Pokemon: Trainer Starts As Bounty Hunter Chapter 217


Chapter 217 I and Sin Absolutely irreconcilable

Tyson He stared blankly at the scene in front of him.

"Thank you for two glasses of Oran Berry juice."

He sat down naturally, and the Trainer who moved towards winning the money ordered an order.

"Okay, no problem, Uncle Jiuzuo has won money, I'm happy~"

A group of people sat and chatted.

I heard that Tyson had caught another poacher and also complained.

"You're a 'poacher's nemesis' for you to understand, and there's no one left to meet these disgusting guys every three days."

"It shouldn't be too long, your name has been mentioned in the Pokémon forum."

"Tsk, what are you talking about, it's called law enforcement."

Well, Tyson said that the last statement won his heart and agreed with nodded.

"Don't talk about me, you have had two this month."

He took two glasses of Oran Berry juice and asked Kusaku.

Nodded, who has been pretending to be reserved for a long time, "At least this month's deposit has been kept."

Tyson said that he was similar, and even made a lot of money.

Counting the usual income from normal tasks, in fact, when the first four are caught, it means that he has made a balance this month.

No way, Pokémon spends more Alliance coins.

The last two are pure earnings.

The bounty is a trivial matter, and the bearer cards on those poachers still have a lot of money.

After all, most of the time, this kind of single-handed type is on the surface or the Trainer comes out to do the task, and it can't really keep all the family wealth at home like the outlaws.

And the home is not safe, it would be even more strange if the Alliance investigator suddenly came to the door and found something from the home.

They chatted casually, but the topic was beyond the scope of the Normal Trainer.

Generally speaking, poachers are extremely cunning, and their strength is not bad.

The average is like having at least 3 elite Pokémon.

Or like the one that Tyson caught today, there are only two, but the level is not low.

Coupled with various factors such as experience, it is still difficult to deal with.

That is, the people in their small circle are not bad at all, so they can make some money from this.

"Seriously, you have to be careful, six catches a month are too much.

You can easily be targeted by those big teams."

A big brother persuaded Tyson to be safe lately.

Tyson nods, he thinks so too.

"It's good to know what you have in mind. Everything is life-oriented, and safety is the first."

Big Brother repeats Officer Jenny's motto.

He's seen too many Trainers who lost their lives fighting poachers.

He didn't want to see such a trainer who suits his appetite and has an infinite bright future suddenly disappear one day.

"Am I absolutely irreconcilable with sin?" Tyson said with a smile.

Everyone laughed angrily, which has almost become Tyson's catchphrase recently.

"Well, that's not bad." A very magnetic male voice sounded.

It was only after the lively chat that the Pokémon Center became unusually quiet.

"Mr. Wataru!?"

cry out in surprise came from a Trainer's mouth, breaking the silence.

Immediately, the entire Viridian City Pokémon Center began to roar.

However, it is limited to looking at a hot man who always wears a cloak with admiration and admiration.

One of the Kanto Elite Four, the Royal Dragon.

As for asking them to go up for autographs, that is absolutely not dare, although I am eager.

After all, the people of Kanto are still relatively introverted.

Of course, maybe it's Miss Lorelei, they'll rush up and beg for ravages.

In addition, as a member of the Pokemon Inspector Du, the Dragon's Messenger takes his job very seriously and regards maintaining world peace as his belief.

He tends to appear in Kanto's major cities by himself, and his appearance rate is still very high.

Especially in Celadon City, go back to the department store center building there to customize a new cloak.

If you really want an autograph, it's better to go there at that time, otherwise it's likely to disturb Dudu's work as an Elite Four and a prosecutor.

Trainers don't like being interrupted while they're doing their tasks.

The main reason is to worry that the crazy admirers of crossing the Elite will find them in trouble.

"Tyson, right, I've heard your name, it's great." Patted Tyson's shoulder in encouragement.

He did hear Tyson's name from Agatha and Bruno, and even from Professor Oak.

It was originally just an impression.

As soon as he heard his beliefs, which were very similar to his own, Du's favorability for him suddenly rose.

His mind turned.

"Are you interested in becoming an Alliance investigator in the future?" Du asked with a smile.

He's also on a whim.

didn't expect to track down Team Rocket in the Viridian forest, and occasionally come out for supplies, and meet such a good Trainer.

Invitations should not have been issued so easily, but had to be carefully reviewed.

But since so many friends and seniors have mentioned him, his identity is definitely not a problem.

He certainly has this right.

Everyone held their breaths and listened carefully to the conversation between Du and Tyson.

This is Du, the most recognized powerhouse in the Kanto Elite Four. Even if you look at the world, his strength is definitely in the forefront.

I don't know how many people aspire to be a Investigator just to fight with him.

Not to mention being invited by him personally.

