Pokemon: Trainer Starts As Bounty Hunter Chapter 268


Chapter 268 Victory in the Water Field (Subscribe later, subject to change)


Growl sounded deafeningly.

"Rhydon! It turned out to be Rhydon! Tyson sent a Ground and Rock Type Rhydon in the water field!"

The commentator shouted in disbelief.

"But Tyson's Rhydon can actually swim?!!!" (Note 1)

Before the commentator commented on Tyson's choice, the scene on the field It made him bewildered.

Ground and Rock Type Rhydon, who should have been very afraid of water, was stepping into the water at this time, and there was hardly any discomfort from the expression on his face.

"Then, that means Dingjiu's Eelektross will be greatly restricted!"

The commentator quickly reacted, although he didn't know why he should have been afraid The Rhydon with the water away from the water can swim, but whatever the reason, the fact is in front of you, the Rhydon with the water with his hands greatly restrains the Eelektross of the Electric Type.

The reason why it is said to be largely restrained rather than completely restrained, Rhydon is immune to Electric Type is one aspect, the main reason is that Eelektross is a special Pokémon.

Eelektross, which is a single Attribute, is only restrained by the Ground Type, but at the same time, because this Pokémon has only one Characteristic Trait - floating, which makes the Ground Type's Ability unable to cause damage to it. .

That is to say, Eelektross is one of the few Pokémons with no restraint Attribute, no Attribute Ability can cause the formidable power outstanding effect on it, and it also has three Attributes of Flying, Steel and Electricity. Resistant, which is excellent.

In other words, a part of Rhydon's ability is also limited, but it is still within the controllable range.

Besides, this was one of Tyson's plans, and he had already prepared for it.

“Scary Face.”

When Itagaki was shocked, Tyson calmly launched an offensive.


Rhydon, whose head was exposed in the water, shouted, attracting Eelektross's attention, and under the effect of Ability, the color became extremely terrifying.

Eelektross, who subconsciously looked at Rhydon, was taken aback for a moment, his tail slapped the surface of the water and his body involuntarily backed away.

"Eelektross, don't be afraid, use it"

Itagaki was stunned when he said this, what to use?

Let's not mention the Electric Type, which is the best at Imprison, and Eelektross also has the second Attribute, Poison. It also has a lot of Poison Type Ability.

Unfortunately, the opponent Rhydon is four times resistant to poison and can cause very little damage.

So what is the third best attribute?

It's still unfortunate news, Eelektross's third best attribute is Normal Type, and Rhydon is twice resistant to it.

Itagaki's face turned green.

The key is that although the formidable power caused by the Normal Type Ability is not scraping, most of the Normal Type Ability Eelektross will be melee attacks.

Although the two are barely of the same order in terms of body length and weight, but you let Eelektross, an electric fish Pokemon, fight Rhydon closely, but any Trainer will not be so Dry.

Rhydon definitely beats Eelektross in this regard due to his race and physical characteristics.

Eelektross cast his helpless eyes on Trainer, boss, this is not the same as what you said before the game.

Itagaki Dadahisa oozes a few drops of sweat, frantically searching for countermeasures in his mind.

Suddenly, his eyes shined: "Eelektross, use electric discharge on the water surface."

Eelektross knows that his Electric Type Ability is ineffective for the guy on the opposite side, but for the trainer The trust still exudes Spark, releasing the discharge Ability.

The dazzling Spark was running on the water surface of the water field, and the water surface of light blue suddenly became golden-bright and dazzling.

Next moment, what Itagaki didn't want to see happened.

The flickering current of yellow light was continuously moved towards Rhydon along the surface of the water. In an instant, the field of water seemed to have returned to its at first appearance, but Rhydon's body still had white indistinctly. light flashes.

It's not that Eelektross is manipulating the current to attack Rhydon, on the contrary, it's making an all-out effort to keep the current from going to the opponent, but it's useless.

Characteristic Trait Lightning Rod, attracts the Electric Attribute's moves to oneself to make it invalid, and its own energy attack ability will be improved accordingly.

