Pokemon: Trainer Starts As Bounty Hunter Chapter 313


Chapter 313 wrapped in silver and white (old rules, a little later, in Modified)

Just as the battle began, a new message for help came from Tyson's headset.

"do it quickly, we have to rush to the next location."

His eyes flashed, and he immediately moved towards Monarch Snake and gave the command: "Use Energy Ball!"


The monarch snake raised its head and fixed Dugtrio with Vine Whip, while the green light spots gathered from all directions quickly moved in front of its body. A huge ball of light was formed.

This is the forest, where Grass Type gods are rare treasure shells. In this case, using any Grass Type Ability, whether it is preparation time or formidable power, will be greatly enhanced.

In moments, the Energy Ball is ready.

In Dugtrio's slightly frightened eyes, the monarch snake flicked its tail, and the green Energy Ball rushed straight towards it.


The triplets, who are good at teamwork, send out Growl at the same time.

It's also quite experienced in combat.

Dugtrio immediately used Rock Type's Rock Slide to condense Rock and put it in front of him as a defense when he found that he couldn't use his strength to break free from Vine Whip's shackles.

Unfortunately, in a hurry, these Rocks didn't work at all.

Under the skilled control of the monarch snake, Energy Ball avoided these rocks and hit Dugtrio's body smoothly.


The next moment of the released Dugtrio hit the tree directly.

"Give it the final blow, Magical Leaf."

Tyson ruthless directed the monarch snake to continue its attack.

After all, it is a quasi-Elite Pokémon. Even if you count the consumption of the defenders here and the restraint of Attributes, Dugtrio will not lose the combat capability in one blow.

Soon, the Magical Leaf, emitting blue purple rays of light, chased Dugtrio and knocked him out.

"The rest is up to you."

Tyson patted the monarch snake to show encouragement, then shouted to the defenders who were still fighting, and then prepared to go to the next a location.

"Okay, many thanks."

The Trainer who was busy brow beaded with sweat also took the time to reply, and then continued to return to the front line of combat command.

It's not easy to see what he looks like. Before Tyson left, he used a Poké Ball to help him put the Dugtrio in, otherwise it would be too embarrassing to recover.

On the way to the next location, Tyson whistled for Pidgeot.

This is for it to bring Blaziken over.

Most of the Pokémon in the forest are still dominated by Grass Type and Bug Type. In this case, Blaziken is the most suitable existence as the main attacker.

It's like the Dugtrio of Ground Type that I just met is a very rarely seen guy.

In fact, it's okay to let the monarch snake deal with it, because the same quasi-Elite, the strength gap between it and Wild Pokémon is still very obvious.

The Dugtrio just now is actually a Pokémon with amazing power, otherwise the special structure of the three heads would not allow them to dig to a depth of more than 100 kilometers.

The rock and dirt there are not the hard ones of Normal.

But even so, Wild's Dugtrio is still somewhat weaker than the monarch snake he grew up with.

Be aware that the power of the monarch snake is definitely one of the weakest in all its abilities.

The comparison between the two is enough to show the strength of the monarch snake.

But at the end of the day, the battle between siblings is still a waste of time, far less quickly than Blaziken.

Under the dual suppression of Blaziken's strength and Attribute, basically a Flamethrower can solve all the opponents encountered in the forest at present.

If one shot doesn't work, then two.

Soon, Pidgeot, who heard Tyson's call, appeared beside him with Blaziken.

"Five hundred meters ahead, a quasi-Elite Ariados."

Another benefit of having Blaziken work is that Tyson saves a lot of heart.

He pointed in the direction for help, and Blaziken vanished in front of his eyes at an incomprehensible speed.

By the time Tyson ran to the scene, Blaziken had already assisted the Trainer in solving this wave of battles.

"Nice job."

Tyson patted Blaziken's waist.

Don't ask why you don't pat on the shoulder, he can't.

For the next hour, Tyson and his Pokémon got a sense of just how "warm" the Pokémon in the Forest of Heracross could be before the flood.

A steady stream of quasi-Elite Pokémon appear frequently in the small forest.

