Pokemon: Trainer Starts As Bounty Hunter Chapter 266


Chapter 266 Trading and Water Fields

Tyson has long been concerned about this A mysterious assistant was curious, and Tyson was impressed by the adoring appearance of Tyson when Hamana and other researchers mentioned him.

It's just that Mr. Berlitz has always been in Sinnoh's family base, and has always been in video contact with Professor Rowan, and Tyson has never met face-to-face.

"Well, Mr. Berlitz is very interested in the concept of intimacy," Shirona replied.

It seems that you can visit after the conference. According to Professor Rowan, the quantification of intimacy will take some time to study. Mr. Berlitz shouldn't be returning to Sinnoh in a short time, Tyson thought. .

"Then I'll go back and sort it out and send you the recipe."

Tyson readily agreed.

Although it was unexpected, he had no reason to refuse.

Shirona tilted her head: "Didn't you make the Pokéblock and I bought it directly from you?"


Tyson was equally crooked He tilted his head in doubt.

"Didn't you say buy Recipe?"

It's reasonable to pay first hand and deliver the other hand.

His words silenced Shirona for a moment.

"You're from Breeder, right?"

Shirona remembered that the guy across from him had already passed the Level 6 Breeder exam, why did he ask such a strange thing.


Tyson felt that the two of them were not on the same channel.

"Oh! Don't worry, although the level is not high, I can still guarantee the quality of this recipe."

Tyson seemed to suddenly understand something and patted his chest. Guaranteed.

Shirona held her forehead with a headache, she felt that the Breeder opposite seemed a little unprofessional.

"I mean you made it for me based on my Pokémon data, and I don't have the qualifications or ability to make Pokéblocks."

Shirona put it another way.

"That... oh, when I didn't say it."

Tyson subconsciously wanted to ask a question, but quickly responded.

He just subconsciously thought that Shirona could find another Breeder to help with the production, but it doesn't seem to work, and it's not necessary.

He is the one who is most familiar with this recipe, so there is no need to look far.

"Wait a minute, I'll ask."

Tyson opened his Pokémon watch in embarrassment and asked Breeder he knew. He really never did this. side transactions.

The breed program I discussed with Brock before is a bit different from this one.

After a while, he raised his head.

"cough cough." Facing Shirona's faint smile, Tyson cleared his throat apologetically.

He just asked, about the Pokéblock transactions, which can be roughly divided into three categories according to the identity of the objects, for the Trainer, for the peers that are Breeder, and for the Grand Duke Division.

The purchase value and price of the same block finished product and Recipe are very different for the three objects.

Of course, the effect of the finished product and the cherishment of the recipe are also related to the final transaction price.

Shirona naturally bought it as a Trainer, but it was different from Normal's Trainer, so she said she bought Recipe.

Simply put, she bought the most expensive one.

"The block recipe in the Togepi stage mainly focuses on Roseli Berry, supplemented by a part of Payapa Berry, Drash Berry and Coba Berry. These two words are added in the Togetic and Togekiss stages respectively. The specific proportions wait for Togepi to be born. Do a full check and send it to you when the time comes."

Tyson quickly entered the state as a regular Breeder, speaking to Shirona.

Shirona nods to Pok to express understanding: "I will prepare it in advance."

This is one of the places where she is different from other trainers who buy Trainer, she provides materials, so Before that, you should know the approximate Recipe.

The main reason is that with her identity and ability, she can get high-quality Berry, which is not common on the market, as the raw material of Pokéblock.

Normal Trainer does not have this ability. Even if it is required to customize a high-quality Pokéblock according to the Pokémon data, the material is still purchased by Breeder. He is only responsible for paying and receiving the goods. After the need to know about the Recipe this requirement.

There is still a big price gap between these simple differences. Let's not mention how much extra you need to pay for high-quality Berry. The main reason is that once the purchase of Recipe is involved, the price will be There is a big rise.

After all, the disclosure of the Recipe means that the Recipe may be cracked, which is one of the fundamentals related to Breeder, and naturally has to pay a greater price.

In the Breeder community, there is a set of special rules for the transaction of finished products and recipes, and Shirona's purchase of recipes is based on this rule.

Who would have thought that Tyson, a Level 6 Breeder who was a half-way monk, knew almost nothing about these things.

Who asked Tyson to take the Level 6 Breeder exam is mainly to save some money and make Pokéblocks by himself, and to improve his personal value along the way. He never thought about selling blocks to make a profit.

Those who specialize in Breeder might make a career out of it, but Tyson is someone who wants to be a rare treasure Master.

According to the specific data of a Pokémon and then making a special Pokéblock is a very complicated thing, Tyson's own Pokémon is enough for him to worry about, not so free.

As for Shirona, there is no need to help friends, it is mainly for friendship.

"I'll pay you a portion of the payment first, and then I'll pay you regularly." Shirona took a sip of tea, and said to Tyson after a simple operation.

