Pokemon: Trainer Starts As Bounty Hunter Chapter 304


Chapter 304 Island in the Water

"Tamaki Tyson Trainer No. 22, Tamaki Tyson Trainer No. 22.

The Pokémon you have deposited in the center has been restored, please go to the front desk immediately to collect it with the number plate~”

Nurse Joy’s familiar and sweet voice echoed in the In this small Pokémon center.

Tyson, who was sitting on the side and closed his eyes for a short nap, opened his eyes and stood up.

The difference from Kanto Region is that although Johto Region also has technology, its overall life style is more retro.

Like getting back the Pokémon at the Pokémon Center.

Even the more old-fashioned Kanto uses sending the message to Trainer's own watch as a reminder, but Johto doesn't do it, he prefers to call the number manually.

This may be related to the legends and long history of the various Divine Beasts in the Johto Region.

With such a long persistence and development, this style has become a feature of Johto Region.

For the first time, although I am not used to it, Tyson also finds it quite novel.

"Thank you Nurse Joy."

Tyson who walked to the front desk handed over the wooden number plate and took the Poké Ball from Nurse Joy's six partners.

"You're welcome, I wish you an unforgettable trip in Cherrygrove City."

Nurse Joy replied very politely.

Cherrygrove City is the city where Tyson rushed to rest after finishing his quest at Tohjo Falls.

Not so much a city, Cherrygrove City is actually about the same size as New Bark Town.

As the only one central road connecting New Bark Town and Violet City, Cherrygrove City has only one irrelevant single-person Gym stationed as a guardian.

Probably because of Cherrygrove City's geographical location, once it is attacked by Wild Pokémon, surrounding cities can be easily supported.

The more important reason is that there is a waterfall called "Blue Full Moon Waterfall" next to Cherrygrove City, which is famous for its floral fragrance and sea breeze by the sea. A group of autonomous guardians live on the waterfall. Quagsire in Cherrygrove City.

Don't think that Quagsire is not powerful because of its stupid appearance. As most of the recipes are meat creatures, groups of Quagsire are quite deterrent in the wild.

These Quagsires have been quietly performing their duty of guardianship since the birth of Cherrygrove City, and people still don't know why they do so.

But out of thanks for them, at the annual Quagsire Celebrate ceremony, people will also bring the orbs they need to the Quagsire.

In any case, these objects will still drift back to the river below the waterfall with the current on the second day.

This is also a big difference between Johto and Kanto.

In Kanto, you will often see Pokémon in the wild and human beings in the city fighting, fighting for the territory of survival, in the shadows and corners of every city there is no shortage of wandering Wild Pokémon glare like a tiger watching his prey.

And in Johto, you can see more of humans and Pokémon living together in harmony.

People in the Johto Region don't think Wild's Pokémon will harm themselves, they think they protect themselves, and many towns also regard individual types of Pokémon as "Totem" Normal beings to protect each other.

If you look into the reason, according to Tyson's idea, it should be related to the obsession of the Johto people to recall Ho-Oh.

According to what Tyson learned from the Pokémon Central City travel brochure, the next Quagsire ceremony will start in about two months, and he can only unfortunately miss seeing the beauty with his own eyes. opportunity.

"If you are interested, you can try fishing at the seaside fishery. Enjoying the fun of fishing in the gentle sea breeze at night is also the meaning of travel."

Nurse Joy Tyson, who watched constantly browsing and flipping through the manual, kindly offered his own suggestion.

Are you fishing? Tyson looked thoughtful, but it was a very good proposition.

It had been a long time since he last fished on the San Antonio.

Although the types of Pokémon living in the water in the Johto Region and Kanto Region are not very different, they are still somewhat different, so you can experience them.

"Then can Nurse Joy recommend where to buy fishing rods and where to fish the best."

Tyson put away the manual and decisively moved towards Nurse Joy and asked a question.

When you're in a city and don't know what to do, it's always right to ask Nurse Joy, they're a living map of the city - one of Trainer's mottos.


