Pokemon: Trainer Starts As Bounty Hunter Chapter 420


Chapter 420 The confrontation at the top of Snow Mountain

A dazzling bunch The aurora hangs over the white Snow Mountain.

Amid the clouds, a blue bird, Pokémon, revealed itself.

Beautiful blue feathers shone with ice, and a crown of three deep blue prismatic feathers gleamed in the wind and snow.

Its eyes are red, and its beak is short and gray, the same color as its long, thin legs.

The long bunting-like tail is even slightly longer than its entire body, and the dark blue color matches the crown.

As it appeared, an imposing manner of hiding the sky and covering the earth came in a hard to describe imposing manner.

"Really strong oppression."

Tyson lifts the head with Ampharos, his expression is very dignified.

Under normal circumstances, the oppression Characteristic Trait is naturally not so strong, at most it increases the opponent's very little extra physical and energy consumption.

But for the real Divine Beast, under the strong blessing, they can even make the opponent powerless to attack or even pass out by relying on the oppression Characteristic Trait.

In any case, the legendary Pokémon has the most Characteristic Trait, oppression is equivalent to Divine Beast in declaring his arrival.

This is the first time that Tyson has truly understood the oppression of Divine Beast, and the attitude of the three holy beasts to him was quite kind.

"Quick, put all the materials into the machine!"

Higher, Team Rocket Small Captain hurriedly directed the personnel of this mission to restrict Articuno.

It's still the familiar red square Rock, still expensive excitation material.

One of the team members couldn't help but feel a little jealous: "It would be great if you gave me these things, this is enough to breed at least one team of Elite-level Fire Element Pokémon."

"Who said no, this stuff is too expensive, I really don't know where the organization got it from."

"Hurry up! Any more procrastination will kill you!"

Feeling Articuno's eyes gradually shifting towards them, Small Captain brow beaded with sweat almost slapped these two guys in this weather.

On this brain, how did they survive until now.


I don’t know who swallowed, all Team Rockets tacitly speeded up their hands.

No matter how good things are, they have to live to enjoy them.

Now they just hope that the data given by the Professor researchers and the like is correct, otherwise they are impossible to survive from the enraged Articuno.

Articuno's eyes glanced below, a human with a Pokémon, his body was very mixed, some of his own, some of his own, and the Ho-Oh Guard and the gods of the lake, vaguely. There are also two adults.

Another group of strange humans smelled of blood from Pokémons on White Snow Mountain, but nothing else.

It quickly determines which side is friend or foe.


The angry Growl echoed in the air.

Articuno has worked so hard over the years to show his strength, in order to prevent Pokémon or humans from peeping at the power of his future child.

Seeing that the time is about to come, this group of humans can't tell good from bad and came directly to its lair.

Articuno has only a single thought in his head right now - bury these damn humans in Icirrus hiding the sky and covering the earth.

It froze Normal's wings and the whole bird swooped down at a speed invisible to naked eyes.

"Not good!"

Seeing Articuno disappearing suddenly, the squad Captain immediately knew something was wrong.

But at this time, the material has just been placed, and it will take ten seconds before the instrument is officially activated.

Thinking of this, he wants to scold those scientists, can't it be set to start with a tap of a button? It has to wait for a while.

He never imagined how powerful destructive power would be generated by such a sudden burst of energy.

"Everyone's ready to attack!"

While thinking frantically, he shouted for the players to release their Pokémon.

Dozens of Pokémon of various sizes and shapes instantly filled the entire mountain.


The cold wind blows slowly.

Under the shocked eyes of the Team Rocket members, the seven or eight Pokémon that resisted in the front row directly turned into specimens in the ice.

From top to bottom, the whole process takes less than one second.


Everyone heard some other squad members mention the power of Divine Beast before coming here, but when they experienced it, they still found themselves The definition of strong is underestimated.

That's a mixed Pokémon team of seven or eight elites and quasi-Elites, and many of them are extremely resistant to the ice attribute.

