Pokemon: Trainer Starts As Bounty Hunter Chapter 288


Chapter 288 The Competition of Hard Power

White Air Slash disappeared after entering the aura formed by Dark Pulse.

This is an Ability feature unique to Dark Pulse.

Different from the Water Pulse, which vibrates like a vortex of ocean waves, and the Dragon Pulse in the form of a vast blue shock wave, the Dark Pulse of the dark sky is more like a black hole, with the equivalent of Devouring All Living Things. ability.

Of course, this is just an exaggeration. Considering the strength of Pokémon itself, even with the blessing of buffAbility, Honchkrow's Dark Pulse is not as strong as a black hole.

It's just because Dark Pulse has temporarily suppressed the Air Slash.

But as long as it is not a black hole, there must be an upper limit.

Under Tyson's command, Pidgeot's wings kept flapping, and the Air Slash, one after another, swept across the sky.

Compared to the Honchkrow, which needs to carefully manipulate the Dark Pulse to suppress the Air Slash, Pidgeot only needs to do the most basic Ability release, and that large piece of Dark Pulse can be hit without much aiming.

A steady stream of Air Slashes poured into Dark Pulse like crazy.

The dark black sky is slowly advancing, and when it is about the middle of the two Pokémon, its color has faded to normal brown.

And then, under the watchful eyes of all, no matter how hard Honchkrow tried, Dark Pulse couldn't go any further against the Air Slash.

As time went on, it was the aura of Dark Pulse that began to vibrate.

I couldn't hold it any longer. Shinagawa Jingji and Honchkrow had no idea how many times they had seen this scene, so they naturally had their own judgments.

Shinagawa Jingji made a very subtle gesture.

It goes without saying that Honchkrow, who is trying his best to maintain Dark Pulse's tacit understanding with his own Trainer, lowered his brim again insignificantly.

Tyson didn't notice the little action between Shinagawa and Honchkrow, and his attention was all on the two abilities colliding in midair.


But he is not the only one on his side participating in the battle. Pidgeot, who has Keen Eye and various spiritual experiences, is distracted and pays attention. The difference to the opponent.

Not waiting for Tyson's command, the white light on its wings quickly spread to the whole body.

In the blink of an eye, the use of Air Slash was switched to Spark.

Pidgeot dragged the white light and retreated at high speed with the afterimage.

At almost the same time, Honchkrow, who thought he had no intention of doing math, also waved his wings crazily and retreated to his back.

It dropped the maintenance of Dark Pulse.

Seeing the opposite opponent's mirror-like movements, Honchkrow's fierce eyes could not help but flash with surprise, and then became sharper.


During the inverted flight, it moved towards Pidgeot and let out a loud cry.

However, not many people hear this Growl.

Because at the moment Honchkrow made a sound, the Dark Pulse in mid-air suddenly exploded, and the sudden sound even made many people feel that this world was quiet.

A few seconds passed before they realized that their ears were temporarily deaf due to the rumbling sound.

Most of the audience covered their ears involuntarily, with a look of pain on their faces.

Only experienced referees who feel wrong, and some spectators who often watch powerful Trainer games live and pay attention to the referee's actions, uniformly took out special earplugs to block their ears.

The commentator didn't find it either, but under the reminder of the referee colleague, he still hid in a special protection area in time to avoid torture.

Thanks to Pokémon world's people's physical fitness is exaggerated in all aspects, otherwise the aftermath of this Ability's fight would be enough to hurt many people.

The aftermath of the explosion dissipated.

Looking at Pidgeot, who covered his huge body with his wings not far from his Sky, Tyson's heart that hung in his throat finally let go.


The high-pitched bird song sounded again.

Pidgeot's wings spread out in the air, and it appeared in people's eyes panting slightly with scars.

Honchkrow on the other side wasn't much better.

In other words, compared to Pidgeot, which was evacuated at the same time but faster, it was injured more seriously as the active party.

Honchkrow is getting a little greedy.

According to the usual habits and training, it should give up the suppression of the Dark Pulse explosion earlier.

But it wanted to make Pidgeot more serious, so it gritted its teeth and forced it for a while.

Absolutely didn't expect that it was only a few seconds of delay before Pidgeot realized what was wrong and evacuated.

"pull yourself together Honchkrow."

Shinagawa Jingji discovered in time that his Pokémon's mental state was wrong.

After thinking about it for a while, I realized that my partner was blaming himself, so I quickly comforted him.

I can't blame Honchkrow, at least the other Trainer didn't find it. Pidgeot's discovery was unexpected, which is a pity.

"Nice job."

Coincidentally, Tyson on the other side is also cheering for his Pokémon.

His back was covered in cold sweat from this battle until now.

If Pidgeot didn't find the problem and retreated, it would definitely lose its combat capability when it was hit by the explosion at close range.

So, in Pokémon battles, Pokémon and Trainer are always complementary to each other.

The field was caught in a brief repair.

Off the field, the auditorium also came back to his senses from being frightened just now, and the quiet main Stadium became extremely noisy.

"Oh hoo~ I can't believe it, it's hard to imagine that we're watching a 16-to-8 game now, if it wasn't for the fact that I was in front of me, I even think I'm watching the Indigo Plateau this time. Conference finals!"

The commentator who got back on the court from safety was in pro mode again, raving about the two Trainers and their Pokémon.

The frenzied cheering audience showed just how deeply his words went.

But when the players watched the battle stage, some players looked a little unhappy.

Although it is said that they are really good and strong, but this kind of statement underestimates them, and their battles are not exciting?

No trainer with similar strength would simply admit that he is weaker than the other, let alone for this group of "old people" and Tyson.

No one can define the strength or weakness until there is no real full battle.

The cast shuddered involuntarily away from the two Pokémon in the air.

He looked up at the fiery sun, and as he spoke, he backed away from Pidgeot and Honchkrow.

It's not safe enough here.

If it's not their duty, the commentator doesn't want to stay here at all, it's too dangerous, and the sky is not the home field of human beings.

"Pidgeot, Twister!" "Honchkrow, Aerial Ace rush!"

Two shouted interrupted his unprofessional association, and the commentator hurriedly put his eyes back on the field.

(end of this chapter)

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