Pokemon: Trainer Starts As Bounty Hunter Chapter 17


Chapter 17 Formal Training and the Beginning of the Torchic Nightmare

“Chamo !"

Torchic also responded energetically.

It is eager to have a try to move the body.

In these 20 days of life, Torchic can't wait to become stronger, which is what every god rare treasure is keen on.

Tyson told Torchic about today's training in advance last night. Torchic was also confidently flapping his wings, indicating that he was completely fine.

Tyson looked at Torchic, who was just laughed.

In his plan, the first 20 days of his birth may have been the easiest 20 days of Torchic's life.

After all, it only needs to eat he he every day, plus it is noisy, sleeps when tired, as long as it is responsible for nutritional supplements.

It's just that starting from today, this little fellow everyday all must, like its senior Pidgeot, complete the hard training regularly and quantitatively.

After all, in this world, everyone cares about their rare treasures, but that doesn't mean they won't suffer.

Only hard training can make your Pokémon stronger.

This is also the origin of the name of God's rare treasure Bei Trainer.

Tyson also wondered how his Pokémon became stronger according to the way Ash didn't train in the animation in his previous life.

This is completely inconsistent with objective laws and facts.

All strength is accumulated little by little.

Even if it costs money, it will take long-term training to convert the energy brought by resources into strength.

Otherwise it is only strong in appearance but weak in reality.

It can only be said that animation is always animation, not the real world.

"Hope this little fellow at first lasts long enough." Tyson thought to himself.

After all, it was the same when he at first raised Pidgey.

Although he wanted to become stronger, the little child always wanted to back down, and Pidgey couldn't hold on many times during the training process.

It wasn't until training became a habit that Pidgey didn't complain.

This also has a certain relationship with Pokémon's character. Tyson only hopes that his Torchic will not be sorry for its champion's Aptitude, at least not the type who does not want to become stronger in ten-thousand does not have one.

Otherwise Tyson would have to consider himself unlucky.

But after getting along for so many days, Tyson has been educating Torchic, and he is still full of confidence in Torchic.

"Then the first workout of the day is running."

Tyson pointed into the distance.

"The distance back and forth is about 10 kilometers, and it's me and you running together."

Trainer trains with the god rare treasure shell, which can effectively improve the distance between the two. Intimacy and fetters, not to mention Tyson itself needs to exercise.

"Just!" Torchic waved his wings excitedly when he heard his own Trainer say so, and naturally agreed.

For Torchic, running this thing is something that is naturally good at. It has to run around at home every day, not to mention running with his own Trainer, it is even more interesting.

And ten kilometers, that is, sprinkle water, Torchic is quite confident, although it doesn't even know how to count.

Torchic can't wait to signal the start of his Trainer.

Tyson took out a dark mass of objects from the side, which was part of the training suit he bought for Torchic at the Devon Group, a weight suit.

"You're going to run in this."

Torchic tilted his head and watched as his Trainer put on a weird outfit for himself, and then put it on his chest. Bright spots come and go.

Tyson is setting the weight of this suit, fine-tuning the difference in each position according to the data of No. 0.

Originally, this set of heavy-duty clothes German company has a set of data built-in, and the normal Trainer can be used directly after buying it.

But Tyson has a zero number, and Torchic's development is far superior to its peers. The built-in data of Devon is not accurate, so you need to adjust it yourself.

Tyson finishes adjusting the data and confirms the value to indicate that Torchic can start.

Torchic moved his body a bit, but he didn't feel anything wrong, but he was a little heavier, and then he ran up and down.

Tyson asked Pidgeot who was on the side to follow to look at Torchic.

Torchic is so fast now, just because its development is really good and its physical strength is sufficient, it will soon suffer.

Tyson ran slowly at his own pace, and it didn't take long before he saw Torchic's silhouette.

At this point, Torchic started to feel that something was wrong, he started to pant heavily, and his clothes seemed to be getting heavier and heavier.

Torchic never thought running would be so tiring, his legs were somewhat numb.

Tyson laughed inwardly as Torchic started to slow down.

Let you little fellow not care about the weight, the black technology of the German weight clothes is not so simple.

It looks no different from ordinary clothes. In fact, it is a weight-bearing room that you can carry with you. It is similar to a gravity field.

It should be known that the weight data given by No. 0 is not given casually. It combines Torchic's physical condition and limits, which can maximize the effect of exercise without causing physical damage.

Tyson looked at the data. It is now more than three kilometers. It is estimated that Torchic's physical strength can barely complete the goal.

Tyson at a moderate pace follows Torchic to cheer him on.

"Come on, Torchic! Pay attention to the coordination of breathing and footsteps."

Torchic clenched his teeth and nodded while listening to his Trainer's voice.

Torchic slowed his breathing, adjusted his rhythm, and started running with his Trainer.

On the way back to the back garden of his home, Tyson stopped and took a deep breath. For him, this is just a normal warm-up, and Torchic's speed is not fast for the time being.

“Just Mo!”

But Torchic is different.

As soon as Tyson stopped, Torchic sat down battered and exhausted, gasping for breath, his feathers a little messy with his sweat.

The drying physique that comes with Fire Element Pokémon doesn't work anymore, so you can imagine how tired Torchic is.

Tyson helped Torchic remove the weight suit and let Torchic rest on the ground for a while.

After all, Pokémon and humans have different physiques, and don't need to buffer for a while after exercising like humans.

I was fed some juice from Oran Berry, and after about half a minute, Torchic regained some of his energy.

Tyson moved over the chair, put Torchic on his lap, and started giving Torchic a simple post-workout massage using the massage pattern given by Number Zero.

This is the way that No. 0 recovers and stimulates the growth of Pokémon based on various data and information, and there is a corresponding massage technique after each First Rank training.

Torchic was still tired, but after being massaged by his Trainer, his whole body became relaxed.

My legs, which were still sore just now, are gradually recovering.

Torchic felt really comfortable with Tyson's attentive massage technique and the right amount of pressure.


little fellow sent out a very refreshing Growl, indicating that his Trainer did a good job.

For investment, for collection, for recommendation! ! !

Anything! !

(end of this chapter)

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