Even an ice attribute champion can't do this casually.

One ice cube after another is taking shape.

Suddenly, the team members of Team Rocket found that the icy wind moved towards them.

Their complexion greatly changed, their bodies couldn't stop backing away, and they shouted to let their Pokémon rush forward, hoping to stop Articuno's indiscriminate attack.

Out of affection and disgust, Articuno didn't immediately destroy that strange machine.

What's more, it doesn't think that these weak humans can pose any threat to it.

It's just that it's a little uneasy inside.

"Let's get rid of this group of humans quickly and talk to the human who doesn't know where it came from."

While manipulating the energy of the ice attribute, Articuno thought.

One, two. . .

In the terrified eyes of the Team Rocket members, Articuno's attack came straight at them, even ignoring the Pokémon who rushed up.

"It's a little bit, just a little bit."

The Captain, who was hiding in the back, strayed on the instrument in a panic, knowing this, he would have people put in the materials first. .

Although it will cause some of the activation energy to be lost, it is at least better than the current situation.

He was puzzled that Zapdos and Moltres were not so powerful that other Squads encountered.

What Small Captain didn't think clearly is that strength is one thing, and environment is another.

At a venue like White Snow Mountain, Articuno is more than a little bit stronger than Moltres in Volcano.

Tyson, who was not far away, didn't even think he didn't need to shoot. It seemed that Articuno could easily get rid of these people.

He looked at the equipment worth thousands of dollars and his eyes shone fiercely.

Al Zeus, he swears he's never seen anything so luxurious.

If he gets rid of these guys, can he take something down.

Tyson said that he is not greedy, although he can only see a very small part from his point of view, but the red light in the middle is the core thing, which is definitely not something he can Swallow.

But around that circle of Fire Element's treasured Items, it shouldn't be a problem to hide one or two billion secretly.

"Send it."

Tyson kept muttering.

He finally knew why they were so rich. The co-authors were all Team Rocket sending warmth.

If you pay this price for Articuno, the other Divine Beast will only be higher than lower.

So do the math and earn blood.

Tyson felt it was time to reveal the identity of his darkest nemesis.

For nothing else, he just wanted to make some hard-earned money.

"By the way, what are these guys waiting for?" Tyson frowned looked at the few remaining Team Rocket members.

Based on Zero's testing, only two of the Pokémon they've released are Elite.

No matter how strong Wataru and Shirona are and how much they can delay, Team Rocket won't let these crooked melons and cracked dates deal with Articuno.

So despite his desire to destroy the device, Tyson hesitated not to initiate Sucker Punch.

If the opponent releases an Elite-level Pokémon at close range, it will be hard to destroy, and his safety cannot be guaranteed.


Above the white Snow Mountain, the fluctuation of deep red flashed away.


Articuno issued a completely different Growl from just now.

A small part of the snow began to melt around the instrument.

"Damn it, it's so effective?"

Tyson's eyes are about to pop out. The snow on the top of Snow Mountain can be regarded as Articuno's ice attribute energy. Obviously, it's not as easy as it sounds to melt with Fire Element Energy.


The same thought as Lorelei had flashed into his mind.

Mainly Fire Element Divine Beast Although it can't be considered too small, Heatran is the best bully.

As a Pokémon born in Volcano, its strength is neither strong nor background in Divine Beast.

But Tyson quickly overturned his idea.

Because Heatran's presence in person may not be able to suppress this Articuno, let alone a related Items.

"Ho-Oh, Reshiram or Groudon?"

He quickly locked on three Level 1 gods with Fire Element.

Ho-Oh is ruled out first, because it's a realm close to Lugia, and Tyson doesn't believe it will stand by if its Items cause Articuno to be injured.

And the glowing red core doesn't look like a feather.

Groudon isn't realistic either.

As the Earth God sleeping somewhere, Team Rocket would have fought with Team Magma long ago if he knew.

Then only Reshiram, the three dragons of Tao, is left?

