Pokemon: Trainer Starts As Bounty Hunter Chapter 174


Chapter 174 Waiting and Entering

Tyson quickly reacted, Whether it is in the animation of previous life or in the legend of this life, the time when the Garden of Wonders appears is at night.

Ash's Bulbasaur ran out in the middle of the night, and the time when the mysterious garden appeared in the legend was also related to the stars and the moon.

However, because the blooming of the sun halo flower is more convenient for reference, so, even for him, subconsciously, it is regarded as an incredible garden that has been appearing all the time.

Besides, normal Grass Type Pokémon evolve to become stronger, don't they all need sunlight, so in his concept, the incredible garden should start when the sun is the hottest.

Now it seems, it should not be.

No wonder the previous records were that the trainer and Pokémon who had entered the Wonderful Garden came out of the forest at noon on the third day.

Presumably, the Garden of Wonders will only be open for a period of time on the evening of the second day.

They tacitly kept the matter under wraps, Tyson judged.

Then he sat down.

Since it only opens at night, he doesn't think that with the power of himself and Pokémon, he can break through the vine wall in front of him now, so he might as well rest for a while.

It won't run with long legs anyway.

Seeing Tyson's actions, several Pokémon quickly understood what he meant.

"Just yay!"

With Togepi's cheer, he and the rattan snake began to play again.

This time, Pidgeot and Blaziken, who had already rested, also joined in.

Only Gigalith, who has a more calm personality, stood silently on the side, both vigilant and resting.

"Tsk, you're a little cuter as a kid."

Tyson bent his feet, patted Gigalith's legs with his hands, and said with a smile.

Gigalith silently turned his head to look at him, then turned back.

It seems to say nothing, and it seems to say everything.

Tyson rolled the eyes: "Praise you, why are you still shy."


"Okay, not shy, then Why are your crystals bright, you are thinking of spring?"


"Okay, no, then you"

Tyson relies on his own Knowing about Gigalith makes it easy to tease.

Gigalith is mild-mannered, steady, reassuring in big matters, and extremely good at taking care of other companions, but is a bit introverted.

Or, rather than being introverted, it's more boring.

At least that's what Tyson thinks.

After two hours of "playing" with his Chatter, Gigalith couldn't take it anymore.

It directly shrunk the feet and head into it and became a real hidden azure Rock.

But in this case, Gigalith can still have a clear perception of the outside, so it is just cover one's ears whilst stealing a bell.

Tyson laughed again when he saw its movements, and at the same time stopped teasing decisively. If this goes on, Gigalith will probably ignore him until dinner time.

Enough is enough, enough is enough.

He simply leaned against its body, closing his eyes and resting.

After more than ten minutes, Gigalith, who finally felt that he was much cleaner, slowly unfolded his body again, restoring his heavy and huge body.

Sighed silently in my heart, hey, it's too difficult.

Tyson with his eyes closed suddenly spoke again: "The change of gravity ability, you have almost reached the current limit.

The main content of the next stage is Bulldoze, Stomping Tantrum and Earthquake are used continuously for the connection of three abilities, especially Earthquake. At present, for the former two, your stiffness after use is about 1.5 seconds, but the latter data is almost doubled.

This is relatively inconsistent with its energy output.

It may be caused by the difference in energy conduction in your previous Boldore period. The first point is when you use sunlight to collect energy. Second point. Three points.

Then there are the two Characteristic Traits of blowing sand and the power of sand, which I emphasized when you were still Roggenrola. Blindly developing sandstorms does not mean that you are right. You're in your favor.

Especially in the face of a Water Type Pokémon that restrains you, sandstorms can seriously affect your solar beam's energy gathering speed and formidable power.

Although relying on With the crystallization of energy, your ability to collect sunlight is extremely powerful, and you can also maintain formidable power to a certain extent, but the consumption of yourself is too large, and the loss outweighs the gain.

At present, you are very concerned about the sand. The mastery of force has reached the threshold of basic introduction, but there are still some omissions in the control of sand blowing.

From the point of view of the speed of sand blowing and the formidable power of the controlled sandstorm, your current problem appears In."

It was boring anyway, and Tyson discussed his training and combat with Gigalith again.

This lecture is just over an hour.

"Anyway, take your time and improve little by little." He concluded as follows.

Gigalith silently nodded.

From the perspective of pure energy level, the gap between Gigalith and Pidgeot and Blaziken is actually not too big. Even because of the particularity of the body, Gigalith's logistical reserves are better than both of them.

But from a combat perspective, both Pidgeot and Blaziken could easily defeat Gigalith without a command.

