Pokemon: Trainer Starts As Bounty Hunter Chapter 290


Chapter 290 vs Blastoise, the first battle against Elite opponents

"Trump Card Showdown!! This is Trump Card Showdown without a doubt!!"

The voice of the commentator hoarse.

“No one thought that at the end of the first half, the two players brought unexpected choices to the audience.

Familiar with players Tyson and Jingji The audience knows that Blaziken and Blastoise are the strongest Pokémon on both teams.

In the previous 32-to-16 match, Tyson's Blaziken ended up by the strength of oneself. In the half-time match, its opponent is three quasi-Elite Pokémons with similar strength. This kind of super strength and dominance is extremely rare.

And the Blastoise of Shijiji three years ago It once set the record for the fastest defeat by the main stadium of the Hoenn Alliance Evergrande Conference, when its opponent was also a powerful quasi-Elite-level Pokémon. Blastoise, which is not known for its offensive power, has such an impressive performance.

In this Indigo Plateau Conference, Jingji's Blastoise has not played yet. I don't know how much its strength has improved in the past three years, and what surprises it will bring us.

Anyway, let's wait and see!"

The narrator's lips were bumping up and down, and he finished a long paragraph at a very fast pace.

The noise from the auditorium brought it up a level.

The 16-to-8 first round competition was so exciting, many people said that their hearts and throats couldn't stand it.

"This kid is probably the champion of this Indigo Plateau Conference."

Flint in front of the TV made his own judgment the moment he saw Blastoise.

Brock and Forrest immediately understood what their father meant. They were all helpless sighed.

On the court, Tyson and Shinagawa Jingji shielded the unnecessary interference from the outside world and stared at their partners and opponents.

"Something's not good." Tyson meditated in his heart.

Only his visible blue screen appeared next to Blastoise on the opposite side, and the word "Elite" on the strength column made him extremely stressed.

The gap between Elite Pokémon and Pre-Elite Pokémon isn't as easily smoothed as in previous stages.

Simply put, Elite is the real dividing line between how powerful a Pokémon is.

In the eyes of ordinary Alliance people, elite-level Pokémon and Trainer are powerful enough to be admired in a small city.

In addition to earning money that ordinary people can't imagine by relying on their own strength, they will also protect the city in times of crisis.

Even in terms of the huge Pokémon base in the wild, Pokémon at the elite level and above are not so common, and most of them choose to live away from human cities.

Under the premise of no Elite-level Trainer guards, elites and quasi-Elites are the main force against the wild Pokémon attacking the city.

In this case, it seems like a default notion that an elite Trainer is considered powerful.

After all, compared to the "Trainer" who can only be called a "Pokémon hobby" in Normal, the elite-level strength is enough for them to look up to.

But in reality, only at the Elite level can you be truly powerful in the Pokémon world.

This is also why the Alliance requires an Elite Trainer to be the Gym Leader for formal Gym designation.

In the words of Tyson's previous life novels, Elite-level Trainer can do one person town one city.

While most Elite Pokémon live in secluded, uninhabited, resource-rich places, not all Elite Pokémon are so harmonious.

It's entirely possible that some grumpy Elite-level Pokémon will attack human cities, especially if their territories and habitats are overrun by humans.

You must know that most Elites with this strength are not loners, and the huge group under their hands can completely scare people to death.

Fortunately, Pokémon all follow the rule that whoever is stronger in the wild will occupy the territory. As long as their boss is defeated, then the tribe will retreat and live in another place under its leadership.

In Tyson's impression, the attack on the giant Tentacruel in the city of Rampurki is a portrayal of such an event.

If it wasn't for the Ash entire group, unless the Elite-level Trainer arrived, there would be only one fate for the city of Lampurki.

Of course, then again, if it weren't for the huge Tentacruel, the Tentacruel group would not easily attack the human city without the leadership of a powerful boss.

The ocean is so big, it's not a big deal for them to change their habitat.

People have thought about defeating Elite Pokémon with a quasi-Elite Pokémon, but it's not realistic.

It is an undisputed notion that Pokémons in the wild are generally weaker than Pokémons of the Trainer breed, with a few exceptional individuals outside the scope of this discussion.

Although the combat experience may be relatively rich, wild Pokémon are otherwise weak.

At the level of quasi-Elite, regardless of the Attribute factor, the Pokémon of the Trainer breed is two to three or even two to four. The Pokémon of the natural Growth in the wild is not a problem at all - if the Trainer can live and continue to command.

But this kind of strength is still unrealistic for a Pokémon who has grown into an Elite in the wild.

This has only happened three times in the Alliance's current record.

It's so difficult to play Pokémon in the wild, so it's not hard to imagine the gap between quasi-Elite and Elite Pokémon between Trainers.

