Pokemon: Trainer Starts As Bounty Hunter Chapter 45


Chapter 45 Opponent Appears

"Tsk, really I'm willing to spend money."

Tyson thought so, but he didn't stop, and put the beef and a few lobsters on the plate.

Yes, the god rare treasure shell world has Normal animals to survive, but the number is pitiful.

Normal, people eat ingredients synthesized by technology, and the taste and texture are basically the same as those of nature.

But the restaurant here clearly states that it uses farmed natural ingredients, not synthetics.

Tyson felt that there was no need to joke about the San Antonio, and the gluttons could still tell the difference between the two.

It is important to know that natural ingredients are not only scarce but also expensive, and farming is not large-scale, as if the World Rule does not allow it.

It is estimated that the cost of ingredients for one day will be tens of millions, and the San Annuo travels around the world all year round.

This cost can be imagined.

After a taste, there is indeed no difference in taste and texture, but it gives people a sense of freedom and freshness.

Maybe it's also the smell of money.

Slowly savoring the taste of nature, a shadow enveloped the light in front of Tyson.

"Hello, Tamaki Tyson Trainer from Pewter Gym."

Looking up, a man who looked about his age with long purple hair and a brown red dress. The boy was greeting him with a dinner plate.

"Why does this happen every time I meet a character in an animation from my previous life? Zhang Wei's Life Source is a toilet, is my Life Source a restaurant?"

Tyson He groaned inwardly, forcing a smile on his face.

"Hello, Cerulean Gym's Thunder Trainer."

"Haha, I thought you didn't recognize me, you don't mind if I sit here."

"I don't mind, I don't mind at all."

Tyson screamed frantically in his heart, it's all the same, and he pretended to be very happy in order to maintain his friendly attitude. look.

Lei Si naturally sat down, "Let me introduce myself again, I am Lei Si from Veilstone City, Sinnoh Region, and I am currently traveling in Kanto Region for the first year, this time on behalf of Cerulean Gym Came to compete.”

“Tamaki Tyson, from Viridian, Kanto Region, also traveling in his first year, represented Pewter Gym this time.”

Tyson eats lobster , answered casually.

Lei Si didn't feel embarrassed either, and he ate it naturally: "Speaking of which we are quite destined, there are only four non-heirs who came to participate, and the two of us met. "

"It's very fateful." Tyson was nodded in a coping style, and he didn't know why Lei Si suddenly came to him.

"You must have read the information. Among the 32 people, the only people I recognize as candidates are you and the other two. The others are just cannon fodder."

Lei Si said strange things very plainly.

Tyson's mind is full of question marks, no, why does Lei Si feel similar to his younger brother?

Didn't he remember this guy as a nice guy, or did he remember it wrong?

What he didn't know was that, before being educated by Brandon, Lei Si's behavior was basically the same as younger brother Shinji, except that he was occasionally more respectful.

Lei Si ignored Tyson's thoughts, each minding their own business.

"But I think there is a lot of uncertainty in the data, so I hope you can play a simple game with me before the game.

2v2, you can do without Pidgeot , I wouldn't use Staraptor either.

apart from this ”

"Sorry, I'm not free." Tyson interrupted Lei Si ruthlessly.

What is this man thinking? Does he ask his opponent to take the initiative to reveal his strength? Does he look so stupid?

"en? Why?" Lei Si was very surprised, "Oh, I see, so let's see, the battle bonus is 50w, although it's not much, but it's my challenge fee."

Lei Si is very confident. He has read the investigation report on Tyson. This person has a great desire for money.

Although he is also very fancy about money, he is far less exaggerated than Tyson.

Tyson is speechless, where did he get the idea of his wealth as his life, it couldn't be Brock.

Going back, it seems that he has to improve his combat experience.

The squinting eyes in Pewter City were feeding the younger brother younger sister a meal when a sneeze came out, "Who is scolding me again."

Brock's first reaction It's Tyson, "I don't know if I wrote the report to other Gym if they put it up."

Muttering, Brock continued to start his own babysitter business.

sighed, Tyson is helpless.

"One, I really don't have time, my Pokémon have gone to physiotherapy, so I don't have time to fight with you.

Two, I don't like 50w either. , I don't need to play with you.

Thirdly, we have half the probability of being in the semi-finals or finals, why do we have to play now."

It's really hard to understand , Are young people's heads so hard these days?

"My trainer is to continue to challenge, the winner will always be strong, the weak do not deserve to be pitied." Lei Si said righteously.

Holding his forehead, Tyson decided to take back the evaluation he had just given to Lei Si and his younger brother. Although at first Shinji has an unlikable personality, he is not so middle-aged.

Speaking of whether I want to record a sound, make a video or something, if this guy becomes normal in the future, it will be considered a black history if he takes it out.

"Hey, unfortunately I thought that although you love money, you are also a person who likes to fight with powerhouses, didn't expect you to not fight me." Lei Si seemed very disappointed.

This guy is really bad at fighting, and he can also use this kind of aggressive method. How strange is this, Tyson is very big now.

He really didn't want to fight with Lei Si, but looking at the way he was looking at the other side, he really wanted to beat him up to get out of anger.

"We Trainers should constantly fight against powerhouses. Those weak Trainers and weak Pokémon are not worthy of being trained, I think."

Looking at Lei Si's eloquent words Loudly preaching his ideas there, Tyson gradually found that the eyes of the people around them were starting to look wrong.

After taking a closer look, Tyson felt that it would be better for him to slip away first. He felt that someone would soon come to trouble Lei Si.

He didn't want to get into trouble by being mistaken that the two knew each other, and it was better to run away.

As for educating Lei Si, that's fine, he doesn't have that spare time.

Tyson quickly finished his dinner and ran away while Lei Si was speaking.

When he was about to walk out of the restaurant, it turned out that there were a few quarrels faintly coming from his seat.

"You guy"

Wandering down the deck on the first floor, Tyson didn't care what happened after the restaurant.

Don't say he doesn't know Lei Si well and it's uncomfortable to see him now, even if you know Tyson well, you don't have the heart to go to the theater.

He's on vacation, and he's not in line with this kind of idiot. It's better to take advantage of this time to have a good time.

For investment, for collection, for recommendation, for monthly pass! ! !

Anything! !

ps: There are two updates today.

The supporting corner building of the Dragon Set can be written, mainly because I suddenly found that the name of the opponent is so hard to think (dog head)

There will be a Rookie thing tomorrow, you can guess.

(end of this chapter)

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