Pokemon: Trainer Starts As Bounty Hunter Chapter 82


Chapter 82 into Cerulean Gym

Listen to the detailed explanation of the boatman uncle , Tyson also finds it interesting and novel, these are things he has not seen with his own eyes, but only slightly heard.

Otherwise, each city has its own characteristics, and one of the joys and rewards of travel is to appreciate these characteristics.

Tyson goes in and walks in every place.

Soon, after rafting to complete the viewing purpose, he said hello to uncle and got off the boat. The price is very affordable.

Looking at the time, it was three or four in the afternoon, and he immediately returned to his room with Blaziken.

"Oh, it's Tyson, you've arrived at Cerulean City."

A mid-air male voice came from the wrist.

"Yes Professor Rowan, how have you been recently."

Tyson greeted with a smile.

The person in the projection video in front of him is Professor Rowan who is eating instant noodles with a lollipop in his mouth.

As Professor Oak's friend and chief assistant, Professor Rowan's work is still relatively busy, and Normal only has a little free time before the normal meal time.

He eats ahead of everyone else before moving on to work, or simply eats and works like Professor Oak.

"Not bad, these little fellows in the Laboratory are full of energy.

The week on the ship bore me to hell, I might as well be in the Laboratory..."

"Go go go, move to the side."

Before Professor Rowan's words were finished, a hearty voice rang out from the side.

"You're Tyson, right? You're a young man with a lot of spirit, very good.

Mmmm, next to this is your flame**, oh oh! Breed is pretty good. Ah, very powerful."

I saw a slightly majestic white-haired old man wearing a researcher's white robe with a purple T-shirt inside, holding a bucket of instant noodles and squeezing Professor Rowan. to the side.

“Hello Professional Oak.”

Tyson greeted respectfully, leaning forward and bowing slightly in respect.

The one who squeezed Professor Rowan away and entered the video range was the Pokémon Professor, Professor Oak, who may be one of the most outstanding in the whole god rare treasure world.

Professor Oak is an authority on the study of rare treasure shellfish. The main research topic is "the relationship between god rare treasure shellfish and human beings". He advocates using Attribute to classify god rare treasure shellfish.

In addition, he obtained a tenured professorship at Rainbow University at the age of 25 by virtue of "Preface to Carrying Veterinary Medicine (Pokémon Science)", laying the foundation for "Carrying Veterinary Science (Pokémon Science)" as an independent discipline. Completely differentiated from Normal creatures.

If it wasn't for the contribution of Professor Oak, humans might not have a systematic understanding of the rare treasure shell.

No amount of respect can be overstated for Professional Oak.

Only the legendary Takilin Count who researched the origin of Pokémon and the inventor of Poké Ball, Nishino Mori I, can compare with it.

"Haha, don't do that, this guy Rowan mentioned you to me, and now he does seem to be a very outstanding Trainer."

Professor Oak sucked the instant noodles, mouthed said vaguely.

"Professor Oak, you're too famous. You're a role model for me to learn from in Pokémon research and battles."

Tyson naturally dared not care, let alone research. Knowledge, even if it is strength, Professional Oak is not worth anyone.

"Don't look at him as just an old fogey, he was a strong and good man back then!

It's a pity that it's no longer what he used to be! What Pokémon Pokédex did he make, in my opinion It's a total mistake!"

This is Agatha Elite's answer when Host asked Agatha Elite what he thought of Professional Oak in a talk show.

According to records, when Kanto was one, Professional Oak once won the first place in the Alliance Conference, and the second place at that time was the current Agatha Elite.

It must be known that the real value of the Alliance Conference at that time was far beyond that of the present, and the mode in which people and Pokémon fought together was infinitely close to the battle in the wild.

Although a lot of records have been lost due to the division, it can still be seen that Professional Oak was strong in its youth.

Many people believe that at that time Professional Oak already had the strength of an Elite Trainer. If he did not change his career to become a Pokémon Professor, he would definitely be the champion of Kanto Region.

Of course, now more people think that if you lose Professor Oak's contribution to Pokémon, that's the real loss.

Similarly, there are also many people who speculate that Professional Oak's strength so far should also be at the level of a champion Trainer. After all, in terms of his innate talent, even if he spends most of his energy on research You can reach this level with time.

But Professional Oak hasn't played a match in years, so it's just a guess.

Have a brief communication with Professor Oak and Professor Rowan, and seeing that they are about to start the next research, Tyson has a very insightful request to hang up the phone.

Before this, I also asked Professor Rowan to pay attention to his body, not to eat sugar and instant noodles, which is not good for the body.

Professor Rowan is also laughed's answer.

Hanging up the phone, Tyson took out his teaching board, which was densely packed with his thoughts on going to Pokémon School to teach in the future.

After the communication just now, he has some new ideas.

Taking time to prepare dinner for the three Pokémons and myself, Tyson started to revise without stopping.

The night was silent.

At 9:20 am, the rare Tyson wasn't doing his usual exercise.

He secured the three shrunken Luxury Balls on his belt, checked himself, and set off for Cerulean Gym.

The warm-up will also have a certain impact on the Pokémon's state. He naturally knows this. Impossible will consume his own energy before the battle.

Although he's pretty confident about his three Pokémons.

Under the premise of the Gym battle, my three Pokémons are absolutely dominant, even if the Attribute is unfavorable.

But don't take it lightly.

Walking to Cerulean Gym in the city center, Tyson looked at the luxurious venue in front of him and sighed.

At this time, Cerulean Gym was not as desolate as he had seen in his previous life. The exterior was just a giant egg with a large painting of Dewgong hanging on the roof. There was only an aquarium and a swimming pool inside, plus a battle field.

Now the Cerulean Gym in front of him is very grand. The whole is surrounded by a River. There are several bridges above the river leading to the gate of the Gym.

Beside the gate are several pure white columns, which seem to be of great value.

The ceiling of Gym is composed of two triangles of different sizes. Pieces of glass reflect the sunlight, making it glittering golden light and extremely dazzling.

Tyson walked slowly onto the small bridge and looked into the river next to him, where Magikarp and Goldeen were swimming freely.

Putting out a breath deeply, he pushed open the door in front of him.

For investment, for collection, for recommendation! ! !


Thanks for the 100 starting coins for the messy Chinese New Year.

Thanks to the Flying Type champion Dodo for the 100 starting point coins.

(end of this chapter)

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