Pokemon: Trainer Starts As Bounty Hunter Chapter 281


Chapter 281 The panic of the rich lady

With the reading of the referee, Tyson and Hatayama Natsuko officially fell to Veilstone in the first half.

But compared to Tyson's brisk pace after taking back the Blaziken, Hatayama Natsuko's side seemed a little distracted.

This is also quite normal, and no matter who gets hit by a string of three, his/her mental state will not be very good.

Even if Hatayama Natsuko had expected to face the opposite Trump Card Pokémon with her Pokémon Attribute, she definitely didn't expect such a result.

Not to mention defeating Blaziken, not even the physical exertion.

"Is there still a chance?" Hatayama Natsuko asked herself silently in the heart while sitting in the rest area.

It should be gone. She has a bitter smile on her mouth. She has only two quasi-Elites and one elite left. On the opposite side, the five Pokémons except Blaziken are all. peak state.

She's impossible to win unless she can 1v2 or 1v3 with every Pokémon.

But in the absence of the Attribute advantage, I would like to have a one-two-one-three in the same stage, unless it is a Quasi-Legendary Pokémon.

Let's not mention what Natsuko Hatayama is thinking about here, Tyson is also preparing his tactics for the second half.

"First of all, there's no need for Blaziken."

On this point, Tyson is pretty clear.

On the one hand, the halftime period was long enough to allow all of the state that Blaziken had just blessed to pass, and there was not much of an advantage for Blaziken to play again in the second half.

Tyson doesn't think Blaziken, who is over half his stamina, can beat two more Pokémon at the same level in a row.

In the first half, there was a lot of luck involved, at least for Abomasnow, who didn't know what to do.

In the light of the Attribute advantage, without the speed and attack bonus, even if the Blaziken innate talent is high and strong, half of the physical strength will be the limit.

After all, Pokémon are still creatures, and the decline in physical strength will also lead to a slight decline in various abilities. Pokémon in peak state are very oppressive when facing Pokémon with excessive physical exertion.

What's more, after fighting for so long in the first half with so many states all over his body, and being consumed by the opponent's Pokémon attack, Blaziken's physical condition also needs temporary conditioning.

To put it bluntly, a momentary power must be paid for, whether it is the acceleration of the Characteristic Trait or the bonus brought by the Sword Dance/Bulk Up Ability, these are a load to Blaziken's body.

It's okay to say that in a short period of time, once the time is too long, its body may still be damaged.

This is also where Quasi-Legendary Pokémon is ahead of Normal Pokémon - Quasi-Legendary Pokémon's ability to withstand the load brought by this bonus is far greater than Normal Pokémon, except for performance at the same stage It can superimpose the state more times, and it is also manifested in the fact that it can maintain the state for a longer time.

The main reason is their physical qualities blessed by heaven.

Of course, individuals and groups cannot be equated. Judging from Blaziken's innate talent Aptitude and Tyson's breed, the gap between the individual and the outstanding Quasi-Legendary is not that big. The more reason is that Tyson didn't think it was necessary.

For a 90% sure win, there's no need for Blaziken to help, his mates will help it out, and Tyson will win.

Blaziken is good enough for a 1v3.

I don't know who his next opponent will be, Tyson thought arrogantly.

"The intermission is over, I don't know what kind of exciting battle the next two players will bring us, please wait and see!!"

It seems to be a mechanized Normal The commentary sounded, and Tyson felt like he was about to vomit.

But looking at the fiery atmosphere in the main Stadium, I know that although this paragraph is a bit old-fashioned, it is still quite useful.

Under the focal point of ten thousands, with the cheers resounding through the sky, Tyson and Hatayama Natsuko once again ascended the podium.

"Then, the second half of the game between Tamaki Tyson and Hatayama Natsuko is officially! Official! Start! Start!"

Following the referee's signal and the commentator's shout, Tyson and Hatayama Natsuko looked at each other, nodded, and threw out their respective Poké Balls.

"It's over to you, Pidgeot!""One more time, Leafeon."


Two Pokémon The energetic Growl resounded from the venue.

Pidgeot flapped his wings, and his sharp eyes reflected the shape of Leafeon, the cat-like fox.

It just saw Blaziken's performance in Poké Ball, it's pretty good, so it can't lose face as a big brother.

Of course, Hatayama Natsuko is not at all surprised that Tyson sent Pidgeot. If you want to blame it, you can only blame yourself for not being prepared for Abomasnow to be defeated by Blaziken in advance and lose the combat capability. Otherwise, there are two Flyings opposite Conte. Type Pokémon should be Abomasnow.

This is also one of the reasons why she was a little weak during the half-time break just now. The remaining three Pokémons are not very good at dealing with Flying Type Pokémon in the air.

"Pidgeot, Air Slash."

The attack from Tyson's side is still so familiar.

To be honest, sky Pokémon has an advantage over Ground Pokémon.