Nurse Joy was lying on the counter, very cute, put her finger on her mouth and started to think.

"It doesn't look like you're a seasoned fisherman, you don't even have your own equipment.

In that case, I suggest you go to a shop called 'Lone Island Fishing Tackle' in the west of the city and ask Its Boss is the most experienced angler in Cherrygrove City.

In addition, the island fishery he runs is also the best seaside fishery in Cherrygrove City.”

Nurse Joy Answered Tyson's question with a smile.

Tyson felt like his heart had been hit.

"No, no, I'm not Brock."

He hurriedly repeated frantically in his heart.

I have to say that Nurse Joy is really the most gentle group of people in this Pokémon world, you will be influenced by their charm unconsciously, no wonder there is a group of people in the Pokémon world who specialize in pursuing Nurse Joy as a own goals.

Of course, no one knows whether it's for Joy or the Joy family except themselves.

Moved towards Nurse Joy After thanking him again and again, Tyson walked towards the direction she was pointing at the afterglow of the setting sun.

Cherrygrove City is really not big. Tyson followed Nurse Joy's instructions and crossed three streets before he saw the fishing tackle shop she was talking about.

It's not shabby, but it looks very old, and even the doors are hand-pulled rolling shutters.

“Dong Dong~”

Tyson stepped forward and knocked on the pillar next to him: “Hello, is there anyone? I came here to buy a fishing rod on the recommendation of Nurse Joy.”

No one replied.

Tyson repeats it again, still no sound.

Looking at the "Opening" sign at the door, he thought about it and stepped inside.


As soon as he entered the store, Tyson was drawn to the various fishing rods hanging on the wall.

The special limited-edition good fishing rods produced by the famous super fishing grounds in the two regions of Kanto and Johto are hung on the wall, and there are also several Super Rods signed by the fishing master.

He's now starting to believe Nurse Joy's claim that the owner is a fishing expert.

Super Rod is not very common, and the rarity of this item, which is recognized as the most Top Rank tool in Fishing Rod, is comparable to some Pokémon Items.

And the Super Rod with the Master's signature is even less, because it means that the fishing master has won some big honors with this Fishing Rod, usually only the approved opponent can be given such a Super Rod, average person can't get it.


Looking at it, Tyson saw a map of Cherrygrove City hanging on the wall, and he subconsciously made a questioning nasal sound.

Different from the Cherrygrove City map in his memory, this map shows that there is a large island next to Cherrygrove City.

But that didn't fit his cognition.

"This is an island."

A deep middle-aged male voice sounded beside Tyson.


Tyson asked curiously.

Of course he wasn't frightened by this man, and the perception he had developed was not fake. Even if he didn't drive to the maximum warning line, he wouldn't be unresponsive to those who approached him.

"Well, this is also the origin of the name of my shop."

The man, the owner of the fishing tackle shop, said slowly and leisurely.

"Joy asked you to come, right? How much did you prepare?"

The owner walked behind the counter and asked directly.

"Uh, is there a cap?"

Tyson said hesitantly, having just made a fortune, he felt that he still had the confidence to do so.

The owner chuckled lightly: "It's unrealistic to have no ceiling, Fishing Rod said it's just tools, not Items.

I see your physical fitness is very good, If you are fishing for the first time, it is recommended that you use this type of Good Rod."

He naturally took out a not too big box from under the counter, and then took out a very large box from the inside. A very long red Fishing Rod in line with common sense.

Tyson took it and shook it in his hand.

Ignoring the feel, he continued to ask to satisfy his curiosity: "I want to know if this island really exists."

Tyson's intuition told him that this There should be a lot of good things on the island.

The shop owner glanced at him: "There are many trainers who have asked the same question as you, and I can only tell you that it does exist, because I have been there, but it is more specific."

The owner laughed again.

“I have to pay more.”

Back pain, I will continue writing tomorrow morning

( End of this chapter)

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