Pokemon: Trainer Starts As Bounty Hunter Chapter 259


Chapter 259 Different way, same victory (15.322)

The throbbing Spark Tackles on a sky full of worm threads.

In a flash, the Barrier made of worm silk was punched through a large hole, and Thunderbolt hit Butterfree's weak body directly.


From the shining Yellow rays of light comes Butterfree’s painful Growl.

Didn't lose the combat capability? Tyson was surprised.

With Butterfree's defense and stamina, after receiving the Electric Type Ability, Charge Beam and Thunderbolt, it stands to reason that it should be impossible to continue fighting.

But soon he understood why Butterfree still had the combat capability.

Spark disappeared, and a Butterfree with black marks all over his body appeared in front of everyone. It still had rays of light covered with blue purple on his body.

"Has Confusion offset some of the damage? It's a quick response. Butterfree is so skilled at using Psychic."

Tyson couldn't help but exclaim in his heart.

And under the coverage of Confusion, Butterfree still did not fall into a state of paralysis, and the film formed by Confusion was equivalent to a short-term Safeguard Ability effect.

"Butterfree, use Supersonic." Morai Kintaro commanded hopefully.

The tentacles on Butterfree's head, which was struggling to support Flying, touched together again, and ripples spread out.

"The dodge, and then the final Thunder Shock." Tyson responded calmly.

This Ability of Supersonic can directly make the hit Pokémon into a state of chaos, but the biggest problem with this Ability is that the hit rate is very low, although it is a sound wave, but the speed is not fast, most Pokémon can dodge .

What's more, the physical strength of the two Pokémons on both sides is now very different. The speed of the Supersonic used by the almost exhausted Butterfree is as slow as crawling Normal in front of Ampharos, who is full of physical strength.

Ampharos moved quickly, easily dodging the Supersonic's attack, and at the same time, arcs appeared on his body, and several arcs flew out.

“Butterfree lost the combat capability, Ampharos wins, do the red players need to replace the Pokémon?”

Looking at Butterfree, who was unable to fight on the ground, the referee raised the red flag representing Tyson .

"Yes." Tyson's answer obviously stunned Morii Kintaro, who had withdrawn Butterfree.

Ampharos's stamina has almost no wear and tear, so why replace Pokémon?

"Then please send the next Pokémon first." The referee is still doing his job very dutifully.

Morai Kintaro's hand on his waist hesitated for a moment, and he kept swiping across several Poké Balls.

Tyson's choice to replace Pokémon disrupted his deployment, and he's a little unsure of which one to send.

This is also one of the few benefits of changing Pokémons when the victor ends a fight.

While the side who strikes from the back will be attacked by the Pokémon already on the field, it has more options and can send Pokémon with more favorable Attributes to target.

"Please send the next Pokémon from the blue team." The referee's urging voice sounded.

Morii Kintaro finally chose a Poké Ball and threw it out, "Then, I'll give you Breloom."

Breloom, mushroom Pokemon, shaped like a kangaroo, with a The "mushroom" is shaped like a hat, with two red spherical objects on it, symmetrically long on both sides, with air holes in the middle, hence its name.

It has two red claws on all four limbs, elastic wrists that allow Breloom to easily attack opponents at various incredible angles, and the green and rice yellow body also makes it quite cute.

Breloom evolved from Shroomish and is the absolute main force of Morai Kintaro.

Breloom, which has dual attributes of grass and Fighting, has good resistance to the abilities of the six attributes of Ground, Rock, grass, water, electricity, and evil, and the first three attributes correspond to the rest of Tyson. Most of the Pokémon are pretty targeted.

Although at the same time, Breloom is severely restrained by the Flying Attribute, and Fire Type can also cause a lot of damage to it, but for Morai Kintaro, this is already the best choice.

Anyway, if Tyson sends out Flying Type's Pidgeot and Fire Element's Blaziken, he's impossible to win.

It's better to bet on the opposite side and not send these two quasi-Elite Pokémons.

Kentaro Morii can almost guess what Pokémon the other party will send.

"Go up to the sky with grace, Togekiss."

As he wished, Tyson chose the most suitable Pokémon besides Pidgeot and Blaziken in this situation. Togekiss by Flying Attribute.

"Come back to Breloom, go to Glalie!"

Almost the moment Tyson shouted, Morai Kintaro, who was ready, immediately used his only one arbitrary The right to replace the Pokémon.

Retract Breloom, release Glalie, action in one go.

It stands to reason that after the other party takes the initiative to replace Pokémon, Tyson and Togekiss should have the right to strike without a doubt.

The two Pokémon suspended in the air looked at each other across the grass field.

"Oh! Player Kintaro seems to know a lot about player Tyson. The replacement of Pokémon is so decisive. Now it's player Tyson's turn to have a headache. Glalie with the ice attribute is very important to Togekiss. The restraint!"

The commentator praised Morai Kintaro's choice.

Tyson paused, didn't have the same choice to replace Pokémon, just preemptive attack, anyway, Togekiss should be faster than Glalie, there is no need to take the initiative to become the backhand side.

