Pokemon: Trainer Starts As Bounty Hunter Chapter 323


Chapter 323 Similar high-altitude duels, the intervention of the sky

sky Among them, two very similar Pidgeots flapped their wings, and their sharp eyes were full of each other's figures.

However, in comparison, Tyson's Pidgeot naked eye is a little bigger.

"hmph, for bird Pokemon, bigger is not the better."

Falkner certainly saw this, but he had a dark face. Still tough.

This statement is true.

For Pokemon, the bird whose combat field is the air, the huge size will often become a burden, and those Pokémon who are young naturally have an advantage in agility.

It's just not necessarily in other aspects, so just looking at the size of the body can't tell anything.

Just like basketball players, there is a big difference in height between point guard and center, but they have different responsibilities and different advantages on the court.

And there are always individual individuals whose innate talent is different from ordinary people.

Tyson chuckled and didn't reply to Falkner's words directly: "Is it still a fight?"

His tone seemed to be teasing a child.

Falkner's face darkened.

"Pidgeot, use Gust."

He gave the command decisively.

As Su Tian just said, for Trainer, only the winner has the right to speak.

No matter what the losers say, they are inferior to others.

Although he didn't attack while Tyson replaced Pokémon, Falkner's Pidgeot, who stayed on the field early, certainly had an advantage in terms of initiative.

The broad wings flashed, and a violent wind was generated.

"Then let's do it too, Pidgeot, use Gust!"

Faced with Falkner's attack, Tyson chose the most direct method, which was the exact same counterattack.

For a civil war between two Pokémons of the same race, such a response is the most powerful way to prove that one has an overall lead over the opponent.

Of course, the average person will not have the confidence to use this method.

It is not easy to be counter-killed by installing x.

But Tyson said that he is not an average person, and his Pidgeot is not comparable to that of other peers.

Even if they are both quasi-Elites, there will be a clear distinction between the strengths.


The sound of birdsong is endless.

High in the sky, two gusts of wind whistled and Tackle came together.


The strong wind blew in all directions, all the three people present narrowed their eyes involuntarily.

"It seems that being bigger is a little better."

Looking at the situation in the sky, Tyson said with a smile.

After two gusts of wind hedged, Tyson Pidgeot's Gust clearly overwhelmed Falkner's Pidgeot.

Although it didn't deal any damage, it still pressed a lot of distance after defeating the opponent.

"You know it's good, but melee combat is different."

Seeing that Tyson agreed with his at first opinion, Falkner's expression slowed down. Not a lot.

Good guy, Tyson tidied up his clothes unconsciously. That's how to understand ghosts.

That's not what he meant to say.

"Pidgeot, Spark flashes!"

Looking at Tyson who didn't know what to say, Falkner continued to attack.

"Then it's the same for us here. Spark lets the other side see what the difference in strength is."

Tyson snapped his fingers and commanded.

He suddenly understood why so many people, especially the villains, like to pretend to be x. This feeling is really wonderful.

He now looks at Falkner as if he were watching a little child play with Normal. Instead of being angry, he finds it very interesting.

Although he is younger than Falkner.

The two Pidgeots acted in unison after hearing their respective Trainer's commands.

A white light flashed on their bodies at the same time, and they merged with the clouds in the sky in a blink of an eye.

If it wasn't for the three people with far superior eyesight, then it is estimated that two fast Flying Pidgeots would not be found at all.

It's just that the faces of the two Trainers participating in the battle are completely different.

Falkner's complexion went from black at the very beginning to normal white, and then turned black again just now; as for Tyson, he was always smiling so that people didn't know what he was thinking.

The reason why Falkner turned black again is simple, because Tyson Pidgeot's Spark is much faster to use than his buddies.

You must know that Tyson is the one who counterattacks from behind. After Falkner orders Tyson to react, there is at least a delay of tenths of a second.

In this case, Tyson's Pidgeot forcibly finished powering the Spark Ability at the same time as his Pidgeot.

That is to say, if the other party issues the order first, then judging from Spark's attack speed, Falkner's Pidgeot will be knocked into the air without the ability to fight back.

"Maybe it's just the release speed, but in the end it's the Ability formidable power and the amount of damage that will determine the outcome."

