Pokemon: Trainer Starts As Bounty Hunter Chapter 212


Chapter 212 The Butterfly Effect (There are two more updates, will be posted slowly)

"Come on now."

White Professor said as he climbed up from the bottom with difficulty.

Tyson looked at it from the side, and felt that he was indeed a professional archaeologist, and he knew it well.

She was surprisingly not slow.

After Santai pulled her up, Tyson also began to wander around the hall.

"Well, sure enough, Farfetch'd is always a delicacy," Tyson exclaimed, looking at the image on the mural in front of him.

This image depicts people eating Farfetch'd with Farfetch'd scallions.

The entire hall, although it is said to be a sacrificial venue, the surrounding murals are all very bland.

He quickly walked through the entire small indoor area.

"How's the White Professor up there?"

Tyson asked as he walked down to the platform.

"It should be ok, but I don't understand it very well." Santai stuck his head out to answer Tyson's question.

At this time, White Professor was devoted to the translation, completely ignoring the dialogue between the two.

It took a long time for her to lift the head with her bright eyes.

Tyson also took advantage of this time to climb up the high platform, and asked with great interest: "Professor White, is there any new discovery in this ruin?"

If there is no real thing, the other party will not be so happy.

Wright Professor excited nodded, and then began to prepare to tell the general content of the above text.

According to the relationship between the normal archaeological team and the escort team, these things naturally cannot be disclosed, and the escort team is not qualified to ask.

But Tyson and their relationship are the opposite, not the archaeological team hired the escort, but the people behind the escort hired White Professor's archaeological team.

When the employer asks questions, it is natural to answer them.

"The content written above is mainly about the escape of the royal family of the Poklandis Empire."

The first sentence of White Professor was startling.

"Wait, Professor, I remember the legend that Ho-Oh wiped out the Poklandis Empire overnight."

Santa hurriedly asked.

Ho-Oh is a powerful Divine Beast who has been featured in various Myths and Legends.

The ancient empire did not popularize the Poké Ball, and the "devil beast" controlled by the internal army could not resist the power of the Divine Beast at all.

Under such a huge disparity in strength, is it possible that they can't run.

The ruins of the Poklandis Empire that have appeared before also show the prosperity of the country at that time.

If it weren't for the fact that other surrounding countries had clear records, the reason for the sudden disappearance of the Poclatis Empire might have remained an unsolved mystery.

"Under the veil of night, the light of golden shines on Heaven and Earth, and everything opens up.

The colorful flashes away, all sounds are silent, and everything returns to darkness."

White Professor said this account of the fall of the empire, and paused.

"From the description, the only possible match for the Divine Beast is Ho-Oh, but this has always been debated.

In any other legend, Ho- Oh is all about bringing happiness and life to people, and this is the only recorded example of the destruction of civilization.

Even if the character of Divine Beast is incomprehensible to us human beings, it does not make sense.

Therefore, many historians believe that there were other reasons for the demise of the Poklandis Empire.

The records found in this ruins indicate whether the Poklandis Empire was destroyed by Ho- Oh, there's plenty of room for exploration in the question that Oh destroyed."

Wright Professor's eyes gleamed with gleam and excitement.

“There were even two factions in the fugitive imperial royal family.

Some led by their king, believing their country was destroyed by Ho-Oh, determined to To take revenge on Ho-Oh with the power hidden near the imperial capital.

The other part, led by their queen, believes that Ho-Oh saved them, and believes that the remaining people of the Empire should migrate elsewhere Region starts a new life."

"Wait, wait, I'm a little confused, how can two people have completely different views on one thing." Santai interrupted White Professor again. Narrating, he felt that his brain circuit was a little bit out of rhythm.

"There are many possibilities, like their king was going to use Evil Power to rule the world or something like that, and then Ho-Oh showed up to stop them.

It happened to be on the queen's side I didn’t approve it, but I couldn’t resist because of my strength, so I got help from Ho-Oh.

In this case, the concept of the two sides is naturally different.

Don’t Interrupt and continue to listen to Professor."

Tyson spoke quickly, preventing Santai from further asking questions that were comparable to 100,000 whys.

Professor White also continued to say eloquently: "We don't know the specific reasons, and there is no record on it, and we may need to find other relics to fully explain.

These In addition to explaining the problem of Ho-Oh, the most useful record is that it also records the approximate orientation of two or more other ruins.

The first one is the original capital of the Poklandis Empire. Nearby, there should be a relic of the existence of a person represented by the king, or it is the relic of the so-called hidden power; secondly, further west, that is, Johto and even the Hoenn Region, there will inevitably be The relics of one or more queens' lives.

This has actually narrowed down a large part of the scope, and I believe there must be various clues on the frescoes on the periphery."

"The capital of Poklandis, I remember it was near the coast of Binu today, right?"

Listening to White Professor's words, Tyson recalled the content of history.

"Yeah, yes, there are also Poklandis-style palace buildings near the Binu coast. Combined with the content of the previous ruins, it was unanimously identified as the capital of the Poclatnian Empire in the past. .

So there is not only a Resort, but also a scenic spot to visit the ruins."

White Professor nodded again and again, "If possible, I hope that the future exploration will be left to me. I don't know..."

Tyson smiled politely: "I can't decide this, I'm very sorry.

It's better to wait for the ruins After everything is over, White Professor, you can communicate with Gym Leader in person.

I believe that with your outstanding and knowledgeable, you can definitely do it."

He doesn't want to make any promises here. , also do not have that qualification.

"Hey, okay." White Professor said reluctantly, and slowly climbed off the high platform.

“Speaking of which my luck is really good. The last team just went there for archaeology because of the Dasha Valley you discovered, so it’s my turn to come here.

Otherwise, I'll lose the chance to be the first Archeologist to discover the truth of history."

On the way out, White Professor sighed with Tyson.

Tyson secretly said in one's heart while chatting in his mouth, this is probably the butterfly effect caused by his actions.

Thank you for the 233 starting coins for the character Tamaki Tyson.

Thanks to the two ceremonys for my wife's reward for the character Shirona.

Thank you for the 100 starting coins for the happy reward of the emoji package.

(end of this chapter)

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