Pokemon: Trainer Starts As Bounty Hunter Chapter 210


Chapter 210 Tired (late tomorrow)

Outside the door The person is Sabrina.

It's already December, almost the coldest time of the year in Kanto, and she's still wearing that cool outfit.

Although Kanto is not as cold as it gets, Tyson is wearing long sleeves anyway.

"Just standing outside and talking? Don't let me in and sit?"

Sabrina put her hands behind her back, moved towards Tyson and smiled.

Tyson was silent for a moment, "Come in."

He stepped sideways out of the way into the room.

Sabrina slid in very neatly.

Tyson stood at the door for a while, then closed the door and followed behind.

In the room.

On the table, the steam rose from the two cups, accompanied by the fragrance of tea.

The two sat face to face in silence.

Tyson didn't know what to say, and he was in a state of bewilderment when Sabrina came to him suddenly.

Sabrina watched his Pokémon with interest.

Blaziken closed his eyes and pretended to realize that Aura was very calm.jpg

Ivy Snake and Togepi played regardless.

“How did you find this?” Tyson took a sip of tea and asked nonsense subconsciously.

Whether it's Sabrina's own strength or her identity, knowing where he is is a piece of cake.

"Ha~" Sabrina was also amused by his question.

She picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea.

"Well, I'm bored, just knock on the door," she said.

Tyson looked at Sabrina quite speechlessly, she was really not happy to find a normal reason.

"Just say something."

He gave up the idea of guessing what Sabrina was thinking.

The girl's mind is always hard to guess, but she is still a powerful Psychic girl.

"Hmm~" Sabrina held the warm teacup in both hands, and looked back.

"The main thing is that I want you to help"

As Sabrina's words unfolded, Tyson, who was sitting across from her, looked more and more strange.

"Okay, that's it~ Contact me if you agree~"

Sabrina didn't wait for Tyson's reply when she finished speaking, and her thoughts move disappeared into the room.

"So, you d.. Uncle Flint just agreed?" Tyson said on the phone.

"Yeah, she's coming to the door, and Saffron Gym's face still needs to be given." Brock replied while sitting on the sofa.

"By the way, are you familiar with Sabrina? She's looking for you as soon as she opens her mouth."

Tyson only felt that Brock's tone was full of gossip and speechless rolled the eyes.

"I'm too lazy to tell you." Tyson hung up the phone angrily.

Brock listened to the busy tone of the phone, his hands twitched his chin unconsciously, and his eyes narrowed even more.

It does seem to be a bit of a story. When did you work out at Kiyo?

Isn't it less than a month old, so familiar.

Brock recalled what Sabrina said when he suddenly showed up at their house a few days ago, "Tyson borrowed me a few days to help him with something."

Tsk, he shook his head, this You can't call names.

And he had never heard of Sabrina needing help, even if he wanted to borrow someone, he would not use such a gentle method.

At that time, my father was a little unresponsive.

Speaking of which, the age gap is really small, and Brock's eyes are full of light.

If this is really good, that's not bad, rounding up, Sabrina is her own younger brother and sister.

It's a shame to say it out.

Brock has completely forgotten at this time that he has signed a series of unequal treaties because he has always been unable to beat Tyson in both Pokémon fighting and daoist Fighting.

Tyson on the other side in the Pokémon center room reluctantly hung up again.

He felt as though Sabrina had spoken to everyone related to him, but he was the last one to know.

And without exception, those in the know are curious when he and Sabrina got in touch.

Mainly because Sabrina asked him for help this time, which was too disproportionate and too coincidental with the reward given.

Otherwise he would not seek the opinion of others.

Simply put, Saffron Gym explores a ruin with several other official gyms, of course, Saffron Gym is the lead.

According to the investigation, the danger in the ruins is not high, but it still needs a few guards to help.

After all, the battle strength of most historical researchers is definitely not that good.

A few gyms have summed it up. Since the risk is not high, let the descendants of some outstanding Trainer of their own go to experience it.

Relic exploration is also an integral part of Trainer's career.

Sabrina said that Saffron Gym has no Trainer descendants, so she went to Tyson.

It's a trivial matter, but Sabrina's reward is a bit outrageous.

A 95 quality Thunder Stone and a 15 percent effect Magnet.

At that time, Tyson wanted to ask Sabrina, what simple escort mission have you seen that gives the equivalent of nine-digit Alliance coins, and only for an elite Trainer.

But he also admitted that under this kind of money offensive, his mind didn't react all of a sudden.

She gave too much.

Of course, since Sabrina left, his cpu-burning brain quickly calmed down.

First of all, it's certainly not a coincidence, even Sabrina "premeditated".

Less than half a day after Mareep was born, Sabrina played this game for him, and the Items given were all needed by Ampharos in the future.

You have to say coincidence, hehe.

Alvin and the others were not raised to play, this kind of task should have been done by a Trainer like him.

Secondly, can I accept this reward?

To be honest, he was still very entangled. The equivalent to was given away for nothing. His remaining sanity and dignity told him that it was not good.

But he just made a phone call and felt that other people's suggestions for him were also good.

"Anyway, it should be invested (supported), and if you have three gyms, it is also within the normal range." - From an unknown dark-skinned man with squinting eyes.

"Saffron Gym is still very rich, and has little conflict with others, so it's a good fit for you." - From a research maniac.

"The Psychic Gym is still necessary." - From Chuck.

Tyson is always under the illusion that they all seem to agree.

After hesitating for a while, he picked up the watch and edited a message, "Yes, but, just this once."

After hesitating for a while, he deleted the last five words Dropped, leaving only two words to send out.

Sabrina's reply was quick, "Okay, just this time."

Tyson looked at this message speechlessly. It's really strange to be understood. .

He wondered more and more what Sabrina Future Sight had to say about him.

"hmph ~" Inside Saffron Gym, a coquettish voice of satisfaction echoed in the empty room.

Take my stuff, and sooner or later it must be mine.

How on earth did they manage to make 20,000 a day, I'm about to close myself.

Let me renew 4,000 or 3 days a day, and restore 6k at first next week.

(mainly for two days with girlfriend)

(end of this chapter)

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