Pokemon: Trainer Starts As Bounty Hunter Chapter 193


Chapter 193 Remains

Alliance calendar 139 years, November eleventh.

This is the second day after Tyson received Ye Zang's invitation.

He was sitting on a special bus from Viridian to Bohol.

Yesterday afternoon, he challenged the Crimson Gym and got the Crimson Badge. It was a Yellow Maple Leaf Badge, and it was pretty good looking.

As for the process, it can only be said to be mediocre.

Gigalith and the combination of Ivy Snake, using the advantage of Attribute and the suppression of innate talent, the Gym battle through Normal's official Gym has no pressure at all.

He sat in his seat by the window, admiring the white scene outside, which is extremely rare in the Kanto Region.

This is a snow scene.

Most parts of the Kanto Region are spring-like throughout the year, and even at this point in time, Ochre Woods, near the Southern Region, is just getting a hint of autumnal coolness.

However, the further north you go, especially as you get to the far north bordering part of Mt. Coronet in Sinnoh, the weather gets colder.

In the Viridian Forest Northwest, there are quite a few Snow Mountains, and the town of Mint is built under one of the Snow Mountains called Mt. Snowfall.

Tyson was curious about what kind of a game it was going to be played there, and this place is not famous.

Although snow viewing is a good choice, Kanto people don't like the cold by nature, so running to Snow Mountain is a terrible thing.

And if you really want to see snow, wouldn't it be better to go directly to Sinnoh.

You can tell by looking at the bus on this special line. Except for the driver, there are only passengers in small groups, and the airbus rate is extremely high.

Tyson doubts whether the other party's trip is worth the cost.

"The town of Mint is here, please get off the bus, all passengers, and congratulations on your pleasant journey here."

The sound of the electronic broadcast sounded, and Tyson got off the bus through the back door.

The first feeling was that it was so cold, especially the exposed face and hands. The cool wind was blowing on it like a skating blade.

But fortunately, he was wearing an expedition suit with a built-in constant temperature function, and other parts of his body did not feel cold at all.

The weather in this world is so extreme that Tyson can't help but secretly complain. This is the first time he has experienced cold in more than ten years.


He swung the Luxury Ball, but again, don’t forget, this world has creatures like Pokémon.

After Blaziken came out, he consciously aroused the Fire Element Energy in his body, raising the temperature of it and the environment around Tyson to quite high.

The most important thing is to block the biting cold wind.

Tyson rubbed his face, and seemed to freeze for a while.

Of course, this is just his illusion, his physical fitness is as strong as him, unless he runs naked here and doesn't eat or drink for a long time, he may fall into weakness.

"Hello? I'm here, where are you?" Tyson called Ye Zang and said angrily.

"Isn't it at the bus stop, wait a minute, I'll let someone pick you up." Ye Zang replied.

It's not that Tyson didn't notify Ye Zang in advance, but that there is no fixed time for this bus, and the speed of the bus is entirely up to the driver's own mind.

Shortly after hanging up the phone, an extended and enlarged version of the luxury off-road vehicle slowly drove up to Tyson and stopped by the roadside of the platform.

"Hello, it's Master Tyson Young, Master Ye Zang Young let me pick you up."

A middle-aged man dressed as steward smiled politely, moved towards Tyson greeted and stepped out of the driver's seat, opening the door on his side for Tyson.

"Well, okay, thanks," Tyson responded, and got into the car with Blaziken.

The off-road vehicle drove smoothly, and soon came to the front of a hotel with a very retro appearance except for the big one.

"Bertha Inn"

Its sign is most prominently displayed.

Bertha? Tyson's expression moved, Sinnoh's Ground Elite? That's only one Ground Type Elite Four.

She and Kanto Region's Agatha Elite are very similar in appearance and name, so there are many rumors that the two are actually sisters.

The person who first spread this concept was Unova's Ghost Type Elite Four, Wan Long.

This is a well-known female bestselling novelist from the Unova Region.

Speaking of which This association, the real source, or from Wanlong and her two little sisters chatting about gossip when they were on a summer beach vacation.

As the name suggests, discuss the details of the novel.

As for why Tyson knows, because Wanlong's two little sisters, one is Cattleya, Unova Psychic Type Elite Four, and the other is Shirona.

He stumbled on this last time he was chatting with Shirona.

It can only be said that although Shirona is only interested in researching history and Pokémon at first glance, at most Ryō, but privately chatting about gossip is endless.

"Lord Agatha and Lord Bertha are not related by blood, but because of this, the two adults are so similar, so the relationship is very good, maybe it's fate."

The middle-aged steward took Tyson towards the hotel, "This shop is indeed opened by Bertha Elite, and I occasionally come here to live because I am not used to the climate in Kanto."

It's very clear what's on Tyson's mind.