Even members of the Forest Guard didn't expect so many quasi-Elite Pokémon in this forest.

This is a lot more than they usually know.

But looking at those quasi-Elite Pokémons popping up out of nowhere, it's not uncommon to see them.

Dugtrio, who lives in the depths of the earth and never shows up, habitually pretends to be a bush and can be motionless for a long time is Sudowoodo of Sudowoodo (also called nonsense tree), cunning to Ariados, a predator who will hide his strength, one day At night, Jumpluff floats above the tall canopy with the help of air currents.

If it weren't for the floods, these Wild Pokémons who are good neighbors with the mild Heracross people are expected to spend their lives in peace. .

Fortunately, Tyson's strength is strong enough, otherwise, it will not be too good to be replaced by such a series of same level battles.

The strong will be strong, but it will not be a battle against a large group.

In this case, even Blaziken had to take a break.

A considerable number of opponent Tysons were handed over to Pidgeot, Gigalith and Monarch Snake to solve.

"Tsk, that's an exaggeration."

Tyson, who was sneaking around on a high tree, sighed involuntarily the power of nature while looking at the distant scene.

It can be seen that the river water, whose water level has risen above the heights on both sides of the cliff, has begun to spread throughout the forest.

Although it looks like it's moving very slowly, in fact, the water in the entire forest has begun to reach the ankles of people's shoes.

This is a rather exaggerated amount of water.

"In half an hour, the advance support team sent by the nearest city will arrive."

In the headset, Woodruff delivered the good news calmly.

His attitude and the content of his message undoubtedly brought a little joy to the tired crowd.

Tyson didn't feel much about it.

It is reasonable to say that the mobile defense should be the most tiring one, but my own Pokémon is really too strong.

It can be said that in addition to running around, it is not a waste of as easy as pie at all.

He counted, and since the first request for help, Blaziken and other partners have dealt with a total of twelve quasi-Elite-level Pokémon.

It can only be said that the forest guards here are quite conscientious in their previous work.

Although compared to the huge base of Pokémon in the wild, there are not as few quasi-Elite Pokémon as imagined, but it is not enough to find a dozen or so in any forest.

At least the few areas of the profitable Viridian Forest that Tyson has been exploring in the past are not too many, otherwise he probably wouldn't be alive.

In addition to the main Pokémon group living here is the extremely docile Heracross, the protection of the Forest Guard must also play a considerable role in it.

Of course, this is also related to the different positioning of the two forests.

The Viridian Forest is already the largest unknown area. It has attracted an unknown number of Trainers to enter the expedition one after another. Several areas where Tyson has been doing missions have been searched several times without knowing it.

It is no exaggeration to describe it as digging three feet into the ground, and no one cares.

It's surprising that there are quasi-Elite Pokémons in this situation.

Like the Forest of Heracross, this is not an area for exploration, and the most desirable Honey in it cannot be regarded as too rare Items.

The Forest Guard also has a special squad stationed here for protection.

A variety of factors have caused the content of quasi-Elite Pokémon here to exceed the standard significantly.

This is one of the reasons why the garrison is quite nervous.

Normally, the quasi-Elite level Pokémon can show that they are doing a good job, but when disaster strikes and causes Pokémon riots, the existence of these powerful Pokémon is not so good.

"Twenty-six points for support, two quasi-Elite Heracross!"

Just as Tyson's mind was sluggish, an urgent urge came from his earphones. sound.

"Working guys."

He suppressed the indifferent or even a little boring expression on his face, and took his mates to the defense work again.

But this time, he was a little more relaxed than before.

It's not hard to imagine.

The stronger a Pokémon is, the more sensitive they are to anomalous perceptions of their surroundings.

In the previous defensive process, most of the quasi-Elite Pokémon in the forest have already turned on the escape mode early.

Of course, they were all stopped by Tyson.

According to the prompt from the command center, the only remaining quasi-Elite Pokémon at this time are probably only the big brothers and sisters of the Heracross tribe.

“Whoa, thank you so much.”

