Pokemon: Trainer Starts As Bounty Hunter Chapter 299


Chapter 299 Tohjo Falls and the Pokémon Riots

Current Tyson location It is the junction between Kanto and Johto, southwest of Kanto.

Probably the most iconic location nearby is Tohjo Falls, which separates the Kanto Region and the Johto Region.

It is a double waterfall in the shape of a "gate". As the famous junction between the two regions, the name of Tohjo Falls is derived from the Kanto Region and the Johto Region.

Speaking of this, the reason why the construction team of Yuantian Group appeared here is very obvious.

They are, of course, preparing for their boss's Battle Frontier plan. According to Tyson's impression, the Battle Tower, one of the seven facilities in the future development zone, is near Tohjo Falls.

Speaking of which, the future masters of Battle Tower have a connection with Anabel and Tyson.

Before officially becoming a warlord, Anabel's main job was to clean up threats in various regions as an Interpol.

And at this moment, her boss happens to be a handsome guy.

During the mission in the Kanto Region, the handsome guy also consulted with Tyson in conjunction with Anabel on some of the questions.

Although the two have not met face to face, there is still a little bit of communication, and they can be regarded as nodded friends.

According to the handsome guy, Anabel from the far-flung Alola Region has lost almost all memory except his name for some reason.

As for the specific reason, the handsome guy taboo Mo Shen did not specifically inform Tyson.

However, Tyson is a transmigrator after all, and he can still know some information under half-guess.

There is a connection with the Alola Region, and the danger that cannot be said at present, there must be only one left, the ultimate alien beast.

Despite guessing, Tyson wisely chose to keep silent.

Let's put aside the existence of Ultra Space's extreme beasts, which is still hidden by Alliance. He has no source of relevant information. Even if it is explained as what Professor Oak told him, it is also impossible to blend in with his current strength. into such a dangerous thing.

You must know that each extreme beast is only a common Pokemon in the original world (Ultra Space), but it is a very dangerous creature in this world, and its strength is very powerful.

Even if you have the ability to sense Pokemon's thoughts since childhood, and be able to unite with Pokemon's mind, in theory, it is not Psychic, but a more sensitive empathy. Anabel, who is regarded as a Psychic, is extremely powerful. The ultimate aliens are very troublesome.

Not to mention the "weak" Tyson, the quasi-Elite Pokémon probably isn't enough for these guys.

And Tyson's last life's understanding of the ultimate monsters is also poor, only to know a few famous ones, such as Kartana, Buzzwole and Pheromosa.

apart from this, he knew there was probably such a thing.

Tyson doesn't want to get involved in any Ultra Beast-related events until he's an Elite Four or even a champion.

He didn't want to die an untimely death.

Brightly mentioning the title of Anabel's Battle Monarch may not have a clear definition of her strength. In terms of the battle strength that more people can understand, Anabel's strength is not inferior to the one with Brandon of the Three Gods Pillar as a partner.

While it might seem that Brandon's status as Battle Frontier's seventh facility's Pyramid King may be higher, in fact the two are both equally excellent.

The former has a higher status purely because Anabel has more responsibilities to do outside of Battle Frontier.

Brandon is a loner. As a friend of Yeda Yashida, he can be regarded as the battle guest official of the Yeda Group. There is a distinction between himself and outsiders.

Combining the understanding of previous life and this life, Anabel's strength has not yet reached the strongest, and Brandon has not yet captured the three gods, but the strength of the two is still in the forefront of the entire Pokémon world.

According to what the handsome guy said in private and Tyson, Anabel who has worked hard and made a lot of credit has been promoted by the upper management, which means that in the future, it will not be the handsome guy leading Anabel but Anabel leading the handsome guy.

Going a step further, it is said that Interpol also intends to set up a mysterious department for Anabel to serve as minister.

The handsome guy didn't shy away from talking to Tyson about this.

It's not that he doesn't have a sense of secrecy, but that's what his boss told him to do.

It is easy to understand that Tyson, as an emerging talented Trainer in the Kanto Region, has such excellent results in the Conference, it is normal to have an organization to win him over, not to mention the lack of a strong Trainer all the time. Interpol.

The information revealed by the handsome guy is not a top secret, so Tyson knows it doesn't matter too much.

