Pokemon: Trainer Starts As Bounty Hunter Chapter 250


Chapter 250 qualifiers, goals, ten-game winning streak! (11.422)

“Shinagawa Jingji, male, 28 years old, from Sanyoshi, Kanto.

Participation experience: 134th Kanto Conference main match player (first round eliminated), 135th Johto Conference main match Players (eliminated in the third round), 136 Sinnoh Conference 64, 137 Hoenn Conference 16.

Registration and main Pokémon: Blastoise (guess Elite), Nidoking (quasi-Elite Peak), Rapidash (quasi-Elite) Peak), Big Rock Snake (Quasi-Elite Peak), Houndoom (Quasi-Elite Peak), Slaking (Quasi-Elite Peak), Tropius (Quasi-Elite Peak), Honchkrow (Quasi-Elite Peak), Swellow (Elite Peak), Cacturne (Elite Peak) , Scyther (Elite Peak). A total of 23 Pokémon above the elite level.

Evaluation: A player who returned to his hometown after a few years of travel and grew up quietly, is not a complete innate talent type compared to a real genius , but his perseverance and hard-working personality has made his strength grow steadily. This is the fifth personal conference he has participated in after three years of silence.

The choice of his three-year silence has advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are: The strength of each Pokémon visible to the naked eye has reached Peak at the stage he is in, and his personal experience with Pokémon training and command must also bring it up a level, making him a strong contender for this Quartz Conference Champion.

The disadvantage is that if he chooses to continue to participate in the Conference in the past three years, the attention and investment he will get after getting a better ranking will make him closer to the threshold of the Elite-level Trainer, instead of having only one Starter now. The strength of Pokemon Blastoise may be at the Elite level, which will have a certain adverse impact on his future development.

Recommended betting index: three stars (stable financial management, but don’t delusionally make a lot of money )”

This is one of the data.

Tyson licked his dry lips unconsciously, but he was a good guy.

One suspected Elite, seven quasi-Elite Peaks, and fifteen elite Peaks, including various Attributes and the scope of activities of sea, land and air, this is not counting the normal elite level and Ordinary that have not been registered Level's Pokémon.

But it's normal. Considering the trainer's experience in the past 12 years, the other party definitely doesn't know how many Pokémon they have captured. It's not surprising that there are such a number.

That is, Tyson's harvesting options are not the same as other Trainers. Even if other Trainers take the elite route, it is common for a Region to travel a year to harvest twenty or thirty animals.

How can he be like him? In fact, he has only captured about a team of six Pokémon in a full year.

Otherwise, Trainer is a career that burns money, so I don't know how much Pokémon's food expenses will be burned in one day.

Fortunately, after the normal Trainer's strength reaches a certain level, he will rarely breed Pokémon from a young age like Tyson, and Normal will conquer powerful Pokémon in the wild.

This saves a lot of Early-Stage's breed costs, which can be said to be the big one.

Not everyone has a zero like Tyson. Rather than betting on the potential of the Pokémon in the Pokémon egg, it is better to directly capture the formed wild Pokémon.

The latter has richer combat experience and is no less powerful than the Pokémon, which has been carefully bred since childhood. Even if the potential may be relatively poor, the bond between the trainer and the trainer will improve slowly at first, but cheap.

This reason is enough to convince many people.

Even if there is a mine at home, it is not something that can be squandered at will, and not everyone has the surname Zvoch.

Take Tyson himself as an example, if he doesn't subdue the three little ones behind the breed, he can subdue Pokémon like Rhydon in the wild, and a team of elite Peak underestimates him.

If you move the three small breeds to your daily meals, it is possible to maintain the consumption of twelve elite-level Pokémons for both teams, regardless of all aspects of increasing your investment to the limit. .

Even after Pidgeot and Blaziken both broke through to the Elite level, it's something he wants to do as a team Elite that takes time and effort.

With the number 0, he can roughly judge the strength of Pokémon and make plans, and he will not be blind to the elephant like other Trainers, and he can't determine whether the wild Pokémon is an elite Peak or a newcomer.

But this doesn't make sense. It's equivalent to exchanging the future for the present. Tyson feels that his brain is pretty good, so he won't do it.

He also fantasized about how good it would be if he had Avatar Technique, so that he could use the many but not good Pokémon teams to do tasks and make money for the development of his main team.