This is a far-fetched dream for many.

"Well, I'm not sure yet. I've just debuted, and I want to travel more.

It would be my honor to have the opportunity to fight with Mr. Du in the future. ”

Listening to Tyson's humbly reply, which implied rejection, the people around felt suffocated.

"It makes sense. I only officially challenged Elite Four after I traveled all the continents."

Du was not unhappy, but agreed with nodded.

He didn't feel that when he sent an invitation, others must or would certainly agree to him.

Everyone's hobby and direction are definitely different.

"You may have misunderstood me, though." He said with a smile, and he was more interested in Tyson.

I'll ask Professor Oak sometime, well, Du thought.

He still trusts the evaluation of the highly respected Professional Oak.

Facing Tyson's puzzled gaze, Du explained: "Actually, this is a talent screening mechanism for Alliance investigators.

I mean, if If you don't mind, you can report your name as a reserve team member.

In the future, when you have the idea of becoming a search officer, you can avoid many unnecessary steps.

As for the corresponding obligations and rights..."

Du thought about it for a while, "It seems that there are no obligations, so there are no rights, it's just a better name."

The people around were breathing more rapidly.

Although I have never heard of this who only screening mechanism, it must be absolutely not bad.

Tyson happily agreed this time.

The face of crossing is still to be given.

The point is that this matter will benefit him without any harm.

"Well, okay, then I'll report your name later." Du nodded with satisfaction.

He definitely didn't think about it because he cared that Tyson had just turned him down.

"Ferry Elite, your Pokémon is ready."

Chief-In-Charge Joy, Chief-In-Charge Joy of the Pokémon Center in Viridian City, came over and handed the Ferry Poké Ball back to him.

Cloak, "Then we'll meet again some day, I hope to see more wonderful performance from you."

"Dragonite, let's go."

He walks out of the Pokémon Center, threw away a Poké Ball.


With the sound of dragon roar, Tou and Dragonite quickly disappeared from people's sight.

"'I am absolutely irreconcilable with sin'; 'Follow the justice that I pursue'." The nodded, yes, to his taste.

"Hey, Headquarters, I, Du, I think the alternative mechanics of the Inspector on the Sinnoh Alliance side are good, but Kanto's words have to be slightly changed to suit the characteristics of the Region."

He made a call from high altitude and spoke with equanimity.

The thin air at high altitude, the cold temperature, and even the blow of the wind from Dragonite's high-speed Flying seemed to have no effect on him.

Tyson and a group of people naturally don't know what Du is doing at high altitude.

They surrounded Tyson by now, staring at him like a wolf.

"Why, why, why." Jiuzuo said, he knew why, but he was envious, so envious that he wanted to beat people.

"No, you bastards have to treat." He looked at Tyson fiercely.

Tyson's expression didn't change, "Okay, Pokémon Center Restaurant, I'll have all-inclusive dinner."

As soon as this sentence came out, seven or eight hands were greeted with identical movements. , the international greeting gesture.

That's what Tyson taught them.

As an elite Trainer, the restaurant in the Pokémon Center is already free for them, so why don't they need Tyson's invitation.


The watch beeps, and Tyson jumps out of his seat immediately.

Leave only one paragraph and friends who looked at each other in blank dismay, "See you at the training ground~"

Centre front desk.

"Thank you, Sister Jun."

Tyson's happier appearance aroused Qiao Yijun's curiosity.

After she took the Poké Ball from Chansey and handed it to Tyson, she immediately opened her own gossip group and swiped up messages desperately.

A few minutes later, she suddenly raised her head, which is really good news.

Qiao Yijun was nodded with satisfaction on her waist. It was a Trainer that she and her family recommended back then, so she didn't lose face.

Tyson trotted all the way to the huge training ground behind the Pokémon Center.

Inside, tons of Trainers are in a frenzy's workout routine with the Pokémons.

"Ah, Machamp, you're doing a great job wu wu wu ~" "Weepinbell, whip me as much as you want."

If you ignore these weird slogans If so, it's really normal.

He didn't change his expression, he had long been used to this kind of atmosphere.

"Gigalith, shine on the audience - the ivy snake, appear calmly and calmly."

Well. Perhaps a more appropriate way to say is that it is not a habit, but a integrated.

The remaining Pokémon were not the main training targets at night, and Tyson was in a good mood today, so he gave them a vacation.

The ivy snake has to move towards the next evolution and work hard.

Gigalith's words, mainly Tyson suddenly have a thought, Moonlight, is it also light?

Thanks to me and gambling absolutely irreconcilable for the rewards.

Thank you for the 100 starting point coins that have been deposited for this name.

Thanks to the name for depositing 200 Coins for Shirona.

(I always have the illusion that when I'm about to pay off the debt, there will be more and more)

(end of this chapter)

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