Pokemon: Trainer Starts As Bounty Hunter Chapter 307


Chapter 307 Suicune's Gift Incomplete)

A graceful female voice came out of Tyson's mind.

After all, she is still a Divine Beast, and it is normal for Suicune to have telepathic abilities.

The wide-eyed Tyson wasn't surprised by this.

He was simply bewildered that Suicune appeared in front of him so easily.

Indeed, Suicune is quite kind in the eyes of Johto people, and more people see it than other Divine Beasts.

But this doesn't mean that Suicune will take the initiative to appear in front of humans.

People find it only because Suicune Purify the water source without deliberately avoiding it.

It's like the island at Tyson's feet.

Once Suicune didn't want anyone to find out, no one got on board for so many years.

Suicune also felt a little helpless when he "watched" Tyson, who was constantly changing in his own perception.

The last time it saw Tyson in the woods outside New Bark Town, it wanted to say hello, but didn't look for him considering how quickly he left.

This time I came here to rest by chance and found that Tyson happened to be in this city, and happened to be by the sea, so I thought about letting him come to the island.

As a result, this guy stared at a place for fishing and refused to go.

Suicune couldn't understand why he had been letting Magikarp bite the hook all the time. . .

Yeah. . . Suicune thought for a moment and remembered how humans describe this kind of person - "dead brain".

Of course, Tyson didn't know that his one-night bad luck was specially created by Suicune for the meeting, otherwise he would have made a few complaints.

You really can't use telepathy to scream in my head, you have to make it so troublesome.

"You seem confused?"

Suicune asked Tyson quietly.

Feeling the mood swings? Tyson didn't immediately reply to Suicune's question, but slightly analyzed the abilities of the Divine Beast in front of him in the heart.

It's not that he doesn't want to use the number zero, mainly because he looks towards Suicune with the number zero, and he can only see the other party's race name, and the rest are all question marks like strength potential or something.

From this point, it can be roughly judged that the strength and potential of this Suicune are above the champion.

For the same reason, the information displayed on the zero panel is based on Tyson's own knowledge system and scope.

Because he doesn't know much about Divine Beast, he can't generate information out of thin air.

If he can see more than a dozen or two dozen Suicunes along the way to understand the general performance of the strength above the champion, then No. 0 can give an accurate judgment.

"I'm just curious that you appeared in front of me so easily."

Tyson directly explained the reason for his doubts to Suicune.

Divine Beast is also a rare treasure, and it is better to be direct when communicating with them.

"Last time I saw you and your Pokémon in the forest, by the way, I felt the smell of nature from you."

Such as Suicune Tyson responded as he thought.

The last forest?

Tyson was taken aback for a moment, he had no impression.

However, combined with the animation he watched in previous life, he quickly reacted.

After all, Ash saw Suicune in the forest near New Bark Town when he was in the Johto Region, so that's probably where it was.

"Natural taste?"

The doubts about "last time" were quickly explained, and Tyson was a little curious about the second half of Suicune, again very direct questioned.

After all, no matter how you look at it, this reason is the focus of Suicune's meeting with him.

This time, instead of answering his question right away, Suicune gave it a clear thought.

Could it be that the lord has not met the human being in front of him, and the aura on his body was simply left by inadvertently? Or is it that this human being who has met doesn't know?

Suicune couldn't figure out why for a while.

It quickly gave up thinking.

It's not very important to it anyway.

It's Ho-Oh's bodyguard, not that one, but Ho-Oh has a good relationship with that one.

"Well, natural."

Suicune repeated Tyson's words again.

Tyson can generally understand, which means that the other party does not want to explain.

He had to keep the question in his heart and think for himself.

For Tyson himself, there are only two places that have a close relationship with nature - the Viridian Forest and the Garden of Wonders.

He himself prefers the second.

Because there are so many people living near the Viridian forest, it is impossible that only he is special.

Tyson has a very clear understanding of this point, he doesn't think he is the lucky one in the world unique and unmatched, except for the number zero.

So what Pokémon or Divine Beast is the Garden of Wonders associated with?

Tyson's head flashed many Pokémon names.

Garden, nature, plants, life, to be honest, there are many, the key is that it seems to be related to Ho-Oh.

