Pokemon: Trainer Starts As Bounty Hunter Chapter 200


Chapter 200 Coaching Battle

In the battle field behind Professor Oak's Laboratory .

A group of researchers is watching.

The two on the field were Chuck and Tyson.

Tyson suddenly felt a little nervous.

Many of the people here are acquaintances. It is certain to lose, but it is too ugly to be ridiculed.

"Then, Chuck vs. Tyson, Coaching battle, officially begins, Chuck starts Pokémon!"

Professor Oak happily took the judge's seat.

"Press forward, go, Machamp!" Chuck threw the Poké Ball.

A few black lines appeared on Tyson's forehead, "Senior Brother, is it necessary?"

"Hehehe, Coaching, the stronger my Machamp, the more I can see it. Blaziken isn't enough."

Chuck put his hands on his belt, posing exactly like Machamp.

Tyson says this because Machamp is Chuck's Trump Card Pokémon, no one.

"And don't worry, Machamp has restrained himself, send Blaziken out now."

Chuck urged.

The belt on Machamp's body at this time is not his original match, but his degenerate form Machoke.

In this case, its strength will be greatly limited.

"Burn it up, Blaziken!"

Tyson rubbed his face and threw out Blaziken's Poké Ball in an imposing manner.

Don't get me wrong, it wasn't that he deliberately wanted to shout such a slogan from the second.

It's more effective to improve the tacit understanding and bond between Trainer and Pokémon.

That's what Chuck told him, and Professional Oak agreed.

While Tyson remains skeptical about the matter, tentatively give it a try.

Outside the crowd, Gary pulled Ash's eyes and came close, his cheap Martial Uncle was about to be beaten by the Master.

This event is not to be missed.

"You go first." Chuck and Machamp's movements did not change in the slightest, but remained the same. "Otherwise, I wouldn't see your problem."

Tyson nods and is not polite.

"Blaziken, Sword Dance, Bulk Up, Focus Energy, Laser Focus!"

I'm really not polite at all. At present, there are four things that Blaziken can master to strengthen themselves. Ability is used directly.

Even if it wasn't for Blaziken's current level of mastery, he couldn't stack up a second time, Tyson would want to do another round.

Well, now that the release speed is fast enough, then the next step is to work hard in the direction of superposition, he thought to himself.

Until there is no fast enough release speed, blind stacking is useless. After all, a Sword Dance is seven or eight seconds, and twice is fifteen seconds.

This time is even longer than Hyper Beam's stiff lasting effect.

A random Pokémon can do you a lot of damage.

Chuck and Machamp watched the scene in front of them indifferently.

Sometimes, the gap in strength cannot be made up by simply enhancing Ability.

Otherwise Alliance's definition of Pokémon's power would have lost its meaning.


Blaziken and Tyson exhaled in synchrony after the reinforcement was over.

"Spark flash, Blaze Kick!"

A brief command came out of Tyson's mouth.


Blaziken stomped on the ground, made a dull noise, and turned into a red streak and rushed towards Machamp.

As you move, the legs become increasingly red.


The flames spewed out.

People standing on the sidelines could clearly feel a heat wave.

"Well, yes, the flame intensity is A-, comparable to the quasi-Elite, and this Blaziken is OK."

A researcher with a monocle said.

The flame intensity judgment in his mouth is his own method, but it is recognized as accurate.

"Well, it should be the champion Aptitude, what a lucky boy." Another researcher commented.

This is Professor Oak's Laboratory.

If Normal's Breeder is a scholar, these are all other existences of learning Divine Grade.

Coupled with the synthesis and analysis of an enormous amount of data, they see a lot of things in depth.

Of course, most of them are theoretical powerhouses, and you don't really get them to play well.

It's very rare to have two or even three peaks at the same time like Professor Oak.

Blaziken on the field rushed in front of Machamp with a trace of afterimage, and his right leg was raised instantly, like a whip Normal threw away.

An exaggerated 90-degree angle is formed between the legs.

“Ice Punch.”

At this point, Chuck gave the order.

Machamp's left two hands, one up and one down, condensed cold ice cubes, covering the fists.

The timing of its use of Ability feels like it's even before Chuck orders it.

Tyson knew that this was just the illusion of a bond between the two.

“dong dong!”

Machamp casually beat Blaziken back.

Even with the blessing of Attribute's consistent bonus law, combined with the high ability that was far beyond the same level, and the enhancement of Charcoal and buffAbility, it seems that Blaziken did not have much impact on Machamp.

And don't forget, the Ice Punch of Fighting Type's Machamp with ice attribute does not have the same formidable power bonus of Attribute.

The ice attribute is also half of the formidable power of the Blaziken.

"Wait." Chuck said suddenly.

He touched his receding hairline rather headily, "Let Machamp change the belt."