Watching Tyson tuck a Heracross with a heart-shaped bifurcation into the Poké Ball, guarding the twenty-sixth point Woodruff couldn't help but relax.

"This is a husband and wife, and they cooperate really well."

Recalling the offense and defense of the two Heracross just now, Tyson couldn't help but admire.

The individual differences between males and females of Heracross are relatively recognizable. The horns of male Heracross are sharply bifurcated, while the females have heart-shaped bifurcations.

The one just now was undoubtedly a female.

It should be its mate who fell before it.

"Well, these two Heracross are the bosses of the second largest clan in this forest, and have been together for about ten years."

Woodruff replied.

"Pryce should be almost there. I feel like I can let his old man take action ahead of time. This time things seem to be a little different. It's easier to solve it early and save your worries."

Tyson facing Woodruff Express your feelings.

To be honest, the Pokémon riots caused by the flood were a bit confusing to him.

Woodruff also put on a looked thoughtful face nodded: "We also thought it was strange."

He paused, then continued: "According to the guards. And according to records everywhere, a Pokémon riot caused by a flood of this magnitude should not have been so watery."

Woodruff even used the word "water" to describe the outrageous scale of this Pokémon riot.

This flood would have been about Level 3 (out of a total of Level 5) in the Alliance's records, according to the normal written rating, but the corresponding Pokémon Riot was at most two levels.

These two tiers are also based on a number of elite and even semi-Elite Pokémons.

Otherwise, if you just look at the scene, some people will believe that this is the lowest Level 1 riot.

Be aware that it is normal for a Level 3 disaster to trigger a Level 4 Pokémon riot, which is why natural disasters are taken more seriously.

It can cause a lot of chain reactions.

The strange thing about this Pokémon riot is that there are a large number of overwhelming majority novice and even Ordinary Level Pokémon in the forest not running around.

They seem to have been notified in advance of Normal, and they have been quietly staying at the heights of many tall trees.

The most peculiar thing is that many Pokémons who would otherwise have a grudge don't even clash in this situation.

On the contrary, those Pokémons above the elite level seem to be the real victims of disasters, Normal, and they are very active in escaping to save their lives.

Although it is a good thing that there is no scurrying, at least there is no need to worry that the Trainer participating in the defense will lose their lives, and there is no need to worry about any damage to the surrounding cities, but this kind of scene can't help but make people feel unsure.

"Let's get in touch with Lord Pryce first, things are a little bit beyond our capabilities here."

Woodruff thought about it for a while and decided to dial the number above.

Of course Pryce arrived early, otherwise Johto Alliance would not have a place to cry if something unexpected happened.

This special case where a Pokémon should riot but doesn't is an accident.

But Woodruff definitely has no way to contact Pryce directly, only Level 1 report.

After about ten minutes of waiting, Pryce in a blue coat, with white hair and a stern face with a cane, landed near Tyson and Woodruff at Delibird's Help.

Before they could speak first, Pryce motioned for them to shut up.

"I know everything. Needless to say, let's fix the flood first."

The moment Pryce opened his mouth, the feeling of being excluded from Norman was even more obvious.

Under the aura that was like an ice normal, Tyson and Woodruff involuntarily swallowed and dared not say anything more.

"Abomasnow, snowfall."

Pryce threw out a somewhat old Poké Ball with an indifferent expression, and gave instructions to his Pokémon.

The giant fluffy Pokemon Abomasnow fell directly into the water-filled forest, splashing everywhere.

I saw that it took a deep breath and launched its own Characteristic Trait snowfall.

In an instant, the bright weather turned dark.

Pieces of Icirrus fell across the forest.

At the time of the exchange of spring and summer, the temperature in the mild forest dropped several degrees at once, and with the strength of Abomasnow, the temperature continued to decrease.

In just three or four minutes, the green forest has become a world wrapped in silver and white.

"Delibird, freeze everything."

Seeing that the preparations were almost completed, Pryce simply directed his Trump Card Pokémon to process the work.

The computer blue screen, and all the writing is gone. . Gan

(end of this chapter)

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