Of course, Tyson also knows what the handsome guy and the Interpol organization mean, but the half-prevarication and half-shirk thing is just like the solicitation of others.

The reasons for external claims are all the same - you are still young and your strength is not strong enough, you need to travel to become stronger for a period of time before making a decision.

This is a panacea that no one can refute, after all, they came for Tyson's age and innate talent.

For Tyson, the advantage of these wooing is that he has a lot of new money-making channels.

These guys are all big money, but outsourcing some tasks to him is enough to make him a lot of money.

This mission is a good example, although he didn't contact him himself.

Back to this mission.

It is quite normal to encounter Pokémon riots in the early stage of building a building. Basically, every team working in the field will encounter this kind of thing. The difference is that the rioting Pokémon is in strength. There is a difference above.

This is why, even with such highly productive creatures as Pokémon, the speed at which people in the Pokémon world expand in the wild is still not efficient.

The wild is a paradise for Pokémon in the true sense. If you build something in Pokémon's turf, you will grab the turf. Wild Pokémon who follow the law of the jungle will give you a riot every three or five years. In this case, no one will come. law to ensure the efficiency of the expansion.

And the expansion is not over yet. After the completion, you will have to face the impact of wild Pokémon from time to time, until after a long period of time, the wild Pokémon know that this area is an area where humans often move, and they cannot enter it. restricted area.

It is not uncommon for a completed building to be completely damaged by the slightest carelessness.

No matter where the world is, the coexistence of humans and other creatures is always a big problem.

Faced with the growing world population, it is impossible for human beings to expand their own territory to seek more living space, but this will undoubtedly encroach on the living space of Pokémon. It is an inevitable thing to fight under the contradiction between the two .

If it weren't for the invention of Poké Ball and the fact that Pokémon and humans could understand and coexist to a large extent, the Pokémon world would still be as barren as it was a thousand years ago or even ten thousand years ago, with only a small part of it in the form of a country. survive.

How to say Pokémon's combat capability is not comparable to normal humans.

The scale of the Pokémon riot encountered by the Yuantian Group's construction team this time is not small, otherwise it would not have hired Ye Zang at first, but it was not difficult for Tyson to solve.

Tohjo Falls is the dividing line between the two Regions, which can be regarded as deserted when attached.

After all, the geography of Cave + Waterfall is really not suitable for people to pass through, and most people will choose several other routes to cross the Region.

Similarly, this time, due to the geographical location, the Pokémon on land and in the water launched a riot at the same time, which led the construction team to ask for help.

Of course, the more important reason is that two quasi-Elite Pokémons appeared in the riot - a Golbat and a Seaking.

Under the base of these common Pokémons, there are more instances of quasi-Elite individuals than some rare Pokémons.

Led by the two of them, their respective ethnic groups launched an attack the moment the construction team occupied the site, and the construction team suffered serious damage.

Fortunately, the location was relatively deep at that time. After the construction team evacuated to leave a large distance, the opposite side stopped the attack and turned to consolidate the territory.

But that doesn't mean anything good.

The people of Pokémon world have known about this for a long time.

After the expanding Pokémon tribes are in order, they will take their newly conquered younger brothers moved towards humans to counterattack until they regain all their territories.

As for the reason, it's simply "you can't beat me, so your territory is mine by the way, and you will stand up for my younger brother Retaliate".

The elder brothers of some groups are worried that they have no reason to attack other Pokémon groups, and the appearance of humans has just given them a chance.

Recalling the information just given by the foreman Chief-In-Charge, half an hour later, Tyson picked up his space backpack to confirm that all the supplies were not missing, then stood up and walked out of the tent.

"Lord Tyson, everyone inside has been evacuated at your request."

Outside the tent, the anxious Chief-In-Charge saw Tyson come out. He immediately greeted him with a smile.

"Well, I see." Tyson nodded. "Take me to the entrance."

"Okay sir, please come with me"

Chief-In-Charge is, of course, something to ask for.

Although the Yuantian Group did not give a specific time limit for the completion of the tasks that Tyson took over, for their construction team, every delay for a period of time was a loss.

"Your security team only needs to protect the entrance, you don't have to follow me down.

