Pokemon: Trainer Starts As Bounty Hunter Chapter 424


Chapter 424 Communications

In the hot In the hot spring, Tyson let out a long relaxed breath.

Yes, there are hot springs in this area.

Pokémon world It is relatively easy to find hot springs, and many Pokémon have very good related abilities.

For example, the most common type of Pokémon Swinub in the ice and snow region of the Johto Region.

They are very good at finding underground springs, especially hot springs, probably thanks to their extremely powerful sense of smell, many hot spring practitioners will use them to find new springs.

However, not every trainer who comes to White Snow Mountain for adventure can be lucky enough to enjoy the hot springs.

In addition to the open-air public hot springs, there are only five rooms with dedicated private baths.

This makes it possible for people to compete for the temporary use of these five rooms through battles.

In the holy Trainer battle where all things are at stake, there is nothing that can't be decided by one battle, and if there is, then another one.

Of course, Tyson doesn't need it, because he's a permission dog.

With Nurse Joy's special care, he can directly enjoy the private soup pool that everyone competes for.

I have to say, very cool.

Many Pokémons and Trainers let out a comfortable sigh at the same time.

Gigalith stood alone beside the hot spring with a Pokémon, hesitating again and again but not daring to go down.

Normal Rock Type or Ground Type Pokémon, even if you drink water, you have to worry about whether you will be splashed by water, not to mention the challenging thing of soaking your whole body in water.

Although Gigalith's strength is likely to have no effect, the discomfort engraved in the bones keeps it away from this activity.

It thought for a while, then went to the corner and returned to the resting Rock state.

But Blaziken soaked in the hot spring comfortably this time, only showing a small head on the water.

In its own words, it is really not good, it will dry the whole hot spring.

It can only be said that it is reasonable to say that all fears stem from insufficient firepower.

Since there is no way to deal with fear, deal with the guy who caused it.

Although Bing Liuwei doesn't like high temperature very much, he is very interested in Water Sport, so he doesn't mind soaking in the hot spring.


It floated on the water and slapped it fiercely with one paw.

Water splashed everywhere, and almost every partner had water droplets on their faces.


The Ice Six-Tails seemed to have a soft spot for this entertainment, raising water splashes one by one.

Pidgeot hit a Yawn, and a random turn over caused a wave that was a "big wave" for Ice Six-Tails.

"pu ”

The ice six tails protruding from the Underwater spit out a cold hot spring water, and the blue and white gradient eyes seem to be exuding different rays of light.


It crawled up to Pidgeot hoping to do it again.

Pidgeot is still very caring for this youngest partner, and listening to his request is also satisfied.

Next moment, Karrablast, enjoying a hard-earned rest with his eyes closed, was also swept into the Underwater by the current.


It floated up blankly, is this a flood?

Gallade doesn't have that experience.

On the one hand, it is much taller, and on the other hand, under its Psychic control, the water waves calm down a few centimeters in front of it.

It just didn't notice that, inadvertently, the monarch snake and Togekiss had approached it.

Looking into each other's eyes, the two "bad guys" who have played since childhood knew what the other was thinking.


Gallade felt a psychic over him as soon as he closed his eyes.

Before it could break free, Underwater had several Vine Whips grabbing it at once.

Gallade was dragged to the Underwater as soon as the monarch serpent made a move.

"啾""Choke Mutter~"

The two cooperating partners gave a tacit high-five, but one used Vine Whip and the other used wing.


Gallade burst out of the water, and the rays of light of blue purple in his eyes kept flickering.

A bigger spray came straight towards the Monarch Snake and Togekiss.

The two Pokémon let out a strange cry and hurried back to Pidgeot.

A fierce water battle begins.

Tyson raised his eyelids at the noise on the other side, but ignored them.


He sighed again.

If only all the tasks were as easy as this time, unfortunately this is destined to be a delusion.

Yes, in Tyson's view, almost all the process of this mission was as expected.

The only thing he wasn't sure about was the speed of Team Rocket's uphill.

