Pokemon: Trainer Starts As Bounty Hunter Chapter 278


Chapter 278 Battle of the top sixteen, violent tactics

Torterra, the final form of Sinnoh Grass Type Three Founding Families, continent Pokemon.

As a turtle with a large, flat shell, it also looked like an Ankylosaurus.

It has an oak-like tree and three gray equilateral triangle Rocks on its shell. The three colors of coffee, gray and green are mixed together with a large volume to give a heavy sense of security.

That's one of the reasons why it's classified as a continent Pokemon.

Torterra's head has two symmetrically protruding cones, and the mouth is similar to that of Tyson's previous snapping turtles.

The huge body weighing more than 300 kg stands on the field, full of oppression.

Without seeing any movement, a series of green light spots automatically emerged from the air and covered Torterra's body.

The greenery grew, Black's coke scars faded, and Torterra's breathing calmed down.

A pretty good look, Tyson complimented in his heart.

As a grass plus Ground Type Pokemon, Torterra is a Pokemon that is extremely hobby and peaceful, enjoys getting along with others, and prefers to bask in the sun instead of fighting.

It's so tame that there's even a small aggregation and symbiosis of Pokemon on a stationary Torterra.

It's rare to see a type as full of fighting intent as the opposite Torterra.

"Continue to Flamethrower."

But Tyson has nothing to fear.

On the one hand, its strength is ahead and Attribute is dominant. On the other hand, Torterra's attack ability is more prominent in Physical attack, and it is really not very good at long-range energy attack.

To deal damage to the Blaziken, you have to get close.

But how could Tyson give the opponent such a chance.

If Blaziken, who is already skilled in speed, can be caught up by Torterra, it is ignoring the usual efforts of Blaziken and Tyson.

A huge pillar of fire reappeared on the field.

There was no comparison originally, the commentator and the audience just felt that Blaziken's Flamethrower was a bit bigger than Normal Fire Element Pokémon's Flamethrower.

But under the background of the super-large Pokemon, Torterra, they really knew exactly how big Blaziken's Flamethrower formidable power was.

Hatayama Natsuko's eyes were full of solemnity.

"Rock Tomb." She ordered Torterra to defend first.

A huge Rock formation appeared on the field.

The pillar of fire collided with the Rock, and waves of heat swept away.

Although Flamethrower has more formidable power, Torterra is not surprised by this wave of attacks thanks to Rock Type's resistance to Fire Element Energy.

"Torterra, Earthquake." Hatayama Natsuko followed and wanted to regain the initiative in the battle.

Torterra raised both forelegs and slammed hard on the ground.


A huge sound rang out, and the entire venue trembled.

Tyson held onto the railing on the podium.

The Earthquake used by Torterra, which is heavy and has Ground Type, can be said to occupy all favorable factors, and the formidable power is extremely impressive.

Blaziken stopped using Flamethrower with Earthquake's interference, and focused most of his energy on maintaining his body's balance.

Blaziken's face wrinkled involuntarily as the protruding stones from the Ground hit Blaziken's body.

Earthquake's damage to the Blaziken is quite impressive.

Fortunately, Torterra's purpose of using Earthquake is more to interrupt Blaziken's Ability use rather than causing damage, otherwise this Earthquake is enough to make Blaziken consume most of his stamina.

Tyson counted the time and felt that it should be almost the same.

"Move, Heat Wave." He ordered decisively while Earthquake's aftermath dissipated.

Blaziken's legs immediately kicked the Ground, and afterimages appeared on the field.

"Beautiful Accelerated Characteristic Trait! After a while, Tyson's Blaziken has gotten a huge boost in speed, and it's moving around the Torterra faster than we can visually capture it. !"

The voice of the commentary is always so passionate.

Hatayama Natsuko couldn't help but see out a trace of cold sweat on his forehead, very fast.

It looks good off the court, but when I face it in person, I realize how desperate this speed is.

Earthquake, no, the formidable power of Earthquake without Stockpile is not enough to affect Blaziken's movement state at all, but once Stockpile easily at Blaziken's current speed can cause huge damage to Torterra.

