Pokemon: Trainer Starts As Bounty Hunter Chapter 168


Chapter 168 The Busy Life

"Just Ke Ya~!"

Togepi turned around subconsciously when he heard ice cream to eat, not forgetting the last puff in his mouth.

It's still that female human, she wouldn't want to stuff me the ice cream and grab it back? Is she the devil? Togepi struggled to lift his almost neckless head and glanced at his Trainer.

"Don't worry, it's alright, let's eat."

Tyson naturally somewhat knew what his little fellow was thinking, and helplessly moved towards it and said.

After getting along in the past few days, he understood Togepi. Although he looks cute, he has some demonic attributes in his character, so he will feel demonic when he looks at other people's behaviors unconsciously. . . .

Togepi then jumped onto the dining table with confidence, took the ice cream from Bianca's hand and started licking it.

Bianca subconsciously touched its body, but did not dare to touch the crown.

Togepi glanced at it with disgust, forget it, looking at the face of the ice cream, I will give you a chance.

After a few seconds, he jumped back into Tyson's arms decisively.

It's time, woman.

Tyson hugged Togepi and moved towards Bianca apologetically laughed, "This child is a little afraid of life, sorry."

"It's okay, I'm very happy." Bianca's face was full of Excited look.


Tyson's watch beeps.

"My Pokémon has recovered, so I'll go first." Tyson looked at the message and got up to leave.

"Add a friend." Bianca invites.

Tyson has nothing to do with it. After exchanging contact information, he went to Nurse Joy to retrieve his friends.

"Hey, Pyro, did you know there's an Eevee living in Kanto? I'm in Nameless City, the kind that's nearby."

Out of the Pokémon Center, Tyson made a quick call To Pyro, it's the Eevee family after all, they must know a lot about this.

"Huh? You want to breed Eevee, let me tell you, Fire Pokémon is the best, Characteristic Trait or Flash Fire, it's very difficult to deal with civil war.

Also, its flame temperature can reach 1700 degrees, and it can burn everything.

And also..."

Pyro heard this, Regardless of the actual situation, he started shouting.

"No, there is a banquet to attend. I'm thinking about finding a place where Eevee lives, and finding an egg as a Present."

What Tyson said is half true half false.

"Oh, Eevee egg, you can just ask me if I want it, it's not a precious thing anyway."

Hearing that Tyson didn't want to breed himself, Pyro was instantly interested. He lowered his head a lot and replied casually.

"Forget it, I'll go by myself, just tell me where I have it." Tyson rolled the eyes, it's okay if it's not precious, so your family doesn't treat Eevee as Eevee.

"Well, Nameless City, right, I think..." Pyro was obviously rummaging, "I found it, you go out from its west entrance, there is a forest, deep there. It's everywhere."

West, Tyson lifts the head, "Isn't that the Coconut Egg Forest?"

"Ah yes, that's the name, our family caught it from there I came back in one litter, there seems to be a lot, but Aptitude is generally not high, so I didn't go again." Pyro said.

"Okay, I see, go back and continue playing." Tyson chatted with him a few words and hung up the phone.

As a result, it was in the coconut egg forest that I just came out of, and I came back for nothing, Tyson sighed.

It's just right, just recover, and this way, it seems that there is more room for manipulation, he scratched his bangs and thought so.

In the Forest of Coconut Eggs.

The shadows of the trees swirled, and the sunlight passed through the gaps in Leafage, forming a light spot of one after another on the Ground.

Tyson and Gigalith, Blaziken, and the vine snake sitting on their shoulders, cautiously walked through the woods.

At this moment, it has gradually approached the deeper part of the outer periphery of the Forest of Coconut Eggs.

In front of her eyes, a strange path lay in front of her.

"It should be here." Tyson muttered to himself, looked at the photo Pyro sent him, nodded, and affirmed himself.

The road here looks a lot like a key, and at the end of the straight road is a circle.

In the middle of the circle, there are about forty-fifty towering trees forming a small forest. It seems that there is no life in it. Except for the strange shape, there is no feature.


Gigalith's voice was low.

"Are you hiding? No wonder." Tyson nodded slightly.

According to Gigalith, there is indeed the movement of Eevee's life inside, but they are very vigilant and hide from a distance, creating a grove of lifeless here. look.

But Gigalith's perception comes through the Ground, as long as the other party can't fly, it's not a big problem.

"A dozen or so." Tyson sighed after Gigalith probed more closely.

It's impossible to see how this grove can hold so many Eevees.

Thinking about it, Tyson decides to be a demon.

"Blaziken, use the Flamethrower on the woods and drive them to the moss-covered Rock."

After a circle, he ordered.

"Gigalith, you set up the gravity field here to prevent them from running from here."

The two Pokémon nod to show their understanding.

