Pokemon: Trainer Starts As Bounty Hunter Chapter 195


Chapter 195 has no tacit understanding

“ Nicho~"

Machamp cried out in pain.

Even if Night Slash is a Dark Type Ability, the damage is not that serious for a pure Fighting Type Machamp, but the strength gap between the two is there.

Pawniard's attack power has exceeded the limits of what Machamp can defend against.

And as the name suggests, Night Slash is an Ability that is extremely easy to attack the opponent's vitals. In the situation just now, Machamp can't avoid this result, further increasing the damage.

It one-knee kneels fell to the ground, thwarted.

Blaziken, who was very uncomfortable being smashed to the ground, also used Machamp's frustration time to break free from its four arms that controlled him.

I hurriedly rolled back and stood up.

"Watch out, three o'clock, Double Kick!"

Tyson's hurried reminder sound and the command suddenly sounded.

Blaziken not even think raised his leg with a Double Kick, moved towards the direction Tyson said.

It doesn't know what happened, but it trusts Tyson.

"dong dong"! ”

Two dull clicks.

Sandslash flew backwards.

It was Sandslash that used the conventional combination of Defense Curl and Rollout. When I got to Blaziken's side, I wanted to sneak attack.

Thanks to Ye Zang commanding Pawniard's quick clearance, Tyson was able to command Blaziken to counterattack in time.

It is also for this reason, even if Defense Curl increases the formidable power of Rollout, and Blaziken's Double Kick can easily interrupt Sandslash's Rollout without long-term energy accumulation.

Otherwise, no matter how much Wait for a while, let Sandslash's Rollout formidable power stack up, either Pawniard or Blaziken, it's probably hard to stop it.

The four Pokémon on the field are scattered in different positions.

Sandslash was kicked far away by Blaziken, and a Pokémon was rising from the ground alone.

And Machamp formed a triangular relationship with Blaziken and Pawniard.

Pawniard Immediately back after the Night Slash hit, with both the cunning of Dark Type and the bravery of Steel Type.

But not too far away.

"Blaziken, Flamethrower ! "Pawniard, Iron Head! "

Tyson and Ye Zang both issued orders at the same time, and then they felt bad.

Sure enough, the situation on the field developed as they expected.

Blaziken spit out a long pillar of fire from his mouth, moved towards Machamp who still didn't stand up and attacked.

This was a very good choice, because the opponent couldn't resist because of the damage. At times, use long-distance output for further consumption.

If nothing else, Machamp can even lose its combat capability.

However, Ye Zang's Pawniard is not far away. Due to the distance attack capability, he wanted to make Machamp lose the combat capability and could only use the melee attack method, so he directed the Iron Head attack.

And because of the distance, Pawniard first With one step, white light emanating from the top of his head, with a sharp blade-like part on his head, fiercely collided with Machamp.


Machamp yelled. For a second, before it could react, red's Flamethrower hit it again.

But within a second or two, it lost its combat capability and fell to the ground with its vortex-like eyes.

Looking at this, the commanding result of the two is quite good.

At least in the doubles, if one of the opponent's Pokémon falls, then the victory can be said to be almost certain.

However, when Flamethrower attacks Machamp, it inevitably affects Pawniard.

After all, this is not a game, and it can also enable teammates to avoid injury.


Pawniard was restrained by Fire Element, even if it was only affected, the damage was not small.

It looked towards Blaziken rather unhappily.

“ Hey. "

Tyson and Ye Zang are sighed in sync.

They naturally know where the problem is.

It's mainly their command and fighting style. Not quite the same.

The choices in different situations tend to be different.

This also has something to do with the Pokémon you own.

Ye Zanghui The two bodyguards immediately took back their Pokémon and moved towards the direction of the treatment room.

Tyson and Ye Zang did the same, taking back Blaziken and Pawniard.


The two of them walked behind at a moderate pace, their Pokémon injuries were not serious, just a lot of physical exhaustion.

"It seems that Blaziken and Pawniard are not either. So fit. "

Ye Zang has a rather gloomy expression.

"Well, there is a big difference in the fighting style. "Tyson is also frowned." Blaziken prefers to use melee to suppress pressure and then use long-range to consume, usually two or three times, the opponent can't support it.

And your Pawniard is more accustomed to the continuous attack, forcing the opponent to reveal the weak spot, and then strike the enemy. "

"Well, and our two choices are really different, we can't say who is good and who is bad, it's all because we are used to getting along with our respective Pokémon." "

Ye Zang added.

"The game starts tomorrow, right?" "Tyson double-checked.

"Well, and it's a single knock-out competition system, so soon, in grandma's words, luck is also part of strength. "Ye Zang said.