The latter is purely innate talent suppression, until now, the championship-level Aptitude is more prominent than other Pokémon in many ways.

Whether it is the growth rate of energy, the speed of physical development, the efficiency of profit after training, or the ability to master the new Ability, Blaziken is obviously the strongest one in the team.

So, even though it started breeding more than a year later than Pidgeot, Blaziken is still getting closer to its strength.

Pidgeot benefits from the previous solid foundation - more because of poverty, so the mastery and control of energy, including the use of Ability, have their own characteristics and characteristics.

Coupled with its dexterity and speed as a Flying Type Pokémon, it goes without saying.

Of course, this is also related to different positioning and development directions.

A lot of Gigalith hasn't worked out yet.

It's not that the cost of Tyson is different in terms of breed, but the innate talent of each Pokémon decides that even if they work hard to digest resources, it will take time.

Tyson has only really understood the benefits of champion Aptitude until now.

Just like the difference between learning Celestic in the previous life, the difference between the 150 points in the test is that one person's ability is like this, while the other person is because of the limitation of the score itself.

The Pokémon of the champion Aptitude, if placed in the Pokemon game, is equivalent to that the individual value is full in this race, the effort value will always be the maximum value, and the EXP will be obtained more.

Every Level 1 is a little bit worse, and the accumulation is not a small amount. Even more how, every time you increase your strength level, the strength gap of every point will only become larger.

After communicating with Gigalith, Tyson looked up at the sun in the sky. It was almost evening, and the strength of the setting sun had already become weak.

As for the other four Pokémons, they were already tired from playing, and Vine Snake and Togepi fell directly into Pidgeot's arms. At Rest, Blaziken also leaned against Pidgeot's back to rest.

"It's dinner~"

As Tyson knocked on the rice bowl, five pairs of eyes opened and looked towards him at the same time.

After eating, standing in front of the vine wall, time passed minute by minute, when the moon completely replaced the position of the sun, a magical scene happened.

In front of the vine wall, the vines slide, and the entwined and connected appearance no longer exists, and they are retracted into the earth's crust one by one.

Tyson looked at the scene in front of him that was twisting like a thousand snakes, face doesn't change, that is, the cold hair stands upright.


With a simple command, one person and five Pokémon moved towards the inside.

When the last Gigalith stepped in, the vine walls were reassembled.


Ignoring the shock and thinking about how to get out, in the team, there is only one Grass Type Little Princess Vine Snake, with green rays emitting from all over her body of light.

Stunned, it hurriedly called its Trainer.

"It's okay, don't panic, it's a good thing, it doesn't hurt." Tyson comforted Fujiteng Snake.

Indeed, immediately after the green light appeared, No. 0 had already begun to analyze according to the existing knowledge.

Now, the state of the rattan snake on the panel is like this - the rattan snake (Life Energy is abundant, and the status is continuously improving).


Teng Veng Snake heard what her Trainer said, and quickly calmed down, feeling the changes in her body, as if she was indeed more comfortable.

Tyson looked all around, the change was impossible, there had to be a reason.

But unfortunately, he didn't find it.

"Just yee!"

At the same time, the Togepi in Tyson's arms has also changed, but unlike the green light on the rattan snake, Togepi emits a white light.

Tyson frowned, doesn't it mean that only Pokémon with grass Attribute can harvest something here in the Garden of Wonders, why can Togepi of Normal Type also, or is it because of Togepi's potential Fairy Type?

His mind kept turning.

Soon, the rays of light on their bodies gradually dimmed, but they still flickered.

I don't know if it's back to normal, or the zero can't be observed. At this time, there is no difference between the two information on the panel and usual.

Tyson's expression didn't change. If he wanted to know what happened to the Items body, he could go out and talk about it. The problem now is that he seems to be trapped here with his own Pokémon.

Looking back at the road, it was already the Yellow vine wall in the afternoon.


Tyson simply called out.

Although no specific instructions were given, Blaziken responded immediately, spitting out a pillar of fire that shot directly at the wall.


The flames scattered, but the walls did not change.

"Da Na~", "Da Na~ Hu"

Outside the wall, the very familiar Growl came.

Tyson and the Pokémons stand together deftly, with Gigalith's huge body in front, Blaziken and himself standing parallel behind him, and Pidgeot flying in the air.

Two little fellows were sandwiched in the middle, observing the surroundings from the gap.

The small opening opened, and groups of Bulbasaur marched in neat queues and shouted.

The next chapter is at 5pm.

(end of this chapter)

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