Unless Ground Pokémon can bring super speed with super power like Feraligatr in the last round, the difficulty of Ground Pokémon wanting to melee to sky Pokémon is really "heavenly difficult" ascension”.

If it weren't for the fact that most sky Pokémon's physical endurance and attack capabilities are not too good, resulting in poor strength at the same stage, most people will definitely use sky Pokémon as the main force of the breed.

The familiar white Air Cutter appeared in the mid-air of the venue.

The air-splitting sound starts, and one after another blade moved towards Leafeon blasts away.

"Iron Tail." Hatayama Natsuko commanded while exercising her duty as a Trainer.


Leafeon let out a cry, and steel-like rays of light lit up on its tail.

Eevee is very similar to all the evolutionary Growls it has known so far, not much different except for the tone, and the same thing is that they are both quite cute.

Paired with the strong grassy Fragrance emanating from the young Leafeon, it has been quite popular since Tyson discovered this evolution.

Grass Type Pokémon basically have the ability to clean the air and make people calm, and the lovely Leafeon that can be held in his arms has attracted countless people to the coconut egg forest, where it is said that the government officials in the nearby cities laughed. flowers.

In Professional Oak's parlance, every time they have a meeting, the gang will come to thank him and Tyson's Help.

It's even more impossible for a Grass Type-specialized Trainer like Hatayama Natsuko to miss the chance of breed Leafeon.

Tyson thinks that she is still very difficult to deal with, and can breed an elite-level Leafeon in a short period of time.

“clang clang clang”

It sounded like a metal Tackle Normal, and a small green shadow flew out, it was Leafeon.

Although Iron Tail was used to resist, the difference in strength still failed to make it as expected. Except for being knocked off by a few Air Slash impacts, the remaining one or two Air Slashes also came from Hit it head on.

Leafeon forcibly held back his pain, propping himself up on all fours.

"Spark flashes!""peng!"

Tyson's command and Tackle's voice were within tenths of a second.

Before Leafeon could react, Pidgeot, who was flying at high speed with white light, slammed into it directly.

It seemed like a ball Normal hit the Ground several times and stirred up a layer of dust.

"Spark flashes."

The demon's whisper sounded again, and Leafeon shook his head, thinking it was an illusion.

But the next moment, the body that flew upside down again told it it was the truth.

Hatayama Natsuko clenched her fists as she looked at the Normal in the air, but there were a lot of white lights flickering around the Leafeon.

But soon, she let go again weakly.


The sound of landing sounded, looking at Leafeon on the Ground who lost the combat capability and fainted, the referee raised the flag ruthlessly.

"Leafeon loses its combat capability, Pidgeot wins."

A red light flashed and Leafeon disappeared from the field.

Hatayama Natsuko motionless.

"Hatayama Natsuko, please send the next Pokémon." The referee's urging voice sounded.

Tyson has confirmed that he will not replace the Pokémon, the audience is not watching a Pidgeot fly in the air in a daze.

Hatayama Natsuko seemed to be frightened, and Normal's body trembled involuntarily.

"Please send the next Pokémon." The referee's voice was still so flat, he had seen too many trainers who were beaten up.

Understanding is understanding, but if Hatayama Natsuko does not send the next Pokémon, he will be directly judged in accordance with the Conference rules.

This should not be what Hatayama Natsuko wants to see, because she was sentenced to lose because of this reason, but she will be laughed at by many people. If a powerful Trainer can't bear this mental capacity, it is still better.

Don't be a trainer.

"Go, Roserade."

Hatayama Natsuko finally regained her spirits after being reminded again by the referee, and threw out her fifth Poké Ball in a slightly sad tone. .

Tyson on the opposite side secretly shouted the head.

So, the world is not absolutely fair. The opponent on the other side is obviously not suitable to be a Trainer, but it is a powerful Trainer. This is contradictory, but normal.

The identity of the opposite Hatayama Natsuko is a wealthy lady. If it wasn't to show her Pokémon efforts, the other party would not appear at the Conference. This is not her stage.

It's not that Tyson looks down on her, but that the gap between Hatayama Natsuko and them is too great compared to other rich and powerful second-generations.

If nothing else, Ye Zang is much better than her, even though Ye Zang can't beat her now.

Ye Zang in the stands sneezed.

"Pidgeot, Hurricane." Tyson lashed out.

Hatayama Natsuko, who was in a trance, was unprepared for the Flying Type big move that came up from the opponent. This time, her inner panic was completely exposed on her face: "Roserade, dodge."

For this self-contained command, even the commentator was helpless to the head of Sky.

There's nothing wrong with dodge being dubbed "magic tricks", but you can't be so foolish.

. . . I just found out that I fell asleep yesterday and forgot to post. . .

An extra chapter tomorrow at 9am and 5pm, my, sorry.

(end of this chapter)

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