Team Plasma is too useless, in Unova is still far away Team Rocket picked peaches.

Tyson is very sad.

He knew that the head of the dark organization other than Giovanni was a bit stupid, but really didn't expect to be so stupid.

He moved his neck.

"Really, if you hesitate, you will be defeated. The ancients will not deceive me."

He sighed.

But after looking at the Pokémon released by the other party, he was also secretly thankful that he didn't show up.


The huge Black-striped Charizard moved towards Articuno roared.

"Dark Charizard, use Flamethrower!"

The squad Captain sneered again and again, and with confidence, he directly commanded the special Charizard to attack.

Black's flames are reinforced by the flame field of the instrument, surging moving towards Articuno.

Articuno threw away the Poweder Snow, waving its wings.

The reinforced Charizard flame is indeed very difficult to deal with, but under Articuno's confrontation, it quickly turned into mist and dissipated into the air.

But this is far from the end.

"Rapidash/Houndoom/Magmar/Magcargo - Use Flamethrower!"

Identical Black Stripes, Identical Black Flames.

One after another's attack moved towards Articuno in the air.

"hmph, Mr. Bishop's Dusk Ball is really good, but it's a pity for these Fire Element Pokémons."

A surviving Team Rocket member was excited .

The other person was very disdainful: "What a pity, anyway, it's a waste that is about to die, it's better to use it."

Tyson stared at this seriously. Five special Pokémon.

Dark Pokémon created by Bishas Dusk Ball, even if Team Rocket doesn't say it, he knows it.

This isn't the first time he's encountered it.

Last seen during an emergency mission in the Viridian Forest.

It's just that compared to the last dark Pokémon that got out of control so badly, the dark Pokémon that appeared in front of him this time became obedient to the Trainer's command.

Although it seems that the instructions can't be too complicated, this is a huge change.

If nothing else, being around a dark Pokémon is pretty cool.

Aerial Articuno unleashes freezing light to counteract the Dark Pokémon's Flamethrower.

Works well, but doesn't help.

Because of the alternate flame jet bombardment, only a small portion of its attacks could reach the range of the instrument.

Even if you enter it, it instantly turns into mist and cannot cause damage.

Wiping the sweat on his head, the squad Captain relaxed: "If you keep it like this for a while, it will soon be unable to fight."

"Five Elites are enough I can stop Divine Beast, it looks good."

A Team Rocket member casually said.

Squad Captain rolled the eyes, is this okay?

Dark Pokémon's Elite isn't the same as Normal's Elite, it's a short burst at the cost of life, not to mention the addition of that instrument boost.

All things together, Articuno still has the power to do damage to them.

If it weren't for the flame field of the instrument, they would still have to die in the hands of Articuno, it's just a matter of time.

He has given up on his team.

If it weren't for the good relationship with Lord Proton, he even thought he was here to accompany these guys to death this time.

The realm of fire continues to expand.

Articuno felt extremely uncomfortable and had to step back.

It can feel that if it enters by itself, it must be greatly hurt.

"Only Fire Element Pokémon won't get hurt?"

Tyson frowned watched the scene before him and knew it was time to shoot.

"Leave it to me."

Aura's blue light glowed from Blaziken's eyes, who had long been ready.

"The main goal is the core of the instrument. Find a way to take it down. As long as you take it down, Articuno can solve them. If it doesn't work, you can also destroy it violently."

Tyson pointed to the key.

The many Elite Dark Pokémons aren't the point, the instrument is.

Blaziken nod.

"Gallade, it's over to you."

After a period of Calm Mind, although not fully recovered, it can still be done by only teleporting Blaziken a Pokémon Gallade.

"Coordinates are being calculated."

Gallade's whole body was covered with purple Psychic rays of light.

Seven or eight seconds passed.

"Calculation done!"

With its sound, Blaziken instantly appeared directly above the instrument.


Blaziken's legs burned violently, and then enveloped him.

(end of this chapter)

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