Also in order to guard against the unexpected I will put one of my Put the Pokémon outside, and when the time comes it's going to take care of it."

On the way to the entrance, Tyson moved towards Chief-In-Charge briefly.

Chief-In-Charge hesitated: "Uh... do you really need help?

Although our security team doesn't have a strong quasi-Elite level Pokémon, but The number of Elites and Ordinary Levels is still guaranteed, at least when it comes to fighting rioting groups."

"No, how to solve them is my task, you just need to ensure Just be safe."

Tyson's face was flat.

Chief-In-Charge looked at such a confident Tyson and didn't say much. He could only lead Tyson to the entrance with a beating heart.

"Come out, Pidgeot, you're here to assist in defense."

Tyson's right hand flashed past his waist, and a shrunken Luxury Ball suddenly enlarged and thrown .

The huge Pidgeot appeared in the eyes of those present with red light.


Pidgeot chirped and waved his wings to show his understanding.

"Then I'll go first."

I don't know when Tyson, who had changed into his outdoor adventure suit, raised his legs and walked towards the dark entrance.

Putting Pidgeot on the outside is a must.

On the one hand, the small space inside is simply not suitable for Pidgeot to use his fists, and on the other hand, Tyson is also afraid that people outside will make something wrong for him.

There is a saying that is good, don't be afraid of god-like opponents, but be afraid of pig-like teammates.

These words will never be out of date.

Watching Tyson's figure disappear from the entrance, Pidgeot spread his wings and came to a tall tree near the camp to start vigilance.

"Don't worry, this is not a Normal Trainer."

The Captain of the security team looked at the worried Chief-In-Charge and consciously understood his thoughts, so he simply Reassured.

"I know, Indigo Plateau Conference top 16, super talented Trainer, I definitely won't have any worries about his strength."

Chief-In-Charge is helpless laughed.

"The main thing is that he's going down alone, in case something happens"

Chief-In-Charge didn't go on.

"Don't worry, besides his strength, he also has a lot of fame in the Bounty Hunter field. He is not a Normal Trainer who can only fight regularly. Those of us who are not strong enough may be in his opinion. Instead, it's cumbersome."

Captain laughed, but didn't worry.

"With his abilities, even if he can't beat that horde of Pokémon, it's easy to get out."

"I hope so."

Chief-In-Charge has a pessimistic attitude toward the unforeseen, something Captain, the security team he's worked with many times, is familiar with.

"Let's go, just take this time to take care of the wounded, Mr. Tyson is still very fast, we still have a lot of time."

Captain pulled Chief- In-Charge walked to the tent not far away.

"Speaking of which you're getting paid a lot after this time, don't you think about inviting your brothers to have a meal?"

"Don't, you can't do it after years of hard work. I'm going to get you a good Starter Pokemon for that kid."

"Oh yes, it's fortunate that I'm a single aristocrat who doesn't have as much trouble as you, so this time I'll treat you to me when I go back."

"Is that so, then I want the Garchomp set menu at Blue Italian Restaurant."

"Hey hey hey, you want me to go bankrupt What??"

The backs of the two quickly disappeared into the many tents.

Pidgeot's gaze quickly shifted from them to vigilance of the surrounding environment, which was his task, and paid for.

At this time, Tyson, who entered the construction channel, was making steady progress.

The inside of the construction tunnel is not as dark as it looks outside.

Considering the construction requirements, there are still many objects for lighting on the surrounding walls.

Although it is only a faint light, it is enough to see clearly.

"Fifteen Zubats + five Golbats + one quasi-Elite Golbat, thirteen Goldeen + 3 Seakings + 1 quasi-Elite Seaking, and a variable number of other Pokémons. ”

Tyson silently calculates the battle strength gap with the task goal.

It's not too big, at least in his view it's an easy fix.

"Let's find out what's going on first." Tyson took out an oddly shaped instrument and what looked like a steering wheel from his backpack.

He certainly wouldn't simply trust the information given by Chief-In-Charge, which was a bounty for Bounty Hunter.

The editor didn't reply to me, I guess I have to wait for work on Monday to solve the problem of repeated chapters, it should be fine, as long as I don't scroll forward, I won't order

(end of this chapter)

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