Pokemon: Trainer Starts As Bounty Hunter Chapter 25


Chapter 25 beat Brock

Combusken by hack The reaction force on the Graveler, a somersault, flipped out of the smoke, watching vigilantly.

Soon, the smoke clears, and Graveler's eyes swirl.

"Graveler loses the combat capability, can't fight, challenger Tamaki Tyson wins!" The referee immediately raised the flag and pronounced the result.

Brock picked up the Poké Ball and retracted the Graveler with a wry smile.

"A very outstanding Combusken, with extremely fast speed, strong strength, high flame formidable power, very smooth Fighting Ability connection, excellent effect on Gravelers."

Brock thought to himself Still, he thought at first that Tyson's command of Combusken to keep up was a joke.

After all, Normal Pokémon can't catch up with the Graveler Rollout, let alone Rock Polish.

But since childhood, he was taught not to underestimate the trainer's instructions. The opponent is not a fool and will do such useless work.

If Combusken can catch up, then Graveler can't dodge. It's better to use patience to fight back instead of commanding dodge.

But Nai He's speed is simply outrageous, Graveler didn't have time to use Ability, and was directly kicked by Low Sweep.

Then there was no suspense at all.

Thinking like this, Brock didn't slow down, and quickly took out the second Poké Ball.

"Does the challenger need to replace the Pokémon?" The referee also asked Tyson.

Tyson shook the head and said no need, and the referee signaled to Brock to release the second Pokémon.

Brock throws the Poké Ball, "This is my second Pokémon, go Dugtrio."

"Heat Wave, say hello to the other side." Tyson seized the moment to let Combusken consumes the opposite.

"Whisper~" As soon as Dugtrio came out to prepare for battle, he was hit by the oncoming Heat Wave and let out an uncomfortable Growl.

Tyson looked at the situation on the other side and assessed it.

"It's stronger than Graveler, but its strength is limited. It seems that Pidgeot is not needed."

Tyson is not surprised, after all, Gym uses Pokémon that is similar to your strength, and there is also there is a saying.

The Graveler just now was converted to Level 29, and this Dugtrio is estimated to be Level 35. Overall, it is on par with the two Pokémons from Tyson.

However, these two Pokémons are only elite-level potential, far from Combusken.

That's why this is the situation. Otherwise, it would not be so easy for a normal Trainer to come to Gym to fight.

"And Combusken is getting stronger and stronger." Tyson smiled.

Brock had no idea what Tyson was thinking at this time, just marveled at the excellence of Combusken.

"Dig, approach the opponent from the ground." Brock instructed Dugtrio.

Dugtrio sank into the ground and disappeared.

"Keep your Agility and watch your feet." Tyson commanded. Without Earthquake, there is no way to deal with Dig's opponent Combusken.

It's just that it's not a bad thing for me if it's dragged on for a long time.

Brock frowned as he looked at the fast-moving Combusken. What was the point of the opponent doing this kind of useless work, knowing that now Dugtrio was waiting for work, and he had the intention of attacking.

A simple evasion like Combusken will not only consume physical strength, but if the time is too long, it will be considered as losing the will to fight and be sentenced to lose.

Brock watched carefully for a while, and suddenly realized something was wrong.

"Why is this Combusken getting faster and harder?

No, the change in physical strength is not that big.

This is, Implicit Characteristic Accelerate the Characteristic Trait?!!"

Brock immediately realized that it was not good, although if the simple evasion time is too long, it will be considered to lose the will to fight and be sentenced to lose, but using the Characteristic Trait like Combusken to accelerate Not considered mere circumvention.

The referee will only intervene until the limit is reached and there is no way to accelerate, but that time is too long, and before that, Dugtrio will be sentenced to lose for the delay in attacking.

"Quicksand hell!" Brock immediately commanded the underground Dugtrio to attack, trying to slow the Combusken.

But Brock's command was too late. Combusken's speed at this time was far beyond Dugtrio's ability to react under the dual blessing of Accelerating Characteristic Trait and Agility Ability.

One second, Combusken's feet were filled with a pile of spinning sand. The next second, Combusken broke free and ran into the distance, only taking a little damage.

Dugtrio couldn't hold back the speeding Combusken.

"Tsk." Brock was a little helpless, and his odds of winning suddenly dropped too much.

It still suffers from the lack of intelligence, but the Characteristic Trait to identify the enemy is originally what the Trainer should do, and it can only be said that what he has done is not enough.

What's more, the judging criteria for sending Badge in Gym battles are based on the strength and tacit understanding of Trainer and Pokémon, rather than simply winning.

Tyson has long been eligible to send Badge from Pewter Gym.

It's just that Brock doesn't want to give in so easily.

Brock gives Struggle's command: "Dugtrio, Sucker Punch, then Tri Attack."

"Counter, keep him with Fire Punch." Tyson has the upper hand and is ready to do it quickly .

Dugtrio turned into a phantom and quickly approached Combusken frantically, and a Sucker Punch Ability slammed into Combusken's body.

Combusken endured and used Counter, fiercely hitting Dugtrio's body.

Dugtrio was about to use Tri Attack when he was interrupted by Combusken's Counter.

Enduring the excruciating pain, Dugtrio continued to use Tri Attack, trying to restrain Combusken.

Combusken dodges behind Dugtrio's Tri Attack with a speed that Dugtrio can't even see.

The flames condensed from the two claws, hitting Dugtrio's body exposed on the ground in turn with force.

"Whisper~" Dugtrio let out a painful Growl.

"Don't give up Dugtrio, use the last Reversal!" Brock yelled.

Dugtrio used the last of his strength to crash into Combusken with the Reversal.

At this time, Combusken has calmly used his speed to hide in the distance, constantly avoiding Dugtrio's attack.

"Whisper~" Dugtrio Struggle tried to hit Combusken, but he couldn't do it. Soon, he was exhausted, his eyes turned into a vortex, and he fell on the field.

"Dugtrio loses the combat capability, can't fight, challenger Tamaki Tyson wins!" The referee immediately raised the flag and pronounced the result.

Brock reluctantly took back the Dugtrio.

Although Brock knew that his battle this time was definitely bode ill rather than well the moment he judged the Accelerated Characteristic Trait, it was still a little uncomfortable to end the battle so easily.

Tyson also took back the Combusken.

The two walked outside the arena and shook hands.

"Congratulations, you have won. The Pewter Badge will be sent to you at the service desk at the Gym front desk. After the information is entered, you can use your ID card to get it."

Brock smiled and congratulated Tyson.

Although it's frustrating to lose the game, but every day there are winners and losers against challengers, and Brock has long known how to deal with it.

Besides, the trainer on the other side is very strong, so it's no surprise that they lose.

"I might get to know you," Brock thought.

For investment, for collection, for recommendation, for monthly pass! ! !

Anything! !

Thanks to Yuelong for the 100 starting point coins.

Thanks to the book friend 20210406211530991 for the 100 starting point coins.

Thank you for the 100 starting point coins from Yermengard_Chen.

ps: Later, it was changed to update a chapter at 10 am and 5 pm each day, because updating in the early morning is very annoying, I have obsessive-compulsive disorder and I have to check my own posts, so I can't stay up late.

Sometimes there are three chapters, that is, the third chapter at nine o'clock in the evening.

(In order to make up for the mistake, an update will be added at 5:00 p.m.)

(end of this chapter)

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