Ground Type Ability is true to restrain Blaziken, but Fire Element restrains Grass Type is more correct, Hatayama Natsuko is afraid that Torterra will fall down before he can attack Blaziken.

The hot breath begins to surround Torterra from all directions.

Light pink, pink, light red, red

naked eye Visible, the color of the air is constantly changing, the temperature on the field is gradually rising, the commentators and referees are Somewhat involuntarily away.

The sweat on Hatayama Natsuko's forehead suddenly didn't know whether it was urgent or hot.

"Rock Slide, disperse."

Finally, her orders arrived slowly.

Torterra's eyes lit up in an instant because Attribute's restraint was not good, and several Rock blocks appeared around its body.

“xiū xiū xiū ”

air-splitting sound.

Rock blocks are scattered irregularly towards all directions.

“peng peng peng”

Then, in the eyes of everyone, the Rock block passed through the afterimages of Blaziken and landed directly on the Ground, putting the opponent on the battlefield. When smashing out one after another small pit, it also turns into pieces and loses formidable power.


The sighing sound of an audience member is not obvious, but even if only half of the nearly 100,000 audience sighed, the sound is enough to make people feel endless pressure.

Hatayama Natsuko is even more nervous.

The only thing that can make her feel fortunate is that in order to ensure the state of Blaziken Agility, it takes a lot of time to use and prepare the Heat Wave Ability, and now it will take a while to attack Torterra.

"Rock Polish, charge ahead." Hatayama Natsuko finally made up his mind, but obviously, this decision came a little late.

Even if you really charge ahead now, you will inevitably suffer a lot of damage.

The Torterra's massive size is both its strength and its weakness.

When attacking the enemy, the damage and formidable power that the huge size can cause is definitely greater, you can't expect Pikachu and Torterra at the same stage to collide with Tackle Ability, and the result is Torterra.

This is not realistic.

But its huge size also makes it difficult to evade most of the attacks, and can only recover by hard resistance and Ability.

With the use of Rock Polish, Torterra is covered with a smooth, earthy Yellow film.

I saw its four legs exerting force at the same time, and its huge body immediately moved.

It's faster than usual thanks to Ability's Help.

Although Torterra's speed is as slow as a 0.25x speed movie under Blaziken's rapid movement, it is really fast.

Blossoming Ember flashed over Torterra's massive body.

One step, two steps, three steps, as Torterra gets closer to breaking out of the Heat Wave, the more cumulative damage it receives.

Yellow's film gave it some protection, but this effect soon disappeared.

Torterra's entire body was exposed to the Heat Wave.


The dull sound of breaking wind sounded, and Torterra, which was covered with black coke, broke through Heat Wave Ability and appeared in front of the audience again.

"Synthesis." Of course, Hatayama Natsuko chose to restore without hesitation.

This is also her Torterra fighting style, constantly using her strengths to fight against you.

Pokémon with plants on them like Venusaur, Exeggutor, Tropius, Torterra, etc., use Synthesis proficiency and the effect is quite good.

Of course, today's good weather is also a key factor.

The green light constantly surrounds Torterra, and the life energy restores its body to the greatest extent possible.

Blaziken, who was so fast that he pulled out the afterimages, gradually stopped, standing there and watching silently.

Hatayama Natsuko's solemn eyes kept scanning Blaziken.

"Bulk Up?" She quickly noticed the muscle surging under Blaziken's hair, a bitter taste in her mouth.

Tyson on the other side smacked his mouth, Sword Dance and Bulk Up once, that's ok.

Forget the Focus Energy, after all Torterra's Implicit Characteristic hard shell armor can effectively prevent it from getting hit.

As if it wasn't enough, Tyson calculated silently, and said again: "Fire Spin."

Blaziken, who was standing still, didn't hesitate, opened his mouth, fiery -Red's vortex has changed from small to large, and under its control, it is directly moved towards Torterra, which is still in the process of Synthesis.

You can't hide anymore, Hatayama Natsuko analyzed, and if she hides again, it will really turn into a beaten game that is powerless to fight back.

Her face condensed: "Torterra, Energy Ball."

Torterra, who was in the process of Synthesis, also opened his mouth wide, green light came from the air, and the green light on his back On the shell and inside its body, bright green light spheres gradually formed.

