Pokemon: Trainer Starts As Bounty Hunter Chapter 150


Chapter 150 little fellow

Long before Tyson discovered Trapinch, monitoring The personnel saw it and immediately reported it to their supervisor.

The cubs of the Dragon Type Pokémon Flygon are here, and it's no small thing, and it's their dereliction of duty at a grand scale.

"Bastard, what did you say, remember to check regularly every day, have you done it?

Trapinch, that's Trapinch! Not Durant!

Someone tell me how it lives in it!

Didn't any of you find it? What did Alliance keep you for!"

The supervisor blushed, reprimanded his subordinates.

"Supervisor, this is the Trainer's data."

An employee hurriedly came from outside, holding a file in his hand.

The supervisor took it with anger, "I tell you, Trapinch is subdued, it's not a big deal, because they are subdued normally.

Not to mention, it is a lot for Alliance. A strong Trainer is also a good thing.

But you didn't realize that this is your dereliction of duty, responsible for everyone in the Rock area, I want to see your report and inspection before tonight, very detailed That kind of thing.

I will report this to Alliance, not to mention you, I will be responsible for it."

The displeased supervisor looked at Tyson's file, Gan , there is no way to win over, the backstage of others is harder than them.

Close the information and continue to reprimand your subordinates, all the employees are helpless.

The Trapinch's living habit is to build a garlic-bowl-shaped nest from which there is absolutely no escape, and wait for the prey to fall in. It's the little things.

Unless luck explodes and Trapinch comes out by itself, as it is now, or people looking for it without knowing it is a fantasy story.

And the Rock and the desert are all holes, who knows what's hidden inside.

My supervisor is usually very talkative, but this time it was because Trapinch was too precious to get angry.

"Okay, Jie, calm down."

An old man's voice came.

"Hello, director!" The staff greeted him, and it was the director of the hunting zone, Baoba, who had been notified by the supervisor.

The supervisor moved towards the Slowpoke-like Bauba directly and admitted the mistake: "Sorry principal, this is our work mistake.

I will submit the detailed report to You and the Alliance have made reflections, in addition to taking the blame for you and resigning."

"It doesn't have to be like this, Jie." Baoba called the head, who knows about this, maybe it's a Pokémon who is more cherished It was discovered long ago, but it was Trapinch.

"Also, it's still unknown whether he can capture this Trapinch."

Baubba said while looking at the Pokémon on the screen in front of him.

Everyone is subconsciously nodded, yes, Trapinch is a rather irascible Pokémon with a strong sense of territory. No one has discovered it before, which means that no one has mentioned it to it.

Rushed into the range, just courting death.

"Go on, a team of Guardians will set off and go to the scene, don't disturb, just get ready.

If the opponent is subdued, evacuate directly, and capture if not subdued."

The supervisor on the side arranged it very simply, he didn't care whether Tyson could do it or not, it was better not, so they would be reprimanded at most, and their jobs could still be kept.

Everyone looked at the screen together and prayed to themselves.

Tyson was also very embarrassed. As soon as he approached Trapinch, he was threatened by Trapinch's big mouth.

Although his body is comparable to a Level 15 Pokémon in terms of Level, the battle is not just about his body. It really makes him and Pokémon fight, at least for now, he still thinks too much.

As for giving up, it's certainly impossible.

Flygon, also known as desert Pokémon because of the sound of its wings flapping like a beautiful female singing voice, is also known as the king of the desert.

The sound of its wings is breathtaking, and it confuses Pokémon.

It can flap its wings to lift the sand in the desert to hide its stature. In the wild, it often cooperates with Krookodile to prey.

Red's big eyes are attached with a hemispherical structure, which can be used to prevent wind and sand from blowing into the eyes. If nothing else, Gigalith and its linkage, just thinking about it is enough to make Tyson excited.

Of course he's impossible to give up, even if the cost of raising a Dragon Type Pokémon is high, but at worst you'll owe a debt and pay it back later.

It is not so easy to meet Dragon Type Pokémon.

He pulled a Pokéblock from his backpack, the favorite flavor of the Ground Type Pokémon that had been prepared.

As a Trainer, although I don't think about conquering any Pokémon, everything has to be prepared in advance, isn't it useful?

Moved towards Trapinch cautiously.

Trapinch, who was in Dig, naturally did not forget to be distracted and alert the human next to him. The memory from birth told him that this kind of creature is not a good thing.

Hey, how did he pull out a yellow cube, it smelled weird.

Hey, why did he throw this at me.

Well, it's really delicious.

Trapinch sniffed and gulped disappointingly. It had not eaten anything delicious for a while, and the past few days had been living on sand.