Suicune quickly interrupted Tyson's pointless thinking: "Anything else?"

It was as flat and peaceful as ever.

Tyson put aside the question in his mind for a moment.

Divine Beast At present, you can just ask questions that you are interested in and the other party will answer. You can wait until you go back to think about such unanswered questions.

"I don't know if it's convenient for you to tell me, are you the Suicune who was rescued by Ho-Oh in Yuanzhu City?"

The first question is straightforward. White.

Mainly because Tyson has been curious about the origin of Divine Beast Pokémon like the Three Holy Beasts.

If it were, he might be the first to know what kind of Pokémon the three unknown Pokemons were that burned to death in the Burned Tower fire.


Suicune's answer was also succinct.

"We Suicune and Raikou and Entei are Ho-Oh guards, and most clansman live all over the world.

Once Lord Ho-Oh needs something, that The clansman of the Region will give his strength.

In fact, we are not much different from the ordinary Pokémon you know as humans, only with some differences in abilities.

It's very rare that the three rescued Pokémons become our companions."

Suicune was very patient and even explained it.

Tyson thinks it's good to see Suicune. If it were the other two, it would be a different matter if he could meet him, let alone so much.

“Raikou and Entei are not as violent as you have seen them. In your human words, there is no room for a grain of sand in their eyes. They are more 'hatred'.”

Suicune obviously guessed what Tyson was thinking, and justified a little for his two other friends.

I can still use idioms, Tyson subconsciously sighed.

"I also want to ask, after the champion's strength, what will happen to the ability of Pokémon if it becomes stronger?

In other words, what is a common Pokémon? How can I become as strong as you."

After chatting about gossip, Tyson quickly turned to what he should be most concerned about as a Trainer.

Suicune pondered.

To be honest, the division of power within Pokémon is not the same as that of human beings. They have their own cognition, and it would even be a bit strange if they turned into human language.

However, as a Pokémon who has lived for so long, Suicune still has a relatively clear understanding of the champion strength that Tyson said.

In its long life experience, it has also met several so-called "champions" in human groups.

"On this question, I can only say that I can't answer you 100% accurately, because there are errors in our cognition."

Suicune said slowly.

"Simply put, compared to the champion you call me, I'm only stronger than being able to mobilize more natural forces."

For this, Suicune It doesn't feel right.

As it said before, it doesn't feel that its clan is different from other Pokémon clans, and that if it is so strong, other Pokémon can also be so strong.

It doesn't have the so-called "Divine Beast baggage" that Tyson envisions.

Tyson looked thoughtful , although the answer was good, it obviously didn't satisfy him.

"So, how's your strength in Divine Beast?"

He asked a question that was somewhat impolite in the eyes of a human.

It's like pointing at someone you just met and asking how much money you make a month.

"Normal, it might even be bad."

However, there are obvious differences between the thinking patterns of god rare treasure shells and human beings, and Suicune doesn't find it strange at all.

Tyson also saw this in his brief relationship, otherwise he wouldn't be courting death himself.

The hell knows what an angry Suicune will do to him, and Tyson doesn't want to gamble.

He frowned for a moment.

Suicune made him even more confused if he had a ride or not.

After all, Suicune can't fully translate what it wants to express in words that humans can understand.

Tyson thinks Team Rocket's Meowth is really a genius, and now he really wants a Pokémon like Meowth to help translate.

Suddenly, his eyes shined.

"Well...to be honest, I don't quite understand what you mean. I wonder if I can ask my partner to help me convey it."

Yes, no Meowth, but that doesn't mean Tyson doesn't have a Pokémon that can deliver information.

My partner and Divine Beast, who I just met, must mean that the former is more accurate.


Suicune is slightly nodded, and it happens to be a bit of a headache. How to explain it.

"Then, come out, Blaziken."

With Suicune's approval, Tyson threw the Luxury Ball.

"Oh, scare!"

The excited voice sounded, and a fiery red Blaziken appeared.

Its eyes sparkled.

The Blaziken in Poké Ball can perceive the situation outside, Poké Ball equivalent to is a one-way visual mirror, it has long been full of curiosity about the extremely powerful Suicune.

"Then, please translate Blaziken."

Tyson said with a smile.