"en?" Tyson subconsciously said A sound, I don't know what happened.

"Ni Ke~"

Machamp on the field also took his original belt from Chuck's hand very neatly.


It threw Machoke's belt to the ground.

It was only then that people saw that there was an invisible crack in the belt in a hidden position in the back.

"You brat's Blaziken, there's something." Chuck exclaimed.

He's upped his expectations on Tyson and his Pokémon's strength as much as he can, but didn't expect something went wrong.

"It's all right now, let your Blaziken launch a continuous attack on Machamp!"

Chuck yells in an imposing manner.

Tyson was also ignited with enthusiasm, "Catch, Double Kick, Brick Break, Low Sweep, Fire Punch..."

The endless instructions were given to Blaziken.

The Blaziken didn't disappoint either, with the combo that has been practiced since Combusken's days flowing smoothly.

It's just that the last Normal Type Slash has been replaced with a more huge Fire Punch.

Blaziken's claws fiercely slid across Machamp's hand, and he kicked up and kicked Machamp's shoulder by force.

The second Double Kick came forward, kicking Machamp's head out of the way.

As soon as the body turned, the other claw turned into a hand knife, glowing with white light, and fiercely slashed on Machamp.

Before it was over, he immediately leaned over and used a Low Sweep like sweeping his legs, followed by two claws that ignited flames at the same time, forming a fist and a top hook punching Machamp's chin .

"Are you done?" Chuck asked in a flat tone, then smiled oddly, "Machamp-style immobilization!"


Machamp was unaware that he was under constant attack.

The next second Fire Punch, who had ticked off Blaziken, raised his head, four hands grabbed it at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, Blaziken involuntarily is strangled into a complex and strange pose.

"Hell Rollout!"

Following Chuck's instructions, Machamp, along with his body and Blaziken, fiercely moved towards the ground.


There was a loud bang, and smoke and dust were everywhere.

This is already the result of Machamp's left hand. Normally, Hell Rollout has a process of rolling Stockpile before using it, it is useless.

It's like Seismic Toss drawing a circular Stockpile before throwing Pokémon in the air.

"Blaziken, use the Aura Sphere!"

Tyson still didn't give up.

"Not bad." Chuck grinned with a smile, "Good fighting spirit, Dynamic Punch!"

He praised Tyson, but at the same time directed Machamp to use formidable power Up to 100 Fighting Type Ability Dynamic Punch.


In the smoke, the Aura Sphere in Blaziken’s hand turned wildly, causing a breeze to blow the smoke away.

People can clearly see what the two Pokémon look like.

The next second, Machamp's muscles surged, and the two fists from the upper left and the right smashed hard at Blaziken.


A strange voice sounded, it was Sonic Boom.


Blaziken slammed into Machamp's fist with one paw on the spherical blue Aura Sphere.

But alas, it's useless.

The Aura Sphere exploded after touching for a second or two.

Blaziken watched as Machamp approached his fist full of formidable power, feeling that the next moment was about to end in defeat.

"Okay, that's it."

Then, instead of fists, the fist wind blows unabated on Blaziken's face, it even has a kind of sharp edge The illusion of scratching his own face.

Laughed on his face, Machamp withdrew his fists and even hugged Blaziken, who had almost lost his balance.

"Go down."

Blaziken cried out strangely, for it, the battle was going to be the last moment.


Machamp ignored it and walked back to Chuck.

"What a great fight, how old are you, Blaziken, half a year old? Very good, very good!"

Chuck took back Machamp and sighed.

“No more fighting?” Tyson patted back to Blaziken's back next to him and asked.

"No, I have a general idea of what your problems are. Come with me." Chuck looked towards the surroundings, "Okay, let's all leave."

Watching the game The researchers also walked away in small groups, the ending is definitely not unexpected, anyway, it is a small adjustment of life.

"Gary, come here too."

Chuck and Tyson walked in side by side, the former shouting again with their backs to each other.

Gary, who was just about to sneak away with Ash again, had a bitter look on his face, "Here comes the Master."

"There aren't many problems with your Blaziken." Chuck was a little puzzled, " I thought a young guy would play rough."

This refers to the connection of Blaziken's combo.

"That set of moves is quite in line with Blaziken's action habits, the only problem is at the end.

If you choose Fire Punch, the formidable power is great. There is nothing wrong, but it will be a long time to be stiff.

And you are a little too superstitious about the formidable power of Ability.

You have seen Machamp's fixed skills just now, it is not Ability is a simple fighting technique that uses the body.

According to the decomposition action, the first step, when grasping, the Blaziken here can step closer to the body..."

The two communicated while walking, and they kept simulating Fighting in their hands.

Gary followed, dejected.

Today's two changes over

(end of this chapter)

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