Pokemon: Trainer Starts As Bounty Hunter Chapter 89


Chapter 89 Pokemon Research School

A famous noble School, really luxurious, Tyson sighed.

According to the information given by Professor Rowan and his knowledge, thousands of acres of land around this place are the site of this Pokemon research school.

There are all kinds of places that simulate the wild life environment of Pokémon, and various research and training venues.

Even the dormitory is the type of single-family villa, and I have barely lived in it in my entire life.

Not surprisingly, Pokemon Research School is a school located in Kanto between Cerulean City and Vermilion City.

After graduating from this school, you have the right to directly participate in the Pokémon Alliance competition, without challenging Gym around to get Badge.

Among them, Primary Rank students are the strength of two Badge, intermediate rank is four, and Top Rank is eight, and then they can choose to graduate.

It can be said that it is an aristocratic school that is not just in name only, but also in reality. The average person can't get in at all, and even if he does, the tuition is extremely high.

Coupled with the financial allocation from Alliance, it can be said to be very rich, and the construction of the natural site will be perfect.

This school is not as low as shown in the animation, but it is still very real. Many powerful trainers, including Du, graduated from this school.

Many of the previous graduates are regulars in the top 32 and even the top 16 of the conference, and many have entered the top four of previous sessions, and many have become Elite Trainers.

I pressed the doorbell on the side of the gate, and after a while, there was a beautiful female voice.

"Hello, this is Kanto Kemeng Research School. Do you have any relevant appointments? If there is no place where outsiders are not allowed to approach, please understand."

" Under Tamaki Tyson, it's the Breeder temporary teacher sent by Professor Oak." Tyson replied politely, "I have communicated with the principal of your school yesterday."

"Okay, please. Just a moment, I'll confirm your identity here."

There was a moment of silence.

He was not in a hurry, just stood there and waited slowly.

Naturally, it is necessary to make an appointment and confirm the identity. After all, although this place is said to be a school place, it is actually still within the scope of the wild.

There are some descendants who are either rich or expensive, and they still need to ensure safety. Most of them are little children with little battle strength.

Although the security force inside, that is to say, including the middle Top Rank students, Teachers, etc., plus the family's own Pokémon that the elders use as protection for the younger generation, it is roughly estimated that the battle strength can be comparable to about seven. Eight Elites are still very powerful ones.

If the dark organization really came to attack here, the Alliance would not respond to such a big mobilization, it can only be said that the Alliance is not far from extinction.

While thinking wildly, the female voice sounded again.

"Okay, we have confirmed your identity here, someone will pick you up later, please wait a moment after entering the gate, and wish you a happy teaching trip, Thank you for your support."

"Okay, many thanks."

What a great attitude, Tyson sighed.

The female voice replied with a greeting, and hung up the phone.

The automatic iron gate in front of him slowly opened, revealing a passage large enough for him and Blaziken to pass.

I walked in slowly, and I couldn't see clearly through the iron gate just now. Now that I came in, I found that the environment inside is really very good.

It looks like a garden at the entrance, and there is a huge Water Spout pool at the entrance, which is very beautiful.

A road extends from both sides of the pool, and different building roofs can be seen in the distance, with different styles.

A tour bus approached slowly, and the driver was a young brawny man.

"Hey, hello, you are Tamaki Tyson Breeder!"

From a distance, brawny man started to say hello, and the loud voice made Tyson's ears a little uncomfortable.

"Ah, yes, hello, please!" He subconsciously raised his voice too.

"Here~" the brake sounded, and the tour bus stopped exactly in front of Tyson.

"Come up!" greeted the brawny man.

Tyson thanked him and got into the car with Blaziken.

On the way, brawny man introduced himself. His name is a single character Chen. Like Tyson, he is also a temporary teacher. Yes, so let's take a look.

"But your Blaziken is very good, at least the quasi-champion's Aptitude hahahaha, um, the calf muscles are very developed, almost 60-70% higher than normal.

The energy intensity also looks good, I guess Occa Berry is using a lot, not bad.

Oh! It seems that the response is also very good, and the fighting ability is well developed."

brawny man, no, Chen is steering the tour bus with one hand, leaning sideways and commenting on Blaziken.

Tyson's body is a little stiff, what monster is this, can these be seen by humans with naked eyes, and now the temporary teacher requirements are so high?

He has to cooperate with the instrument even if he doesn't have a zero number, and it takes time.

Tyson would just turn his head and run now if he hadn't felt like he didn't feel like Malice to himself.

Blaziken felt that his Trainer's state was a bit strange, but he also sat obediently in his seat, motionless.

"It's here, you can go up to the principal's room from here on the third floor, I'll go first, if fated will meet again young man!"

Soon arrived at the destination , After putting Tyson and Blaziken down, Chen said hello and drove away.

One person and one pet looked at each other in blank dismay at the door, "Mom down~".

Blaziken spoke first, and Tyson was shocked.

"You said you felt very difficult to deal with the person just now, and you couldn't beat it? Are you sure? That's a person, not a Pokémon!"

Tyson felt that Blaziken was in Joke with yourself.

"Go down~ Go down!"

Blaziken seriously shook the head, it said that he wasn't joking, that man was strong, very strong, outrageously strong.

I rubbed my temples with a headache. There aren't many such powerhouse alliances. Come here for Coaching children to play.

Tyson walked upstairs with Blaziken until he knocked on the door of the principal's room, wondering what was going on.

Fortunately, it's unlikely that there will be any dangerous people in this place. It shouldn't be how that person treats you, even if you want to, you can't resist, right?

"Come in."

An old voice sounded, and Tyson opened the door and walked in.

"Hello, I'm Tamaki Tyson introduced by Professor Oak."

He stood respectfully and greeted the old man in front of him.

"Alright, alright, Tyson, don't do that, we haven't just met."

The old man stood up laughed and moved towards Tyson.

"That's not good, Teacher, you should have no less etiquette, not to mention that you took so much care of me before."

Tyson looked at the kind old man in front of him, and his eyes were also very special. of tenderness.

For investment, for collection, for recommendation! ! !


Thanks to the 100 starting point coins for the reward of Yinbu Meteor.

Thanks to the 100 starting point coins from the thief K.

Thanks to book friends 20200115221603648 for the 100 starting point coins.

Thank you for Shakespeare's 100 starter coins for no stoys.

ps: Continue to claim, still supporting role, slightly modified character.

(end of this chapter)

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