In case the other party had dealt with Articuno before he arrived, no matter how confident he was, he couldn't deal with it.

Unless his guys all break through Elite on the spot, there's still some hope.

Fortunately, the worst did not happen.

The native Pokémons of White Snow Mountain did a good job of delaying Team Rocket's ascent, and even had a face-to-face with Articuno when Tyson caught up.

In this case, Tyson really couldn't think of the possibility of mission failure.

He also knew that it was thanks to Articuno's strength.

If it hadn't solved the battle strength of the overwhelming majority Team Rocket as soon as it came out, Tyson would have had a headache.

"ice attribute, it's really a good control attribute."

Recalling Articuno's shot just now, he subconsciously looked towards him and was hiding behind Pidgeot The Ice Six-tails attacking the remaining Pokémons.

I don't know when this little fellow will become like Articuno.

"Aiya!" Thinking of this, Tyson subconsciously raised his hand and slapped the water surface, "Why didn't I expect to ask Articuno for some items suitable for ice six tails."

Does it make sense to not give the savior something?

He reflected on himself, he was still too young, and his thinking was not comprehensive enough.

"In the future, in this situation, you should scour Divine Beast's wool first." Tyson looked thoughtful and nodded confirmed his thoughts.

But it's not a big problem, Ice Six-Tails is still a little child, so he's not in a hurry to realize the power of Divine Beast.

After the worst, when little Articuno grows up, just go back to Snow Mountain by yourself.

Rounding up, Tyson thinks he's saving his life, so it's not too much to give.

No way, who let the unfortunate attribute of ice attribute have few Divine Beasts, so I can't go to the Ice God Pillar or the Legend of Ice Kyurem of the Three Dragons of Dao.

These two are hard to find and have a bad temper, especially Kyurem.

In ancient legends, Kyurem was very hostile to humans and Pokemon, and would take and eat humans and Pokemon in towns.

The veracity remains to be seen, but Tyson doesn't want to risk it.

As the most powerful one of the three dragons of the Tao, Kyurem even has the title of the strongest Dragon Type Pokemon——Rek Kongzai expresses his dissatisfaction and wants to fight, Dialga, Palkia , Giratina and 100% Zygarde begin to stir.

From Tyson's point of view, there are two possibilities for the origin of the name Kyurem.

The first is because according to legend, the powerful frozen energy in Kyurem even freezes himself, and the power far above Reshiram and Zekrom is in a state of being Imprisoned.

Only when Reshiram and Zekrom fuse with Kyurem at the same time, that may be the true dragon of the Tao.

The second one is similar to the previous problem of Lugia and Kyogre.

Compared to several other Dragon Type Divine Beasts that have never been seen, the legendary Kyurem who destroys the city and destroys the country will undoubtedly make human beings more fearful. It is not impossible to give it a powerful name. understand.

From this point of view, it seems to support the legend of Kyurem's bad temper.


A huge splash interrupted Tyson's thoughts.

“Tick tock”

Water drops fell from the messy hair, and he clenched his fists: “It seems that you don’t know who is the boss!”

Tyson grinned and took out a Water Gun: "Fuck you!"

"Wait a minute Ampharos, I didn't tell you!"

Suddenly, his voice became a little flustered.



For a while.

Tyson, who enjoyed both hydrotherapy and electrotherapy, was lying on the bed weakly.


Ampharos stood beside the bed obediently with a look of "I didn't mean to".

"It's fine, I'll get used to it with more electricity."

What else could Tyson do, he could only pull out a wry smile that wasn't a wry smile.


Nodding, feeling that he can be a little stronger next time.

“ding dong”

The watch beeps.

Tyson feebly raised his wrist and looked at it.

Next moment, he sat up from the bed: "Hey, Chen senior, yes, it's me, I'm fine, no problem, the task is going well..."

Ampharos was stunned.

Tyson is still laughing and reporting the specific results to the caller Chen: "That's it, okay, I'll talk to Nurse Joy later.

Well, this time the income is not bad, Blaziken also broke through in the fight.