Limited by its own abilities, if Eevee does not evolve, it is difficult to surpass the elite, let alone growing up in this small forest.

Tyson reckons that they generally have average strength, and naturally he is not worried about not being able to beat them.

Togepi in the Luxury Ball stared wide-eyed looking outside.

With a hot red flame sprayed into the woods, the Eevees who had been hiding well immediately ran out.

Under the double pressure, most of the Eevees began to flee according to the route that Tyson had planned for them.

Tyson followed silently with the Pokémon, only occasionally attacking to stimulate them.

It is not required that all Eevees be near a moss-covered Rock, just two or three will do.

Fortunately, I don't know if it's because the Eevee group is a frequent visitor here, bypassing the Exeggutor group along the way, and only a few left behind.

However, as the distance increased, they also became a little confused. Even with Tyson's interference, only five of them finally reached this area.

The rest have long since fled and disappeared.

The Exeggutor near the Rock has been disappeared, which Tyson confirmed in advance, just in case.

As soon as I stepped into the range of Rock, one of the five Eevees had a white light representing evolution.

"Dr. Silk!" Tyson clenched his fists and cheered, which turned on Pokédex's video recording function - halfway through the evolution to start recording, which makes perfect sense.

Soon, the white light dissipated, and a Pokémon with the appearance of a cat and a fox appeared in front of Tyson and several Pokémon.

Its body is brown, its claws are darker, the color between the eyes and ears is similar to claws, the ears and tail are more like leaves, and there are leaves scattered on the body, and a piece in the center of the forehead. The leaves are very long.

The remaining four Eevee stared wide-eyed, they have never seen such a kin, but the smell coming from each other is the Eevee just before evolution.

"Blaziken, use flamethrower on that green Eevee!"

Tyson kept his cool and instructed Blaziken, he's still on the video at the moment, can't he? Just call Leafeon out.

The Eevees hurriedly fled, and as for that strange kin, I can only wish him luck.

However, although it is very strange after evolution, it seems to have become a lot stronger. Let the clansman come here and have a look. Their little heads are also very smart.

The stronger it is, the easier it will be to survive in the wild, and the population will become larger and larger, which is a virtuous circle.

Leafeon, who had just reacted from evolution, was hit by the Fire Element Ability Flamethrower that restrained him before he could adapt to his new body.


It was painfully called out pitifully, but didn't lose the combat capability.

Tyson raised his eyebrows, and before he could speak, Blaziken made up for the second Flamethrower. This time, Leafeon lost the combat capability and passed out on the ground.

Tyson throws the Poké Ball.

The red light flashed, and this time, after swaying on the ground for two seconds, Leafeon was officially subdued.

Picking up the Poké Ball, closing the Pokédex, and turning off the recording function, Tyson was satisfied.

Then, he turned around and left the area without noticing.

As for the Eevee eggs? How could he still have the energy to find this evolution of Eevee that he had never discovered before?

And, Tyson has a better Present to give to someone who's going to a party later.

Almost trotting back to the Pokémon Center in Nameless City, Tyson hummed a song, ignoring the surprised eyes of others, and went straight to the video phone inside the center.

Just as he was about to start a video call, a message alerted his watch.

"Dear Tamaki Tyson Trainer:

Hello! The Sasaki family sincerely invites you to attend."

This is an invitation, followed by its own Teacher 's notice - "Follow your route, it's very close to here, remember to come over quickly!"

Tyson naturally replied "OK" immediately.

The excitement that had just been brewing was destroyed at once, he laughed and continued to make the call.


“Hello, this is Professor Oak, who is it.”

On the screen, there is a bowl of cup noodles , but the voice of Professional Oak echoes through the Pokémon Center.

The Trainers who heard this unique voice turned their heads involuntarily to that remote corner.

"It's me, Tyson, Professor, you're pointing the screen at the cup noodles again." Tyson ignored other people's eyes and complained about Professional Oak.

"Oh! It's Tyson! What are you looking for from me?" The screen shook and Professor Oak's face appeared in the video.

All I could hear was the exclamations of those around me.

Tyson's expression didn't change, "Professor Oak, please take a look at the video I sent you first."

"Video?" Professor Oak asked in confusion, " You wait, I'll take a look."

He suddenly had a hunch that since the last time he discovered the Cranidos fossil, Tyson, the little fellow, was going to surprise himself again.

Thanks to Amos Young for giving Pidgeot 100 coins.

Thanks for the 500 starting point coins for the character Monarch Snake.

Thanks for the 1500 starting coins for the reward under the Qingming rain.

Thanks to Kutian Handi for the 100 starting point coins.

As for the reward, I will make a post to talk about it later, but there is still a difference.

By the way, and Sabrina, her Future Sight is not as exaggerated as you think, there are hints.

(end of this chapter)

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