"Ah, I'm a little rude." Tyson said apologetically, probably because his expression just now was too unnatural, "Do you know what Ye Zang asked me to do?"

He immediately changed the subject.

"Many Young Masters and Young Ladies came here curious about the relationship between the two adults, you are not the first." steward said with a smile, "As for Ye Zang Young Master looking for It's up to him to explain your affairs."

He stopped at the door of a room and knocked on the door, "Master Ye Zang Young, Master Tyson Young has arrived."

"Come here." With Ye Zang's response and footsteps, the door was opened.

"Come on, come with me." He didn't say hello, he directly pulled Tyson and went into the room, "Uncle Huiji has worked hard for you, help me close the door of the room."

Tuiji steward bowed slightly and closed the door of the room.

"No, you can tell me exactly what's going on. Hey, I just came over after a doubles match. You have to thank me?"

Tyson broke free from Ye Zang's hand , with his hands in his pockets, he was very lazy.

The two quickly walked to the living room of the room, where a large floor-to-ceiling window made it extremely bright.

Two cups of hot tea are smoking on the table.

Sit down and drink tea.

"About ten years ago, some members of our family discovered a special ruin here."

Ye Zang's first sentence mentioned Tyson's interest .

“en?” complied back through his nose, signaling him to speak quickly.

Ye Zang didn't care about his attitude, "There are a group of Ghost Type Pokémon living inside, led by a Gengar, and a group of Golbats, of course, except for Gengar, other strengths are not. It's strong.

So it went very smoothly, and the exploration of this ruins was completed.

At this point, the entire ruins are actually normal, nothing special, and even the resources are still very poor.

However, there was a stone tablet inside that aroused the curiosity of the investigators.

The stone tablet had no words on it, but on the base below it, there were O and X marks respectively.

When an investigator put his hand on it, he triggered the mechanism, and a bunch of ancient text suddenly appeared on the stone tablet, meaning roughly 'Omastar has five thorns on his back?'


Combining the following two marks, the prober understands that the question should be answered, which is not difficult.

After choosing the right one, a bluebell emerges from the stone tablet.

After research, it is found that an unknown space transfer technology should be used. As long as you answer the questions correctly, you can get rewards.

And there are only six opportunities to answer the questions every year. The stone tablet didn't respond anymore.

So my grandma made a rule to hold an intra-family doubles battle every year, and the six people who got the top three could go in and answer the questions to get rewards.

That's about it."

He looked at Tyson.

Tyson rubbed his temples and complained: "One thing to say, your story is really not very good."

Anyway, it is simply a The award-winning answer organ is quite interesting.

Bluebells are a great tonic for some Ghost Type Pokémons, and are quite rare and precious.

As for the unknown space transfer technology, this is not unusual at all.

Pokémon world is a very strange world, and it is also reflected in science and technology.

Except for the black technology related to Pokémon, most of the scientific and technological development is based on the data obtained from ancient historical relics or the separation of physical products.

In other words, in some technologies, modern times are far behind the ancient times.

Take Tyson's previous exploration of the ruins in the middle of Vermilion City and Lavender Town. The energy guard at the door is his unheard-of.

If modern Pokémon society had this, Trainers wouldn't have to worry about getting hurt by the aftermath of Pokémon battles when they were commanding from the sidelines.

Even with the addition of battle platforms, there are still a lot of hapless Trainers getting hit by Pokémon attacks every year.

After all, when you command your Pokémon to use the dodge skill and it succeeds, if the position is correct, the attack is aimed at the Trainer who was originally standing behind the Pokémon.

"Okay, then I'm even more okay with it, but why do you have to find me? Can't you find your classmates?"

Tyson asked Ye Zangdao curiously.

"Don't mention it, the school has assigned us different tasks, and they are all busy to death. I still managed to stay up all night for three days to complete the task ahead of schedule."

As soon as I mentioned this, Ye Zang's expression immediately became painful. Presumably this task must be very difficult to do.

As for friends other than classmates, with Ye Zang's identity and character, that's really not many.

There are quite a few people who want to be friends with him, but whether Ye Zang recognizes it or not is another matter.

Let's not mention potential and strength for the time being, all those who came to him as the grandson of Agatha Elite were directly turned back by him.

"By the way, what's the name of that ruin?" Tyson curiously asked.


Ye Zang dipped in some tea and wrote these words on the table.

"Truth?" Tyson read it out.

"Accurately speaking, it's the truth."

It's the Tanabata Festival soon, ε=(ο`*))) alas.

Thanks to the book friend 20210704080024791 for the 100 starting point coins.

Thanks to the reader 1341241932259172353 for the 100 starting point coins.

There should be another update in the evening, and then work hard tomorrow. . It will take a while for me to adjust my work and rest after a burst. . Update estimates are not stable during this time, but try your best.

(end of this chapter)

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