Pokemon: Trainer Starts As Bounty Hunter Chapter 70


Chapter 70 Fighting the waves in the sunset

In recent years Because of the reform of Chairman Damalanqi, it has actually been much better.

Prior to this, the status of the Alliance was more like nothing, and those Great Family were the real owners of the Alliance.

Since the civilian-born Chairman Damalanqi came to power, he used his powerful strength to force the family and made drastic changes to some policies, so that more and more civilian geniuses have appeared in recent years.

Tyson is actually the best example. You must know that you can only choose one subject for advanced knowledge before this, and there is no such thing as choosing three subjects, let alone reducing tuition fees.

Without the support of the knowledge system of Pokémon, medicine and Berry, Tyson would be hard to breed Pokémon at first.

Then the trajectory of his life in the past few years may have undergone great changes again.

But this isn't something that Tyson can care about for the time being, and he doesn't have enough strength to get involved.

Shaking his head to cheer up, he started to head to the training grounds at White Headland. He was curious about what kind of model it was, so many Trainers were rushing here.

After walking for a long time, until the pure white sand was no longer visible, and the surrounding area was full of black reefs, Tyson saw the so-called training ground.

I saw a huge gap suddenly appeared on the coastline in front, which looked golden-bright and dazzling under the setting sun.

The waves that did not appear to be tall at the water inlet suddenly turned into violent tides under the compression of the gap.

This is the time when the sea tide is high, and the violent tide in the distance even reaches a height of more than ten meters.

Even so, this is not the place where the tide is at its strongest.

Further on the cliffs, where the currents still push the tides to make bigger waves.

Pokémon are scattered around the beach according to their abilities.

If you are weak, stay behind and exercise yourself by resisting those smaller waves.

Those with great strength go deep into the sea and use strong water pressure and the impact of tides to improve their abilities.

Looking around, there are only a few dozen Pokémons who are still training themselves here at this point in time.

The most striking thing is the huge Gyarados that is Faintly discernible beneath the water in the distance.

Vaguely looking at it, I can see it violently moved towards the waves with its huge ability of formidable power, then sank in it, and after a period of time, it resurfaces to fight against the power of nature, again and again.

There is also a Kadabra that is particularly conspicuous. With a wave of the spoon in his hand, his eyes emit a dazzling blue light, and he yells and uses the Confusion Unique Ability.

A large piece of ocean waves suddenly stopped abruptly in front of it, and then lost its power, and scattered as water splashes hitting the Rock on the beach.

A white beam of light flashed, and a nearby Magneton used a Flash Cannon, violently destroying the waves.

The Trainers who were watching their Pokémon aside also paid some attention to the newly arrived Tyson.

This time is when the tide is at its most turbulent. It was introduced in Nurse Joy's manual, and it is not recommended for Trainers with normal strength to come to train.

They were very curious about the strength of this new face.

Tyson felt their gaze as well, and the sight of Pokémon against nature made his blood boil.

But his natural personality made him stabilize, and he used the number zero to call out the plan, confirming that Pidgeot can indeed train here, and he released Pidgeot with confidence.


Pidgeot spread his wings and called out after coming out. The loud voice and the size of the same kind let the trainers next to him immediately know the strength of this Pokémon. Must not be bad.

Called Pidgeot to his side and asked him about the training method and the focus of the day, so that he should pay more attention to safety, and Tyson withdrew to the safer area next to him and stayed with the other Trainers.

It's no joke in case he gets caught in the waves.

Although the physical fitness is exaggerated, and swimming is nothing difficult, the waves here may be fatal if they fall directly.

Seeing Pidgeot flying at low altitude and skipping the silhouette of the sea level, he was still a little worried.

Pidgeot is not a Water Type Pokémon after all. If it is really involved, it is still a more troublesome thing. Now I just hope it will be more careful.

As the previous wave subsided, the next wave began to sweep in the distance.

The waves on the horizon seemed to form a white line, covering part of the afterglow of the setting sun.

The entire world seemed dizzy, and the waves covered the sky like a normal sky.

The waves I saw in the Qiantang River in my last life are also merely this.

The power of nature in this world is even more exaggerated because of creatures like Pokémon, because you don't know if the tide was triggered simply because a mighty Pokémon rolled over on the bottom of the ocean.

Pidgeot was shrouded in white light, and rushed up against the waves.


Pidgeot's sharp Growl passed through the sky.

Tyson looked at it nervously.

This time, according to the plan given by No. 0, it is mainly a training for Pidgeot's Brave Bird Ability.

Because Pidgeot's Brave Bird has not been used several times since comprehended, it is not as handy as other abilities in terms of speed of condensing energy and quality.

What's more, on top of the brave bird, there is the Divine Bird Ability with more formidable power.

If Pidgeot can't even control the brave bird now, it is almost impossible to learn Divine Bird in the future.

There is no so-called Ability machine in this world. Most Pokémon will gradually master some of the more common abilities because of their own Aptitude or Level improvement.

Similarly, those abilities that are less common to them or those abilities that have larger or more difficult formidable power need to be taught by the Pokémon of this ability.

For example, Grassy Terrain of Grass Type, and Trick Room, for example.

Basically, if a Pokémon's Aptitude is enough, and this Ability belongs to the range it can learn, that is, in the so-called Ability table, Normal can learn it in three or four days.

Combusken's Rock Slide is an example of this.

When fighting Lei Si before, Combusken used Rock Slide to make him stunned for a while, because Rock Slide, the Ability Combusken, can indeed be learned by Pokémon, but not many can learn this trick.

Tyson asked Brock to help teach Combusken this trick.

His big rock snake is a good player in Rock Slide, as for Roggenrola's Rock Slide. . .

Forget it, it's still a child.

The main purpose of learning this kind of Ability is to increase the attack surface of one's own Attribute, and prevent no means to target some special opponents.

While Tyson was still cranky, Pidgeot had burst into the waves with a solid imposing manner and energy swings.

I hurriedly tightened my mind and looked behind the waves.

The world seemed to be quiet in an instant.

For investment, for collection, for recommendation, for monthly pass! ! !

Anything! !

Thanks for the 500 starting point coins from QAQ.

ps: There was no update at 9 o'clock tonight due to an emergency. I will come back with a chapter next week! I'm so sorry!

(end of this chapter)

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