Not to mention the Electric Type Ability of the enemy, it is not easy for anyone to use it. This Characteristic Trait is indistinguishable from foe and foe. As long as it is on the field, all Electric Type moves will be absorbed and invisible.

Tyson smiled slightly, who said that the Lightning Rod Characteristic Trait is useless in singles, only in doubles or triples.

It certainly wasn't him anyway.

As long as it is used well, the Lightning Rod Characteristic Trait, which is somewhat useless for Rhydon, can also play its role.

"It's a good idea. Although Normal's Rhydon is immune to Electric Type damage, he still doesn't have much resistance to the paralysis effect, and his flexibility in the water is already a little worse. No matter how dominant the Attribute is, your Eelektross will find the possibility to win.”

Tyson praised loudly.

It's really a quick response. When faced with this kind of situation, the average person will try to Close Combat at most to see if they can find a chance to win.

Itagaki Shook the head helplessly in the face of Tyson's praise, but unfortunately, this idea was strangled in the cradle by the Lightning Rod Characteristic Trait.

The ineffectiveness of this Characteristic Trait against Electric Type Ability is not just attacking Ability, even changing Ability will not work under its effect.

The two of them had a tacit understanding and did not mention another intention of Itagaki to let Eelektross use the discharge.

Impossible to do it anyway.

“Crush Claw.”

Itagaki directed Eelektross to charge.

Eelektross A fierce man plunged into the water, and his huge body formed a shadow on the water, and quickly approached Rhydon.

Accompanied by the sound of Eelektross breaking water, a loud bang exploded in the calm field.


Rhydon's white light arm and Eelektross's sharp claw strikes also exude white light together.


The sound of falling water sounds.

After resisting for a few seconds, Eelektross was hammered straight into the water by Rhydon's Hammer Arm.

The water splashed all over the sky, blocking everyone's sight.

Tyson's eyes narrowed: "Left rear, Superpower."

Rhydon did not hesitate, his feet were motionless, he raised his tail with all his strength, and moved towards Tyson's command fiercely smashed in the direction.


A louder rumbling sound rang out, and Eelektross, who had just emerged to prepare for a sneak attack, was smashed down again by this sudden attack.

Itagaki licked his dry lips.

Normal Pokémon also needs to consider how to use Superpower, and Rhydon's physical characteristics determine that it can be used in the form of body collision, tail swing, and even through Use the sharp drill bit on the forehead.

It's a dead-end attack.

"Rhydon, Surf."

Tyson can ignore the opponent's thoughts and directly pursue the victory and beat the drowning eel.


Rhydon roared in an imposing manner, his heavy body jumped up, and stepped on a huge wave strangely, from one end of the water field. Towards the other end.

The waves several meters high made Itagaki's vision dimmed immediately.

This scene directly silenced the commentator and the audience.

Rhydon can Surf, outrageous.

Itagaki Dadahisa's eyes froze for a while, is this still Rhydon?

In fact, when Tyson was at first, he didn't know that the Rhydon he caught was not afraid of water.

Although the knowledge of his previous life let him know that it is possible for Rhydon to learn Surf, but in this world for so long, Tyson has never heard of such a peculiar individual, so he has never heard of it. Think in that direction.

Thanks to Pewter Gym's engineering team at Rock.

During one of their operations, they stumbled upon Rhydon's special ability to open up water-seeking acupuncture points.

Tyson as its Trainer was of course immediately notified of this.

After multiple verifications, his Rhydon was confirmed to be a special individual who is not afraid of water.

Several friends who were notified by Tyson were also amazed for a while, especially Seiichiro Sasaki, he absolutely didn't expect Ground Type Pokémon really can not be afraid of water, thanks to him still discussing with everyone at the time for so long.

Of course, although he is not afraid of water, the damage he receives from the Water Type Ability is still calculated in large multiples. It just means that Rhydon will not be afraid of Normal water.

The Water Type Ability that is used by the Pokémon is not listed here.

Professor Oak also clicked one's tongue in wonder about this, and studied it for a long time.

Surf Ability was taught by Professor Oak during that time - in his words, it was a reasonable attempt based on data, didn't expect it really succeeded.

Tyson can only marvel at this.