"Then if it's an eleven group, someone will definitely take a first round bye.

In this way, the top three can be determined after one more round, which is really fast. "

The two talked and handed their Pokémon to the support staff in charge of the treatment.

"You two, do you think the problem we just had is a big one?" "Ye Zang asked the bodyguard who fought with them before.

Do you like humiliating yourself so much, Tyson's face turned green.

"Uh. . In fact, it's okay, the Pokémon of the two Young Masters are very strong. ”

They looked at each other so replied.

Strong strength means that there is no tacit understanding, Tyson said he understands, who wouldn’t say such a thing .

“The tacit understanding of doubles cannot be cultivated in a short time.

Generally speaking, it requires at least one year of daily interaction, such as eating, drinking, sleeping together, and having a detailed understanding of the other party's Pokémon to be considered qualified. "

A bodyguard said so.

These two are not Normal bodyguards that Ye Zang chose at random.

They are twin brothers.

This was observed by Tyson at first, so it is reasonable to have such a high degree of tacit understanding.

Otherwise, even if the average person pays more attention to doubles, there will be no such situation.

"Tsk, I'm running out of time, let's level up with the game, it seems that I'm going to soak in the battle field this afternoon. "

Ye Zang looked at Tyson helplessly and said.

"Really, you must treat me to a good dinner." "Tyson said fiercely.

"ALevel 5 natural steak, how about it? Keep you satisfied. "

Ye Zang promised.

As for the ingredients, this is Bertha Elite's small shop, what do you want, it's not Normal's in such a remote town Little broken hotel.

It's just that the average person at that price is definitely not willing to try it.

"Let's go, let's go, continue. "

Tyson took his Blaziken's Poké Ball from the medical staff, moved towards Ye Zang and greeted.

"Then I'll ask the two of you this afternoon." Ye Zang moved towards the two bodyguards very sorry.

"It's okay, it should be. "

The entire group grandiose goes to the battlefield again.

"Yo, isn't this Xiaoyezo? ”

The unfamiliar frivolous voice sounded, and a pretty boy with oily and pink noodles came out of a corner and bumped into them.

He covered his mouth with one hand and chuckled, while fighting with Ye Zang. Greetings.

In Tyson's mind, at this moment, all the intrigues and parental shortcomings that the descendants of the Great Family should have have been filled.

"Yo, Big Brother, this year You are so early. "

But Ye Zang's reaction was completely different from what he imagined. Instead, the smile on his face was very sincere, and the jokes between words were also very accustomed.

"Hey, don't say it, I was scolded by my father last time I came late, and I went back and cut off my pocket money for three months, it's uncomfortable. "

He sighed.

Then looked towards Tyson, "Yo, who is this Little Handsome Brother, Xiaoye Zang feels to introduce to me." "

"Brother Dajie, don't scare him." "Ye Zang said helplessly, "This is the partner I invited to join me in tomorrow's doubles match. We are preparing for training." "

He didn't mean to introduce Tyson to this big brother.

"Okay, okay, then I won't bother you, come on~"

The big brother waved his sleeves and left freely.

"That's my uncle's son, um, don't look weird, he's a nice guy, and he's already married. .

This time he will also participate in the doubles battle, but according to his habit, he should randomly pull someone from the bodyguard team. "

Ye Zang's moved towards Tyson explained that face doesn't change.

"Ha, that's really unique." "Tyson laughed dryly.

"It's okay, he won't do anything to you. "Doesn't that sound weirder? I always feel like you're intimidating me. "

Amidst a happy laughter and cheerful voices, Tyson and Ye Zang started a doubles assault training.

"I really am, how can there be such a mindless charge like you Yeah, can't you use your brain?

Are you bored enough to try a Pawniard's blade not sharp? Then I suggest switching its whetstone to your brain next time. "

"Brainless charge? Didn't you see how good the opportunity was just now? It's you, what do you mean by not directing Blaziken to cover? "

"Cover? Please, how do you cover from that angle? It should be consumed from a distance first, so you can't restrain yourself?

Don't start the game without thinking and rush up, okay? Your Pawniard doesn't have ranged abilities, Blaziken does. "

Obviously, Tyson, who had honored xxs in Zaan's 18th year in his last life, was a complete victory.

At least in terms of mystifying, Ye Zang was very angry with him.

However, that's all, the two of them continued their training and cooperated more and more tacitly.

After all, they are not stupid.

It's just that I'm not used to it at first.

The first day I came to Mint Town, it just passed.

"Well, everyone. It's all my own, so I won't say much about the rules, let's come up and draw lots. "

Wait for me..I'm dying

(end of chapter)

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