Pokemon: Trainer Starts As Bounty Hunter Chapter 85


Chapter 85 Cerulean Badge

Dewgong falls heavily In the water, there was a huge splash.

Blaziken took a step back quietly, pumping up the temperature of his body to keep the splashing water out of his body.

Daisy turned pale in fright, how come Dewgong's Aqua Jet was directly vaporized by Blaziken's Fire Spin.

Dewgong directly lost the power to propel, and naturally fell from the air.

It's no surprise to Tyson.

Blaziken had raised the temperature of the entire field after the battle just now. Now that the water is warm, it is relatively easy to reach the temperature of evaporation.

The Aqua Jet, which is also mainly Dewgong, is really a bit straight forward, all wrapped up in Fire Spin.

“Rock Slide.”

He certainly chose to continue the attack.

Because there is no way to judge whether Dewgong's Characteristic Trait is Thick Fat (halve the damage of Fire Type and Ice Type's moves) or Hydration (Status Condition will heal when it rains).

Therefore, it is safe to choose to use the Rock Type Ability, which is very effective for Dewgong, to attack from a long distance. Otherwise, the damage caused by the Fire Element Ability of this department is not bad, and Blaziken has a better grasp.

Blaziken condensed a piece of stone in his hand moved towards the water and threw it into the water. Fortunately, the depth of the entire field is deep, and there will be no water rushing up for the time being. Of course, if it does not stop for a moment Crazy throwing, after all, is dead water, and it will definitely turn into this scene in the end.

But Dewgong can't wait for that time, otherwise he would have been sentenced by the referee long ago.

“dong! dong! dong dong!”

A piece of rock was aimed at by Blaziken and kept flinging towards the area where Dewgong just fell.

“use Dive attack!”

Daisy hurriedly issued an order, so that a little bit of searching in the past would cause Dewgong to take some damage, and still need to take the initiative to attack.

“Be careful to avoid.” Tyson stopped Blaziken from attacking while standing on a stationary platform.

Blaziken stood there calmly, motionless, concentrating on the vibrations around him.

"shua!" "噔!"

Along with a white silhouette breaking out of the water, Blaziken also jumped into the sky with one foot on the ground, its jumping Strength and agility are no joke.

Dewgong, who did not attack Blaziken, slapped the field with his hands on both sides of his body angrily.


Come down, Dewgong thinks the opponent in front of him is really annoying, and it's an aerial battle with a Pokémon that can't fly or jump, is it? It's not fun.

"Laser Focus, then Blaze Kick."

"use Aqua Tail!" Daisy commands immediately.

In the air, Blaziken, who was trying his best to control his slow fall, shrank his eyes and became extremely concentrated. This is the use of Laser Focus Ability.

Then the body quickly fell, and a layer of flames filled his feet. Ember, who was a little bit of stars, seemed to turn into a fiercely burning fire in just a moment.

Blaziken charged at Dewgong from a height with a fierce imposing manner.

Dewgong turned his body, a water column wrapped around his tail, and waved his big tail like a stormy sea to attack the Blaziken above.

Seeing that the feet and tails of the two Pokémons were about to collide, Blaziken controlled a deft forward roll in the air, the fruit of his hard training, and the timing was just right.

Dewgong's Aqua Tail slid under Blaziken.


Dewgong screamed in horror, feeling very bad.

At this time, Dewgong used the inertia of turning to swing his tail to attack, so the formidable power was greater, but because he didn't hit Blaziken, he could not control his body to avoid Blaziken. attacked.


Blaziken took fire with his powerful legs, fiercely slapped Dewgong's neck.

Dewgong let out a painful Growl, slamming his whole body on the platform fiercely.

"Brick Break, Low Sweep, Double Kick, and then, Thunder Punch!"

With Tyson's command, Blaziken used the entire set in a very tacit and almost synchronous manner. trick.

One of its claws gathered slightly and slashed at Dewgong with white light fiercely, hitting Dewgong who was just about to get up again.

Then a Low Sweep, with a little force, kicked Dewgong up, slightly off the ground.

Following Double Kick, Dewgong kicked Dewgong in front of him with both feet.

Dewgong screamed in pain, while Struggle in the air because he couldn't control his body, but the more Struggle, the easier it was to lose his balance.

Blaziken puts his left foot forward and his right foot behind in a standard fighting motion.

The clenched claws were full of electricity, "pa! pa!"

Two fast punches Smack Down hit Dewgong who was still in the air.

Don't underestimate this simple combo, Blaziken has been trained for a long time until now, so that he can have such a skilled ability conversion, and it may break if it is slow in the middle.

Blaziken's powerful force forced Dewgong to be shot all the way out and landed on the ground outside the field, with both eyes turning into the shape of vortex.


The referee raised the flag, "Dewgong loses the combat capability, Blaziken wins.

The winner of this gym battle is challenger Tamaki Tyson!"

Daisy The ugly complexion took back Dewgong.

Although she also knows that her Trainer commanding strength is Normal, she won't consume a little of Tyson Blaziken's stamina when the Attribute is still dominant.

Blaziken was almost never hit the entire time.

She's not in a good mood right now.

Congratulating Tyson with a very reluctant smile, telling him that he can go to the front desk to pick up Cerulean Gym's Cascade Badge, and Daisy left the battlefield.

Tyson shrugged helplessly. He couldn't help it, and he didn't want to. But Daisy's command really made too many mistakes, which caused this situation. He prepared a lot of backup battle plans yesterday. It didn't work.

But I was really careful. Brock was very generous when he was pressed and beaten by himself before.

He smirked.

Came to the front desk of Cerulean Gym, Tyson handed the staff his ID card, and after confirming, he received his second Badge, Cerulean Gym's Cascade Badge, showing a solid water drop style as a whole ,very nice.

Celebrate with a sense of ceremony, bounce Badge into the air like a coin as usual, grab it with one hand, and turn around gracefully to prepare to leave.

Tyson thinks he's pretty cool.

Then he saw a man with silver hair standing in front of him.

The two silently slapped each other, and Tyson put Badge into the Badge box and walked out of the gate of Gym.

Vaguely, the voice of the staff came from behind.

"Suzuki Toru Trainer, congratulations on getting Cerulean Gym's Cascade Badge, please."

Suzuki Toru, looks and temperament, seems to be a peer, Tyson thought.

For investment, for collection, for recommendation! ! !


Thanks to Mu Yu for the 100 starting point coins.

ps: I will add it. Can I add it? Stop it, xdjm people.

There should be a chapter to add in the afternoon. Let’s see if I can write it or not. . Seven chapters are now owed. . I am indeed too young.

Apply for yourself who wrote the supporting role of Toru Suzuki. This is the first time he appeared as a passerby, and he will appear in the future (if no one claims it, his role will be pitifully small).

(end of this chapter)

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