In the known information, no one has been able to defeat Elite Pokémon with a quasi-Elite Pokémon in an official match, at least in a one-on-one situation without precedent.

Tyson took another look at Blaziken of his Fire Element and Blastoise of Water Type. Although he was very confident in Blaziken, it was somewhat difficult for him to be strong.

The strength is so much worse, and Attribute is still at a disadvantage.

Shinagawa Jingji stood quietly on the podium. Blastoise's modest body in front of him seemed like a normal mountain at this time, and his imposing manner was extremely calm.

"Blaziken, Flamethrower."

Tyson strikes first.

Speaking of which, he's never played an Elite Pokémon head-to-head, so this is the chance to get a feel for it.

"Oh, scare"

Blaziken, who had Spit Up's scorching flames from his wrist at the first appearance, shouted excitedly, and a surging fire column shot out of his mouth.

As a Pokémon, it can feel the power of the opponent even more.

But so what.

For Blaziken of Fire Element and Fighting Type, the harder the battle, the more enthusiasm it can arouse, and the stronger the opponent, the more the fire in his heart and wrist will burn.

It won't think about winning or not, that's what its boss has to consider, it just needs to do its best to fight against opponents.

Shinagawa and Blastoise remain still.

The unidentified audience was a little confused, and a small part of the audience reacted with their eyes flashing.


When the intensely burning flames arrived in front of Blastoise, Blastoise crossed his body at a moderate pace under Shinagawa Shizuji’s instruction.

The water cannon barrel protruding from the left front end of the turtle shell is facing the Flamethrower.


A violent stream of water gushed out.

Blastoise, a Pokémon, has a natural physical advantage when using abilities such as the Water Gun.

The two gun barrels in the front part of the turtle shell are not just to look at.

The powerful impact of the peculiar structure can easily pierce through extremely thick steel plates.

Water and flames meet in the air, the red and blue colors gradually disappear, and layers of Mist permeate around Blastoise's body.

This action by Blastoise caused everyone to exclaim.

Nothing else, just because the Blastoise's ability to fire through a water cannon is only a Water Gun.

The ability to use the low formidable power Water Gun to offset the huge mighty Flamethrower, even the dumbest person knows that this means that Blastoise's strength has reached the Elite level.

Otherwise, this situation will not occur if Attribute is dominant.

It's not that hard to imagine.

Before the start of this Indigo Plateau Conference, the gossip about Shinagawa's Blastoise breakthrough Elite had spread widely.

Many people are confident that if it weren't for the Elite Blastoise as the trump card that gave Shinagawa enough confidence to win the championship, he certainly wouldn't be back on the court after three years of hiatus.

Those who think fast enough are already starting to feel sorry for Tyson.

"Sure enough."

But at this time, Tyson was not unhappy at all, but excited.

Lt. Surge's Raichu's formidable power was only felt from a distance during the last Vermilion City Gyarados event.

In addition, his own strength was very limited at that time, and there was no very clear concept of how strong Elite was.

Now that my strength is almost at this stage, I can only have a real experience when I face it face to face.

"The stronger the better," Tyson muttered.

His eyes were very hot.

Elite is like that, so what about the champions, then what about the Divine Beast.

Don't mention Machamp of Seafoam Islands Bruno and Articuno to him, he didn't even see a hair on the latter, the former just solved the opponent easily like playing with Normal, and couldn't see anything at all.

"We can only get stronger."

The voice of Blaziken's Aura resounded in Tyson's heart.

Tyson grinned.

"In the face of a powerful opponent, Tyson did not back down or be afraid. His smile represented everything to him. There is no victory or defeat in Pokémon battles, only bravery!"

The passionate voice of the commentary echoed in the air.

He didn't insist that he was confident, and he wouldn't believe it.

But this spirit is very much in line with Alliance's values.

The commentator suddenly understands why the top is pushing this young Trainer. In addition to innate talent and strength, this character is more important.

Shinagawa is also very happy.

Tyson's attitude showed that he was right.

Otherwise, out of the idea of hiding his strength, he can send his remaining powerful quasi-Elite Pokémon.

His eyes turned to Tyson again.

Tyson understands what he means.

"Let me attack."

Tyson chuckled, being overconfident is not a good thing.

Blaziken stepped forward step by step, facing everyone's eyes.

“Blaziken, Sword Dance, Bulk Up, Focus Energy!”

Tyson is not polite, Blaziken never fully showed the buff triple stack, which is faster than everyone completed at the expected speed.

"And then, True Qi punch!"

Before anyone could react, Tyson's eyes widened and he shouted.


The sound of hard objects colliding.

Blaziken kicked his legs and rushed out in a phantom.

Its claws clenched tightly, and the white light became more and more dazzling.

(end of this chapter)

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