Pokemon: Trainer Starts As Bounty Hunter Chapter 91


Chapter 91 Getting to Know the Campus

Two young people Walking on the road, the atmosphere is very solidified.

Several female students on the campus next to them, watching the two cool-faced handsome men walking together, pretended to inadvertently tidy up their demeanor, and even more laughed madly.

The person wearing the same color as Ye Zang moved towards him and greeted him. Many people who looked younger in other colors also greeted Ye Zang politely. He is very famous in the school.

Also, this guy's strength should be considered very strong, and his identity is estimated to be not low. Otherwise, Teacher would not come to him specially.

"Why does your school have four different colors of uniforms, isn't it that there are only three levels of students."

It was still Tyson who broke the awkward atmosphere first, after all He's a winner, and it's normal for losers to feel embarrassed.

It just so happened that he was a little puzzled why he saw four different colors of clothes along the way, and wanted to ask.

"Those are prospective students." Ye Zang calmed down and started his own commentary work, but if he knew what Tyson was thinking, he would probably explode again.

“Our school is different from Normal’s Pokémon school, which starts teaching basic knowledge at age 6, advanced knowledge at age 11, and graduates at age 16.

The age we enroll here is If you are 12 years old, you will need to take an assessment. If you pass the assessment, you will be a Primary Rank student, wearing that red and white clothes.

If you don't pass, you will be temporarily designated as a prospective student, wearing that kind of gray clothes.

Intermediate rank students wear blue-green clothes after the advanced stage, and top rank students wear black clothes like me.

But the number of prospective students is not too many. Because most people have already studied before coming here, the probability of passing the assessment is still very high, and the ones who have not passed are either the kind of civilian students who barely squeezed in, or those family descendants who did not study."

Tyson understood clearly and continued to ask: "Then according to the Primary Rank students are the strength of two Badges, the Intermediate Rank is four, and the Top Rank is the division method of eight. The students in your school are 12. At the age of two, you have the strength of two Badges?"

This is a point he has always been curious about, which is completely unrealistic.

Alliance requires 16-year-old to officially get their first Pokémon for registration. Although some people say that they start breeding early, it is also impossible to say that they start as early as 12.

"Of course not." Ye Zang shook the head and explained, "This classification is actually just a classification given to our school by the outside world. In fact, before the top rank students, this so-called strength can't be. t be considered really.

It just means that their knowledge reserves and some of their combat abilities may be achieved, but actual combat does not mean true strength, after all, there are still many Primary Rank students who do not have their own As for Pokémon, I usually use the Pokémon given by the school.

How can I get a Badge in this situation, isn’t it a food delivery.

Basically, a student enters school at the age of 12. At the age of 15, I can be promoted to an intermediate rank student, and then I can officially breed my first Pokémon at the age of 16. At the age of 18, I can be promoted to a Top Rank student, such as me, and then I can choose to graduate.

Most people will still choose to stay in school for a year or two to study, and will not officially graduate until they are about 20 years old.

The strength at that time was quite good.

What you taught It should be a Primary Rank student. You should pay more attention to yourself, because although this power division can't be considered true, some little children feel that they really have this power, and they will probably cause you trouble.

After all, they are the children of some rich families, and usually no one obeys anyone, and every temporary teacher will be made difficult."

Ye Zang finally reminded Tyson a little.

Tyson raised his eyebrows: "Yo, very skilled, it seems that you have done this before."

Ye Zang clenched his fists, this person is very dedicated to beating, I really want to hit him, what should I do, wait online, urgent.

"Why is that guy over there still wearing blue-green clothes, is he still an intermediate rank student?"

Tyson lowered his voice and asked.

Ye Zang glanced at it and said disdainfully, "That kind of person is someone who has poor innate talent, or who doesn't study hard. The study time is much longer than others.

I What I just said is just for people with innate talent like me, many people are slower than this.

speaking of which The strength of the students is also divided because of them, they have been staying at a stage, and then turned 22 years old After compulsory graduation, go out, get two or three Badge, and show off to others what level of students they are.

The outside world thinks that our Primary Rank and Intermediate Rank students are at that level, but in fact they are just repeating grades It's just a poor bastard.

I don't even have a diploma."

"So it seems that the assessment of your intermediate rank students and top rank students is also very difficult." Tyson sighed. write.

"It's not difficult, practical and theoretical, as long as you have hands, you can do it as well."

Ye Zang mystifying.

Tyson glanced at Ye Zang strangely. How could he be like this at such a young age? It's really pitiful. Besides, it's okay to be me, so what's so difficult.

The two continued to walk.

Tyson continued to complain about Ye Zang's explanation: "Your explanation is not at all unprofessional, why do I have to ask one and you answer one? Can't you have some associative ability and finish it all at once, so tiring? ."

Ye Zang didn't say anything, just walked with him to the grounds next to the teaching building, ready to introduce him briefly and then left.

He understood clearly, the guy next to him who was younger than himself was a vicious tongue and talker, and he was very ill-mannered.

"This is our teaching building, the three colors correspond to the school uniform, and the prospective students do not have a teaching building, and they usually have open-air classes. Yes.

There is a training ground, which has an air pressure room, Gravity Room, etc. If you want to go to the simulation ground, go to the gate of the training ground and go all the way to the deepest point. After you go out, someone will guide you there. Yes.

There is the activity room and the breed room of the young Pokémon.

After the non-stop introduction, Ye Zang brought Tyson to the Teacher. dormitory area.

"Okay, this is your dormitory. The principal just gave you the key. I have something to do, so I'll go first!"

Without waiting for a reply, Ye Zang ran away without a trace.

Tyson scratched his head, did he scare him with too much enthusiasm? It seems that he should be careful when dealing with people.

Opening the door and entering the room, as usual, he sighed at the luxurious configuration here as if he had never seen the world. Tyson released three Pokémon and began to rest.

Outside, a long blond woman eating ice cream Ryō looked at the door of the next room as someone entered.

"Well, is that guy Chen gone? It looks like a new temporary Teacher has arrived."

Seeking investment, collection and recommendation! ! !


Thank you for the 100 starting coins for the crazy reward.

Thank you for the 100 starting point coins rewarded by a demon in my heart.

Thanks to Curry Omelette for giving Shirona 100 starting coins.

Thanks to the book friend 20170128214147654 for the reward of 500 starting coins.

The thank you card is a 300 starting point for the dog's excuse.

Thank you for the 100 starting point coins that have been deposited for this name.

Thanks to Lin Bingling for the 100 starting point coins.

Thanks to Wang Feiwang for the reward of 100 starting coins.

(end of this chapter)

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