He also specifically asked Koga, but unfortunately the other party said that there is no such thing in ninjutsu, and Avatar Technique is more like a trick.

Tyson had no choice but to give up asking if the other party had Carr's extraction method, this thing, as a family secret.

Looking at the intelligence dealer's evaluation of Shinagawa Jingji, he can quite understand the choice of the other party's silence for three years.

For Trainer, Conference Champion is not just a title, it is an honor.

Although many people are aiming to complete the semi-finals of the Elite Trainer certification, more people have one and only one goal, and that is the championship.

Maybe many people gave up in the process of working hard for it, but it is obvious that Shinagawa Jingji is the type who did not give up.

However, as said in the analysis, these three years will relatively bring a certain impact to his future prospects. After all, three years are very precious.

For an investing family, this often means that future earnings may be greatly reduced, and all aspects of consideration will become particularly cautious.

Tyson can be said to admire this kind of Trainer who has ideals and insists on pursuit, probably because he does not know whether he can do the same in the same situation.

His eyes gradually turned to the only one piece of information that he surpassed the other party, which was the betting recommendation index.

His index is about four stars.

It's worth betting and has the potential to make a lot of money.

To put it simply, everyone is not a fool, they all know that he may become stronger in this month, it is just a matter of magnitude.

It's good to say that the top 32, in case of entering the top sixteen or even the top eight, making a big hit is not a dream.

As for the probability? Gamblers never care about the odds, just the odds.

Several times the odds are enough to make people crazy, but I don't know if anyone is crazy enough to beat Tyson to be the champion, anyway, he doesn't dare.

It's not unpopular for a player like Shinagawa to win the championship, but to be eliminated in the round of 64. It's normal that his evaluation in this respect is not as good as Tyson's.

After all, as long as the race is over, the Alliance will still intervene a little to prevent the powerful Trainer from meeting in advance.

Otherwise, it would be boring if the champions were known in advance when they reached the quarterfinals.

This is also for the brilliance of the competition. It can't be the final battle without a knock-out competition, right?

Fairness is fairness, and viewing is an integral part of the Conference.

The other five players who are about the same strength as him basically have the same evaluation.

Tyson took a look and felt that the probability of Shinagawa Jingji winning the championship is still higher. Whether it is from the point of view of Pokémon or from the resume, he is relatively better than the other five.

Steady rise, these four words seem simple, but in fact it is extremely difficult.

The phrase "relative to real talent is not a complete innate talent type" is also because this year's competition has talented young players like Tyson and Ye Zang.

At the age of 20, he entered the main competition, and moved towards Conference Champion at the age of 28. This ability and innate talent can be said to have surpassed 80 to 90% of the Trainer.

Most people are not 100% guaranteed to enter the main race at the age of 30 or so.

Tyson's feet trembled at the bottom of the desk, and the feeling of all powerhouse was so exciting.

It's not that the ones he's seen, such as Kiyo, Chuck, Oak, Sabrina, Watanabe, Bruno, Lorelei, etc., are not strong, but that they are too strong, so there is no such feeling.

"How are you, do you really want to fight them?"

Feeling the rising temperature around him, Tyson asked with a grin at the corner of his mouth.


Blaziken stood aside, suppressing the fire that spewed from his wrist in excitement.

Pidgeot propped up his body with one wing and crouched on the ground with one wing, watching the childish one-Pokémon speechless sighed.

However, the occasional quivering tail feathers also indicated that it was not in such a casual mood as it seemed.

For many Pokémons, hearty combat is also what they're after.

Tyson carefully analyzes the Trainers who are firmly ranked in the top six. Today's goal is just that. The other Trainers come little by little, five or six every day.

In this way, from the end of the qualifiers to the main game, we can almost finish analyzing the top two hundred Trainers.

Know yourself and know your enemy to emerge victorious in every battle.

What's more, in the main stage, it is not impossible for him to encounter a powerful Trainer, and even if he encounters the first few, he must play his best state.

Tyson is mentally prepared for this, anything is possible.

"Okay Rest Rest, let's go to the draw tomorrow!"

After finishing the work, Tyson pulled Togetic into his arms and jumped. Jumped onto the bed.

Of all the Pokémons, Togetic is still able to do this now. He is speechless and sighed. After evolution, it seems that he has to return to the state of a rest, and he is not used to it~

Togetic, who was forcibly held in his arms, had a lifeless expression on his face. He originally wanted to run to the sofa to rest with his little friends.

