked out of the small room slowly.

"How is it, don't worry?" Professor Oak glanced at his Senior angrily.

Professor Rowan smiled slightly.

"Should that be decided?""Well, the Alliance has approved my proposal.""When?""Right now, the sooner the better."

The two exchanged.

At Fighting Gym in Saffron City.

“Ah.” Kiyo sighed.

What's wrong? Tyson was curious and puzzled. He knew that Kiyo had just called, but why did he sigh.

"Hey." Kiyo was sighed again.

Tyson is so curious that Tickle itches, no, you say.

"Chuck Master said, let you be a teacher." Kiyo's mouth was full of bitterness, and after making a phone call, he came up with a cheap Martial Uncle.

Master? Tyson was stunned for a moment, and then quickly calculated in his mind, Kiyo's master is Chuck's Master, and he is the master of Chuck, which means he is the Junior Brother of Chuck and the Martial Uncle of Kiyo?

His eyes lit up, this is a trick.

"Then how to be a teacher." He looked very excited.

“hu~” Kiyo exhaled, Martial Uncle is Martial Uncle.

Then his expression became serious, looking at the excited Tyson in front of him and said: "I mean he is a teacher and apprentice. The process will be postponed for a while, and I will make it up later, and I will teach you for a while."

The light flashed in his eyes, and suddenly, in Tyson's perception, the imposing manner was full, "I have to tell you. The thing is, we don't have many rules in Sect, but we must not commit crimes or violate morality, otherwise, we will be exiled in light, and serious in..."

Kiyo did not continue, but both of them understood .

Tyson smiled, "Of course not."

Kiyok nods, he still believes it more or less.

In just a short period of time, my master has already investigated Tyson, otherwise it is impossible to make a decision as simple as that.

"Don't go to the black market after that. It's also because of the Pokémon you sell. Except for Butterfree and Pichu, they are all vicious types like Arbok. It's the first to fail."

Kiyo said sullenly.

"Got it, that's my bottom line." Tyson is of course all right.

Otherwise he would have been able to use number zero to catch all kinds of good Pokémon for money.

Kiyo's face is slightly loose, he also knows that orphans are not easy to be born, "I will teach you the secret of our Sect next, you may have to stay here for a while, and then go on a trip."


"Yes, but I'm going to take the Breeder exam later."

Tyson replied .

"It's fine, It shouldn't be affected." Kiyo said after a while.

"Then let's start directly.

First of all, the so-called secret book is actually a summary of people's methods of awakening the energy in the body over the years.

According to Different energies are divided into many different Sects.

Take Yulong Gym as an example, by occupying the Dragon's Den behind them, every descendant of Yulong Gym will enter into it to perceive the energy

Our Sect is more inclined to the development of the body, which is why Teacher wants to take apprentices on behalf of teachers.

From the current point of view, your physical fitness is far from Extraordinary people, even I am inferior.

But high physical fitness does not mean that you have enough controlling ability for your own body.

The first to understand our Sect cheats The first step is to have enough strength control over your body, you don’t need to be able to control it to any extent, but it can’t be as rigid as it is now.

Come and learn from me.”

In Fighting Gym, Tyson keeps following Kiyo in strange poses.

Remember what Bruno said to Ash?

"If there is a big secret, it should be the connection between Pokemon and human minds"

In the next period of time, part of the main line will be involved. Of course, Tyson's role is still not enough. It is too much, there is no way, the strength is weak, and there is no human rights.

Don't think it's fantasy, this is really a derivative setting of the original, Psychic, super power, are all obvious, right, not to mention Ash's Aura.

And the most basic is actually the speciality of the indigenous body. In the world view of Pokémon world, human beings really evolved from Pokémon, just like the theory of evolution.

The time for the next update is uncertain.

(end of this chapter)

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