Tyson calmly swiped away the eight-digit account information, looked at the time, and said, "Do you have any plans for the evening, I'll take you around in the vicinity?"


"I made an appointment with Lorelei at night, and I will talk about it next time." Shirona declined Tyson's invitation, of course, the main reason was indeed that she had already made an appointment with Lorelei.

"Okay, that's fun."

Tyson is not surprised that Shirona and Lorelei know each other. There are so few powerful female Trainers, it's strange that they don't know each other. matter.

The two chatted for a while, then moved towards different directions and left.

It feels like I'm being nurtured when I make regular payments.

Tyson shook his head, tossing the outrageous thought out of his head. It was labor.

He returned to the room in a good mood, and the pressure on funds was greatly relieved.

Sure enough, knowledge is the most valuable thing in any world, no matter how bad it is, you can make money from it.

Looking up at the time.

"Is it over in two days?" Tyson murmured.

According to the scheduled arrangement, the knock-out competition will end on April 2, and the 64 Trainers who have fought hard from each group will enter the main Stadium for a 6v6 full battle.

Of course, it's just an arrangement. If something goes wrong, it may be a little bit Quash, but it's the same.

For example, the knock-out competition at first was expected to end on the last day of March, which is today, but in fact, various factors caused it to be two days later than expected.

This is normal.

"The opponent for the next game is Itagaki Danahisa, who is ranked 77th in strength before the game. It is speculated that the first Pokémon to play should be Braviary. Target.

If the data is correct, Braviary's Characteristic Trait is forced instead of Keen Eye, which means that although the opponent's moves will not trigger additional effects, the formidable power will be higher. This is not a good thing for Pidgeot.

Braviary's physical attack ability is very good. Combined with its Characteristic Trait and Ability, Pidgeot's physical strength and defense may only receive three attacks at most.

And Braviary also has Implicit Characteristic Defiant, which is equivalent to Imprison. Pidgeot can add the ability to weaken the state, otherwise its attack ability will be greatly improved under the action of Defiant Characteristic Trait, which is even more It's troublesome.

But Pidgeot is not without advantages.

Compared to Normal Flying Type Pokémon's agility and high-speed Flying attitude, Braviary suffers slightly in this regard, Pidgeot's speed advantage It's obvious, that is, the best thing to do is to distance yourself from a Close Combat.

The Braviary of 'sky' won't run away even if he's wounded, a bravery that prides itself on For Pokemon, a battle method similar to 'kite flying' can be used for this personality.

The main prevention point is to use Ability to instantly shorten the distance, and to deal with the tailwind, brave bird, and Divine Bird respectively. That's how it should be."

Tyson opened the notebook, musing in his mouth, while recording his thoughts about the next battle on the Water Field.

The further back he goes, the stronger the opponent he encounters, his luck is limited, and in the case of generally strong strength, even if it is weak, it is not much weaker.

Itagaki Dadahisa, who ranked 77th in strength before the game, is the strongest opponent he has ever encountered so far, although there is only one quasi-Elite level Pokémon, but due to Braviary's own Pokémon Intensity, combined with the rest of the Pokémon, Tyson felt he was still tough to deal with.

"There is still more than a day of preparation time, so you have to work hard."

Under the dark night sky, the players' village was scattered with rays of light.

The remaining 128 Trainers are doing their best to prepare for the final battle of this stage.

As long as the last opponent is defeated, the main stadium of the main game is beckoning to them.

April 2.

The sixth-to-last competition of the Water Field knock-out competition.

Tyson vs Itagaki.

"Pidgeot, Agility pulls away."

Facing the downwind Ability of Braviary, Tyson calm evaded according to the previous plan.

Compared to Agility, Tailwind consumes more physical energy for Pokémon.

Of course, the speedup is also better.

But who makes Braviary itself much slower than Pidgeot.

Even under the help of the downwind Ability, which had an exceptionally good speed boost, Braviary was gradually distanced again by Pidgeot, who used Agility.

Itagaki's complexion is very poor.

This scene has been staged many times in five minutes.

Although he was not unexpected, it was clear that the opponent had more targeted tactics.

He frowned.

The Braviary is a large bird Pokemon with a white crown of three feathers on the head and a reddish-brown base.

It has three white feathers on each side of its cheeks, a tuft of white down on the back of its neck, reddish-brown coverts on its upper body and wings, and azure on its chest, abdomen, legs and inside of its wings. The tail feathers of reddish-brown have a yellow band and a blue band at the end.

It looks very much like the guardian beast of Tyson's previous life tribe, and its character is similar to it. It is a Pokémon who pays great attention to unity. The frontal wounds left to protect partners are their medals.

But the excellent ability of close combat can't cover up the lack of speed of this Pokémon.

In sky-based battles, speed is the decisive factor.

"Braviary, Scary Face again." Itagaki Dadahisa gave an order.

Thanks to koonshun for tipping Shirona's 233 starting coins.

I TM. . . out-of-date. . Didn't notice the day. .

(end of this chapter)

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