Blaziken raised his right paw in a sign of understanding.

It is very interested in its own path to become stronger in the future.

Suicune quickly communicated with Blaziken in Pokémon's language, and the communication between the two Pokémons was much easier than with a one-sided narration to Tyson.

Even Suicune is obviously relaxed.

It was Tyson who looked a little itchy and curious.

It is true that humans can easily understand what Pokémon says, but the premise is that combined with Pokémon's external actions and emotional performance, it is impossible to directly understand a simple plain narrative.

To put it bluntly, it's just a guess.

This is also the reason why many Pokémons communicate with strange faces. If they don't show their own Trainer like this, they can't understand it at all.

The Pokémon School even has a course dedicated to teaching what Pokémon's appearance and expressions mean, which is extremely complicated.

It didn't take long for Blaziken's exchange with Suicune to end.

Next came the time Blaziken explained with Aura and Tyson, and Suicune showed considerable patience as it strode gracefully across the island's lake.

Wherever I pass, the lake is as clear as a mirror.

Under Blaziken's description, Tyson got the general idea.

Before knowing the difference between champions, the first thing to understand is the difference between Elite, quasi-champion and champion.

In the simplest and most illusory explanation, Elite uses fetters to control its own energy, while quasi-champion uses fetters to awaken natural energy, and champion uses fetters to manipulate natural energy.

Understandably, even Pokémon, their own power is impossible to contend with the near-infinite nature.

And the bond here is also very broad for Pokémon, mainly for his cherished objects.

The bond with the Trainer is one kind, and the bond with the ethnic group is also a kind, all kinds of different,

In Tyson's understanding, it seems more like idealism.

Not scientific, but very Pokémon.

In Quasi-Elite and previous Levels, the improvement of Pokémon's own strength is more reflected in the ability of physical attack and defense speed, and the control of energy is limited to the mastery of Ability.

Actually this is not really mastering energy.

This is why many Pokémons and Trainers can't make improvements to Ability because their own abilities don't allow them to.

The most intuitive aspect of Elite-level Pokémon's external performance is that their abilities are often used in unusual ways and in various forms.

Quasi-Elite Pokémon are more or less in this regard.

Then there is the division of strength above the champion. To be honest, he personally feels that the classification of Divine Beast is not much different from the previous Pokemon fans' classification.

Simply put, it is one or two Level 3 gods, from strong to weak in turn.

Level 3 gods, such as the current Suicune, are really different from the champion Pokémon as they say, only in the amount of natural energy manipulated, but this amount is divided by several times only.

According to Blaziken's "translation", the weakest Level 3 god can manipulate more than five times as much energy as the strongest champion, Pokémon.

And when it comes to Level 2 gods and even Level 1 gods, in human language, these Pokémon hold the power of nature rather than the energy of nature.

Take Ho-Oh as an example, what it holds is the power related to fire, whether it is burning or resurrection.

It's very much like the so-called laws in the fantasy novels that Tyson read in his previous life, but Pokémon itself also belongs to a kind of fantasy - fantasy creatures.

So for this statement, Tyson is quite acceptable.

Regarding how to reach the top of the championship, Suicune said that Level 3 gods can be achieved, but Level 2 gods are not necessarily, Level 1 gods are impossible.

Suicune didn't say the exact reason, but it's not hard to speculate.

According to Tyson's idea, it is very simple, that is, the alpaca does not give it, this is the real creator of the Pokémon world, the real existence rather than the fictional one.

As a rule maker, it makes rules that humans and Pokémon can only abide by and cannot change.


The next moment, Suicune appeared in front of Blaziken and Tyson.

I don't know why, but Tyson always had a feeling that Suicune in front of him seemed to be chatting with him after a long time without speaking.

"Well, many thanks, I probably understand."

Leaving this feeling behind, Tyson thanked him very solemnly.

Let's put aside the breakthrough Elite for the time being. In fact, he doesn't know much about the strength distinction after the quasi-championship starts. Knowing from Suicune that these are of great significance to him.

In addition, Tyson also learned from Suicune a concept that subverted his until now cognition.

I tried my best to revise the title, which has nothing to do with the content, because the main reason is that the writing is wrong. . .

(end of this chapter)

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