When two Sparks are used for each other In front of the attacking Pidgeot, Falkner's idea was only overturned in a flash in his mind.


A painful Growl sounded.

Pidgeot tumbled to the ground.

Although it quickly stabilized its body with excellent body control, the faintly trembling wings showed that it had just suffered a lot of damage.

On the other side, the white light on the other Pidgeot slowly dissipated, and its wings were still so powerful.

"Nice job."

Tyson complimented his Old Partner with a smile.

It was his Pidgeot who just won, of course.

Spark, who came first, flashed, and successfully crushed the opposite side.


Pidgeot also responded with a haughty tweet.

Don't underestimate the confidence and pride of a Pokémon like Pidgeot.

Their confidence and arrogance may not be as obvious as the monarch snake, but they are still deeply embedded in their hearts.

In any case, they are also the kings of a group. If they don't have this confidence and arrogance, they will not be considered as a few Pokémon with the spirit of kings.

"It's our turn to attack."

Tyson looked at Falkner on the opposite side and said, the unwillingness and disbelief shown by the other side was completely ignored by him .

"Pidgeot, use Double Team."

With a big wave of his hand, he started the battle mode used for daily abuse of vegetables.

In a flash, the Pidgeot group occupied the sky.

Even Falkner's Pidgeot is mixed in and it's hard to tell if it's Tyson Pidgeot's Avatar or the opponent.


Falkner could only make his Pidgeot pay more attention to the Double Team, which could be called a War God skill.

But the strengths of Pokémon like Pidgeot are also reflected in this moment.

Since most of Pidgeot's Characteristic Trait is Keen Eye, it has a very keen perception in distinguishing whether it is Avatar or not.

Although it cannot be completely distinguished, it can at least be roughly excluded.

How could Tyson not be aware of this, his Pidgeot is a good one too.

"And then Contest's Feather Dance!"

Watching Pidgeot's cautious and not revealing too much weak spot defense, Tyson started the next layout.

The white feathers fluttered and fell out of thin air, covering up all Double Teams while also making Falkner's Pidgeot lose sight.

"Pidgeot, use Heat Wave to destroy the opposite feather."

Falkner responded immediately.

Forget Double Team, after all, active cracking may expose weak spots, but Feather Dance is different.

There are so many ways to counteract a weak spot without exposing it.

The hot red breath takes shape under Falkner Pidgeot's wings.

Tyson is very prescient about Falkner's Pidgeot will also Heat Wave. After all, even if the opponent's battle experience is Normal, he is still a Gym heir, and he will definitely not fall behind in this aspect of Ability. Much insufficient.

"However, all you need is that you use Heat Wave."

A trace of bright light flashed in Tyson's eyes: "Pidgeot, use Hurricane."


A sharp Growl sounded from all directions.

All Pidgeots, including Double Team and the body, start a high-speed loop around a fixed track.

That's right, in circles.

As the ultimate move of Flying Type, there are actually two ways to use Hurricane.

First is the most common form of stockpile attack with wings.

This method not only takes a long time for the Stockpile, but also the Hurricane after molding is slightly unstable compared to the second way.

This instability is mainly reflected in the aspect of energy manipulation.

This has to mention the so-called second way.

The second method is that the Flying Type Pokemon uses itself as the introduction of the Hurricane, and at the same time, the entire Pokémon is integrated into the wind during the use of the Hurricane.

The advantage of this use is that the opponent cannot destroy the formed Hurricane from the outside directly through its own perfect manipulation of energy and wind.

The only way to defeat this Hurricane is to defeat it head-on.

And the second way's Stockpile time is relatively short.

After all, one uses only wings, and the other uses full-body power.

However, there are pros and cons. The problem with the second method is that it is really dangerous.

Before it was formed, when the Hurricane was formed by using the power of the whole body, the defense of the user Pokémon at this moment will drop to a very weak point - the Hurricane has not been raised at that time, insufficient to resist the influence of foreign forces.

Once attacked, the use of the Hurricane Ability is likely to be interrupted.

And once it is interrupted, of course, it will be the continuous attack of the opponent.

Attribute's ultimate is not so easy to recover from being interrupted.