And the next Pokémon he prepares is Grass Type's monarch snake, the ice attribute still forms Attribute restraint for it, and the ground is more inconvenient to hit the air.

"Okay, it looks like our Tyson players have no plans to replace Pokémon, and we don't know who's going to win between the happy Togekiss and the vicious predator Glalie.

Don't look at Glalie so vicious, but in fact it is a very loyal Pokémon, we can't judge Pokémon by its appearance"

The commentator watched the two Pokémon confronting below and started his own battle. Science time.

"Glalie, turn the field into an ice world!" "Togekiss, Flamethrower."

The two Trainers commanded simultaneously.

Morii Kintaro's sudden remarks made Tyson embarrassed. No, he was fine when he just directed Butterfree.

Morai Kintaro blushed a little, but he couldn't do anything about it. His Glalie's personality was a little bit strange, and this command method could make it more obedient.

Glalie looks like an Ice Ball Goalkeeper's mask, with a black stone core inside, the skin is covered with blue ice, and there are two large black cones on both sides of the head, and the overall image is also very good. Approaching the devil.

Some people may think it has Ghost Type or Dark Type at first glance. After all, it looks a bit close to the Ghost Type and Dark Type Pokémon in people's minds, but in fact Glalie is a single Ice Type Pokémon.

Hearing Morai Kintaro's command, Glalie smiled with satisfaction, jié jié, and understood the meaning of Trainer very well. An ice blue ball of light condensed between its two corners.

Togekiss was more direct, a long column of fire shot out of its mouth, hitting Glalie directly.

This is the best example of surface attributes not being everything.

Glalie is restrained by the abilities of Fighting, Rock, Steel, and Fire. Togekiss's Ability table has all kinds of Attribute's ability to attack, and the ability of these Attributes is also its specialty.


The fire column crossed the grass field on nearly 2/3/2022 at an extremely fast speed. The high temperature made the grass directly below the path dry up. The original green grass was covered with a layer of burnt Yellow.

Ability's Glalie motionless condensed in place, and took the damage of this blow completely head-on.

"What's going on here, Morai Kintaro's Glalie didn't make the slightest evasive action, is it a mistake? Fire Element Ability does double damage to ice attribute Pokémon, ice and water. It's not the same thing!"

The commentary and the audience's exclamation were not taken seriously by Morai Kintaro, his eyes fixed on the blue ball of light between Glalie's corners.

Glalie endured the pain to maintain the stability of the blue ball of light, and threw the blue ball of light to the sky after a while.

"pa ~"

The sound sounded, and the referee calmly raised a special umbrella and opened it.

“dong dong dong ”

In the next instant, black clouds covered the entire battlefield. There was snow and wind in the sky. One Hail falls.

"Just 咿~"

Togekiss, who was hit by a fist sized piece without checking, let out a pained cry.

Is the Hail weather paired with Ice Body's Characteristic Trait? It doesn't seem to be able to fight a protracted battle, Tyson thought a little tricky.

Hail can cause continuous stamina consumption to Togekiss, and Glalie with Ice Body Characteristic Trait will not only take no damage in Hail weather, but will also recover stamina, which is quite fatal.

It's no wonder that Morii Kintaro was hit by Flamethrower head-on with Glalie and didn't let it give up Ability to release to dodge.

Tyson didn't expect that Glalie, who is opposite to him, has a rare weather-like ability. This ability is quite difficult to learn. Presumably, Morai Kintaro spent a lot of money to let Glalie learn this in order to cooperate with the Characteristic Trait. move .

"Looks like it's time for Pokémon to master the weather abilities." At this time, Tyson was still thinking about other issues.

His travel time is relatively short, and the shortcomings in many aspects are not so easy to make up.

"In that case, do it quickly, Togekiss, and use the Steel Wing Unique Ability." Tyson waved his hand and said in an imposing manner.


Togekiss responded to his command with an excited Growl, the triangular wings were instantly covered with a layer of silver white energy, and the whole Pokémon was swept away by Extremely fast moved towards Glalie.

The flexible Flying action allows Togekiss one after another to avoid Hail after another, minimizing the damage of the weather.

Tyson was very keen to capture the flash of white light on Togekiss.

It seems that the probabilistic enhancement of Physical defensive ability that comes with the use of Steel Wing Ability has played a role.

This is also good news for Togekiss, who is ready to get close to a quick fight.

"Ice Shard. No, use Icy Wind."

Morii Kintaro's reaction was a little slow, although he also caught this, but it was inevitable to change his moves in a hurry Some are in a hurry.

Fortunately, the conversion of Ice Shard to Icy Wind is relatively simple, and Glalie is also very good at these two abilities. The icy cold air of ice blue rushed towards Togekiss, which came straight.

Sink, turn, pull sideways, keep charging.

Under the stunned eyes of Morii Kintaro and Glalie, Togekiss directly dodge Icy Wind's air-conditioning with extremely flexible maneuvers.

Mori Kintaro's face is a little ugly. He knew that he would continue to use the Physical Ice Shard instead of the energy Icy Wind. The Ice Shard of the higher-speed Flying is definitely not so easy to be dodge, even if The damage will be much lower, but at least better than it is now.