If Rhydon hadn't known in advance that he could learn Surf, how would he not have thought in that direction.

Professor Oak, God forever.

In retrospect now, Tyson suddenly understands why Rhydon's lair was so close to a groundwater source that the environment was so humid and so far away from where the Nidoking Nidoqueen couple lived.

When he captured it, he thought that Rhydon was used to the environment there and the occasional need for he he water, but it didn't expect more because he was not afraid of water.

It is precisely because of the above findings that the plan to send Rhydon to the field of water this time, and his previous Pidgeot match in the first game was largely paving the way for this.

It can only be said that Itagaki's choice was in his favor.

The tide of Surf Ability slowly faded, and Rhydon walked in front of Tyson.

Behind it, Eelektross, who was sent to the floating board by the waves, circled in the eyes.

"Eelektross loses the combat capability, Rhydon wins, does the blue team need to replace the Pokémon?"

The referee immediately raised the flag to announce the result.

Tyson shook the head.

Itagaki also took back Eelektross and released his third Pokémon, the lovely Cinccino, at the referee's signal.

Actually, if according to his at first idea, the Pokémon sent after Tyson are two of Togekiss, Ampharos, and Monarch Snake, Cinccino is a very good choice.

A single Normal Type Attribute makes it only restrained by Fighting Type Ability, and the breadth of Ability's grasp also allows it to have the means to deal with different Attribute Pokémon.

However, the appearance of Rhydon disrupts Itagaki's plan.

The small and nimble Cinccino was at a disadvantage against Rhydon.

But itagaki has no choice.

"Cinccino, Charm." He took a deep breath and started the attack.

“Surf.” Tyson ignores it, violence against it.

The difference in size is the biggest difference between the two Pokémon.

In ten minutes.

The referee raised the blue flag in his hand again: "Cinccino loses the combat capability, Rhydon wins."

Of course, Rhydon is also not feeling well at this time.

The nimble Cinccino uses the floating board on the water to consume a lot of it. At this time, it consumes a lot of physical strength.

The riddled body with scars is the best illustration.

Tyson didn't choose to replace the Pokémon, but continued to let Rhydon fight, which can cost one Braviary is one.

"Go, Braviary." Itagaki released his last Pokémon again.

"do it quickly, Superpower."

Itagaki is a big move as soon as he comes up.

Rhydon lost the combat capability after struggling with 1-2 moves.

Tyson took it back without changing his expression. It was enough. At least Braviary after using Superpower consumed a lot of physical strength.

"Please do this again, Pidgeot." He threw the Luxury Ball.

Pidgeot has recovered a lot after resting for a while, far away from the old opponent of Braviary.

It's just that the situation between Trainer and at first is completely the difference between Heaven and Earth.

Tyson In addition to Pidgeot, who is almost in full bloom, there is also an unknown Pokémon that has not been dispatched, and Itagaki has only one Braviary who has exhausted a lot of physical strength.

Besides, even if they are two Pokémons in peak state, everyone knows who has the advantage when they are at first.

It's pretty self-evident at this time who the winner is.

However, out of respect for Trainer and Pokémon, the audience and commentators still watched the battle with concentrated attention completely.

Tailwind speeded up Braviary who wanted to close Combat, Pidgeot with Agility + Air Slash long-range attack, and two Pokémons presented a fantastic aerial duel in Sky of the Water Field.

"Then, congratulations to Tamaki Tyson from Kanto Viridian City for his victory over Takahisa Itagaki from Unova Castelia City.

Congratulations to him as he officially entered the sixth stage of this Indigo Plateau Conference Top 14!

His next stage will be the grand quartz master Stadium, I don’t know what kind of surprise he can bring us!”

Accompanied by the hoarse voice of the commentary Sounds echoed in Sky, the water venue, as Tyson came out victorious in the final battle of his knock-out competition.

After shaking hands with Takahisa Itagaki and walking out of the water field, he raised his clenched fists while looking at the hanging sun.

Master Stadium, here I come.


(Note 1) Rhydon is not afraid of water - animation 205 episodes/Game Center Duyuan Zhu City.

(end of this chapter)

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