Pokemon: Trainer Starts As Bounty Hunter Chapter 234


Chapter 234 The battle continues (4.5510.8)

Tyson un' ed means received.

"I am a member of the intelligence team. Currently, according to the monitoring above the Seafoam Islands, there are fifteen teams of Team Rockets coming to the valley to support."

In everyone's earphones, soon Information came in.

Normally speaking, the team members of Team Rocket are two-person teams, and only a very few outstanding and outstanding players will adopt a two-person Pokémon team.

And Pokémon will be assigned by superiors or instructors.

Be aware that finding a Pokémon that's smart enough to fit is not an easy task.

Like future James Jessie and Meowth, Cassidy little Salvadore and Raticate.

Although it is said that these two groups of people in the animation are very miserable, don't take it seriously.

In the Team Rocket Academy, these two squads graduated tied for first place in the final assessment.

"It's almost like a dozen or two." Yuto Shun was eager to have a try.

This is also the norm for Alliance's direct line Trainer and members of the Dark Organization to play against each other.

Even if the Levels are similar, considering the difference in resources, the difference in strength often leads to the latter having a chance of winning only in two-on-one.

Not to mention that in most cases, the latter tends not to have as many high-level Pokémon as the former.

As for why not turn a group into three people, the dark organization also needs to consider maximizing benefits.

What two people can do, don't waste it.

Moreover, the final victory depends on the results of the stronger players.

To put it bluntly, they are all just soldiers, they can't decide the direction, they can only have a slight influence.

If you can force the Pokémon of the higher-ranked Trainer out and consume a little stamina and energy in advance, even if they complete the task.

A two-person squash is the best match when it's not premised on defeating each other.

This is the struggle of the dark organization for many years.

"Well, I'll do the logistics for you to check and fill in the gaps."

Joy Caicai took her own Blissey and took the initiative to withdraw from the ranks of opponents.

Her team composition was inherently unsuitable for such a large-scale battle.

Everyone has no opinion, no one is more suitable for this job than Joy.

Immediately afterwards, several Rock Type and Ground Type Pokémon were instructed to block the entrance and exit of the valley with the Rock Tomb Ability.

They don't want to be turned into a sandwich biscuit by a double-sided Vice Grip while fighting.

Although the Alliance is invincible.

This is a fact that everyone is extremely confident in.

"Then, the first team will be handed over to me."

Looking at the two Team Rocket personnel who showed up first, Bruno Zongshu rushed forward unceremoniously.

The opponent who arrives first to support is usually the strongest.

As the eldest among the sixteen people and the most reclusive in strength, he naturally has to make corresponding contributions.

If it wasn't for Tyson running too fast and Officer Jenny Arcanine's Extreme Speed too fast, he would have been the first to come to support.

"Machamp, Karate Chop; Golem, Defense Curl and Rollout."

Two huge Pokémon kicked off the ground with one leg, and the four hands were still condensed With the energy rays of light of Fighting Type;

The other one is that the limbs and head shrank, completely turning into a huge Rock.

With a slight light on his body, he moved towards Team Rocket and rolled out quickly.

"Fearow, Drill Peck; Primeape, Cross Chop."

The two Team Rocket members were not panicking at all. They were already prepared and immediately commanded the empty space to follow them. Two of the Pokémon attack.

The battle scenes were exciting and tense, but everyone didn't have much time to observe.

Team Rocket arrived one after another.

"The second one is mine."

Officer Jenny Airi followed closely from behind and charged up in Arcanine, Ninetales was graceful but also unusually quick.

"Arcanine, Howl; Ninetales, Confuse Ray."

"ao ~!"

Howl resounding on the battlefield undoubtedly made people feel the majesty of Arcanine .

The three Pokémon on the opposite second team were also clearly taken aback.

Under the double effect of Arcanine's intimidation of the Characteristic Trait, they involuntarily retreated a little bit, and they were also a little slower to respond to the command of the Team Rocket members.

It was just that, and the Confuse Ray released from Ninetales' eyes hit them.

One of the Raticates immediately fell into a state of confusion and started attacking the Arbok next to it.

Even as a partner, Arbok, who was brutal by nature, couldn't tolerate being attacked, and pressed him back unceremoniously.

Before the battle started, there was a conflict within them.

The effect of Confuse Ray is responsible for this result, but the effect of Arcanine cannot be underestimated.

This is also why the Officer Jenny family prefers Arcanine with the Intimidating Characteristic Trait rather than the Flash Fire Characteristic Trait when performing missions.

For those who have ghosts in their hearts, Arcanine, who threatens the Characteristic Trait, is exceptionally deterrent.