Fortunately, there is no predator Sandile that feeds on it, so it dares to come to the Ground so impudent.

Yes, while the final evolutionary forms Krookodile and Flygon were mutually beneficial working partners, Sandile was fond of preying on Trapinch as a child.

The way to do this is to attack when the overturned Trapinch can't get up.

Because the Trapinch's jaws are so heavy, it's hard to recover if it rolls over accidentally.

Trapinch seemingly inadvertently took a few steps in the direction of the Pokéblock that Tyson had dropped on the ground.

Tyson was overjoyed, fine, and hurried back a few steps in a friendly gesture.

Trapinch looked at it, how could it know that it was deceitful with its simple heart, it was full of joy, this human is still quite well-behaved.

Moved towards Pokéblock again, took a few steps, then stared at Tyson.

Tyson so simply withdrew a few meters away, Trapinch shook his head in satisfaction, and bit down on the Pokéblock.

Oh! Delicious in this Pokémon room.

The unique rustling texture of Ground Type Pokéblock burst in Trapinch's mouth, and Trapinch swears that he has never eaten something so delicious since he was born.

It's also Ground energy, which is much better than dirt and gravel.

“Dong dong.”

This time it was three small cylindrical granules like assorted meat, brown.

This is Pokémon food, because Pokéblock can't eat too much, it's easy to feed, what if you give too much and run away.

Trapinch leaned forward and sniffed it. It felt okay, not as fragrant as before.

But since it was given by the kind human being, it should be good, it thought, and Swallow three Pokémon food in one mouthful.

Well, it's not as delicious as the yellow one just now, but there are a lot of them.

Trapinch's tiny head can still tell the difference between one and three.

In its simple cognition, it is normal that there are few delicious things, otherwise it would not have to eat soil every day.

Tyson throws three Pokémons again, only this time a little closer to him.

Trapinch moved a little closer to Tyson happily.

His heart is getting more and more excited.

Suddenly, his hands stopped and his eyes narrowed, this is. . . ?

Looking around quietly, in his perception, suddenly there are five or six people around.

A hunter's gardener? But it came too late.

Tyson has been prepared for a long time. After all, Pokémon such as Trapinch, the park must have a record.

Pokémon so cherished must be impossible free-range here.

He had doubted for a while before that the place where Dratini existed was also estimated to be watched by a special person. Now it seems that his estimate is definitely correct.

He also intends to take advantage of the other party's absence, and then take it down first. Anyway, as long as it is not subdued violently, they have nothing to say, but now. . . .

Tyson looked at Trapinch, who was still seven or eight meters away from him, Gan, he knew it wasn't that far away.

Trapinch looked at the human not far away in confusion, what is this doing?

Tyson resolutely took back his feeding hand. Since he came, it was unnecessary. Offending the hunting zone was a very unwise choice.

Although it is also possible that the other party does not stop him, but forget it, and it is not without opportunities in the future.

He turned and left.

Trapinch is more sluggish, no, how do you want to walk to walk.

Tyson's silhouette disappeared, and a man dressed as Small Captain behind Rock gave a radio command: "Come on, capture Trapinch."

Although he was wondering why the other party suddenly stopped, But the instructions he received were like this, and the reason for the other party's actions had nothing to do with him.

In the monitoring room, the director of Baoba, who had been at a moderate pace, had a dark face, and the supervisor collapsed directly.

"Is this what you said, the elite who will never be discovered?" The director of Baoba squinted at the supervisor.

"It took a long time to get close, and people found them and immediately evacuated.

This is a hundred times more serious than when he caught Trapinch! What will others think of us!"

The director of Baoba is very angry now, and he is not angry even if Trapinch was not found just now.

Director Jie trembled, half in anger and half in despair.

The anger is that these Guardians are actually found out. Just as the director of Park Bauba said, this is much more serious than Trapinch.

Didn't he say that he also learned hiding skills with Officer Jenny, that's all? That's it?

The desperation is that my job is likely to be lost.

"Report to the supervisor, report to the principal, mission accomplished!"

The door opened, and a team of Small Captains saluted, holding a Poké Ball with Trapinch in his hand.

But there was no compliment, only the director's eyes that wanted to trouble him, and the back of the head of the garden.

"Jie, get ready."

Go back to Tyson.

He has crossed the river area to the final complex.

It's a pity he didn't catch Trapinch, but it's not unexpected, but the park's response was slower than he thought.

It's probably too far away, Tyson thought, too, it takes more than an hour for the entrance to get here, no matter how fast they are, it will take time.

Pokémons will fry the pot by rashly using technology-based vehicles here.

"Little fellow, you have to be careful."

Tyson cautiously wrapped the Pokémon in front of him.

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(end of this chapter)

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