But he's just an afterthought. Who would have thought that Togekiss could dodge Icy Wind in such a dexterous way while flying at high speed. Icy Wind's hit rate is still very high, it's not very Slow Ability.


Togekiss, who didn't stop Flying, slammed the triangular wing fiercely against Glalie's hard body.

Glalie swirled and fell downwards, and managed to regain her balance before landing, without suffering the secondary damage from hitting the ground.

It exhaled a white gas, and its extremely poor state recovered a little.

“Ancient Power.”

Before Glalie could catch his breath, Togekiss, hovering in its Sky, under Tyson's command, went in pursuit.

You can't give it time to recover, Tyson and Togekiss know that, and it's going to be really tough.

The grass field below Glalie suddenly arched up, and a rock the size of a human head broke out of the ground and hit Glalie directly from bottom to top.

Glalie uttered a painful Growl.

Fire Element's Flamethrower, Steel Type's Steel Wing, Rock Type's Ancient Power, it forcibly ate three abilities that restrained its Attribute, and all of them have good formidable power, if it weren't for the persistence of Hail Recovering, Glalie was down by now.

Not only that, but what made Morai Kintaro feel even more desperate is that Togekiss once again showed the white light that represented the improvement of his ability.

Morii Kintaro really wants to scold, are you fighting with lifespan, Ancient Power's attack, defense, and special attack increase while the probability is less than 1%. , The effects of special defense and speed can be achieved at one time?

So what can I do, Tyson spreads his hands, Togekiss with super lucky Implicit Characteristic is so unreasonable.

To be honest, Tyson felt that Togekiss had a normal luck today. The three attacks actually missed the key point. As long as he hit once, the opposite Glalie would definitely be gone.

“Sheer Cold.”

Seeing the extremely unfavorable scene, Morii Kintaro gritted his teeth and issued the Unique Ability of trump card.

Sheer Cold is an unquestionably super power of ice attribute. Its expression is slightly different from that in the game. In the game, the user level is lower than the opponent Sheer Cold will not work. In reality, the concept of this level has been expanded to refer to the difference in the level of strength.

Simply put, Ordinary Level Pokémon use Sheer Cold on Elite Level Pokémon is invalid, and Elite Level Pokémon use Sheer Cold on Ordinary Level Pokémon As long as it hits, one hit can make Ordinary Level's Pokémon is in a dying state.

If it is a stage of equal strength, such as elite level versus elite level, then the effect will produce transformation depending on the difference in Level.

A Level 49 Elite Pokémon uses Sheer Cold on a Level 30 Elite Pokémon and hits it, then the latter's status is not much different from dying.

But the premise is to hit, Sheer Cold's huge stockpile and huge slow attack speed are difficult to successfully attack the opponent of the same level.

“Smart Strike.”

Tyson chose a more proactive approach, which is to make Glalie lose its combat capability before issuing Sheer Cold.

Even he has a lot of countermeasures, such as using Protect, such as using again, which can make Morai Kintaro's command meaningless.

But that would be a bit of a waste of time.

Togekiss on the field didn't hesitate at all. After hearing Tyson's command, he lowered his head, three beams of feathers lit up with silver white radiance, and moved towards Glalie.

"Hurry up, hurry up."

Morai Kintaro kept praying in his heart that as long as Sheer Cold is released before being attacked, there is still hope.

And because of the mutual hedging, Sheer Cold's hit rate has also improved.

Next moment, in his desperate eyes, Togekiss's three crowns of feathers directly hit Glalie, Glalie's body surface represents the blue light that is condensing Sheer Cold instantly dissipated, and its body also fell straight. fell.

"Glalie loses the combat capability, Togekiss wins, do the red players need to replace the Pokémon?"

Looking at Glalie, who was unable to fight on the ground, the referee holding the umbrella raised it again. The red flag for Tyson declared his victory.

On the big screen on the sidelines, the Poké Ball representing the two Pokémons of Butterfree and Glalie under the head of Kintaro Morai lost its light.


Tyson's choice is the same as before.

However, at this time, Morai Kintaro had no choice or hesitation. He could only quickly release the only remaining Pokémon under the referee's signal, "Please come on again, come on Breloom, Prepare for battle."

"Thank you for your Togekiss, and then hand it over to your companions."

Tyson recovered the Togekiss that Hail had smashed.

After estimating the duration of the Hail weather, he slowly pulled out the last Luxury Ball for the battle.

Morai Kintaro knew what he was going to do, but he had no choice. Because the referee didn't urge him, the opponent's actions were in compliance with the rules.

Just like he just did, changing Pokémon is allowed as long as it doesn't drag on for too long, as long as your hands are fast enough, you can change it instantly.

If it is too long, after the referee reminds twice that the Pokémon is still not released, it will be directly sentenced to lose.

Otherwise, it will be quite annoying if everyone is procrastinating. The audience is not here to see you in a daze.

"Show your charm, Monarch Snake!"

Tyson throws the Luxury Ball.

The First Stage is a series of three, then the second game will use a different way to get the same victory.

Let's post part of it first. . In the evening

(end of this chapter)

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