Although the Flash Fire Characteristic Trait has great advantages in the Fire Element Civil War, the former is more suitable for the identity of the police, and it can also play a greater role in the task and has better universality.

The two battlefields are already in full swing.

Both of them consciously pulled each other aside.

Otherwise, it is very inconvenient to be stuck in one place.

"Blaziken, Blaze Kick; Pidgeot, Spark."

Meanwhile, Tyson gave the order.

Pidgeot flaps its wings in the air, swooping down with white light.

Blaziken rushed out with the afterimage, flames burning on his legs.

The sudden burst of Arcanine Extreme Speed drew side-eyes.

They quickly realized that this is the Implicit Characteristic acceleration, and it is estimated that it has reached the limit state.

"No wonder you just kept Blaziken fighting without saying a word."

Lorelei Ako complained.

You must know that the Characteristic Trait of this type of acceleration is not so easy to maintain. The so-called combat state not only consumes physical strength, but also consumes energy.

Tyson smiled slightly, "Come on, everyone."

After he finished speaking, he rushed up.

Everyone looked at each other helplessly, and without dawdling, they chose their opponents one by one and started the battle.

"Just hang around, those little fellows can make waves."

Within the valley, the one-eyed person listened to the report nodded by his subordinates, and put all his energy back on the battlefield in front of you.

"Crobat, Air Slash."

He directs one of his main Pokémon to attack Bruno's Machamp.

Or, it should be called harassment.

I saw above the battlefield, the huge purple bat Pokémon stayed in the air, the wings were swung out of Stockpile without external interference, and the white air knife attacked the ground with lightning speed. Machamp to deal with the miscellaneous soldiers.

"Pa slap."

Machamp glanced at it, and the two arms below waved casually, also threw away two air knives with Karate Chop, hitting Crobat's attack.

Even if Karate Chop's Fighting energy release weakens a part of its strength; even if it is said that Flying Type's Air Slash has a restraining effect on Fighting Type energy; even if it is said that one side of Stockpile is indifferent.

But under the collision, the two still disappear into the invisible at the same time.

That's the difference between Elite Pokémon and Champion Pokémon.


The one-eyed person was coldly snorted, but couldn't help it.

Even if Team Rocket's four most powerful Top Rank Executives are here, they will have to work together at least three to be Bruno's opponent.

Team Rocket would have been wiped out long ago if the Alliance hadn't taken them seriously.

Like Bruno in front of him, he used only one main Pokémon from start to finish, and never released a second Pokémon.

Not many, just one, and the only remaining delicate balance on the battlefield will be instantly broken.

Team Rocket, led by a one-eyed person, is already struggling to hold a Machamp.

If it's all six Pokémon, it's not a problem to sweep all the Team Rockets in the room.

"Damn, come out quickly."

The only remaining eye of the one-eyed person stared at the entrance of the underground cave.

He now just hopes that Ariana below will quickly get the Articuno's genes, and then retreat with them.

This is the first time he has faced one of the Alliance Elite Four head-to-head, and all his pre-fight ambitions are gone.

He originally wanted to beat a promotion and raise after bringing out the Elite Four.

Now he is forced to not put more Pokémon, for fear that the other side thinks that he has too many Pokémon and adds one.

No wonder all four Executives were tasked at the same time.

Trainers and Pokémons with such strength are really realm that can be reached.

Bruno is also looking at the entrance to the underground cave.

"Is that just a little bit of fish, the Archer guys are down?"

He thought.

I also command Machamp from time to time.

Every time you make a sound, it will make the one-eyed person on the opposite side wait for Team Rocket to be in a hurry.

Bruno's focus was completely off them.

Although one-eyed person neither too big nor too small is considered an Elite-level Trainer, it's still far from this strength.

"It seems like that Petrel guy has disappeared recently," Bruno thought.

Alliance has a bit of a grasp on the whereabouts of several Team Rocket Executives.

It's just that the Pokémon world is so vast, Kanto Johto's two Regions alone are outrageous, and it is impossible to understand everything in detail.

"Just drag it on, there's no big problem down there anyway."

Bruno was calm, as if he wasn't fighting, but was on vacation.

Anyway, according to Alliance, the main purpose of this time is to train the little fellows and get used to it.

As the battle progressed, the one-eyed person's face grew worse.

Machamp's movements have not changed in the slightest after such a long battle. Even if his physical strength is good, this is too exaggerated.

"Combat readiness team, the No. 3 instrument is recharged."

Finally, after his Pokémon fell again, he couldn't bear it any longer, and moved towards his subordinates and issued an order.