Yes, there was an instrument, I took a picture, but the core was taken by Articuno."

"Take it." Chen's tone on the other end of the call was also very helpless, "There's nothing I can do, but I'm already mentally prepared."

"By the way, those Fire Element materials for activation..."

Tyson made a casual mention.

"You brat." Chen Xiao scolded, "It's yours, I'll just say hello to the other side."


Tyson is beaming.

From now on, these things are truly his.

For Chen's words, he expressed 10,000 peace of mind.

If the champion trainer doesn't even have the face, then Chen just don't mess with the Alliance.

At this time, Blaziken doesn't have to worry about the problem of the consumed breed material before he breaks through to the championship. It only needs to add some Berry. It's all a small amount of money.

The two had a brief exchange.

Chen said that he lost contact again after noon, and it is estimated that he went to play undercover again.

Tyson doesn't know why Duo likes to play sneak.

It's alright to hit him head-on according to his strength.

After thinking about it, there are only two reasons to better collect evidence and obtain intelligence.

The former is the requirement of his idea of justice.

In the latter case, the standard Alliance descendant is far better than Tyson in some respects.

Anyway, although Tyson doesn't like Team Rocket, he doesn't want to completely destroy the family.

Chen looked at the time and said to Tyson: "Okay, there is probably waiting for you there, you go."

"Okay." Tyson couldn't wait to nodded .

Hang up.

Looking at Ampharos who was staring at him, Rao couldn't help but panic a little with Tyson's mentality.

"Isn't it too exciting, sometimes people's potential is stimulated."

He explained forcefully.

Ampharos proved his distrust of the words with his actions.

Yellow Spark flashes across the room.

Tyson, who was electrocuted into an explosive head, opened his mouth and spit out a black smoke: "Ababa."

His tongue was numb for a while and he couldn't speak.

Ampharos flicked his tail happily and walked back to his small room.


Karrablast, who was watching, jumped on Tyson's shoulder impatiently.

It knows that it's its own time next.

Tyson, twitching every now and then, touched the fork corner of the Karrablast and took it out of the room.

It's time to catch up.

Arriving at the front desk, Tyson with a special shape communicated with Nurse Joy under everyone's surprised eyes.

"Is it an instrument for the evolution of communication." Nurse Joy clearly nodded, "Our center does have it, I'll take you there."

"Then I'll trouble you."

Tyson said thanks.

Although Bill's research has been on the fast track, instruments for the evolution of communication are still not as widely covered at this time.

But at least compared with the poor number in the past, the situation has improved a lot now, and a very small number of communication evolution forms have gradually begun to be announced to the underlying Trainers.

Don't underestimate the evolution of communications.

Take Machamp and Machoke as examples, the same level, Machoke without communication evolution is a younger brother in front of Machamp.

And the number of Machokes is not rare, and their silhouettes can be seen on many construction sites.

This is a great enhancement in every way.

Led by Nurse Joy, Tyson soon came to a small room.

A machine is running in the room.

Compared with the instruments in developer Dr.Akihabara's Laboratory, this machine is much smaller, but it still has the functions it should have.

As soon as Nurse Joy walked out of the room, Tyson dialed Chen's number through the machine.

"Hello, I'm Mr. Alder's Breeder Assistant, you are Tamaki Tyson Trainer?"

A middle age person appeared on the video.

Seeing that it wasn't Alder himself, Tyson was a little disappointed, but it was also what he expected: "Yes, I am, please."

"Okay, please. Retract the Karrablast from the Poké Ball first, then place it on the anchor point."

says the middle age person.

He could see Tyson's emotions, but that was such is human nature.

Tyson hurriedly took out his Friend Ball, took the Karrablast back, and put it on the machine.

The middle age person over there does the same thing.

At the push of a button, electrical fluctuations jump back and forth between two Poké Balls thousands of miles apart.

The evolved white light gradually surrounds the two Pokémons.

The morphology of Karrablast and Shelmet is gradually changing.

(end of this chapter)

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