And, after taking shape, Pokémon using Ability is also at great risk.

On the one hand, the reason why Hurricane is Hurricane, the first word can see its violence, this wind is not so easy to integrate.

After sweeping up the Hurricane, the foreign Flying Type energy doesn't care whether you are the user who activated it or not, once it is involved, it will still be damaged.

This is instead trying to gain an advantage only to end up worse off.

On the other hand, since Hurricane directly faces the opponent at close range after using it, once it hits the opponent, it will be a face-to-face "hand-to-hand battle".

This is quite unfriendly to Flying Type Pokemon who are mostly bad at melee combat.

The essence of Flying Type Pokemon aerial combat is considered by many people to be the control of distance, so many people have no respect for the second way of using Hurricane.

But Tyson's way of thinking is different from ordinary people.

He believes that the so-called distance control is not completely controlled by the distance that one can hit but the opponent can't.

It doesn't matter if you play Normal, as long as the opponent is worse.

Then the second way of using the Hurricane is a pretty effective offense.

Falkner directing Pidgeot to use Heat Wave undoubtedly gave Tyson plenty of preparation time without worrying about being affected.

Who made Heat Wave a move that requires continuous output, and it can't be stopped just by saying it.

Under Falkner's gaze, although Feather Dance was exhausted by Heat Wave and the entire sky was clean again, the incomparably violent Hurricane also rose into the sky in the field.

The dozen or so tornadoes connecting Heaven and Earth seemed to be roaring wildly.

The bright midday skies were even dimmed by them.

"In time."

Falkner made an immediate judgment.

Tyson's Pidgeot has not fully completed the Hurricane Ability.

"Pidgeot, feel the force of the wind, then Agility avoids."

A smile flickers on the corner of his mouth, finding your weak spot.

“Double Team can influence me to find which Hurricane is real, but for Pidgeot, this question is not a problem.”

Falkner's confident words in Hurricane voice It seemed intermittent under the cover of the slap, but Tyson, with sharp ears and keen eyes, could hear it clearly.

He raised his eyebrows indifferently: "Oh, right? If you have the ability, why not let it defeat you head-on?"

This indifferent and indifferent picture of Tyson The appearance made Falkner angrier.

And in Falkner's view, Tyson's words, somewhat strong in appearance but weak in reality, mean.

"I'm not a fool. I can dodge when I sense it. Why do I dodge? The opponent is really afraid that his attack won't work." Falkner thought complacently.

He feels like he's almost cracked Tyson's game plan this round, which is a pretty good sign.

"After using Hurricane, the Pidgeot on the opposite side should be in a stalemate for a while. That's the perfect time for me to counterattack."

He had already started to figure it out in his heart. The next script.


The sudden sound of birdsong was a little flustered.

Falkner looked up in dismay, and it was really his Pidgeot that got involved in the Hurricane.

“Impossible!” He subconsciously uttered a surprised Growl, obviously Pidgeot had sensed it just now, why was he involved in Hurricane.

Perception errors are not a problem with the Pidgeot quasi-Elite.

But Tyson wasn't in the mood to explain his battle skills to him.

Who distracted Falkner just now, otherwise he wouldn't be able to see it.

Under the influence of the real Hurricane, the rest of the surrounding tornadoes gradually dissipated, leaving only a vortex of wildly swirling winds in the center of the field.

Falkner Pidgeot's painful Growl was gradually engulfed in the violent wind.

After a moment, Hurricane dispersed.

A Pidgeot with extremely messy feathers was thrown out in a circle under the action of inertia, and it was about to fly out of this tall tower building.

It's not good if you land on the ground and take secondary damage.

Physical damage is a trivial matter, but the mental blow is the point.

A Pokémon called the sky Totem actually fell from the ground and was injured. This is something that it cannot accept, even if it loses the combat capability.

Falkner hurriedly took out his Poké Ball: "Come back, Pidgeot."

But I don't know if it was because the battle was too painful, he used Poké Ball's red light swept past Pidgeot.

This is quite a strange thing for Trainer.

"Skarmory, bring it back."

The voice of a middle-aged man clearly suppressed his anger.

Well, starting tomorrow, come on, work hard

(end of this chapter)

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