"But, Lord Ariana and the others..."

The subordinates persuaded unconsciously.

Then he resolutely retracted the second half of the sentence when he looked at the one-eyed person who killed Normal.

A team of Team Rocket personnel in scientific attire, with their backs to the rock face, turned on the so-called instrument number three.

"Oh? Ready to use Pokémon's powers?"

Bruno glanced, scornful but wary.

Team Rocket has been able to develop to this day, in large part due to the technology that is ahead of Alliance in some aspects.

Although Bruno, as a traditional Trainer, does not agree with the power of non-Pokémon, he still agrees with the formidable power of this technology.

"Machamp, liberate."

The one-eyed person didn't react for a while at the headless command.


Machamp shouted, and tore off the belt around his waist, and out of nowhere he took out another belt that looked like it and tied it around his waist.

In its big mouth, the heat it exhaled turned into lumps of Mist on the icy Seafoam Islands.

“High Horsepower.” Bruno gave the Ability command.

The one-eyed person suddenly felt very bad. It seemed that he should follow the instructions of Miss Ma Bird and not use the instrument in advance.


Machamp shouted, and his figure disappeared from everyone's eyes.

“dong dong dong ”

The sound of dense blows sounded, and the Pokémon of Team Rocket flew out backwards.

High Horsepower, pure attack ability, allows Pokémon to use full body power to attack opponents.

For Pokémons like Machamp, it's all about attacking with fast punches with four well-developed hands.

Don't underestimate this simple punch.

This represents the perfect combination of speed and power.

With nearly a hundred punches per arm per second, combined with the mountain-like power of Machamp, even the Dragonite that crosses might not be able to take this move head-on.

Ten seconds, just ten seconds later.

In the center of the valley, except for Machamp, who is breathing a little, no Pokémon maintains the combat capability.

The one-eyed person has sweat on his forehead.

"Damn, is the No. 3 machine ready?"

He frantically urged his men behind him.

"It will take about ten seconds."

His subordinates also replied with brow beaded with sweat, and he didn't expect Bruno to get serious and end the fight so quickly .

"Houndoom, Weezing, Persian, Starmie, Weavile, fuck me, entangle that Machamp."

The one-eyed person threw out his last five Only Elite Pokémon.

"Thunder Punch."

With Bruno's command, the next second, Machamp suddenly appeared in front of Starmie.

Thunder and lightning, Starmie just emerged from the Poké Ball, and was directly knocked out.


It Tackled on the ice layer of the rock wall, and the red gem core in the center of the body flashed and gradually dimmed.

In just one move, the Elite-level Starmie with its super resilience lost its combat capability.

"Double split."

Then, Machamp kicked the ground and appeared directly above Weezing.


The one-eyed person's Trainer instinct allowed him to perform this magic trick.

But unfortunately, it didn't work, Weezing didn't have time to react.

Machamp's mere downward elbow knocked Weezing out and slammed into the Houndoom on the ground at breakneck speed.


Houndoom and Weezing who lost the combat capability rolled into a ball, and the whole dog’s face was dumbfounded.

Machamp lands, knees slightly bent.

The huge body bounced out again, and the muscles in its back slammed into Persian's soft body diagonally.

Persian was smashed into the rock following Starmie.


A faint voice sounded.

Machamp's body froze slightly.

Three slits were opened in its left leg.

The initiator, Weavile, jumped and tumbled one after another, trying to distance himself.


Where are you going, little brother, Machamp's huge body appeared directly behind Weavile.

Weavile's body was still in the air at this time, and there was a hint of despair in his eyes.

Next moment, Machamp grabbed petite Weavile with all four arms at the same time, a strangulation.


Weavile lost the combat capability as soon as he called out.

Machamp let go of his four hands and Weavile fell unconscious to the ground.

A pillar of fire hits, the only surviving Houndoom.

"Focus Blast," Bruno ordered.

Machamp stood on the spot motionless calmly resisted Houndoom's Flamethrower attack, put his four hands on his chest at the same time, and rolled out a yellow and white ball.

The ball rammed against the fire column, directly breaking a passage and heading straight for the Houndoom.

The Focus Blast hit the Houndoom's neck with a bony encirclement, but the bony didn't act as protective as usual.

Under the strikes of the huge might, Houndoom's neck and body seemed to be separated, and then the whole Pokémon flew out.


At this time, the so-called No. 3 instrument sent out a light wave of soil Yellow, going straight to the ground.

Thanks to Jealousy for the reward.

There should be in the early morning, but the time is uncertain.

(end of this chapter)

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