Soon, as the lights in the room turned off, there was only the sound of even breathing.

Tyson and Togetic are lying on the bed, surrounded by Pokémon in different poses.

"Are you confident!?""Just Koko!"

"Are you confident!?""Just Koko!"

" Do you have any confidence!?" "Just right!"

In the early morning of the second day, on the main road of the player village, an extremely rare Togetic floated in the air, repeating the blood-filled battle with its own Trainer. dialogue.

The trainers around who also got up early to draw lots cast envious glances at Togetic, who seldom appeared even at the Conference, and then felt that the blood in their body was also drained by this conversation. Burned up.

"So, it's up to you to draw lots, but you must use your Luck Emperor abilities, Togetic!"

Tyson said expectantly.

The blood seemed to cool down all of a sudden, and the trainers around seemed to be splashed with ice water.

Co-authored with your confidence is to say that the draw went well, not a victory in the battle. They complained about this well-known young torch runner.

As expected of a young man, the brain circuit is really strange.

Tyson face doesn't change and took Togetic all the way to the player hall.

At this time, there was already a crowd of people lining up.

He quickly found a relatively short line and began to line up.

Not only Tyson brought Togetic, but many Trainers followed their own Pokémon, and their strengths were different.

The saying of good luck Pokémon is widely circulated. Pokémon are also divided into African chiefs and Luck Emperor. Trusting Pokémon is not superstition.

It's just that Tyson's Togetic is obviously arrogant, and the trainers around him have cast incredible gazes. No matter where he is, Togetic is a very eye-catching existence.

Togetic, who was floating beside Tyson, clasped his two short hands around his chest, raised his head slightly, and squinted at the many Pokémon below. A group of little chickens would dare to compare good luck with me?

Doesn't know that my snacks are financed entirely by picking up money for the Trainer?

In this regard, it belongs to the high level of racial luck. Even the Dark Raven series, Absol and Pidove series, which also have the super lucky Characteristic Trait, are not as exaggerated as the Togepi series Pokémon in terms of luck.

The team progressed slowly.

Tyson woke up early and arrived at the counter more than 40 minutes later.

"Please swipe your ID card or Pokédex."

Nurse Joy repeated the words.

Togetic stretched out his hand, as smart as it naturally knew how to operate, and the Pokédex, which Tyson had shoved into its hands early, quickly beeped for confirmation.

"Tamaki Tyson Trainer, No. 34, Arena B, the start time is 10:00 am, please be sure to arrive half an hour in advance to prepare."

Nurse Joy reported the information skillfully.

Tyson's face brightened, as expected of Togetic, this match number is actually the same as his room number, a proper lucky star.

"Thank you Nurse Joy."

Greeting Togetic to take Pokédex and leave with him, Tyson didn't stay too long, there were many people lining up behind him, he didn't want to be scold.

Togetic is flying with red Pokédex Flying in both hands, the whole Pokémon is arrogant, not it blowing, in terms of luck, it has never been afraid of anyone.

It's 8:20 am and Tyson's First Stage qualifiers are still some time away.

But the first time he participated in the Conference, he also came to the venue early to observe the battles of the various players.

The more you look, the more relaxed you are.

Sure enough, even in the Conference, there are still many chickens, and Tyson's naked eye can be seen relaxed.

He's fully qualified to say this. He didn't see Ordinary Level Pokémon pecking at each other in many nearby venues. Even his Pidgeot could abuse him before he set off, let alone now.

Time flies, and he soon has his First Stage Conference fight.

“Kanto Viridian City Tamaki Tyson vs. Kanto Qingli City Passer A, the game begins.”

The referee gave an order, and both sides released Pokémon at the same time.

"Go, Weepinbell." "Go, Blaziken."

Half a minute later, the blackened Weepinbell was taken back from the Poké Ball and the referee declared Tyson the winner.

Ordinary Level vs. Quasi-Elite is really an "evenly matched" battle.

The corners of Tyson's mouth twitched as he walked out of the venue, but he was still nervous, so that's what happened?

There seems to be a bgm playing automatically behind him. Sure enough, he still failed to hide his strength.

He thought narcissistically, then, the goal of the preliminaries should be simpler, goal, ten consecutive victories!

(end of this chapter)

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