Pokemon: Trainer Starts As Bounty Hunter Chapter 34


Chapter 34 Making Money Living and Going to Pewter Gym Again

After resting for a while, it felt almost like, Tyson took the Combusken back and set off on the way to hand in the three tasks.

After all, I have to train Pokémon in the afternoon, so there can be no slack.

Completing the settlement is a total of 22w of quest bounties.

It's not bad, plus the 480w contributed by that Pichu, I made a full 500w today.

Is it still a question of strength, Tyson thought on his way to training in the Viridian Forest.

For the time being, regardless of the unexpected joy of Pichu, according to today's efficiency and benefits, make a good plan, and you can earn nearly 70w by doing normal tasks for a whole day, which is equivalent to the income of the past month. income.

So in the afternoon, while Pidgeot and Combusken in the Viridian Forest were working hard to complete their training goals, Tyson was planning the four or five days.

Firstly, 4 hours of fixed-item training in the morning, from 6:00 to 10:00, then go back to the Pokémon Center to eat and rest, after finishing the task, set off at about 11:00.

Expect to be back from Mt. Moon or Viridian Forest around 2:00 PM for another round of quests.

The second time I came back should be after five o'clock in the evening, after eating and starting regular training, at the training grounds of the Pokémon Center.

Go back to the room around ten o'clock in the evening to read the information given by Pewter Gym and rest.

Tyson scribbled and altered for a while, and found that this was probably the limit.

"But if I choose to use Pidgeot to go back and forth, there should be about half an hour left in two rounds."

touched the chin , he was a little moved.

An extra half an hour can prevent the task from being too long and disrupting the plan. It can also be used to train more or take a break for yourself.

Seems like a good choice too.

Tyson felt that for the benefits of this precious half-hour, it would not be a problem to control his fears a little.

Anyway, sooner or later I have to fly around, and it is better to experience it now than later.

So from the second day, Tyson began to use Pidgeot as a tool pet, and started a four-point and one-line money-making life-Viridian Forest, Mt. Moon, Pokémon Center, Bounty Hunter Center.

Oh no, there is also a black market acquisition site.

After all, elite-level Pokémon, even if they don't have any advantages, can still sell for a price.

Although not many Wild Pokémon can reach the elite, but after five days, they have encountered many, and they were all sold by him to the acquisition point.

Five days later, Tyson, who had arranged to meet Brock in the afternoon, gave himself and Pokémon a rare vacation.

Lying on the sofa in the room, calculating the past few days of my own gains.

Not counting the first day, in the next four days, a total of 12 C-Rank tasks were done, earning 78w, and 4 B-Rank tasks were taken out, earning 100w.

In addition to catching four elite-level Pokémon, a total of 420w were sold.

In other words, I made a total of 1100w in five days?

Even though I have used up a small 100w in the past few days, I still have a net income of 1000w.

Tyson was a little confused all of a sudden, this is close to the price of 1/4/2022 Fire Stone was earned by himself?

It doesn't seem unusual to think about it.

This income is determined by many factors, and Normal's Trainer impossible can do it.

First, the Top Rank treatment at the Pokémon Center has saved Tyson a lot of queuing time, waiting time for treatment, and treatment costs.

If you don't have this treatment, your efficiency will drop a lot and your expenses will increase.

At the same time, Bounty Hunter's quest authority has also been increased to Level 1. Otherwise, B-Rank quests may not be affected, and C-Rank quests cannot be accepted at the same time until they reach B-Rank Bounty Hunter.

My own efficiency has to drop by more than half. After all, there are not so many B-Rank tasks, and it is impossible to take them if they want.

Secondly, nearly half of the income that seems to be a lot is actually Pichu's income, and luck cannot be regarded as a routine situation.

Third, and most importantly, Tyson has a zero to distinguish the level of Wild Pokémon.

This is actually really important, and Normal's Trainer can't accurately judge this without an instrument in the field.

So I will avoid encounters and fights with Wild Pokémon, unless it is a target or can't dodge.

Otherwise, if you fail to fight or get injured, it will pose a great threat to your own life and safety in the wild.

Tyson does not have this concern and can get the maximum benefit while ensuring the battle strength of both sides.

Those four Pokémons, who are probably the first-time elite, are the best proof.

Otherwise, if you hide and walk away, just to find your own mission target, it is estimated that you will be lucky if you encounter one in ten days or so.

After all, if the target group of the mission is too large or too strong, and you cannot complete the mission by yourself, you have to give up and search again.

In the end, Tyson's strength has also become stronger, with Combusken and Pidgeot he can completely deal with most elite level Pokémon, at least in the Viridian forest.

Mt. Moon Pidgeot is still a little bit inconvenient because of the terrain.

Combining all of the above factors, Tyson can achieve such an exaggerated income.

Otherwise, even if a normal Trainer with the same strength as Tyson, with the same training intensity and breed expenditure in the past five days, it will make a maximum of 100,000 yuan.

This is all good luck for that Trainer.

But I can't do this under Normal circumstances, and I'm suddenly overwhelmed.

Tyson began to reflect on himself.

After all, I train like this every day to fight outside, I don't have much time to rest, and my body performance can't hold up. At the same time, the two Pokémon also naked eyes can be seen showing fatigue, and their state has declined a bit. .

Most of the time, it is better to combine work and rest. It is more reasonable to train every day to do tasks, and the impact on income will not be great.

According to their own plan, they will stay in each city for about a month, eight gyms for eight months, and have about a month to train, just in time for the opening of this year's Indigo Plateau Conference.

The construction of your main team will also be much faster.

The main thing is that Tyson still underestimated the speed of his Pokémon's progress. Pidgeot aside, the difficulty of leveling up is also higher, and there is basically no change in the past four days.

Combusken has improved to Level 1 during these four days of constant fighting and training, and is now Level 2, Level 7.

At this rate, when he left Pewter City, Combusken estimated that he was a breakthrough elite.

Wait until then.

The "ding~" Pokémon watch interrupts Tyson's thoughts.

Opening it up, it was a message from Brock asking if he had left.

Looking at the time, it's only half an hour left. Tyson hurriedly set off. It's always bad to be late.

Send a message back to Brock that he's gone, trot all the way to the door of Pewter Gym, Brock is already waiting.

"Sorry, sorry, I'm late." Tyson was a little sorry.

"No, it's been a while, I'm a little anxious." Brock said with a squinted smile.

"Come in with me now that you're here, take a look at my Geodude, and then talk about the things for you."

Tyson nods and follows Brock Then moved towards Gym and walked inside.

For investment, for collection, for recommendation, for monthly pass! ! !

Anything! !

(end of this chapter)

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