Torterra's terrifying pupils show the approaching Fire Spin.

Wait until the distance was almost there, and with a shake of its call, the Energy Ball plunged straight into the Fire Spin.

The spinning Fire Spin suddenly stopped in place.

Just as people were wondering, the red vortex trembled and turned into pieces of Ember scattered all over the place.

The Energy Ball, which was still alive, defeated the Fire Spin and then moved forward some distance before dissipating into the air.

"Beautiful attack and defense, Torterra's Energy Ball hit the center of Fire Spin's energy so that it can no longer maintain its shape, which has extremely high requirements for Pokémon's energy control, not to mention Torterra is It's done with Grass Type vs Fire Element!"

The voice of the narrator is well-timed, and that's his job.

Next moment, Blaziken's silhouette suddenly appeared in front of Torterra.

Above its feet, a raging flame is burning.

Hatayama Natsuko's pupils shrank.

Looking back at the place where Blaziken was originally, there is nowhere to see its shape, even the afterimage is already disappeared.

"Blaze Kick."

Tyson's grim command sounded, as if announcing Torterra's defeat.

The fiercely kicks of the flaming fire-covered legs landed on Torterra's body, who was temporarily unable to move after using the Energy Ball.

It's not even 0.1 seconds late, the time card is just right.

The sound of falling to the ground and the painful howl of Growl sounded almost at the same time.

Blaziken then backed away from the shock.

Torterra fell limply to one side, eyes rolling in circles.

"Torterra has lost its combat capability!! Under the swift and invincible flame Jump Kick of Tyson player Blaziken, Torterra cannot fight directly!! What an exaggerated attack capability!!"

The commentator shouted and blushed like crazy.

It can only be said that he was not careful enough, and he didn't notice that Blaziken used the state Ability to improve his ability.

Let's not mention the arranged Tyson, the opponent Hatayama Natsuko can see a Bulk Up anyway.

But this is normal, otherwise, it should be this commentary who is standing on the field and fighting.

As for the audience, they are even more impossible to see it.

From their point of view, Tyson's Blaziken has been pressing the opponent to fight, and the way to win is so straightforward, not to mention Contest on the scene.

The cheers instantly resounded through the sky.

Torterra's Energy Ball cracking Fire Spin is really eye-catching, but in the eyes of the Normal audience, it's nothing more than the ability to cancel the fight, and it's not surprising.

It is difficult for them who are not Trainers to understand the difficulty of directly destroying Fire Element's area attack with Grass Type's point-to-point attack.

The rhetoric of the commentary is almost play the lute for a cow to them.

After the referee announced the result, Hatayama Natsuko silently took back Torterra.

Attribute ah, she silently in the heart sighed, but her eyes are still so firm, Grass Type is everything, this is her belief and persistence.

"It's over to you, Abomasnow, come on."

Hatayama Natsuko threw away her second Poké Ball.

Her opponent is still Blaziken naturally, Tyson has worked so hard to strengthen its ability, of course it is impossible to replace it.

Another huge white Pokemon appeared on the field, its dark green hands, feet and tail were stubby, like the branches of a Viridian tree, and there were four more on its back. Green spikes resembling pine cones.

With the appearance of Abomasnow, the weather on the field also turned gloomy.

The temperature of the hot battle in a flash dropped a lot, and Blaziken's breath turned into a naked eye visible white.

What habit, are you looking for a fight? Tyson froze for a moment.

Is this being beaten by myself? Soka Ice Type's Abomasnow was quadrupled by Fire Element.

He was a little confused for a moment.

But forget it, let's talk about winning.

Tyson gave the order without hesitation: "Flame Charge."

With four times the restraint, basically Ember with the minimum formidable power can deal damage close to Hyper Beam, naturally There is no need to pursue any huge might Ability, the sooner the better.

Blaziken's fur was instantly covered in flames.

Agility's rumbling sound rang.

The hot and cold temperatures are in stark contrast, and the path of Blaziken's movement is clearly visible.

"Abomasnow, Protect." Hatayama Natsuko ordered very firmly.

She wasn't beaten, and Abomasnow wasn't about winning.

(end of this chapter)

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